Thursday, October 25, 2012

Topical Invention Freewrites

Post your freewrite herefor When Ure Heart Turns Cold and other exercises connected to Topical Invention.

1. Topical Inventions using themes or topics from When Your Heart Turns Cold (Shakur 13)

Topical Invention questions the topic, in this case, "loneliness."

The questions are: What is it/was it for a definition

What is it like/unlike for an analogy

What does an authority say about it for testimony

What caused it/did it cause/will it cause for consequence

2. Social Entrepreneur Essay; Book Report Essay

3. Read your book. Start the Frontline World Cyber-Assignment

4. Make sure you have met with me, outside of class is best.

Homework: Respond to Family Tree (Shakur 114)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joseph Carlo O. Tolentino
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50
25 October 2012
When the heart of a poet turns to ice
Tupac Shakur is an enigma to me, he is a stranger often praised yet scorned. His poem When Ure Heart Turns Cold shows how horrible life was and gives the reader an image of a struggling loner who thinks that no one can understand his hardships. It shows the deep sadness that blankets over people whom had given up on life and try to become detached to the world which is reflected in all the words, especially in the verse “a baby’s cry means nothing” (13). Tupac wrote this, and it may reflect how he felt when he was released from jail for a crime he claims to have not committed. The poem could also be a reflection of the hardships Tupac had observed among his brethren and how most of them became tired of everything and become rather secluded and keeps everyone within arm’s reach.

Works Cited
Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that grew from Concrete. New York: MTV BOOKS/POCKET BOOKS, 1999. Print.

8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gabe Shalaby
Professor Sabir
English 1a
8:00 am – 8:50 am
October 25, 2012
Rose Freewrite
Tupac is a great lyricist. This poem When Ure Heart Turns Cold is just one of his many beautiful poems that evokes a substantial emotional response in me. I have a particular fondness for the lines “Sleeping is never pleasant/if you even sleep at all” (Shakur). Poor ‘Pac though, it’s just like it was explained in Dyson’s Holler, he was not happy here, he was crying for help and we should have helped him. It does seem to me however that the greatest artists are almost always tortured souls. I know a good number of artists myself, not necessarily only musicians, and almost every one of them has a deeper sadness about them. They smile, laugh, and go about life in public as per usual, but you can see a sadness in their eyes if you look for it no matter what’s going on.

8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lhadze Bosiljevac
Enlgish 1A

When Your Heart Turns Cold Response

When you hear such sad lines about painstaking love, you realize how emotions can affect your whole body. Almost that feeling of neglect to ones need its present when you don’t have any emotions left. Because your shut yourself out from the real world, it becomes something to hard to face. Everything that once ment something to you now has no value. Even in extreme cases children are not cared for. In a way Tupac seems to be talking about the onset of a long lasting depression. He states, “The walls, the walls that once were down now stand firm and tall, safe from hate love pain joy until you feel nothing at all/ When, your heart turns cold I say, when your heart turns cold/ A baby's cry, means nothing/...”(Tupac, Line 6-11). With this, it shows that from so many times of heartbreaks and traumatic events, the wall that shields from further destruction is put up. Where the person cannot let anything in in fear of further beating. And with that, the vicious cycle repeats itself, only to cause a deeper hole with loneliness and depression.

Works Cited:
Shakur, Tupac, and Sonia Sanchez. "When The Heart Turns Cold Lyrics." Metro Lyrics. MetroLyrics, n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. .

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse Valdez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
25 October 2012
When Ure Heart Turns Cold
This poem by Tupac makes me feel like he is trying to tell others that one must not live their lives through fear of getting hurt or making a bad decision because of their emotions. This is mainly suggested by the lines “The walls that were once down now stand firm and tall, safe from hate/love, pain/joy until you feel nothing at all” (Tupac 13.2.1-4.)I think he is saying that living with emotions is what makes people human, and to not live with them would make someone just a heartless person who does not care about anything. Not having any feelings for any friends or family would mean just being alone, where nothing and no one matters at all.

Works Cited
Shakur, Tupac. “When Ure Heart Turns Cold”. The Rose that Grew from Concrete New York: MTV Books/Pocket Book hard cover printing, 1999. Print.

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda Lara
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8:00Am-8:50 AM
October 25, 2012
When Ure Heart Turns Cold by Tupac Shakur
In the poem written by Tupac Shakur it is dedicated to Kristen and other friends who wonder. While reading this poem I had a lot of thoughts for example many of my coworkers refer to me as cold hearted because it takes a lot for me to care about someone or feel sympathy. Is that the same as Tupac? I have been hurt in the past and after that I have closed my personal life and made sure that I concentrate only on my future. My favorite part is in line one and two When your heart turns cold it causes your soul to freeze. I believe that it is true, once you are hurt once you try your hardest to build a shield over your heart to make sure it never happens again.

Works Cited
Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that grew from Concrete. New York: MTV BOOKS/POCKET BOOKS, 1999. Print.

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Everett
Professor Sabir
25 October 2012

When Ure Heart Turns Cold Response

I believe Tupac’s poem When Ure Heart Turns Cold describes the reason Tupac is the way he is. Specifically, why he lives what he calls the “thug life.” He has cut himself off from emotions, and now feels nothing. Nothing that should seem important does. For example, he no longer cares about death, or the suffering of children. Basically, he looses everything about himself. Tupac writes “2 make sure the product gets sold.” This makes me believe it is the desire to get rich that causes ones heart to turn cold. Tupac hints that his own heart has turned cold. This shows that the Thug Life is not a result of personal independence from the system, but rather the unfortunate result of always searching for more money. Tupac dedicates the work “2 Kristen and My Other Friends Who Wonder.” These friends probably have questioned the life Tupac lives. Tupac writes the poem to partially explain his motivations and explain how to not end up like he does.

Works Cited
Shakur, Tupac. “When Ure Heart Turns Cold” The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: MTV Books/Pocket Book hard cover printing, 1999. 13.

8:28 AM  
Blogger Antionette said...

Antionette Armour
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-850
25 October 2012

Freewrite: When Ure Heart Turns Cold: 2 Kristen & My Other Friends Who Wonder

Tupac writes a poem; When Ure Heart Turns Cold 2 Kristen & My Other Friends Who Wonder, explaining how he and many other people around him feel when they heart turns cold. The friends he was relating to were people who are from his community and who struggle with hardships everyday that makes them become numb. When one faces situations that might seem very abnormal to others, they become numb to everything around them regardless of what it is, “A baby’s cry means nothing” (Line 10). Knowing where Tupac comes from, one begins to understand his message in this poem because they understand how he feels. He also explains to everyone how it feels to be in the position he is in or went through and if many do not understand how he feels they well soon understand when they become to feel the effects of loneliness, “You don’t understand how I behave Just wait till your heart turns Cold!” (Line 20).

Works Cited
Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that grew from Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

8:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wai Man (Remy) Tang
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50 AM
25 October 2012

When The Heart Turns Cold FreeWrite

When I read this poem, I know I will not understand these feelings because I never had to go through what Tupac went through. I believe he was writing about the time when his mother abandoned him and his sister for crack. His sister would probably understand this better than me. I do not think I ever want to feel what he felt. It gives off the sense of loss and sadness a person would wish to never have to experience in his or her own life.

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that grew from Concrete. New York: MTV BOOKS/POCKET BOOKS, 1999. Print.

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makonnen Richardson
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
25 October 2012

"When The Heart Turns Cold" - response

After reading the poem, the first thing that was impressed upon me was the detail in the lonesomeness and despair of the emotion and this gave me a new perspective on Tupac as an individual. Knowing at this point he is a man of many identities its just interesting to know how he extends himself past the persona he portrays and really goes in depth of the emotions we all experience even through poetry. Living amongst everything thats wrong in life from the crack-addicted mother to inviting the thought of death as exemplified, through relevance he clearly shows us how complex and confused we as human beings can be.

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that grew from Concrete. New York: MTV BOOKS/POCKET BOOKS, 1999. Print.

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fermin Carrera
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50AM
October 25, 2012

When your Heart Turns Cold by Tupac Shakur
Free write response

The poem “When Your Heart Turns Cold” by Tupac Shakur is a very intellectual poem because there is so much that can be taken out of that poem. So many themes can be brought out and they all have a common foundation theme, which is depression. When there is depression, there is loneliness, sadness, and careless. In almost every line of the poem there is a sign of depression and the one line that impacted me was when Tupac Shakur says “I say, when your heart turns cold A baby's cry, means nothing.” What this tells me is that nothing no longer seems to be important. Another line that is impacting was “Loneliness, becomes your routine friend Death seems like tranquility.” When I read this part of the poem, I automatically thought of Tupac’s relationship with his mother and how it was not a healthy mother and son relationship. I believe that a lot of people could relate to this poem if they are to ever feel depressed.

Works Cited
Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that grew from Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel Avalos
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50AM
25 October 2012
Response to “When Your Heart Turns Cold”
The poem is about not being able to feel after feeling too much, after experiencing and seeing so many terrible things that the person cannot feel anymore. Tupac says, “The walls... Now stand firm and tall” (5-6), the walls he's referring to are the metaphysical barriers in the mind which prevent him from being affected by the suffering of others. Yet these barriers block him from the love of others as well, and he keeps people at distant because he's afraid of getting hurt. This poem is dedicated to those who wonder, probably in reference to anyone who wondered why Tupac acted like he did or what made him who he was. The loneliness of keeping away from people because of the desire to not get hurt anymore by anything, this loneliness makes a person numb and slowly rots them from the inside.

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davian Grant
English 1a
Wanda sabir
8:00 – 8:50
October 25, 2012
When Ure Heart Turns Cold
Is it really such a bad thing? Blocking out all types of emotions, one would think that it would give the person more room to think, and get things done. Human beings are driven by emotions and they can be distracting, so is a cold heart really such a terrible thing? When your heart turns cold, a babies’ cry is nothing and a dead corpse becomes trivial” But why would this matter to someone like Tupac? Shouldn’t all gangsters and thugs have a cold heart? Why should he even try to care about a corpse if he would be busy making them. Living a thug’s life means that anyone around you could become a corpse at any given moment. So wouldn’t it be beneficial to have a cold heart? “You don’t understand how I behave just wait till your heart turns cold!” (13)
Work Cited
Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that grew from Concrete. New York: MTV BOOKS/POCKET BOOKS, 1999. Print.

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Virginia Tan
Professor Sabir
Eng 1A 8:00-8:50
25 October 2012
When the Heart Turns Cold
Free Write

When I first the poem, “When the Heart Turns Cold” I have the feeling of loneliness and sadness. One of my favorite lines is “The walls, the walls that once were down now stand firm and tall, safe from hate love pain joy until you feel nothing at all.” (Tupac, line 6-8) This shows that Tupac had faced a lot of pain in the past which causes him to lose his soul. Also the safe wall the built collapses. He doesn’t feel any warmness inside his heart only the loneliness; until he feels nothing at all.

Works Cited
Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that Grew from Concrete. New York: MTV BOOKS/POCKET BOOKS, 1999. Print.

11:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abiodun Apata
Professor Wanda
English 1A 8-8:50am
25 October 2012
When Your Heart Turns Cold
Tupac was trying to explain to his friends about some of his behavior that seems to be abnormal sometimes that is due to what he is psychological passing through at that particular time. He wanted them to understand when he isolated himself from them that are normal arrogance but his state of heart due to his situation at that time. Some absurd conditions in the world that no one would want to experience now becomes his close companion like, loneliness, hatred, neglect and death while what should give human pleasure are of no pleasure to him like sleeping, baby crying and so on. He knew it’s going to take good understanding for some people to understand and he concluded by saying “You don’t understand how I behave, just wait till your heart turns cold.(line 19,20)

Loneliness is an unpleasant feeling in which a person feels a strong sense of emptiness and solitude resulting from inadequate social relationships (Peplau and Perlman, 1982). Loneliness is a natural phenomenon, since humans are social creatures by nature which can also been described as social pain — a psychological mechanism meant to alert an individual of isolation and motivate her/him to seek social connections (Cacioppo et al, 2008).
Works Cited
Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that Grew from Concrete. New York: MTV BOOKS/POCKET BOOKS, 1999. Print.
• Peplau, L.A. & Perlman, D. (1982). Perspectives on loneliness. In L. A. Peplau & D. Perlman

(Eds.), Loneliness: A sourcebook of current theory, research and therapy. (pp. 1-18).

New York: John Wiley and Sons.

• Cacioppo, John; Patrick, William, Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social
Connection, New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2008.
ISBN 978-0-393-06170-3. Science of

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeannae Williams
English 1A
Professor Sabir
25 October 2012
"When Ure Heart Turns Cold"
The poem signified death and how one no no longer has to deal with hat/love, pain/joy. Also, in this poem is explaining how one needs to expierence a heart turning cold because untill one does one will not understand why "When Ure Heart Turns Cold"

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That grew From Concrete. New York: MTV Books/POCKET BOOKS, 1999.Print.

9:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wei Zhang
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
Family Tree
This poem, Family Tree, made me recognize Tupac`s excellence again. The first sentence “Because we all spring from different trees does not mean we are not created equally” made me remind another famous dictum which is in the beginning of the The Declaration of Independence “all men are created equal.” Absolutely this is the biggest lie in the world. Let me think about this, if there are any difference between poor family and rich family, the answer is “yes”. So we need heroes like Tupac and Martin Luther King who struggle the injustice and oppressors not only for black people but also for all the oppressed people.

Works Cited
Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that grew from Concrete. New York: MTV BOOKS/POCKET BOOKS, 1999. Print.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wei Zhang
Porfessor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
When Your Heart Turns Cold
Before I read this poem, I was confused why the professor ask me read Tupac`s poem and I have never realized the advantage about his poem. But this wonderful poem, When Your Heart Turns Cold, change my mind. In this poem, I felt the shouting from his soul that bring me a huge shock. In this complex and ruthless society, especially in current China, some people lost their soul and sympathy. When they saw someone needs help, they make a detour to avoid the person who was in trouble. Suppose that if the disaster befalled down upon you or your family, and there is nobody want to give a hand, how is your feeling?
I think the ruthless is the natural enemy of the love which is the only way to ensure the continuation of human.

Works Cited
Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that grew from Concrete. New York: MTV BOOKS/POCKET BOOKS, 1999. Print.

9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joseph Carlo O. Tolentino
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8:00 – 8:50
27 October 2012
Family Tree: Topical Sentence
To Thrive is to live, prosper and succeed in life while making way for a new generation.
A person who lives a thriving life is like a person who holds a universal panacea.
A person who thrives will find themselves filled with confidence and live a very happy and comfortable life.
In Tupac’s Poem, Family Tree, he states “I was the tree that grew from weeds” (114).

Works Cited

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that grew from Concrete. New York: MTV BOOKS/POCKET BOOKS, 1999. Print.

9:43 AM  
Blogger Lhadze Bosiljevac said...

Lhadze Bosiljevac
Professor Sabir
English 1A
October 28,2012

When you hear such sad lines about painstaking love, you realize how emotions can affect your whole body. Almost that feeling of neglect to ones need its present when you don’t have any emotions left. Because your shut yourself out from the real world, it becomes something to hard to face. Everything that once ment something to you now has no value. Even in extreme cases children are not cared for. In a way Tupac seems to be talking about the onset of a long lasting depression. He states, “The walls, the walls that once were down now stand firm and tall, safe from hate love pain joy until you feel nothing at all/ When, your heart turns cold I say, when your heart turns cold/ A baby's cry, means nothing/...”(Tupac, Line 6-11). With this, it shows that from so many times of heartbreaks and traumatic events, the wall that shields from further destruction is put up. Where the person cannot let anything in in fear of further beating. And with that, the vicious cycle repeats itself, only to cause a deeper hole with loneliness and depression. In a way, this whole poem seems to be the strength and down fall in his relationship with his mother. In struggle to understand her, and then to confront her issue with crack; sadly both seem to be loosing.

With regards to loneliness, standard definition states solitary, with no company creating sadness. The feeling when you meet someone completely amazing and they cannot speak to you again. Or when it is dark and rainy, where your alone and everything looks dark an depressed. Loneliness can be triggered by oneself or neglect from others. It is a position where everything and anything can make you feel empty. Whether one caused that reaction or received it, the pain fills in enormous quantities in such an isolated moment.

Works Cited:
Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that grew from Concrete. New York: MTV BOOKS/POCKET BOOKS, 1999. Print.

"Lonely." William Collins Son and Co., 2010. Web. 28 Oct. 2012. .

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel Avalos
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50AM
28 October 2012
Response to “Family Tree”

What is it/was it for a definition
To thrive is to prosper or become successful in life.

What is it like/unlike for an analogy
Thriving is like growing despite all difficulties.

What does an authority say about it for testimony
Tupac states, “I find greatness in the tree that grows against all odds”(9-10), anyone who exists against all odds is thriving.

What caused it/did it cause/will it cause for consequence. 
If one is thriving then they are extremely successful in life, be it through their career or personal life.

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

10:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Keelan Sunglao-Valdez
Professor Sabir
English 1A
October 28, 2012

When Ure Heart Turns Cold Response

Tupac Shakur is most renowned by his hip-hop career and thug-life persona, but many may not know that he was a poet at heart and poured his emotions into his writing. In his poem “When Ure Heart Turns Cold” Tupac opens his mind and heart to the reader. Tupac illustrates the destruction that a cold and bitter heart can create and how it can consume a person entirely. This poem stood out to me the most from the collection in Tupac’s “The Rose That Grew from the Concrete.” In the first three lines of the poem, Tupac speaks on the effects of being heartless. “When your heart turns cold/it causes your soul 2 freeze/ it spreads throughout your spirit/ like a ruthless feeling disease.” Tupac describes the cold heart as a virus that spreads throughout the body. I agree with this idea because the negativity of one can spread to another through the expression of a negative mind. I believe a cold heart can truly destroy lives, and that Tupac exposes the damage it can cause with complete honesty and through experience. Tupac spoke from the heart and used real life experiences to mold his lyrics. The emotions his words expressed, hit right at home with the listeners who were struggling with similar experiences and spoke to the people’s lives and emotions.

Tupac. “When Ure Heart Turns Cold”. The Rose that Grew from Concrete New York: MTV Books/Pocket Book hardcover printing, 1999. Print.

11:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Keelan Sunglao-Valdez
Professor Sabir
Englsih 1A
October 28, 2012

Family tree Response

In the poem “Family Tree” by Tupac Shakur, Tupac illustrates his family life with an image of nature. He describes each person’s life as a single tree that is in the middle of a vast forest that represents the family. In the last stanza of the poem, Tupac uses his metaphor of nature to depict his own life. “I was the tree who grew from weeds/ and wasn't meant 2 be/ ashamed i'm not in fact i am proud/ of my thriving family tree.” (115) Tupac discusses his struggles of growing up with his troubling homelife. Although it was a great challenge, Tupac rose above the weeds of life, throughout all the hard times in his life, Tupac never lost love for his family and remained proud from where he came from. I believe we can all take from this poem and apply it to all our lives. I believe that no matter the struggles or obstacles that present themselves in life, family will always be by your side to help guide and support you. This support should never be taken for granted and family should always be respected and taken care of.

Shakur, Tupac. "Family Tree." The Rose That Grew from Concrete. New York: Pocket, 1999. 114-15. Print.

1:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel Avalos
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50AM
30 Ocober 2012

Response to “What Is It That I Search 4”
4 Topical Sentences:

The questions are: What is it/was it for a definition
Destiny is the path a person is made for, their reason to live an unending question.

What is it like/unlike for an analogy
Destiny is akin to a wandering pathway, elusive but ones feet will always find the road.

What does an authority say about it for testimony
Tupac wonders if he will “know my mission is achieved”(6), if he will know his destiny when he finds it or if it will continue to be hidden even as he fulfills it.

What caused it/did it cause/will it cause for consequence.
It causes curiosity, questioning and uncertainty.

In the poem “What Is It that I Search 4”, by Tupac Shakur he writes of destiny. Destiny is the reason a person lives, whether they forge their own destiny or it is decided for them. This concept of destiny is like a pathway hidden by fog, even if a person is following the right path they will most likely not realize the correctness of their choice. In the poem the narrator wonders, “And if by chance I find it./ Will I know my mission is achieved?”(Shakur 29), making clear his questions about his or her destiny and if it will be apparent when he or she finds it. Through the poem one can infer that destiny, or rather not knowing one’s destiny causes confusion and questioning. Mostly these questions will be about how one finds their destiny, or how they will know it is their destiny when they fulfil it.

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse Valdez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
30 October 2012
What Is It That I Search 4 Freewrite
In this poem, Tupac expresses how he is trying to search for something, but he does not know what it is. I believe that he is searching his own purpose in life. He may ask himself what he must do, and what he is meant for, which is seen through the line, “Will I know my mission is achieved?” (Tupac, 2.1.2.) The rest of this segment of the poem contains questions similar to this one, wondering if will ever know, or if he is simply looking for something that will never come. At the end of the poem, it almost sounds as though Tupac has given up looking for purpose, as if the time of not knowing has taken away the will to keep searching.

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Everett
Professor Sabir
ENGL 1A 8-8:50
30 October, 2012
What Is It That I Search For
This poem by Tupac Shakur describes a search for something unknown. Tupac says that he is searching blindly because he does not yet know what it is he wants. All the searcher knows is that they are unhappy with the life they have now. I agree with what Tupac is saying, one can never know what the thing is that will bring them the most happiness, he can only know things that will make him happy. Even if the thing that was originally searched for is found, the searcher would have no way of knowing and assume it has not been found. The result of people searching for something unknown is then having a lack of interest in their reality, or present situation because they always assume that what will make them happy is somewhere else. Tupac seems to believe that this search is not negative. He admits he will never find what he is searching for, but continues to do so because that is the only way he knows how to fix the problems he faces.

8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joseph Carlo O. Tolentino
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8:00 - 8:50AM
30 October 2012

Response to “What is it I search for”
4 Topical Sentences:
Definition: Destiny is a mysterious entity that dictates how a person’s life will be in the future
Analogy: Destiny is like a hidden puppeteer who controls the actions of a puppet
Testimony: Just as Tupac Amaru Shakur wonders in his poem“I will never find the answer 2 what it is that I search 4” no one can find out what their destiny entails for their lives.
Consequence: Destiny causes doubt and uncertainty within people, and making them judge themselves whether or not they have a free will and ability to fight their chosen destinies


In Tupac Amaru Shakur’s poem “What is it I search for” he writes about the unknown destiny controlling the lives of everyone alive. For Tupac Destiny is a mysterious entity that dictates how a person’s life will be in the future. Destiny is also a hidden puppeteer who controls and dictates the actions of the puppets with no hindrance. Many people had tried to find out their destiny but just as Tupac wonders in his poem “I will never find the answer 2 what it is that I search 4”(29). no one can find out what their destiny entailed for their lives. People believe that they decide their own actions but destiny causes doubt and uncertainty within them, and make the people judge themselves whether or not they have a free will or whether or not they are puppets for the hidden puppeteer.

Work Cited:

Shakur, Tupac Amaru. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York pocket Books, 1999. Print.

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wai Man (Remy) Tang
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50 AM
30 October 2012

What is it i search 4 FreeWrite

This poem by Tupac seems to reflect the mentality everyone has at one point in their life, wondering what is the meaning of their lives. They wonder if there is any purpose to it. There are those that believe in destiny, with it meaning the inner realizable purpose of life. It is like people are born with certain talents and that is an indicator of what they will do in life. Destiny is hard to find and when people think they have found it, they cannot be certain if it is really their destiny. Tupac supports this by saying: Because it is invisible 2 the eye/My heart must search 4 it blinded/Will I know my mission is achieved? It is like when people think they have found love, but cannot be certain if it is the one they are supposed to be with. When people have thought that they have found their destiny, they will be more confident in their lives because they think they are meant to do whatever they have decided on.

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kendra Jones
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50 AM
30 October 2012
What is it that I search for?
The questions are:
What is it/was it for a definition
Destiny is the destination that is waiting for you at the end of your journey. It comes to you rather you believe in or not. When you accept the life that is given to and the path that you have chosen, your destiny will always be waiting for you.
What is it like/unlike for an analogy?
Destiny is like an accomplishment. It comes when you have completed or reached your goal that was given to you by GOD.
What does an authority say about it for testimony?
Authority believes that if you follow the rules and obey you will reach your destiny. If you do right and listen to what you are told to you one day you will reach your destiny.
What caused it/did it cause/will it cause for consequence.
Your mission in life causes your destiny. Your destiny causes you to sometimes question your journey. Are you on the right path? Have you succeeded at everything that you were supposed to succeed at?

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Antionette Armour
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8-850
30 October 2012

Topical Invention: God

In his poem, God, Tupac reflects on his faith in God and how he finds strength when he is in his lowest point in life. Faith can be used in any aspect of a relationship; however, it is usually used in the belief of God or gods. Being loyal to your religion without needing understanding of its’ presence. Faith is like knowing something that is there without seeing it, feeling it, or hearing it. It is unlike science needing proof, experiment, or touching it to actually know it is there. Tupac states, “When I was alone and had nothing I asked 4 a friend 2 help me bear the pain no one came except…GOD” (line 1-3). When one has faith in something they walk by it through everything that makes it seem untrue. Having faith in God gives you strength and power to live every day without the help of others.

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Antionette Armour
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8-850
30 October 2012

Topical Invention: God

In his poem, God, Tupac reflects on his faith in God and how he finds strength when he is in his lowest point in life. Faith can be used in any aspect of a relationship; however, it is usually used in the belief of God or gods. Being loyal to your religion without needing understanding of its’ presence. Faith is like knowing something that is there without seeing it, feeling it, or hearing it. It is unlike science needing proof, experiment, or touching it to actually know it is there. Tupac states, “When I was alone and had nothing I asked 4 a friend 2 help me bear the pain no one came except…GOD” (line 1-3). When one has faith in something they walk by it through everything that makes it seem untrue. Having faith in God gives you strength and power to live every day without the help of others.

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeannae Williams
Professor Sabir
English 1A
30 October 2012

Topical Invention:
Friendship- Is someone who supports and respects each other, being there at the most difficult time of distress. Showing up and being on time and being considerate towards one another’s feelings. It’s all about being true to oneself and staying true to that friendship or bond that one has build no matter how many road blocks make an appearance.

In the poem “GOD” this poem is all about friendship and how when one thinks he has nobody one really does and that’s God. The man above who helps individuals get through all obstacles if that person wants that type of help and love. When one realize how sad he/she is and have plenty love to give but being that certain individuals don’t deserve that kind of embracement. When it all boils down to real friendship and nothing but unconditional love just turn to GOD!

8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fermin Carrera

Professor Sabir

English 1A 8:00-8:50am

October 31, 2012

“God” by Tupac Shakur Free Write Response

In the poem “God”, God is faith as well as friendship to Tupac Shakur. Tupac clearly states it throughout the entire poem. The reason why Tupac says this is because he most likely wrote the poem when he was in a stage of loneliness. In the last stanza of the poem, Tupac states that when he no one to give his unconditional love to, he had God to give it to. When Tupac was feeling pain, he had no one but God to turn to. It is clear that Tupac needed someone to be close to him to comfort him when he needed it the most. By having God to rely to, meant that he had faith.

8:53 AM  
Blogger Jared Iulio said...

Jared Iulio
Professor Sabir
English 1A 1100-1150

In the Depths of Solitude
The depths of solitude, ones inner most thoughts and personal discussions between their own heart and soul. A young heart and an old soul, like a clash between a budding protégé and their wise old mentor. Through this inner turmoil one strives for peace, but to no avail. “This Duo within me causes the perfect opportunity 2 learn and live twice as fast.” Through this inner struggle, a person will either be made, or broken. And either result (whether negative or positive) is a fate that no one can change.

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle Chen
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
30 October 2012

God (33)
I would define this poem as faith and unconditional love. Faith is a firm of belief in something which has no proof of, also known as complete trust. Unconditional love is affection without any limitations. In this poem, Tupac explains about his trust and relationship with God.

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonas Sota
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11 - 11:50
30 October 2012

Poem Free write
In Tupac’s poem “The Power of a Smile” Tupac expresses the potent influence of a particular individual’s smile. A smile is the activation of a series of facial muscles that cause an upwards motion within the face, the spreading of the linear plane of the mouth, and oftentimes the exposure of teeth. Smiles are mind altering, contagious, addictive, and a difficult to control habit, much like a euphoric drug.
But the power of smile
especially yours can heal a frozen heart
Smiles have the ability to warm frozen hearts, to lift someone out of depression or sorrow, to convince someone against suicide or homicide.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bianca Hsueh
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
30 October 2012

Response to “The Power of a Smile”

In Tupac Shakur’s “The Power of a Smile”, he describes the process of transformation by describing how certain things, such as a smile, can change into something else. Transformation is the change that someone or something undergoes that will create an effect on people or an object. As an example of transformation, Tupac Shakur says that, “…the Power of a Smile/especially yours can heal a frozen Heart” (81).

Works Cited

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

I post the finished free write at a later time.

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Messi Chaib
Professor Wanda
English 1A

"In the Depths of Solitude"

In Tupac Shakur's "In the Depths of Solitude, Dedicated 2 Me" he discusses his conflicting life, with one part of him searching for something and the other searching for something else. He "exist[s] in the depths of solitude" but this doesn't seem to be a detriment to him, since he is "pondering [his] true goal" (5). His conflicting sides are keeping him from finding his "peace of mind" since he is also trying to preserve [his] soul" (5). He seems to be trying to be accepted, and respected for simply being himself, and thus he never compromises. But, perhaps that's exactly what his dilemma is, people won't accept him as he is, but he won't change so he is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Works Cited

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Virginia Tan
Professor Sabir
Eng 1A 8:00-8:50
30 October 2012
What it is that I search for? : Answer

Someone knows what they are searching for but some may not know. The word “answer” is defined as something we all are searching for because everything needs an answer. “Answers” may lead us to the right way or the wrong way. Tupac states that “I will never find the answer too”(11), if he is lucky enough he may find that thing he truly want. The path maybe challenging for us, but I know we have to follow our own heart. No one knows what will happen next if we have the answer we wanted.

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

6:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Keelan Sunglao-Valdez
Professor Sabir
English 1A
30 October 2012

I Exist in the depths of conflict

In Tupac’s poem “I Exist in the Depths of Solitude,” Tupac uses the themes of inner turmoil and identity to explore the conflicts he faced in his own mind. These emotional themes relate to the conflicts and sacrifices we make throughout our lives, as well as the challenges we take on, in order to find our own identity. In lines four through six of the poem, Tupac discusses the inner battles he faced during his lifetime.“Constantly yearning 2 be accepted/ and from all receive respect/ never comprising but sometimes risky.” Tupac fought to be respected, but also knew the consequences it could bring. Although Tupac was a beloved artist by many, he often faced attacks of violence alleged rivals, and faced many run ins with the law. Tupac’s dangerous lifestyle had much to do with his extreme persona and the hostile influences surrounding him.

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davian Grant
English 1A
Professor Sabir
8:00 – 8:50
October 30, 2012
Power freewrite
Power is seen as only given to the most destructive, or perhaps, power can make things into tools of destruction. “The power of a smile 4 renee” by Tupac Shakur explains how power that come from things such as a Gun, or Fire, can be used to destroy but the simpler things that are seen to be much more mundane and usless, can have a somewhat greater effect. “the power of a gun can kill” (line 1) against “the power of a smile especially yours can heal a frozen heart” (line 7). The consequence of having such power, is perhaps inevitably using it. And depending on what you have to use, the outcome can be destructive or helpful. Healing a frozen heart is a power that is perhaps stronger than being able to kill, burn or chill. It is the ability to completely change someone, and to bring them back from a land of despair.
4 Topical sentences.
What is power, power is a product of strength that is the property and right to use by those who have it.
Analogy of power, A gun has the power to kill, but a smile has the power to heal a broken heart.
Tupac believes that everything has a power, for good or bad.
Consequence of power. While the wind can chill and fire can burn, and a gun can kill. A smile can change someone. It can heal their frozen heart.

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emily Lam
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50am
30 October 2012

Response to "The Power of a Smile"

The poem The Power of a Smile is trying to say that the power to anything may causes a person pain, but the power of a smile can heal a person from anything. It’s like saying no matter what they went through, no matter how big the problems can be, in the end, smiling is a way to heal themselves from going through all the troubles that they have to deal with. Like Tupac claims “…But the Power of a Smile especially yours can heal a frozen Heart” (Shakur 81). After struggling through a difficult time, this shows how powerful a smile can be when a person can still smile. A smile may just seem like a smile, but it can show a lot of body language and expression when a person is smiling.

Works Cited

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bianca Hsueh
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
30 October 2012

Response to “The Power of a Smile”

In Tupac Shakur’s “The Power of a Smile”, he describes the process of transformation by describing how certain things, such as a smile, can change into something else. Transformation is the change that someone or something undergoes that will create an effect on people or an object. Evolution carries the same concept as transformation as they deal with change and improvement. As an example of transformation, Tupac Shakur says that, “…the Power of a Smile/especially yours can heal a frozen Heart” (81). Tupac Shakur used transformation in his poem to describe how he also changed because of a certain woman. Tupac effectively uses transformation to describe the world that he lives in and his own personal life.

Works Cited

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

2:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thany Ouk
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
30 October 2012

Response to "The Power of a Smile"

In this poem written by Tupac, a smile is used as a powerful symbol. A smile can mend a broken heart, mind and soul. A specific object or substance can change your perspectives and the way you feel. For example, "The power of a gun can kill..." (81). A gun can be symbolized as violence, hurt, death, etc. On the other hand, a simple smile can lift up someone's spirit.

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Kovida U said...

Kovida U
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
30 October 2012

When Ure Heart Turns Cold

When our mind and sprit are getting cold, you do not want to talk with anyone and you don't have feelings of any kind; you will not even feel your happiness, joyfulness, and painfulness.

In other words, we can say that when we are cold in our heart we feel loneliness. We sometime feel lonely and when we have that kind of feelings, we just want to be ourselves and we want to forget all what we have to do. If we feel lonely very often, we can get depressed which can bring us to not deal with problems but just sleep on them.

Works Cited;

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew from Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo R. Hernandez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50am
30 October 2012

In Tupac Shakur’s poem “The Power of a Smile” Tupac gives a poem that describes the power of something simple. The power of a smile can do much more than look aesthetically beautiful, a smile can heal wounds. Tupac gives examples of how some things were made for specific purposes except one that can do more than one thing which is not built by man but something that all people are born with. Tupac writes “But the Power of a Smile, especially yours can heal a frozen Heart” (81). I felt like Tupac tried to say that a smile can bring a person from the depths of hell to floating in the clouds with a heart full of love.

Works Cited

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda Lara
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8:00AM-8:50AM
October 31,2012

Free write “GOD”

Even thought the poem is short it is meaningful, it is important that we remember that God is always with us when no one else is. We must have faith that he is with us through struggles even when people who we thought were our friends are gone. I agree that we have to give our unconditional love to God, we shouldn’t expect anything in return. I hate when I hear people swear to God that if something happens they will do something in return. Expecting something in return is not unconditional love. Tupac must have been going through a struggle or lonely when he wrote this poem. To me “God” is faith and unconditional love.

Works Cited

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

9:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tatiana Johnson
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
1 November 2012

Response to “The Power of a Smile”

In Tupac Shakur’s “The Power of a Smile”, he describes that a smile can heal a person wounds. Tupac Shakur says that, “…the Power of a Smile/especially yours can heal a frozen Heart” (81). Tupac is basically saying that if you are going through a difficult or harsh situation and you smile it can heal you from the pain. For example when I am mad and somebody makes me laugh or smile I feel better and forget about the pain even if it is temporary because a smile is considered a positive energy.

Works Cited

Shakur, Tupac. The Rose That Grew From Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marco Gonzalez
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11:00-11:50
October 26, 2012

When Ure Heart Turns Cold
When ure heart turns cold is a poem that was obviously written at a dark or rough time in Tupac’s life. As the title says the poem is mainly about how he’s feeling nothing but negative emotions as of late in regards to almost everything. The part that really resonates with me is the part where he says “a baby’s cry means nothing, a dead corpse is trivial”, I can understand where he is coming from though it is phrased in an extreme manner. I can assosciate with being so mad, with a situation whether it’s yours directly or something close to you, that at that point in time nothing else could bare any importance. But I’m glad to say I have never dealt with suicidal thought’s, never has the option of death seemed easier or more viable than confronting your issues head on.

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kendra Jones
English 1A 8:00-850 AM
Professor Sabir
30 October 2012

Freewrite: When Ur Heart Turns Cold

When reading Tupacs poem I am reminded of what I see in my neighborhood everyday. People not carign about eachother. Walking around like time has froze and there is no hope for their future. It saddens me and at the same time scares me because since I am a mother I can not hide myself from these sights, I have to stand strong and protect my son from the fear and hurt that feels my neighbor streets. My heart has not yet to turn cold and I pray to GOD that it never will. Lonliness is a scary feeling and I hope that I will never have to experience it. I have witnessed these words for quite sometime now, in past relationships I've wondered why my men were so weak. i am fearful for my safety at time because when you are living around people aho think the as Tupac describe, you never know what their motive is. The part that stood out to me was the last paragragh in the peom, when he wrote, "u forget ideals and turn off the reason
2 make sure the product gets sold
You don’t understand how I behave
Just wait till your heart turns Cold!"
That right there tells you that the Tupac we saw on t.v was not the tupac his family knew at all. That was Tupac after his heart went cold.

works Cited
Shakur, Tupac. The Rose that grew from Concrete. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print.

12:43 PM  

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