Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We are completing The Tempest. We practiced developing a thesis sentence using the three-part thesis formula. This is the type of thesis sentence I'd like students to use in their book report essay.

Homework is to begin reading your book and work on the social entrepreneur assignment.

Homework for this evening is to develop three thesis sentences based on themes from The Tempest. Post here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rochelle Predovic
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
21 October 2010

Thesis Sentences

Prospero may be the boss, but Caliban had a plan of his own, which includes receiving a new master.

Ariel has accomplished Prospero's order that would set him free; however, it does not seem like Prospero will follow through on his promise.

Antonio's plan to convince sebastion to kill his brother failed the first time, and the second attempt conflicts with Prospero's forgiveness of Alonso, considering that Prospero does not trust Antonio.

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frena Zamudio
Professor Sabir
English 1A
21 October 2010

Three part thesis (The Tempest)

-Although trust is very important to each and everyone of us, once it is broken, it is going to be hard to gain it back.

-Love can be showed thru multiple ways. Caliban loves the island, Ariel loves natural freedom and Prospero loves his daughter dearly.

-Although people have done wrong doings to you, forgiveness and mercy are natural to human beings. Rather than seek vengeance, Miranda, Ariel and Gonzalo show empathy and try to realize natural shortcomings of their enemies.

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucia Fallah
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
21 October 2010

Free Write
 Although Veterans need to be much more educated before being allowed to join the army.
 The truth about what happens with veterans and in the army society is always kept secret.
 Joy Masoff defended her work when interrogated by the post about her publication, the stories about what happen is kept secret.

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linh Tran
Professor Sabir
English 1A
25 October 2010

Three-Part Theses on Themes from the Tempest

Forgiveness v. Revenge:
While Prospero had been deeply aggrieved by his deceitful brother, he is still a compassionate person, because he ultimately forgives all those who plotted against him.

Although Caliban had been “his own king” on the uninhabited island until Prospero landed there, he is a weak-willed creature, because he immediately welcomed the idea of a new master who could supply for his alcoholic addiction.

Even though at times Prospero seemed like a vengeful tyrant bent on destroying his enemies, he manages to persuade the audience of the righteousness of his case after cleverly utilizing his magical abilities to his advantage.

8:42 PM  

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