Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Today in class we watched a segment from the New Heroes program: Delancy Street, Mimi Silbert. Students answered the questions, which I have posted below. Students turned in their Obama essays. We meet in L-202E Thursday, April 9. There we will watch one Frontline World episode and respond on the blog and to each other on the blog. Students should complete two other episodes by Monday, April 20. It doesn't take too long.

Students will not have homework, per se, but I want you to think about who you'd like to profile for your research essay. I gave students a handout to identify potential subjects for their research.

We will complete the worksheet "Evaluate a Website," in class in groups April 22. Oh my, I just realized that when you come back we're going to hit the ground running because the month is over in just a week. Let's say the first draft will be due the first week in May. I'll give you something formal later.

I will post the essay assignment here on the blog also.

Frontline World Assignment: Research Essay Part 1Frontline World Cyber-Assignment Post

Respond to 3 stories by 4/20 (one is due 4/9)
Post your Frontline World Responses (3) here.

Answer the following questions in your response to the program.


1.Who is the social entrepreneur profiled?
2.What problem did the person profiled identify?
3.What is the name of the organization they started?
4.Describe their relationship to the community that they serve?

• Why they decided to address this issue?

5.What is the local component?
6.How does the community own the process?

Use these same questions to respond to the New Heroes Series shown in class. These questions also form the basis of your essay. Use them as an outline for your paper.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Evans eng 1a 9-10 frontline social entrepreneurs 4/8/09

Mimi Silbert

Today we watched a documentary on Mimi Silbert and her project “Delancy Street” in San Francisco. Silbert saw the problem of criminals and ex-convicts inescapable of their addictions. She saw a need to change the people and their inner self. She set up Delancy Street with a thousand dollar loan and four residents.

The Delancy Street Foundation is a residential education center where the residents work for “Delancy” businesses which include a moving business, and Restaurant where they learn social skills and develop a sense of self worth and pride.

The foundation runs at no cost to the taxpayer or client. They earn revenue by operating more than 20 businesses. Each resident spends up to four years at the facility and must pass equivalency exams to obtain a high school diploma in order to graduate. They also need to line up a job and a place to live.

Mimi has a great rapport with the community; people are often astounded to discover the men and woman are criminals, because they are attempting so valiantly to better their lives. Mimi grew up with her immigrant parents and while she did not suffer through criminal injustices she witnessed hardship and fostered strength of people bettering themselves. Delancy Street has become part of the local because of their 20 businesses that provide revenue for the community and the education center.

The community has aided the center by facilitating business through it. Silbert has been working Delancy Street for 30 years, but not giving up. She has seen third generation offenders come in traumatized from a difficult life, but they search out Silbert to better themselves, their lives, and hopefully one day their own children.

Pati Ruiz Corzo

Pati Ruiz Corzo is the director of the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve. It is a biosphere because it is not only an ecosystem but also a home for many Mexican families. Corzo left her music teaching job in Mexico City to focus on grassroots activism. With the resent fears and work toward reversing global warming Corzo saw uneducated small suburbs of Mexico flailing. The families would send their trash down the river, have being taught nothing else. Corzo also saw a decline on the rural lifestyle as more and more people left for the city and jobs. She saw that she could help save the world and people’s lives and wellbeing.

Sierra Gorda was deemed protected by the Mexican government 11 years ago.

Pati is a simple woman who is herself part of the community, she lives with them, cooks like them, and sleeps like them. She is connecting the community together and working to better the word and their land. She is teaching them the knowledge and need for global warming offsetting. The community is also benefiting because as the land becomes healthier so does the air and the water.

The community is also receiving jobs. With Carbon offsetting, the purchases of carbon, produced by forests set for that purpose, becoming a huge commodity the reserve is earning money. Although Sierra Gorda is not on the global scale yet they do sell to private and individual carbon off setters. There is 1.1 billion worth of carbon offsets in the forests!

The organization is adopting the local people. Families are working on tree planting, eco-tourism, and revamping the landscape. The community is growing and less are leaving, inspired by the jobs they can receive and the good they are doing.

The community owns the process because it is there land; they are receiving props for working hard. The community is using their newfound knowledge and long established roots of community to stand string in a changing world.

8:52 PM  
Blogger JeniFromThaBlock said...

Jennifer Gonzales
English 1A
8 April 2009

Response to FRONTLINE WORLD ASSIGNMENT first story-Mozambique: Guitar Hero

Felciano Del Santos who was born and raised in Mozambique is a member of a band called Massukos. They teach the villagers of there country about good hygiene through their music. They not only teach them of hygiene, but also to avoid HIV and disease and to care about sanitation and the environment.

They started a non-profit organization called Istamos. The main focus of the organization is to provide and educate the villagers with ecological toilets called Ecosantoilets. The toilets consist of brick lined walls that prevent contamination of ground water. Local villagers use ash from fires to put on the waste to eliminate smell and disease bearing flies. By doing that also makes villagers wash their hands after to get rid of the ash. After the waste and ash sit the end result is top quality fertilization that other local village farmers can use for their crops. The organization puts together plays for the locals to educate them about HIV/AIDS.

Santos has a personal motivation towards these issues because he suffers from polio that he contracted from contaminated water. He works hard to make sure his village gets what he did not growing up. He wants people to be more aware of his or her surroundings because he feels it is very important for survival. I really like his simple saying, "Don't forget where you come from and try to do good while your here."

10:39 PM  
Blogger Muno said...

Munkhjin Munkhbaatar
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
9- 9.50
Although rats are disgusting animals Bart Weetjens has been running a unique lab in Tanzania for the past seven yeras. He is been training rats to sniff out deadly unexploded land mines. Before humans used to use dogs to help them detect mines, with Weetjens new idea they realized that rats are cheaper and lighter to detect the mines. The rats are helping humans to detect deadly unexploded land mines. And they had many success detecting mines. One of the hero rats named Ararat is special than others, he learns thing so fast. They train over 300 hundred rats in the lab and they are training them for months. The rats are saving many many human lifes in Tanzania.
They named their organization Hero Rats because the rats are clearing off the land so people can walk without fear and children can play without any fear of stepping on a mine. Weetjens are helping the community to clear rats from people’s houses. Most people hate rats but Weedjens is turning the rats into heroes. The Tanzanian community likes Weedjens idea because the rats are helping and saving humans, also the rats are taking out fear from humans.

9:54 AM  
Blogger JeniFromThaBlock said...

Jennifer Gonzales
English 1A
16 April 2009

Response to FRONTLINE WORLD ASSIGNMENT second story - Cambodia: The Silk Grandmothers

Kikuo Morimoto from Japan is the Director for The Institute of Khmer Traditional Textiles. He came to Cambodia to save the silk weaving craft. To Murimoto, silk weaving is very important because it is art that produces beautiful fabrics, which of many are in famous museums around the world, but it is also a tool for many Cambodians survival. It allows them to earn a decent wage while also preserving the tradition for future generations.

Murimoto was so determined to revive the craft that he opened up a studio in Cambodia called UNESCO for the silk grandmothers to continue to weave silk. They continued to grow plants and trees for silk worms to grow so that they could weave from scratch. The studio not only teaches younger generations how to weave but it provides the weavers a good income and it is also convenient for mothers to bring their children to work if no child care was available.

Murimoto invested a lot of his own money into the business to keep it alive. He wanted a change for the silk grandmothers because other businesses would take advantage of them. He honors all silk grandmothers for saving the tradition. It plays a huge role in the survival of Cambodians and in the beautiful art that comes from it as well.

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Evans eng 1a 9-10 4/16/09

Play Pump-Trevor Field

Trevor Field is using his money earned in advertising to initiate and distribute the play pump to rural Africa. The play pump is a user friendly devise that enables children to play while pumping clean drinking water into above ground storage tanks. Trevor witnessed the many illnesses and deaths of thousands in Africa due to unsanitary water. The old pumps were hard to use and not sanitary.

The Play pump is like a merry go round producing a place for children to play while easily pumping water.

Play Pump was created by Field and an inventor. It only takes a few hours and 7,000 dollars to install. To maintain the pumps Fields sells advertising space on the water towers.

Field has dedicated his life to giving back. Daily, he witnessed mothers and girls walking miles to collect water that was not even clean. He has established a connection and trust with the community. He hopes to establish at least 1,000 more pumps in South Africa and then move throughout other neighboring countries. In 2007 Barbara Bush and former president Clinton granted 16.4 million dollars to the corporation. Rapper Jay-Z has also donated $45 million to the company.

Trevor Field was deeply burdened by the deprivation of simple water and has since devoted time and energy into more factories, workers, and programs to install as many play pumps as possible.

The community owns the process because they are now stewards of their heath, they have the ability to provide clean water to their families and now have more time to teach, learn, and raise children.

High Atitude Traning Center

Lornah Kiplagat, an Olympic runner started a women running camp, High Altitude Training Center. Lornah set up the camp in Kenya mainly with the Kalenjin tribe. She saw men commiserating and gaining a pass into the world while talented women were left on the sidelines. Running has proven to be the number one source of income for women in Kenya. Kiplagat runs the training center with the money she wins from racing and inspires other women to cash in on their talents.

The women of the Kalenjin tribe are impoverished and destitute. Kiplagat has shown strength which inspires them. She has a strong relationship with the community as grew up in the community and was raised with the same customs. Running is a key part of daily life in Africa including, running to and from school. Kiplagat works individually with women from her tribe and the surrounding community. The women participate in races in which they have the opportunity to compete in international races which can help them earn money for their families.

The community owns the process because they are responsible for making the decision to run and better their lives. These woman are faced with many tasks including child rearing, maintaining a houselhold, and providing food and shelter, the community comes together to support each womanin her running by helping her with childcare and familial dedication.
Kiplagat wanted to address the issue because women were struggling to provide for their families. Sexism is prevalent in Kenya and running gives the women accomplishments and importance.

Lornah Kiplagat who lives in New Mexico part of the year admits "the girls will not all make it." Not every woman training at her camp will become an international competitor, but Kiplagat feels that the experience lends them to take themselves seriously and sees them escaping the traditional domestic roles.

6:18 PM  
Blogger JeniFromThaBlock said...

Jennifer Gonzales
English 1A
18 April 2009

Response to FRONTLINE WORLD ASSIGNMENT third story - India: A New Life

Father Thomas Koshy is a priest part of an organization called Navajeevan Bala Bhavan that helps street children get off the streets so they can live a better and happier life. Father Koshy works with a woman named Anu Dasaka a.k.a. Anuwantee with a psychology background who also helps counsel the children at Navajeevan Bala Bhavan. Even though they both come from different religious backgrounds they both share a common interest and that is why she was a big influence on Father Koshy.

Father Koshy knows it is difficult for children who live on the streets because so many of them enter the schools that have experienced tough hardships, such as living without parents, health issues and victims of abuse. He said that it is even more difficult for girls becuase they have an increased chance of being the abused victims. Father Koshy encourages a lot of the girls to get into the boarding schools that are available because it helps them get back into government school systems and to also gain their childhood back.

Some children choose to be on the street because of "street addiction" which is about freedom, easy living and cheap drugs. Father Koshy has put together a group of people called the Pure Educators who are former street kids that go around monitoring places where street kids live and try to talk to them about going back to school and to get them to enter these programs.

This story I especially had strong feelings for because there are many children out there that do need our help. That issue not only happens in India but also here in the Unites States of America. With people like Father Koshy many lives can be changed positively. If not, at least it will leave a dent in children knowing that there are people out there who do care and are willing to help.

11:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nina Wooten
English 1A
Front Line Assignment

South Africa: The Play Pump

The social entrepreneur being profiled is Trevor Field. Field identified that 5 million people in rural villages across South Africa do not have access to clean drinking water. Most of the water is contaminated, therefore isn’t safe to drink. The name of the invention is called the “play pump” which is a child merry go round that pumps clean water from under the ground. Field is a retired advertising executive that wanted to give back to his community. Field addresses this issue because South African villages didn’t have clean water to drink and the labor just to obtain water was exhausting and time consuming which took away from the time that mothers could spend with their children. Children get a local play structure that in return provides clean water. It also makes the access to the water fun and less time consuming. The play pump belongs to the villages. As the children have and opportunity to play, they provide water to the village.

Cambodia: The Silk Grandmothers

Kikou Morimoto is the social entrepreneur being profiled. Morimoto helped revive Cambodia’s ancient practice of silk making. Morimoto started the organization calling it “Silk Grandmothers,” because when he first arrived to Cambodia there were few women still practicing silk making. Silk weaving offered a way of life that didn’t violate their beliefs. Silk making is a traditional art passed down from mother to daughter, but the art was disappearing due to many years of violence. As a result in reviving the traditional art making the relationships between mother and daughter are thriving and the art is continuing from generation to generation. More than 400 people are employed earning up to $200 a month.

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jose Gerardo Vasquez
English 1A

South Africa: The Play Pump

The social entrepreneur being profiled is Trevor Field. The problem that Trevor Field identifies is that millions of Africans do not have clean water. Trevor explains that many people drink contaminated water, which causes some people to get sick. The organization that he started is called “Play Pump” which gives people an opportunity to access clean water. The pump pumps water from underground, which allows people to get water much easier, instead of walking long distances to get water. Each pump can pump out four hundred galloons of water per hour. Each pump cost around seven thousand dollars to install. Trevor Field made his money in the advertising business and at the age of forty-two he decided to help poor people. Field felt that giving people access to clean water was important because he saw how hard it was for people to get clean water to drink. He saw women walk miles to get water and also witness how they had to leave their family just to get water. The way that the community owns the process is because they have the opportunity to access clean drinking water. Now with cleaner water people live a more healthy life and are able to raise their children much easier.

Mozambique: Guitar Hero

The social entrepreneur being profiled is Feliciano Del Santos. The problem that Feliciano Del Santos identifies is that people need to be more aware about good hygiene. The way that he tries to address the problem is through his music, he tries to sign about learning how to take better care and live a more healthy life. The organization that he started is called Istamos. Istamos is a non-profit foundation that tries to teach people about better sanitation methods. The main idea of Istamos is to teach people about ecological toilets called Ecosantoilets. The toilet are very simple to make and very cheap, but they have a great impact on the environment because ecosantoilets helps prevent ground water from getting contaminated. This ecosantoilets also helps prevent the spread of diseases. The reason why Feliciano Del Santos feels that addressing this issue is important because he suffers from polio that he contracted from contaminated water. He feels that by helping people learn about good hygiene because he does not want people to get sick like he did. He feels that by simple learning how to take care better people would live a more healthy life.

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jose Vasquez
English 1A

Rwanda: Millennium Village

The social entrepreneur being profiled is Janet Tobias. The problem that Janet Tobias identifies is the violence that occurred in Rwanda and how one million people lost their lives in one hundred days. Janet Tobias started a foundation called Millennium Villages project. The main idea of the organization is trying to reduce poverty by giving people jobs, better health care and a better education. Their main goal is to try to reduce poverty in five years. Janet Tobias feels that is important to address the issue because she feels that the government has lost hope. She wants to give people a chance to become more educated and to have a opportunity to improve their lives.

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hong Tang
English 1A 9-10am
Front Line Assignment

South Africa: The Play Pump

Trevor Field is the social entrepreneur whom being profiled. He contributed the play pump which benefits women and firls in particular because they can spend hours each day fetching water. It uses a playground roundabout to power a borehole pump. The children can play by pushing the aoundabout, yet, it provides the water they needed. As we all know, water in Africa are filled with dirt and mud. In other words, the water are contaminated in which if they drinks it they can easily catches diseases and sorts of illness from it. This may provide their needs in Africa. This is really important because this is a major need in their society. Also, it would be better for the women to get their waters rather than looking for water for hours. Due to this organization, it will provide Africa clean waters which can also apply to their health.

India: A New Life

The social entrepreneur being profiled is Father Thomas Kosby who is a priest. The organization is called Navajeevan Bala Bhavan. His motives is to help homeless children to get out of the streets and start a whole new life. It is definitely a inspirational organization. This makes me realize a little help can change a whole lot in a person’s life. Kids that are living on the streets are maybe abandon by their parents, or lost their parents. Life could be difficult at most point in life but people should never give in. The enviornment for the children are rough and they impact they had on me are unspeakable, knowing that they are still fighting back to the society and winning their life back and what they deserved. This story definitely deepens my feelings because my grandmother once lived on the streets. She was poor and uneducated. With a little help from my grandfather, she pulled herself back up and without her I would never step foot on earth.

Nepal: A Girls Life

The social entrepreneur being profiled is John Wood and the organization is called Room to Read. Seeing many children who couldn’t afford to go to school and that there’s not enough books in the poorest area, it inspired Wood to start this organization in which will help the poor ones to get their education. As a girl living in the United States, I can see that there are people that wish not to attend school. However, I believe this story can motivate their views toward school because it is a privillage to be able to go to school. There are many ones that haven’t even seen a book before. The ability to read is a gift and everyone should cherish it. This organization helps many poor children to be educated so that they can know more about life and about the world.

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Angela Sterling said...

Angela Sterling
English 1 A
Professor Sabir
Frontline World Response

“Rwanda Millennium Project”
Jeffrey Sachs is the social entrepreneur profiled in this story. His project was to improve life in Rwanda and ultimately eliminate poverty in the time span of five years. He decided to help the people of the village learn how to create better healthcare and improve their agriculture so their village would be able to survive. His relationship to the community was mentor-like: to provide them with the tools to thrive but also teach them how to use the tools rather than just re-building their village for them. The community owns the process through cooperating and being interested and willing to learn how to use new farming methods or creating better health clinics or whatever other skills are being offered to them.

“Design Like You Give a Damn”
Purnima McCutcheon is an architect working with Architecture For Humanity. Purnima is the entrepreneur profiled in this story. In 2004, a tsunami occurred in India that destroyed everything. However, Purnima came to help a village in India build a new community center for gatherings, weddings, ect. Her relationship with the community is friendly, she is helping them. She decided to address this issue because she likes to design buildings and she wanted to be able to use her skills for a good cause. The community owns the process through giving input and coming together to build the center.

“Hero Rats”
Bart Weetjens is the founder of Hero Rats. Hero Rats is an organization that trains rats to find landmines. He does this because in many parts of Africa there are landmines that haven’t been set off yet, so that they can be diffused. Many people get killed and injured from these landmines, so Hero Rat is helping to make the land safe again. The community gets involved by volunteering and helping train the rats.

9:37 PM  

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