Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cyber-Freewrite & Cyber-Homework

Read the article "VA Textbook Claims Blacks Fought for South in Civil War. Source? The Internet," by JJ Sutherland ( Develop three thesis sentences using the three-part thesis form. Clue: What is the article about?

FYI--for the Book Report Essay use the 3-part thesis outline for the book report essay as well.

Choose a section from the closing acts of The Tempest which look at the topics: repentance and forgiveness and develop 5-7 thesis sentences using topical invention (definition, analogy, consequence and testimony) and the three-part thesis model on the subject of repentance and forgiveness.

For each sentence use a citation.

Post here.

I will check on the plays: The Tempest at Cutting Ball Theatre and Wicked at the Orpheum (I think), and let you know Monday-Tuesday, what the cost will be and tenative dates.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rochelle Predovic
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
21 October 2010

Thesis Sentences About Textbook Claims (repost)

Although authors have the right to free speech, when it comes to writing a history book, it needs to have facts, not opinions.

Since it is important to perserve the truth about the civil war, the Sons of Confederate Veterans needs to take a lie detecter test, because the content in the history textbook cannot be based on lies.

Since there are some southerners who are still against diversity, the Sons of Confederate Veterans are defending slavery because they are still racist.

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maxx Bartko
Professor Sabir
English 1A
21 October 2010

Although the Internet has liberalized information, it has also democratized the truth to a dangerous extent, making it more important than ever to analyze your sources.

Despite the increased possibility for accurate discourse on the Internet, Confederate revisionists have used it as a tool to further their agenda, even getting their disinformation into Virginia textbooks.

Although the Internet been a vehicle for misinformation, it has also connected the critical community, allowing for more coordinated action.

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jacob Stabler
Professor Sabir
English 1A
21 October 2010

Though the internet can be a reliable source of information, it shouldn’t be a basis for content in our text books, because there is no accountablility for clear disinformation.

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linh Tran
Professor Sabir
English 1A
21 October 2010

Article Cyber-Freewrite

Although the American Civil War has been an iconic symbol of the final ordeal in a century-long struggle against slavery, a new Virginia textbook misleadingly declares that "thousands" of black soldiers fought as Confederates, because this bold claim is firmly refuted by many historians.

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patrick Brown
Professsor Sabir
English 1A
21 October 2010

Thesis about NPR article

Although claims from a new 4th grade textbook stating that “thousands of African Americans fought for the confederacy during the civil war”; they are supported only by three internet articles all authored by the same organization that holds outmoded views on the south’s motives behind the war.

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frena Zamudio
Professor Sabir
English 1A
21 October 2010

Three part thesis statement

-Although opinions are sometimes accidentally added while writing, authors should try to be accurate as much as possible.

-Different people have different opinions toward a specific idea but some still practice plagiarism whichis the unathorized using of language or thoughts of someone else and make it as his/her own.

-Although we all practice freedom of speech in all aspects, we still need to give credit, cite people with their work.

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rocio Gallardo
Professor Sabir
English 1A
21 October 2010

Three Part Thesis Statement

Although we find the majority of our information on the world wide web, we can't always rely on.

There are information placed on the internet that may or may not be true from lack of "quality".

Because of this, the fouth grade textbooks in Virginia were falsely written, thus creating a disturbance among the parents of the students.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KiOsha Jones
Professor Sabir
English 1A
21 October 2010

Thesis about NPR

Even though the internet can be a reliable resource, opinions can be accidentally added while writing, authors need to be accurate information and not opinions.

11:57 AM  
Blogger Professor Wanda's Posse said...

Good thesis sentence Linh except for the use of "because," which doesn't make sense. You can just combine the two sentences.

Although the American Civil War has been an iconic symbol of the final ordeal in a century-long struggle against slavery, a new Virginia textbook misleadingly declares that "thousands" of black soldiers fought as Confederates, a bold claim firmly refuted by many historians.

Your sentences are not 3-part.

Although we find the majority of our information on the world wide web, we can't always rely on (because ...what?)

There are information placed on the internet that may or may not be true from lack of "quality".

When we talk about information, we talk about accuracy and reliability not "quality."

Because of this, the fouth grade textbooks in Virginia were falsely written, thus creating a disturbance among the parents of the students.

This is a sentence fragment. Rewrite.

Frena, you do not tie your claims to the article, nor are they three-part thesis sentences. Rewrite.

KiOsha you have a run-on sentence. Rewrite as a three-part thesis sentence tied to the article.

Patrick B. your first clause is a phrase, rewrite. Also you incorrectly use the semicolon.

Although claims from a new 4th grade textbook stating that “thousands of African Americans fought for the confederacy during the civil war”;

Good work Rochelle, Jay, and Maxx.

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Denise Martinez
Professor Sabir
English 1A
24 October 2010

Textbook Claim Three-part thesis

Although the internet and books are spread worldwide to inform us, it is more difficult to distinguish what's the truth and someone's point of view.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans seem to want to dust their shoulders off and reinvent their past, that it has traveled and landed in a 4th graders textbook in Virginia.

Even though books and the internet can have glitches on whether something is a fact or not, it's always best advised to do your research and not believe everything you read.

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rochelle Predovic
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
25 October 2010

Tempest Thesis Sentences

Three Part Thesis

Although Prospero promised Ariel that he would be free after creating a storm to bother Antonio, Prospero continued to order Ariel around, to fulfill his entire plan (Crowther 173).


In Prospero's point of view, justice is the process of gaining back dukedom (Crowther183).


Claribel's marriage in Tunis is like the future marriage of Ferdinand and Miranda (Crowther 191).


The evil actions of Sycorax caused Prospero to have a negative perception of Caliban (Crowther 197).


To Trinculo, drinking alcohol indicates suvival (Crowther 197).

Works Cited

Shakespeare, William, and John Crowther. "Act Five Scene One." The Tempest. New York, NY: SparkNotes, 2003. 172-203. Print.

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linh Tran
Professor Sabir
English 1A
25 October 2010

Two Additional Three-Part Theses to above (on in-class article)

Although the Internet has evolved into an instant source for any query, one who decides to make use of the ample amount of information available here needs to verify his/her sources, because many people abuse their anonymity and post false material.

Even though textbooks in schools are an essential component of our children's education, the fundamentals of their knowledge are sometimes erroneously muddled, because educators can unconsciously select poorly instructive books.

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linh Tran
Professor Sabir
English 1A
25 October 2010

Theses on Repentance and Forgiveness from the Tempest

Though Prospero feels “to call [Antonio] brother would even infect [his] mouth,” he is prepared to “forgive [Antonio’s] rankest fault, all of them,” but Antonio, instead of being repentant, feels no remorse for his wrongdoings and misdeeds. (The Tempest: Act 5, Scene 1, Lines 131-135)

As the play closes, Prospero discovers Ferdinand and Miranda playing a game of chess, symbolizing the significance of Prospero's triumph with his checkmate of the king of Naples, Alonso, in a clever political maneuver of securing a marriage between Alonso's heir and his own daughter. (Act 5, Scene 1, Lines 173-177)

Having realized the importance of family, namely his only son gone missing, over power and authority, King Alonso, upon seeing the presumed-dead Prospero again, exclaimed that he would “resign [Prospero’s dukedom] and do entreat [Prospero] pardon [him] [his] wrongs,” upon which Prospero gladly forgives his “noble friend...whose honor cannot be measured or confined.” (Act 5, Scene 1, Lines 119-124)

In the spirit of Shakespeare's well-known saying "All's well that ends well," all the offenders, with the exception of the incurable Antonio and Sebastian, sincerely repented and are forgiven, of which Gonzalo's neatly concludes, "All of us, [found] ourselves when no man was his own." (Act 5, Scene 1, Lines 214-215)

Three-Part Thesis:
Although Prospero is the one from whom many had to ask for forgiveness, he shows that he is also repentant for his faults when he speaks to the heavens, "As you from crimes would pardoned be, let your indulgence set me free." (Epilogue: Lines 19-20)

10:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diallo Ibrehima
professor Sabir
English 1A
October 20,2010

Thesis sentences about text book

Although author have of freedom of speech , when it comes to writing a book.They should focus more on facts not opinions.

Although the internet is the easy way to get informations. we should keep in mind that all the internet sources are not always reliable.

4:04 PM  

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