Thursday, January 17, 2008

Welcome to COA Spring 2008

English 1A, Spring 2008
Course code: A0048/9

Class Meetings: Jan. 17-May 22, 8-9 & 9-10, MTWTh
Location: Room D-206/D-205

Holidays:1/21, 2/15-18,5/16, 5/26, Spring Break:3/24-30, Staff Dev.: 3/6
Final Exam Week: May 27-30

Each One, Pull One (Thinking of Lorraine Hansberry)

…We must say it all, as clearly
as we can. For, even before we are dead,
they are busy
trying to bury us.
—Alice Walker

Syllabus for English 1A: College Composition and Reading

English 1A is the first transferable college writing course. Don’t get nervous, hopefully you took English 201 and passed with a B or better. Perhaps you’re fresh out of high school, did okay on the placement exam and voila wound up here. Maybe you’re returning to college after a significant hiatus and aren’t confident in your writing, yet once again passed that placement exam, which, if you recall, tested grammar not writing. Keep your receipt and notice the dates, so you can get a full refund if you cut your losses and drop by Feb.14, or Apr. 29 with a W :-) So my joke wasn’t funny? Hang in there and you’ll do fine in the class if you:

1. Know what an essay is
2. Have written one before
3. Are ready to commit yourself to the task of writing

Plan to have a challenging, yet intellectually stimulating 18 weeks, which I hope you begin by setting goals for yourself. Make a schedule and join or create a study group. Writing is a social activity, especially the type of writing you’ll be doing here. We always consider our audience, have purpose or reason to write, and use research to substantiate our claims, even those we are considered experts in.

I believe we’re supposed to write about 8000 words or so at this level course. This includes drafts. What this amounts to is time at home writing, time in the library researching, reading documents to increase your facility with the ideas or themes your are contemplating, before you once again sit at your desk writing, revising, and writing some more.

Writing is a lonely process. No one can write for you. The social aspect comes into play once you are finished and you have an opportunity to share.

This semester we will look at racism in America. Racism is a system where people are favored or denied favors based solely on their visible or invisible racial heritage. A poet, whose work I love, Sekou Sundiata, said in a poem that he was condemned solely based on the skin he was in. He died last year.

We will use the civil rights movement and the events of Freedom Summer to base our critique. We will also look at several biographies that look at the legacy leaders in the various movements in American history: Civil Rights, Segregationist, and Black Power. In English 1A we will also look at Alice Walker’s life, one that spans all of these periods in American History. We’ll sprinkle a little poetry, like water on the flames James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time will possibly ignite. A brilliant writer, Baldwin, writes a book length essay to his nephew. It is quite powerful. This book is a stylistic parallel to The Color Purple which is referred to in Alice Walker: A Life. I included it in my English 1A class syllabus because many people know the movie and the play, but not the book. Their Eyes Were Watching God (English 201) is a story by another southern writer, Zora Neale Hurston, who was relatively unknown prior to Walker’s scholarly exploration of her life.

We’ll conclude the semester with a reading of the play, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. Hansberry was the first women and black person to get the Pulitzer Prize for Literature, Alice Walker was the second woman and African American to get the honor.

We will write an essay based on the themes from each book. You will also write a research essay. You will need a grammar and style book. I recommend Diana Hacker’s Rules for Writers, (St. Martin’s Press) and a notebook for in-class writing with a folder for handouts. You also need a couple of ink pens, a pencil with an eraser, a hole puncher, and a stapler.

I like to read and can’t resist a great story. All of these authors know how to spin a tale. We will be looking at the various characters, their journeys and their choices. Why do they do what they do? Do they need to make better choices, divorce their families, get new friends, think for themselves?

We will keep a reading log. Discussion groups will meet each week. Students will also keep a reading log/journal/notes with key ideas outlined for each discussion section, along with themes which arise, vocabulary and key arguments, along with primary writing strategies employed: description, process analysis, narration, argument, cause and effect, compare and contrast, definition, problem solving.

At the completion of each text as I said, we will write a short essay about the work. We will begin with Alice Walker: A Life, followed by The Color Purple, then Letters from Mississippi and lastly, The Fire Next Time. We will conclude with A Raisin in the Sun or Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God. I find that plays are best read aloud.

Research Project
Alice Walker is a social entrepreneur. She certainly used her craft and her life to better the world. The entrepreneurship comes in when we look at her publishing imprint and her motto that she and her partners only publish books they like. Alice Walker has helped other writers get exposure, and used her position at Ms Magazine and elsewhere, to further the careers of many other writers.

She has also used her craft as a tool for activism, not to mention her life. I’d like each of you to find another artist who is using their craft to better the world and is also a business person or entrepreneur. Your research project will entail finding a social entrepreneur who has been active in his or her community for at least 20 years and have documented resources you can draw from: books, essays, articles, films.

The paper will be between 5-7 pages. This will include a works cited page and bibliography. Students will make 5-10 minute presentations of these papers in May during final’s week. The paper will be due about two-three weeks prior to the presentation. We’ll discuss this task further later on. Start thinking of whom you might want to profile now.

New Heroes
Visit The New Heroes, to read about social entrepreneurs. (I’ll show you a few episodes from the series.) Too often people feel helpless or hopeless when there is a lot you can do as an individual as soon as you realize the answer lies inside of you. If possible chose an entrepreneur who lives in Northern California, someone you’d like to interview and perhaps meet. There is also a series on PBS called Frontline World with many SE profiled.

We will visit the library for 1-3 special sessions to help you better prepare for this project. Students can work on the project together and share resources. Each person has to write his or her own paper, but you can make a group presentation if you like.

Library Sessions: Tuesday, February 12. We will meet in the library instead of the classroom.

Reading great authors and writers helps you develop your style. It’s similar to eating a balanced meal for optimum health. A writer is only as intellectually healthy as the material he or she reads. Models are often a great way to practice a style of writing. I will occasionally make copies of articles from magazines and textbooks I think illustrate a particular style of writing I’d like you to practice, or perhaps an argument which has peaked my interest. If you find an argument, either a visual one or a written one you’d like to share please do so.

Jot down briefly what your goals are this semester. List them in order of importance.






Please put your name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address on the card you’ve been given, then answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper or index card (handed out):

What strengths do you bring to the class? What skills or knowledge would you like to leave with once the class ends? What can I do to help you achieve this? Is there anything I need to know, such as a hidden disability, childcare issues, etc., which might jeopardize this goal?

Homework Assignments
First Assignment is to go to a MLK Jr. event and write a reflection on it. If you can’t do that, read an article about activities held in his honor. Think about this man and his legacy. In an essay write about MLK Jr. and what he meant to America and its people? Did King choose his life or was he groomed for the role he eventually played? Due Wednesday, Jan. 23, 250 words min., typed, double-spaced. The assignment is due 1/23.

Second Assignment is a handout: Read the essay. What is the essay about? Does Martin Jr. think he owns his life? What do you perceive is his struggle? What is the position of the author? What does the interviewer think about “Marty”? Do you agree? Read the essay and be prepared to respond in class the next day in a short essay. We'll probably do this Thursday.

If you are not American, write about someone MLK Jr. reminds you of, if you don’t know him or his work. He has been called a peacemaker, a man who wanted freedom, justice and equality—equal access, for his people.

He lived in a time when there was segregation. If you don’t know the historic period he lived in. Do a little background research first before writing.

Alice Walker: A Life; The Fire Next Time; The Color Purple: 35 percent
Midterm: 10 percent
Final: 15 percent
Research Essay/Presentation: 15 percent
Portfolio: 15 percent
Peer Reviews from Lab teachers: 5 percent
Participation: 5 percent

The essays from the textbooks are practice essays; the essays on the literature are analysis. Together they are about a fourth of your grade. The midterm and final are another fourth and your portfolio and the tutoring Writing Lab component is the final fourth. Plan to visit the Writing Center (L-234-231, 748-2132) weekly. Have a teacher evaluate your essays for form and content; the aim is lucid, precise, and clear prose.

This is a portfolio course, so save all of your work. You can average the grades to see how to weigh the various components. Participation is included in the daily exercises and homework portion of the grade, so if your attendance is exemplary, yet you say nothing the entire 18 weeks, you lose percentage points.

The Writing Center
The Writing Lab is a great place to get one-on-on assistance on your essays, from brainstorming and planning the essays, to critique on the essay for clarity, organization, clearly stated thesis, evidence of support, logical conclusions, and grammatical problems for referrals to other ancillary materials to build strong writing muscles such as SkillsBank, the Bedford Handbook on-line, Diana Hacker’s Rules for Writers on-line, Townsend Press, and other such computer and cyber-based resources. The Lab is open M-Th 8-7, Fridays, 8-2. It is also open on Saturday. There is an Open Lab for checking e-mail, and a Math Lab. All academic labs are located in the Learning Resource Center (LRC) second floor.

Students need a student ID to use the labs and to check out books. The IDs are free and you can take the photo in the F-Building, Student Services. There is also a Cyber Café in the F-Building on the second floor in the cafeteria area.

Have a tutor or teacher sign off on your essays before you turn them in; if you have a “R,” which means revision necessary for a grade or “NC” which means “no credit,” you have to go to the lab and revise the essay with a tutor or teacher before you return both the graded original and the revision (with signature) to me. Revise does not mean “rewrite,” it means to “see again.”

When getting assistance on an essay, the teacher or tutor is not an editor, so have questions prepared for them to make best use of the 15 minute session in the Lab. I have given you a handout designating five (5) areas you might want to have the tutor or teacher look at. For more specific assistance sign up for one-on-one tutoring, another free service. For those of you on other campuses, you can get assistance at the Merritt Colleges’ Writing Center, as well as Laney’s. You can also come see me during my office hours. I am here everyday except Friday.

All essay assignments you receive comments on have to be revised prior to resubmission; included with the revision is a student narrative to me regarding your understanding of what needed to be done; a student can prepare this as a part of the Lab visit, especially if said student is unclear over what steps to take.

Students can also visit me in office hours for assistance. Again, prepare your questions in advance to best make use of the time. Do not leave class without understanding the comments on a paper. I don’t mind reading them to you.

English language fluency in writing and reading, a certain comfort and ease with the language, confidence and skillful application of literary skills associated with academic writing, familiarity if not mastery of the rhetorical styles used in argumentation, exposition and narration will be addressed in this class and is a key student learning outcome (SLO).

We will be evaluating what we know and how we came to know what we know, a field called epistemology or the study of knowledge. Granted, the perspective is western culture which eliminates the values of the majority populations, so-called underdeveloped or undeveloped countries or cultures. Let us not fall into typical superiority traps. Try to maintain a mental elasticity and a willingness to let go of concepts which not only limit your growth as an intelligent being, but put you at a distinct disadvantage as a species.

This is a highly charged and potentially revolutionary process - critical thinking. The process of evaluating all that you swallowed without chewing up to now is possibly even dangerous. This is one of the problems with bigotry; it’s easier to go with tradition than toss it, and create a new, more just, alternative protocol.

Grades, Portfolio
We will be honest with one another. Grades are not necessarily the best response to work; grades do not take into consideration the effort or time spent, only whether or not a student can demonstrate mastery of a skill - in this case: essay writing. Grades are an approximation, arbitrary at best, no matter how many safeguards one tries to put in place to avoid such ambiguity. Suffice it to say, your portfolio will illustrate your competence. It will represent your progress, your success or failure this summer session in meeting your goals. I like to post essays on the academic blog as examples for other students. I will be asking students from time to time to submit copies for posting. The blog is cumulative, so you can read essays from Spring 2006, Fall 2007, up to now. I have posted a welcome and the syllabus. The address is

Office Hours
I’d like to wish everyone good luck. I am available for consultation on TTh 10:00-12:00, and by appointment on MW after 3 p.m. in L-236. Let me know the day before, if possible, when you’d like to meet with me. My office number is (510) 748-2131, e-mail Ask me for my cell phone number. I do not mind sharing it with you.

I don’t check my e-mail on weekends so I’d advise you to exchange phone numbers with classmates (2), so if you have a concern, it can be addressed more expediently. Again study groups are recommended, especially for those students finding the readings difficult; don’t forget, you can also discuss the readings as a group in the Lab with a teacher or tutor acting as facilitator. Keep a vocabulary log for the semester and an error chart (taken from comments on essay assignments). List the words you need to look up in the dictionary, also list where you first encountered them: page, book and definition, also use the word in a sentence. You will turn this in with your portfolio.

Students are expected to complete their work on time. If you need more time on an assignment, discuss this with me in advance, if possible, to keep full credit. You loose credit each day an assignment is late and certain assignments, such as in-class essays cannot be made up. All assignments prepared outside of class are to be typed, 12-pt. font, double-spaced lines, indentations on paragraphs, 1-inch margins around the written work (see Hacker: The Writing Process; Document Design.)

Plagiarism is ethically abhorrent, and if any student tries to take credit for work authored by another person the result will be a failed grade on the assignment and possibly a failed grade in the course if this is attempted again. This is a graded course.

If you do not identify the assignment, I cannot grade it. If you do not return the original assignment you revised, I cannot compare what changed. If you accidentally toss out or loose the original assignment, you get a zero on the assignment to be revised. I will not look at revisions without the original attached - no exceptions.

All assignments completed away from class should be typed. Use blue or black ink when writing responses in class. You can annotate your books in pencil.

Textbooks Recap:
Alice Walker: A Life. Evelyn C. White. New York: WW Norton & Company, 2004

Letters from Mississippi. Elizabeth Martinez with Introduction by Julian Bond.

The Color Purple. Alice Walker. New York: Harcourt, 2003

The Fire Next Time. James Baldwin. Vintage, 1993

The Elements of Style. Any edition. Williams Strunk Jr., E.B. White. Longman Publishers.

A Grammar Style Book. If you don't have one, I recommend:
Rules for Writers. Fifth or Sixth Edition. Diana Hacker. You can visit my office and see others you might like better.

The American Heritage Dictionary. Fourth Edition.

Revolutionary Petunias. Alice Walker. Harcourt.
Great site for used books:

Children of the Movement. John Blake.

The prepared student needs pens with blue or black ink, along with a pencil for annotating texts, paper, a stapler or paper clips, floppy disks, a notebook, three hole punch, a folder for work-in-progress, and a divided binder to keep materials together.

Also stay abreast of the news. Buy a daily paper. Listen to alternative radio: KPFA 94.1 FM, KQED 88.5, KALW 91.7. Visit news websites:, Al Jazeera,,,,, CBS 60Minutes on-line.

Click the comment tab and read the letter posted there, if you haven't done so already. Post a comment addressed to me.


Blogger Professor Wanda's Posse said...

January 16, 2008

Greetings Students:

I hope this New Year is a prosperous one for you. It’s my 50th year and I’ve decided to let it be a year of reflection, thanksgiving and change. I want to leave the old baggage at Goodwill and travel more lightly, do some Feng Shui on my psychic life. (cute video).

This year began with loss. I lost two dear aunts this past week and a friend and then when I went to New Orleans for the funerals last week I found out about the deaths of two other cousins. I went to three funerals in four days. The last Monday morning, January 14. I came home Tuesday evening after flying for 13 hours. Long story that includes lost baggage, an airplane with a dent, late arrivals, and four airports.

I’ll miss Auntie Teenie and Aunt Bea—it’s as if two stars have fallen from the sky and now when I gaze at the Milky way, I can’t see beyond the holes in my life. I feel empty and don’t know what I’ll do with myself when I return home in March for the Resurrection Day and they are not there.

But enough of me.

This winter recess I have been reading a wonderful book: Alice Walker: A Life by Evelyn C. White. I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it with my English 1A students, whom I hope will enjoy it also. What I appreciate about this book is how Alice Walker exemplifies what is meant by “the writing life.” Through a Jim Crow childhood, a segregated youth and an emancipated adulthood –she wrote. What a great example of the power of language, the power of words. Alice Walker uses and used her creativity to tell the stories of the people who matter in her life, people whose lives were not the stuff of published work in the literary canon of her youth. She told the story of her mother and father, great-grandmother, uncles, siblings, friends. These are all characters unknown to most Americans, but just because their lives were not the topic of literature does not mean their experiences were any less valid—or their voices any less valuable.

When students ask me what’s good writing—translate, “How do I get an A,” I tell them the work has to take me on a journey I’ve never traveled before and that they must be a good driver which means the ride needs to be smooth, no unnecessary distractions like knocking engines, doors that don’t open, flat tires, or shattered windshields. I don’t care about the make, model or year—I am interested in the journey and how well it is planned and executed. I don’t expect perfection because writing is a process. The work you submit is only a draft even if we call it euphemistically a final draft. Nothing is final; we just have deadlines to meet.

Good writing is a lot of things: it’s clear, passionate, honest and uninhibited. There are no walls and no secrets between you and your audience. You give us everything we need to take the journey with you: food, proper gear, any last minute instructions so we don’t get lost. I hate getting lost, especially at night.

We write to answer those profound questions we think about when it’s hard to sleep:
Why must life end? Why isn’t love guaranteed? Why must we suffer? What good is evil? Is there a God and if there is, what is he or she doing? What is the purpose of chaos?

Then there are the more practical questions like: How am I going to buy all these books? What am I doing here; I am not as smart as these kids out of high school? I sure wish I had paid more attention in my English class, now that I’m in college?

What keeps me going? What am I most thankful for? To whom do I owe my life so far? What gifts do I want to share? What are my strengths? What three thoughts or habits do I need to let go? How much am I worth to myself?

Take a few minutes and answer the latter questions for yourself.

Last semester I was recommended for tenure, which means I have job security—no really, what it means is that I’m here as a resource. Use me. Seriously, make me earn my pay. Come to my office hours, ask questions until you have clarity, revise your essays for higher grades, ask me to write letters of recommendation for you for employment and academic opportunities. Let me help you.

I wrote a letter to my students last semester—if you’d like a copy ask me. In that letter I spoke of how I’d like to see all of you at the end of the semester, but I know I probably won’t. I have students who have taken my classes 2-3 times, drop and don’t pass. If you are one of those students do not stop coming. I am a person you can talk to. We can probably work something out, if you let me know what you need.

The course content is not negotiable—you have to write 4-6000 words if you’re in English 201 and in English 1A, I believe you have to write 8000. In my classes we generally write more. This class uses technology; we have a writing blog you have to read daily and sometimes write responses on. A lot of students resist this.

I ask students to email their essays to me for critique. I give you feedback and a grade and if it isn’t a passing essay, that is, a C,B, or A, the writer has to revise the essay for a higher grade. The way you pass the course is by writing passing essays—PERIOD.
My classes are participatory: students make presentations, they work in small groups, students help each other wherever possible. We’ve all got skills. I am the expert, I have the power here, but I certainly don’t presume to know everything and to feel I can’t learn from you. Of course I can and I welcome whatever you have to share.

We’re going to be looking at revolutionary movements in American history. The Civil Rights Movement was one of the most revolutionary movements in this country’s history. The book: Letters from Mississippi, is a collection of correspondence from young volunteers, most of them white and privileged who went into the Deep South to register African Americans, then called Negroes, to vote. This was extremely dangerous for the volunteers and those black people who participated as registrars and voters.

A companion book: Children of the Movement, looks at the children of leaders in the segregationist movement, black power movement, civil rights movement and what they are doing to extend and expand the legacy of their parents’ generation. The book also looks at the trauma these families experienced, much of it unspoken.

I will be supplementing these readings with essays from Alice Walker’s In Search of My Mother’s Gardens, Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove’s Voices of a People’s History of the United States. We will also read select speeches of Dr. MLK Jr. and El Hajj Malik El Shabazz or Malcolm X.

James Baldwin is one of America’s most accomplished essayists, and since we are looking at revolutionary movements, I thought his classic essay, The Fire Next Time, would make good reading, especially for those students reading Walker’s biography. I don’t know how many of you have read a book length essay, let alone written one. Students always ask me how long should an essay be. I generally say, as long as it needs to be. Baldwin’s essay should answer a lot of questions. He writes it as a letter to his nephew who is at the age when young men begin to challenge the perimeters of their existence, question the rules and break a few. The only problem is, depending on the skin you’re in, the social class you were born into and where you are in this country, many black boys don’t live past this adolescent stage in their human development.

I am thinking about a class subscription to the San Francisco Chronicle and Oakland Tribune since this is an election year and the coverage should be interesting. Students who attend any debates or watch the presidential debates on TV and analyze the candidates’ arguments can get extra credit. I’ll probably assign at least one. You will be reading a lot in this class. You will read more than you write, so make time for this, especially if you are a slow reader.

In college you do not read for pleasure or for fun. You read for information. I hope you like the books, but read with a pen or pencil in your hand and mark the key ideas and put questions in the margins. We call this annotating the text. You will keep writing logs or journals for each textbook—

What else?

I am a teacher that is flexible, yet serious. I might seem disorganized, but I have a great memory and don’t forget what’s important. My style is fluid, so if you like a teacher who is really strict and doesn’t change assignments after the ink dries, you might want to switch classes. It’s hard to decide what order I need to teach certain concepts or what concepts I need to emphasize before I read your writing and get a sense of who you are as individuals and as a class. Students always think I’m kidding when I tell them they are responsible for their grade, which in this class means keep all your work. How can you prove your grade if you have tossed all the evidence? Do not make this fatal mistake. Also, if you share a computer with other people invest in a portable drive to save your assignments. I’d also suggest you email them to yourself.

I am a firm believer in research and you will come to love it also. In a text bound culture, we need evidence to support all of our claims, even when we have a primary experience. None of you is famous yet, so we can’t use the appeal to authority yet. You need to find an expert—translate: someone published, who agrees with you. It expands your circle of acquaintances and it also let’s you know that people the world respects share your view too. This is another area I get lots of resistance.

Don’t resist. If you don’t understand the assignment or understand why it is pertinent to the course, ask me. I have a reason for everything. Nothing is arbitrary. Your time is too valuable to waste. I know mine is. We are busy people—you are taking other classes which might be more rigorous, more challenging and more frightening, like math. Do not put off my assignments because writing comes easier to you. This is college and one needs to manage his or her time well. We have courses you can take to help you. The course is called: College Success, and if you can’t fit a 3-unit course, we offer a few seminars. I can also help you or point you to someone who can, so ask.

What happens in our class stays here. I want this to be a safe space, which means class—what you read is not to be shared outside of these doors unless you ask the person whose story you want to share first.

Other textbooks or readings include Zora Neale Hurston’s classic: There Eyes Were Watching God. Valentine’s Day is in this semester so I thought a love story would be appropriate. Besides that, Alice Walker loves Hurston. I have also included a play, A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry. She was the first black writer to get the Pulitzer for literature. Alice Walker was the second.

Wow is certainly appropriate here.

You don’t have to buy the play. I will make copies. We will read the play aloud. There is a new production to be aired in February. It’s really good.

Spike Lee is in town this weekend at Stanford University, Saturday, January 9, 8 p.m. I am going to his talk. If you are interested, let me know and I’ll see if I can get a group rate.

I am also going to several MLK Jr. events this weekend: In the Name of Love on Sunday, January 20 at the Scottish Rite Auditorium in Oakland, to the Sharing the Dream event on Monday, January 21, 10 a.m., at Taylor Memorial United Methodist Church, followed by films at the African American Museum and Library in Oakland, MLK Jr. Way @ 14th Street from 1-3:30, or I just might go for the talk and book signing afterwards. There is an author who was 13 during the Civil Rights Movement and knew Dr. King. Monday evening I think I’m going to a poetry event sponsored by Youth Speaks in San Francisco at the Herbst Theatre, Van Ness @ McAllister (Civic Center BART in San Francisco) called Bringing the Noise for Dr. Martin Luther King. This event is at 7 p.m.
If you want to do any of this with me, call me on my cell phone.

Oh, do not abuse the cell phone. You will have the opportunity to get the numbers of a few classmates after Census Day, after we know who is committed. Call each other first. I am the last resort, but do call. Don’t call me on the weekends please. I will be traveling a lot on the weekends and will not get back to you. My phone doesn’t work outside California. I write professionally and have a newspaper column called Wanda’s Picks in the San Francisco Bay View My website is

I look forward to getting to know each of you this semester. Please feel free to disagree with me. I love a well-supported counter argument and looked forward to opposing viewpoints that are logical, that is, make sense.

Peace and Blessings,

Wanda Sabir
English faculty, COA
Office L-236

1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

joe ganong 8-9

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rudy Gonzales 8-9am

Thank you for reading your letter. A lot of good information there.

Look forward to this semester,

Rudy Gonzales

9:00 AM  
Blogger Blane said...

Bujawah!!! ... ... ...
Enough said.

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This letter was informative to me because now i know what we are going to be doing in this 1A and i see that you are a great writer and i i hope i learn alot from you

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike James
Wassup Ms Sabir thanks for busting me out today. Im looking forward to passing Eng 1A this semester and reading The Color Purple by Alice Walker.

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Flores 9-10

Whaw, looks like an intense, awesome semester.

Can't wait to start now!

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that this class will be a wonderful way for me to learn about different writers and different writing styles. I also know that I am capable of learning how to write great essays instead of just good ones, which I look forward to as well.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This letter was a great way to start the class. I’ve never had information about a class given this way. Wonderful letter!

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jade Epps 9-10 a.m.

I appreciate you taking the time out to write an entire essay about your goals for your students. I am really lookin forward to seeking you guidance and constructive criticism this semester

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get started with all the reading.

Melissa 9-10

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking forward to class

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Sabir:

I would first like to thank you for sharing some of your personal experiences with the class. It was calming to me to hear the human side of my new professor of whom I had already created a few irrational fears about. I am sorry for your losses, though hearing of them caused me to reflect on the year that has come and past. I guess you could say this past year for me was on the opposite side of the spectrum, beginning with the birth of my daughter and continued by the constant strides made and milestones reached by all of my children.

Birth is never changing and death is inevitable, but everything in between is evolving constantly - so why do I fear change so much? This is a question I ask myself constantly. As I have gotten a little older and grown a bit more comfortable in my own skin, I have learned that most of my fears are created by a lack of understanding. I fear this course! On my journey I have discovered that the only way to deal with fear is to walk right through it. So with this healthy fear in mind I step towards not another fear but another life experience.

Sean W. 9-10

1:27 PM  
Blogger Colin said...

I enjoyed reading your letter addressed to the class and look forward to writing this year. It is apparent that you are very dedicated to your teaching, and I am grateful for it.

Colin G. 8-9

1:53 PM  
Blogger Professor Wanda's Posse said...

Thanks to so many students for responding to the letter. I'm glad you like the gesture.

I'm off to Cirque du Soleil this afternoon. I went to two amazing exhibits yesterday afternoon and evening. One was at the Joyce Gordon Gallery in downtown Oakland, 14th and Broadway and the other was at the State Bldg. on Clay and 14th Street. Camaraderie is an exhibit featuring Yusef Al Waajid and Woody Johnson. Waajid is a sculptor whose work I've admired for a long while. He works in stone and wood. Johnson is also a sculptor, but he also paints. His work here is in the latter medium. There is also work by a photographer in the lower gallery which blew my mind. The artist photographed her Brooklyn neighborhood where many of the people there are looking for power through illegal activities. I thought the subjects were in a Third World country.

The Elihu Harris State Bldg., Gallery features artists from The Art of Living Black. This year Rae Louise Hayward died suddenly so this gathering was an opportunity for artists and friends to connect at an event Rae would have presided over. We all miss her. I was in New Orleans last Friday when her funeral took place here.


2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deon Johnson
English 1A (8-9am)
Well Ms. Sabir, I’ll say what I said the last time, too much stuff, too forward for a first time meeting, however, it’s good to put the “most of the cards on the table,” no surprises! We know exactly what you want from us and how you are, for the most part. This letter was definitely funnier than the last, since you know about students telling other students not to take your class, and their overwhelming comments about you and your teaching style. It was amusing to hear your feedback to that. Just to note,I'm happy to be in your class for another semester and I know I’m going to have the same outcome that I had the last time…an A!

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your thorough explanation of what is to come. It was very nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy your activities this weekend.

Corey English 1A (8-9am)

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Qiaoyan Chen
English 1A 9-10am
I am happy share your experience above, by which I can realize how is the professor i will work with. I am looking forward to my class

12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Professor Sabir,
Thank you for writing this letter and being so open about your life experiences and what you've been through. I admire the fact that you're so willing to share your pain as well as good experiences with your students just so they can feel comfortable in your class & unafraid to talk to you about life struggles that may be going on with them. I also thank you for being so passionate about writing & helping your students learn to improve their writing. I know that you do not expect us to "fall in love" with english but use our knowledge of reading and writing to the very best of our ability. I look forward to your class, the lectures, and the helpful knowledge and skills I am sure I will walk away with by the end of this semester. It will truly be an honor to have such a great teacher.

Lauren Byrd
English 1A (9-10am)

7:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Sabir
One should not start their new year with such sadness. I am sorry for your loss. I have known such pain myself not too long ago when I lost my cousin.
I came to America nine month ago. I lost my baggage as well. My first day to a new country alone, not a single thing similar to home and I lost a little of home I brought with me. I say new place, new year, fresh start. God does all for a reason!
It was a very detailed information. I know I have a lot to learn. I thank you for making it easier for me to approach you.
Your latter set my mind to the right level of expectations.I can see it's going to be a tuff, challenging and hopefully victorious semester!
Thank you.
English 1A (9am-10am)

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laraine Gurke
English 1A 8:00-9:00 AM

It's nice to have an opportunity to really meet my professors and it is rarely afforded to students in such an open and forthright way. Your letter is an insight into your personality and this class. I'm really looking forward to spending the semester with you.

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yolanda Gil
English 1A 9-10
Response to Ms. Sabir’s Letter

Ms. Sabir letter was very personal. When I read of Ms. Sabir loss of her family member, I was impressed with her because she willingly shared parts of her personal life with all of us without knowing us.

I’m delighted to have Ms. Sabir as an English professor. I consider my self very fortunate to have a professor that encourages students to ask for clarifications before going home feeling stress and disappointed because of not completely understanding an assignment. I’m saying this because English is my second language and in some occasions I don’t fully understand what is expected in an assignment and when I approach the professors, it seems to me that they are to busy or they just feel like a second explanation is a waste of time. It has happen to me and I get discourage, as a consequence I end up dropping the class. As a result, I feel like I wasted time and money.
I admire professors that are interested in the students’ success. If I get asked who my heroes are; I would answer by giving the names of professors that had taken the time to make sure I learned enough to continue with my education.

Thank you Ms. Sabir.

7:49 PM  
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3:59 AM  
Blogger Velva Block said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:33 AM  
Blogger Velva Block said...

Professor you are a great teacher and a good human being.I have never seen a teacher like you.I want to know more about the essay writing. Will you help me?

5:39 AM  
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5:26 AM  
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11:11 AM  

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