Monday, April 06, 2009

Today in class we did a peer review of the essays due today. Students have the option of turning the essay, plus peer review into me tomorrow or Wednesday, it's your choice. I am only going to allow you to revise if the essay is not a passing essay. If it is a C or better the grade I give you is the one you keep.

Important note: I will be looking for pronoun agreement perfection, independent and dependent clause perfection, sentence punctuation perfection, no confused words, no POV shifts, and all quotes opening with segues or signal phrases, in other words, MLA perfection. The Works Cited needs to be perfect too. If any of these areas are less then perfect, your grade will suffer. I am looking at form and content equally.

You can slip on the SV Agr. and VT, a little but nothing obvious.

Tomorrow we will look at Part 6, in SPHE (174). Hopefully you have been doing the exercises so we can work on the error paragraphs. I want to complete this essay before or by Thursday. There is no homework, well not much over the holiday.

The Dreams essay is 4-5 pages. Include a works cited page. State your thesis clearly at the end of your introduction. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence. Use a block quote (4-5 sentences), an in-text citation, and a free paraphrase, one per page for a total of 3 citations for the entire essay. If you want to include evidence from your article(s), you can cite this source also. Use no more than four (4) citations for the entire essay. The works cited page would be page 5 or 6.

(I hope this is clear. I had to give students their papers back today because they had too many citations.)


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