Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Today we spoke about the qualities of Good Writing in the early class. Students had a lot of great examples from personal reading. We then spoke about how this translates into good essay writing.

Students reviewed their essays, which are due today and then handed them in.

Note 1

Tomorrow morning, Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2012, English 1A, 8-8:50 AM will meet in the Library for an orientation.

Bring any questions you might have about research with you. English 1A 11:00-11:50 AM. meets in the library Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012 at the class meeting time.

Homework is to read the next chapter in Evolution. and write a reading log. Bring notes/logs to class along with texts. When we meet in the library all you need is a notebook and a pen or your laptop for notes.

Note 2

There will be a cyber-assignment attached to the Library orientation.

Note 3

Some students didn't remember to prepare a narrative regarding why I should read their essays again, that is, what changed between the drafts. Some students wrote a narrative in class, other students were told to bring the essays along with the Initial Planning Sheets tomorrow.

Make certain you staple the components together: final draft of the essay on top; Initial Planning Sheet (IPS) next, graded draft last.

You will get a grade on this essay. If you do not receive at least a C. This class might not be a skill match for you. We spoke about this a couple of weeks ago, and some students met with me.

The writing workshop begins next Monday, 9:30-10:30 AM outside my office: D-219. However, this might not be enough.


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