Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today in both classes we read a bit from Alice Walker's We Are the Ones, We've Been Waiting For. In the early class we completed peer reviews and proofreading exercises. We also completed the Pronoun AGR Quiz in Pidd. The essays are due in the morning. Students shared feedback regarding the closing Black History Month program Tuesday. Remember, if any student attends a College Hour event on Tuesday, 12:30-1:30 PM and writes about it, he or she gets extra credit.

Pronoun Case or Synthetica is an in-class essay. We'll plan to complete it next Thursday. Students will type the templates in advance and email them as an essay so that all you have to do is write the introduction and conclusion.

There is also a 50-question exam. We complete both in the same class.

Homework in both classes is to come prepared to complete the character profiles and perhaps write a short essay as a group about the women spotlighted. Both of these assignments will be cyber-assignments.

Students are also to continue in Pidd--verb phrases and pronoun cases. Don't forget the ellipsis assignment in the axillary. We'll complete the Ellipses Quiz Monday-Tuesday.


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