Thursday, February 09, 2012

Homework for the weekend is to complete the book: Mighty. Students have until Wednesday, but those who finish the book will sit together in the class. I apologize to those students who couldn't find us yesterday. There were handouts. Ask me for them. If you want a review of what the librarian said come to my office hour or ask me next Thursday.

Today in class we also practiced locating evidence for an argument: Though Leymah was weak, she gained power from helping those who were weaker still.

We started out by stating that we'd have to define what we mean by "weak" and located numerous examples from the text in the following categories:

Types of Weakness defined:

1. emotional/psychological: 85 definition

2. physical 52

3. entrapment 41

I also shared with students three categories of argument: claims of value, claims of fact and claims of policy. Most arguments fit one of these types.

Next week we will practice using signal phrases, paraphrasing and block quotes. The reading logs are not due until students turn in their essays.


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