Monday, August 27, 2012

COA ENG 1A Fall 2012 Syllabus
Professor Wanda Sabir

English 1A Composition and Reading (2 classes)
Class code: 400002 Lec 08:00-8:50 AM MTWTh Sabir meets in A 202 at COA
Class code: 400008 Lec 11:00-11:50 AM MTWTh Sabir meets in C113 at COA

Class Meetings: August 20-Dec. 6; Holidays: 9/3; 11/12; 11/22-25
Final Exam Week: Dec. 10-14 (Portfolios due via e-mail by Dec. 14)
Last Day to file for PASS/NO PASS Grading Option for Regular Session Classes: Sept. 10
Drop dates: Sept. 1 (w/refund); Nov. 17 (w/W).

Syllabus for English 1A: College Composition and Reading

English 1A is the first transferable college writing course. Don’t get nervous, hopefully you took English 201 and passed with a B or better. Perhaps you’re fresh out of high school, did okay on the placement exam and voila wound up here. Maybe you’re returning to college after a significant hiatus and aren’t confident in your writing, yet once again passed that placement exam, which, if you recall, tested grammar not writing.

Hang in there and you’ll do fine in the class if you:

1. Know what an essay is
2. Have written one before
3. Are ready to commit yourself to the task of writing

Plan to have a challenging, yet intellectually stimulating 18 weeks, which I hope you begin by setting goals for yourself. Make a schedule and join or create a study group. Writing is a social activity, especially the type of writing you’ll be doing here. We always consider our audience, have purpose or reason to write, and use research to substantiate our claims, even those we are considered experts in.

I believe we’re supposed to write about 8000 words or so at this level course. This includes drafts. What this amounts to is time at home writing, time in the library researching, reading documents to increase your facility with the ideas or themes your are contemplating, before you once again sit at your desk writing, revising, and writing some more.

Writing is a lonely process. No one can write for you. The social aspect comes into play once you are finished and you have an opportunity to share.

I thought it might be interesting to look at the life of one of rap’s more well-known artists, Tupac Amaru Shakur (25), who died before we had a chance to know the fullness of his genius. We’ll be reading a memoir about his mother in Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary by Jasmine Guy; a scholar’s research: Holler if You Hear Me by Michael Eric Dyson, Ph.D.; and a collection of poetry by the subject: The Rose That Grew from Concrete by Tupac Shakur. We will look at his music as well, in a collection pulled from some of his more popular songs. Students can suggest others.

The questions and analysis will come out of the discussions and listening parties as we look for themes in the work and try to reconstruct the artist’s life through his songs which were quite autobiographical. Tupac loved his mother, but he was angry with her too. We will describe this relationship and how mother and son were able to mend it. Forgiveness is preached, however, it takes a certain kind of personality to actually let bygones be bygones. Tupac personified “thug life.” He had old ladies tattooing his TL on their arms. What is a thug and why did Tupac celebrate it? Questions of heredity certainly come up when one looks at Tupac’s trajectory. Was the man he became his choice, or were there other issues at play such as heredity? What about his environment? We will look at the concept: nature vs. nurture.

Reading Logs for Analysis

Keep a reading log for all books. Discussion groups will meet each week. Students will also keep a reading log/journal/notes with key ideas outlined for each discussion section, along with vocabulary and key arguments listed, with primary writing strategies employed: description, process analysis, narration, argument, cause and effect, compare and contrast, definition, problem solving.

We will write an essay based on the themes from each book. You will also write a research essay. In the past, I have recommended Diana Hacker’s Rules for Writers as the grammar style book of choice. I still like the text, but Stewart Pidd Hates English also has the same information. In the past, if we used Pidd, students didn’t need to buy Hacker. This semester, you need both. Pidd will not suffice for the documentation portion of the course. Students will also need a notebook for in-class writing with a folder for handouts. You also need a couple of ink pens, a pencil with an eraser, a hole puncher, and a stapler.

Stewart Pidd will provide a context for essay writing which will hopefully allow students the opportunity to become conversant about the writing process and use grammar in context, as well as, employ MLA documentation. I will have a drop-in writing workshop beginning Monday, Sept. 8 for four (4) weeks running from 9:30-10:30 AM in the suite outside my office D-219. Keep a reading log for the Dyson book noting key ideas, themes, vocabulary, questions and an analysis of primary writing strategies employed: description, process analysis, narration, argument, cause and effect, compare and contrast, definition, problem solving.

For English 1A SPHE is a review of grammar and essay writing skills students should be familiar with already. I hope we can wiz through the book in six weeks, 1-essay per week beginning the week of Sept. 3. If you are struggling, come to the drop-in workshop and/or come by my office for extra assistance. Students can also get help in the Writing Center and Tutoring Center in the Learning Resources Center (LRC), located on the second level of the L-bldg. where the library is located. To use these services students have to enroll in the free class LRNE 501 (Supervised Tutoring). It takes 24 hours for the class to become effective, so enroll now.

For students who have already completed SPHE in another course, you only have to take the quizzes and write essay exams. If said students make errors on their class essays: Dyson, Guy, etc., they have to complete correction essays in addition to revising the essay due.


These often daily assignments are posted on the class blog: To post comments select “ANONYMOUS,” and then type your name in the post. Students do not need to get Gmail accounts. I read the cyber-assignments. If a student wants specific feedback from me ask. For many of the assignments, students are to engage each other (min. 2) in conversation.

Research Project

Your research project will entail finding a person here in Northern California who is a social entrepreneur. The person has to be alive. I would like students, if possible, to look at an artist, who is using their creative work for social change. The paper will be about 4-5 pages. This will include a works cited page and bibliography.

New Heroes

Visit to read about social entrepreneurs. has another program call: Frontline World which also explores social entrepreneurship. Visit: We will explore this assignment more, later in the course.

Why socially responsible economics?

Too often people feel helpless or hopeless when there is a lot you can do as an individual as soon as you realize the answer lies inside of you. Choose an entrepreneur who lives in Northern California, someone you’d like to interview and perhaps meet. Students can work on the project together, share resources. Each person has to write his or her own paper, but you can make a group presentation if you like. (If you have taken a class from me in the past, chose another subject.)

We will keep a reading log. We’ll develop Literature Circles and see how that works this semester. Discussion groups will meet each week. Students will also keep a reading log/journal/notes with key ideas outlined for each discussion section, along with themes which arise, vocabulary and key arguments, along with primary writing strategies employed: description, process analysis, narration, argument, cause and effect, compare and contrast, definition, problem solving.

There are roles for the participants in the Literature Circles: Discussion Director, Vocabulary Enricher, Summarizer, Literary Luminary, and others. The roles are fluid and each week students can switch roles, so that by the end of the text, everyone will have had an opportunity to try several if not all performance hats.

At the completion of each text Evolution of a Revolutionary, Holler If You Hear Me, and Student Choice, we will write a short essay about the work using the books as a primary source plus minimally 2-3 other sources utilizing other mediums. The Rose That Grew from Concrete will give us material for freewrites and discussions.

Jot down briefly what your goals are this semester. List them in order of importance.






Homework Assignment 1 due August 30, 2012:

Email the following data to me:

Your name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail answer, along with answers to the following questions:

What strengths do you bring to the class? What skills or knowledge would you like to leave with once the class ends? What can I do to help you achieve this? Is there anything I need to know, such as a hidden disability, childcare issues, etc., which might jeopardize this goal?

Homework Assignment 2:

This is a Cyber-Assignment. Post on the blog by August 31, 2012 9 AM: Respond to the blog on the syllabus, so I have a record of your reading it. Make sure to include examples from the syllabus to support your points. Include your impressions, whether you think it is reasonable, any questions, and/or suggestions. This is our contract. I need to know that you read it and understand the agreement.

Writing Assignments: 20 percent (includes: Stewart Pidd essay assignments, Daily-Weekly journals and/or freewrites posted on blog ; SPHE assignments in book)
Evolution Essay: 10 percent
Midterm: 15 percent (Dyson)
Final: 25 percent (Social Entrepreneur Essay Portfolio, plus presentation)
Student Choice Book Report Essay/Presentation: 15 percent
Class Portfolio: 15 percent

The Writing Center

The cyber-essays posted on the class blog are practice analytical essays. Initially, plan to visit the Writing Center (L-234-231, (510) 748-2132) weekly. Have a teacher evaluate your essays for form and content; the aim is lucid, precise, and clear prose.

This is a portfolio course, so save all of your work. You can average the grades to see how to weigh the various components. Participation is included in the daily exercises and homework portion of the grade, so if your attendance is exemplary, yet you say nothing the entire 18 weeks, you lose percentage points.

Each book will have collected writings or essays. This in itself is its own “portfolio.” The essays which take their themes from the books are practice essays, and are about a fourth of your grade, your midterm and final are another fourth and your portfolio is the final fourth. (Save all of your work.) You can average the grades to see how to weigh the various components.

The Writing Center is a great place to get one-on-on assistance on your essays, from brainstorming and planning the essays, to critique in areas like clarity, organization, clearly stated thesis, evidence or support, logical conclusions, and grammatical problems. In the Writing Center there are ancillary materials for student use. These writing programs build strong writing muscles. The Bedford Handbook on-line, Diana Hacker’s Rules for Writers on-line, Townsend Press, and other such computer and cyber-based resources are a few of the many databases available. There is also an Open Lab for checking e-mail, a Math Lab. All academic labs are located in the Learning Resource Center (LRC) or library. The Cyber Café is located in the F-bldg.

Again, students need a student ID to use the labs and to check out books. The IDs are free. Ask in Student Services (A-bldg.) where photos are taken.

Have a tutor of teacher sign off on your essays before you turn them in; if you have a “R,” which means revision necessary for a grade or “NC” which means “no credit,” you have to go to the lab and revise the essay with a tutor or teacher before you return both the graded original and the revision (with signature) to me. Revise does not mean “rewrite,” it means to “see again.”

When getting assistance on an essay, the teacher or tutor is not an editor, so have questions prepared for them to make best use of the 15-20 minute session in the Lab. I will give you a handout which looks at 5 areas of the essay you can use as a guide when shaping your questions for your peer review sessions. Please use these guidelines when planning your discussions with me also.

For more specific assistance, sign up for one-on-one tutoring, another free service. For those of you on other campuses, you can get assistance at the Merritt College’s Writing Center, as well as Laney College’s Writing Labs.

Correction Essays & Essay Narratives

All essay assignments you receive comments on have to be revised prior to resubmission; included with the revision is a student narrative to me regarding your understanding of what needed to be done, that is, a detailed list of the error(s) and its correction; a student can prepare this as a part of the Lab visit, especially if said student is unclear over what steps to take. Cite from a scholarly source the rule and recommendations for its correction.

Students can also visit me in office hours for assistance; again, prepare your questions in advance to best make use of the time. Do not leave class without understanding the comments on a paper. I don’t mind reviewing them with you.

Student Learning Outcomes


Apply strategies for understanding and evaluating a range of professional and public writing and be able to express and synthesize the main ideas.


Assess clearly in writing the tools and materials in the workplace and in the community and be able to suggest changes in order to increase personal and institutional effectiveness.

Critical Thinking:

Recognize messages and arguments in speech and text, analyze and critique such messages, and act accordingly.

Diverse Perspectives:

Expand and deepen understanding of diverse life experiences and differing perspectives, identify their impact on written and spoken communication, and express sensitivity toward the values and ideas of coworkers, family members, and local and global neighbors.

More on grades, and portfolio

We will be honest with one another. Grades are not necessarily the best response to work; grades do not take into consideration the effort or time spent, only whether or not students can demonstrate mastery of a skill – in this case: essay writing. Grades are an approximation, arbitrary at best, no matter how many safeguards one tries to put in place to avoid such ambiguity. Suffice it to say, your portfolio will illustrate your competence. It will represent your progress, your success or failure this session in meeting your goal.

In past semesters, students have skipped the portfolio and/or the final. Neither is optional.

Office Hours

I’d like to wish everyone much success. I am available for consultation on Wednesdays, 9:30-10:50 AM and on MW by appointment. I am also available after 3:30 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment. My office, D-219 is located in the D-216 suite. My campus number is (510) 748-2286. Leave messages on my cell number.

My email again is: Let me know the day before, if possible, when you’d like to meet with me. I am more of a phone person. Texts are fine. Ask me for my cell phone number. I do not mind sharing it with you.

Take time to exchange email and phone numbers with classmates (2), so if you have a concern, it can be addressed more expeditiously. Again study groups are recommended, especially for those students finding the readings difficult; don’t forget, you can also discuss the readings as a group in the Lab with a teacher or tutor acting as facilitator.

More on Logs

Keep a vocabulary log for the semester and an error chart (taken from comments on essay assignments). List the words you need to look up in the dictionary, also list where you first encountered them: page, book and definition, also use the word in a sentence. You will turn this in with your portfolio.

Students are expected to complete their work on time. If you need more time on an assignment, discuss this with me in advance, to keep full credit. You lose credit each day an assignment is late and certain assignments, such as in-class essays cannot be made up. All assignments prepared outside of class are to be typed, 12-pt. font, double-spaced lines, indentations on paragraphs, 1-inch margins around the written work. See SPHE and Hacker.


Plagiarism is ethically abhorrent, and if any student tries to take credit for work authored by another person the result will be a failed grade on the assignment and possibly a failed grade in the course if this is attempted again. This is a graded course. There might be an option to take this course C/NC Peralta College Catalog.

Textbooks Recap:

Dyson, Michael Eric. Holler If You Hear Me. Basic Civitas Books, 2001. Print. ISBN: 0-465-01756-8 (or latest edition)

Graff, Gerald and Cathy Birenstein. They Say, I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing, Second Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2010. Print.

Guy, Jasmine. Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary. Atria Books, 2004. Print. ISBN: 0-7434-7054-0

Hacker, Diane. Rules for Writers. 6-7th Editions. Boston/New York: Bedford/St. Martins. Print.

Pollitt, Gary, and Craig Baker. Stewart Pidd Hates English: Grammar, Punctuation, and Writing Exercises. Fullerton: Attack the Text Publishing, 2011. Print.

Shakur, Tupac Amaru. The Rose that Grew from Concrete. Pocket Books,1999.Print. ISBN: 0-671-02844-2
Students also need a dictionary. I recommend: The American Heritage Dictionary. Fourth Edition.

The Prepared Student also needs...

Along with a dictionary, the prepared student needs pens with blue or black ink, along with a pencil for annotating texts, paper, a stapler or paper clips, a jump drive to save work from college computers, a notebook, three hole punch, a folder for work-in-progress, and a divided binder to keep materials together.

Also stay abreast of the news. Buy a daily paper. Listen to alternative radio: KPFA 94.1 FM (Hard Knock), KQED 88.5, KALW 91.7. Visit news websites:, Al Jazeera,,,,, CBS 60Minutes.

The syllabus and course schedule is subject to change, at the instructor's discretion, so stay loose and flexible.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joseph Carlo O. Tolentino
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
27 August 27, 2012

Today at August 27, 2012 I have read the Syllabus and I believe that they are reasonable. Although I am not looking forward for the books of Stewart Pidd Hates English as I believe that I have no need of that. I am also confused about the portfolio as I do not know what it entails or what the portfolio must contain. The only other concern that I have is the Cyber-Assignments as I honestly prefer hard-copy and in-school work rather than online homework. May I request, if it is possible, for you to balance the amount of Online and in-school homework? That is all I would really request.

All in all, I am looking forward to having you as my professor and am very hopeful that I can be a good student in your class.

8:43 AM  
Blogger Anthony Roberts said...

Anthony Roberts
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50

As I was initially reading the syllabus, I thought it was a lot to take in for just a syllabus. Upon conclusion it dawned on me that all this length was necessary, because it laid down the structure for the rest of this semester in great detail, greater detail than any syllabus I have seen before to be honest! To think by the time this class is over, I will have written over 80,000 words is astounding, but it sounds great to me. I plan on actually becoming a sports journalist so I feel this class is essential in my development as a writer and I want to get the most out of this class as I possibly can. I am excited to be reading a collection of texts on the artist Tupac. It is great that you have taken the approach of bringing something that many people our age would be interested in learning about, Tupac, and combining it with the challenge of a college English class. It reminds my of how another professor of mine, Prof. Popal, would make history relevant to today in how it effects us. I have had trouble in the past being able to cite my sources and quotes, so I like the fact you include two grammar texts in our class discussions. The office hours are a little rough for me, since all my other classes are Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but I think I’ll be able to work around that with an appointment later in the day on a Monday or Wednesday. Either way, I think the expectations are reasonable here and I am excited for this upcoming semester!!

8:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Soukeyna Seck
Professor Sabir
English 1A
27 august 2012

I have read the syllabus and I like the way everything is laid out however I was wondering about the homework spot is the homework going to be in a numerical order? Or is it going to be by due dates? Also I wanted to remind you about the links to the site because one of them led me to English 201 and made me confused about whether or not I was supposed to do anything that was in that paragraph. One of the most interesting things I saw was the research paper about social entrepreneur. I liked it because it was unexpected for me therefore caught my interest. The blog, in my opinion, will be very useful because we are not only saving paper but also using an easier way to communicate. The best thing about this blog is that it was well explained

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel Avalos
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
27 August 2012

I believe that the class syllabus is well written, it clearly states the textbooks required for the class both throughout the post and in the “Textbooks Recap:” section. The entire post informs the reader of the requirements for the class as well as the main topics for the essay assignments, which are essay responses to reading the assigned books. This post goes on to explain that there is a writing center in “L-234-231”, and that the student should expect to visit the writing center at least once a week or more if they need aid with their essays. Also included in the post is the fact that students need to keep a portfolio and a vocabulary log for their work, as well as an error chart so that the student completely understands the words used in the handouts and books that they read. The syllabus helpfully provides office times for Professor Sabir so that a student can ask questions and receive help one on one, even the office room is listed, “D-219”. Towards the end of the syllabus the no nonsense policy on cheating is explained clearly. In addition to other information on what a student can do to be prepared for the class such as to “stay abreast of the news” and keep up with current events.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Antionette Armour
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
27 August 2012

Homework Assignment #1
The strengths that I bring to this class are the ability to analysis a story thoroughly and very quickly and relating story to any component of my life. In other words, many readings become easy to me because I am able to converse with the author and get into their mind (well, that is the whole purpose of analyzing a story right?). Every year I was in high school, I was placed into many honor English classes and AP classes; however, I never took the exams serious so I didn’t pass any of them. When I enrolled into Mills College, I took many English classes that focused on grammar and sentence structures, which increased my writing skills dramatically and my grades on my essays improves. When I left Mills and came to College of Alameda, many of the classes did not push me to focus on my sentence structure while writing an essay, so many of those terms became lost in my mind. Overall, I have learned that grammar punctuation, and sentence structures are prominent components of English that should be practiced through any writing assignments we are assigned.
Once I leave this class I want to have the knowledge of writing a paper that flows. I tend to go all over the place when writing a paper, especially when I get so excited about a certain topic. I want to leave this class with the knowledge of focusing on one topic and making that topic a very strong argument. I can be helped achieve this goal by being assigned many assignments that allows me to point out authors’ main arguments and their main points that support their argument.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wai Man (Remy) Tang
English 1A 8-8:50 AM
Professor Sabir

After reading the syllabus, I now have a clearer idea of what I am doing in this class. The reading logs are a good idea since they can help remind us of how we felt after reading a particular section of our books. I especially like class discussions and group discussions since they usually bring out points of the books that may not be obvious to everyone. They will definitely help with the understanding of the books. Writing an essay is hard, but I find that if the topic I am writing about is analyzed in discussions, I will have an easier time writing it. I find that I have no suggestions to add to how this class should be run because I am content with what we will be doing, and I look forward to learning from you.

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read the syllabus and it looks like familliar for me because I already did this kind of assignments last semester and some years ago in other languages(French and Arabic)so writting an essay is not a problem, neither how many pages but the only thing that I need is having advance information about which essay we have to do and how do you expect us to do it and how we supposed to do it because I work and study at the same time so my time is really worthy and whenever I have a homework I have to get it done as soon as I can to help me study for the other classes that I'm taking and avoid having a lot of homework and work at the same time. Please if you can give me the details an advance about which book we start with, when we start reading it and when the homework is due, how many pages,what is the next thing to read as well. Thank you an advance.

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Messi Chaib
English 1A
Professor Wanda
I just read the syllabus and it looks like familliar for me because I already did this kind of assignments last semester and some years ago in other languages(French and Arabic)so writting an essay is not a problem, neither how many pages but the only thing that I need is having advance information about which essay we have to do and how do you expect us to do it and how we supposed to do it because I work and study at the same time so my time is really worthy and whenever I have a homework I have to get it done as soon as I can to help me study for the other classes that I'm taking and avoid having a lot of homework and work at the same time. Please if you can give me the details an advance about which book we start with, when we start reading it and when the homework is due, how many pages,what is the next thing to read as well. Thank you an advance.

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Virginia Tan
English 1A
Professor Sabir
Aug 27 2012

After reading the syllabus, I know that this will be one of the challenging classes for me. The syllabus was very detail, it has what we are going to study and all the textbooks we need. This is wonderful. I am interest in studying in Tupac Amaru Shakur’s life because I never read anything about hip hop music during my life in high school. All the books we have read before all tragic stories, I glad finally we get to learn something new. Also I think providing us a writing workshop will really help us on essay. Like me. It is very helpful to have a teacher’s blog because we get to look over it when we forgot the assignments we are going to do. I am looking forward into this class.

p.s. I am sorry for my horrible grammar. Thank you.

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonas Sota
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
27 Aug. 2012

Over the summer I took a class on Modern Philosophy at UC Berkeley. I had to write three philosophy essays, and it's to my judgment that the prompts that I had to choose from were all much more difficult to address than any other prompt that I've encountered in an English course. I attended Miramonte high school which is of the best public schools in the state and is known for it's comprehensive English program. That being said, I'm coming into this class with the ability to write a coherent and logical essay and as a result I'm not enthusiastic about the Pidd nor the Dyson books. I'm not saying that I am a perfect writer, I don't even consider writing to be a strength of mine, but in a week of classes I've sensed that I'm on another level of writing ability than the majority of the class.
I hope I haven't come off as pompous or unwilling to cooperate in your class because I am interested in studying Tupac, namely his poetry and life.

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Barksdale Jr.
Professor Sabir
English 1A
August 27, 2012

Writing is a lonely process. No one can write for you. The social aspect comes into play once you are finished and you have an opportunity to share. Says “Professor Sabir” I believe this to be true. I do majority of my writing alone and in my own comfort zone. Usually listening to music or on the bus to school is when I do a lot of my writing. The syllabus is well detailed and I thank you for helping me be better prepared for this semester. I find writing essays comes pretty easy to me so the fact that we are writing so many essays shouldn’t be too hard. I write better of course when I know more about what I’m writing and have it retained. So the fact that I have to write so much about what we read now I have to make myself read more and save more space and time to read throughout my day. Also I’m very interested in reading about Tupac and his mom in this class hopefully this class will be very helpful and interesting.

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kyaira Talton
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
27 August 2012

Homework Assignment 2
The syllabus is very self-explanatory. I understand it easily and I feel that there are several suggestions that will be helpful to me in this class. The most helpful suggestion to me is being able to work in study groups. I feel that being able to talk to fellow classmates about their views on the books that we are reading will help us to broaden our arguments in the essays. Another thing that I find useful is having other teachers or tutors read our essays and correct them. I think that I will do that before I even turn my essay in to avoid the back tracking. By having a tutor check my essay first hand then I can ensure that I am able to turn in my best first hand.
I love writing and the topic of Tupac is extremely exciting to me so I feel like I will do well in this class. However, my greatest obstacle in this class will be my time management. Although many of the suggestions will prove useful, I will have to find the time to do all of these things because I am a full time student and I play for the volleyball team here. I will have to stay focused and use our study hall time to the fullest. Perhaps I will choose certain days through the week that we have for study hall for certain classes. That way I can prioritize which work I need help on the most.
When reading I think that in class discussions of the book will be helpful. Study groups can be used for this as well, as you said, but speaking about what we have read as a class will provide more of a feel for the book and allow us to have more of an open mind on the subjects that the book will arise. One thing that I do not particularly like is the blog responses. I prefer in class work and writing than going online to the blogs as I do not really see the point when not necessary. That is the only change that I would suggest. What should be in the portfolio is also not really clear and to the point.

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mason, Eric
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
27 August 2012
I think the syllabus is very straight forward and blunt. It’s a little overwhelming , & it brings back a lot of memories, for example the reading log we are supposed to have. I haven’t had a reading log since elementary school. It seems like a whole bunch of work, but I am not in a position to complain because I have to take this class to finish my general education. I just hope this semester goes by smoothly & I can say I did what I needed to do in order to pass this class.
1. I want to past this class with a good grade, a “B” or better,
2. I want to obtain all the literary skills that will help me in the future
3. Hopefully this will help me become more professional

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

De Long Liang
Professor Sabir
English 1A
27 August 2012

I found the syllabus is very useful, because it clarify a lot of the confusions I had about this class. Honestly, I'm quite excited to take this class, even though I disliked many other English classes. I disliked other English classes, because majority of the time, instructor would give us a difficult topic to discuss about. So, I disliked them. But this class seems to be a bit different than other English classes. Therefore, I'm excited and curious about this class.

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo R. Hernandez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11:00-11:50
August 27, 2012

The syllabus was a syllabus that left no stone unturned. Reading such a lengthy paper was at first boring but then very informational. I was able to extract what exactly you ask from me and what should be achieved by the end of the semester. Reading in groups each week is a perfect way to help me stay on top of reading, I usually tend to be a procrastinator. I am really excited about reading this semester and it is all due to your choice of reading material. Tupac Shakur is a perfect person to read about and to let me read about someone I looked up to makes the reading much easier for me. There are a few things I will not be able to do which would be creating a study group or drop in for the workshop due to my full schedule. I will wait for the second hand out with all the due dates of every assignment. I am happy that this class will be organized and set high standards for me. A challenge is what I needed and I found the class that will exactly do that. Overall I am ready to give it my all during this semester and ready to enjoy this English class.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thany Ouk
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
27 August 2012
Homework Assignment 2:

After reading the syllabus, I feel like I can reach my goal of writing better essays. It seems like we will be writing a lot of essays this semester, including our research project on a social entrepreneur. Looking over the books we will be reading and the assignments on the grading section, I feel like I am going to be busy with this class, and I am not going to procrastinate. The syllabus is reasonable because it gives me a heads up on what will be coming for me. It does get me a little prepared for all the reading and writing we will be doing in this class. Something new to me is the whole blog thing. I never been on a blog or used it before but it is helpful to have the assignments shown on there. I am looking forward to learning new writing skill.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tatiana Johnson
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11:00-11:50
27 August 2012

After reading the syllabus I realized that this class is going to be a little challenging for me. My favorite subject in school was always English but now I am taking English 1A as a college course so I know it will be different than the other English classes that I have taken in high school. I feel that I will learn a lot and get my grammar back on track in this class. I am very excited about looking at the life of Tupac Amaru Shakur because I have always been interested in learning more about him and his death. My main priority in this class is to improve my grammar and essay writing skills. I think that The Writing Center will be great when writing essays because you get one-on-one assistance. The Wring Center will better my writing skills to have great essays. I am looking forward to learning how to improve my writing skills in this class.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sathaesan Damulgeran (Ace)
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11 - 11:50
27 August 2012

I just read the syllabus and I think that it has everything I need to know to get through this class. It has everything from the books we need to what we are going to expect throughout this class. According to the syllabus I should do fine in this class because I have all the criteria needed to do fine, though I would prefer to do way better than just fine and do great instead(smile). The learning outcomes that are expected from me are quit acquirable I was really looking forward to join this class since last semester because I did not get in the last time. And I’m glad that I got in, especially to this specific one.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Riana Watts
Professor Sabir
English 1A
27 August 2012

In the syllabus for English 1A, my professor wants the class to read personal books on the different themes that are parallel in the real world. “We will write an essay based on the themes from each book. You will also write a research essay.” While reading these books assigned to us, we have to jot down words that we don’t know, understand or don’t usually hear. We also have to write down key ideas of arguments and/or main points as a topic for our discussion groups that we will create and have a meeting with once a week. The syllabus clearly states that you need a notebook and a folder because in the ending of this class, we will have to put everything together in a portfolio and give it back.
Our professor will be having a writing workshop for those who may have trouble with their writing, grammar, formatting, etc. Also for extra help, we are required to buy 2 textbooks that are going to better our skills with writing. In this class, I feel supported because of all the resources provided around me. I know that all essays that we write are supposed to be in MLA format.
I feel that the reading log is pretty unreasonable but who knows maybe it will help me in the long run…

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shawn Johnson
Professor Sabir
English 1A
27 August, 2012
Assignment # 2
Upon reading the syllabus for this years English 1A class I believe that a lot of the directions were very hard to follow and understand at first. The grading in this class may be fine, but at the same time it will tough. Fortunately I believe in tough learning to a certain degree, so I most definitely agree with your terms and think that they are reasonable. One of the assignments that I am excited about and looking forward to is the Tupac Shakur assignment. The best part about is being able to pick out what ever song that we would like to. Another assignment that I’m looking forward to is the research paper on finding an entrepreneur in Northern California, because it will allow me to not only meet someone new to learn about, but may also become a network opportunity. To complement that I don’t feel as though we should have to get 8 books for this class. However, I do disagree that it has to be by your self and not with a partner. Although, I may have some disagreements and agreements with your grading policy and assignments I do believe that this year will be fun and interesting.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bradley IV, Gerald L.
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
27 August 2012

Homework Assignment 2
The contract or the syllabus you have written up is pretty straight forward and to the point. You have clearly stated what is expected out of us this semester, and nothing seems over bearing. Like stated in the syllabus, by this point in our life we should be able to type 8000 words with ease, and that we should. We are old enough to understand what English is and how to express our own interpretation of it. I hope I can live up to the expectations and I know I will od my best to. And don’t worry, if I have any questions, I will ask.

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luchanda Williams
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
27 August 2012

After reading the syllabus I felt a bit overwhelmed although I do admire the fact that you are very organize I think that a few parts of the syllabus is unreasonable. For example you state that we have to join a dtudy group this for me may be a little difficult because I have a busy schedule with school and work. Also I am not a blogger I prefer handing a hard copy to the professor verses posting on a blog for everyone to read. I think this class is going to be challenging but as I enjoy challenges this should be no different for me.

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jared Iulio
Professor Sabir
English 1A
27 August 2012

Initially, this course came across as very "free-form" for lack of a better term. It seemed to lack a some kind of order or structure. Nothing seemed clearly definied. However, upon reading this syllabus i can see that everything is clear cut and concise. Im really looking forward to thoroughly dissecting and examining tupac's work and seeking out the truth behind his wordsmithing. The group assignments should prove to be entertaining, and the the research papers and countless essays should be challenging. Looking forward to this class!

11:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tabari Davis
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11:00 – 11:50
27 August 2012

From what I can extract from the syllabus, it looks to me like this class will be eventful. There seems to be a full schedule of things to do as we progress through the 18 weeks available to us. The syllabus contains detail about what we’ll need to bring to the class and the type of mindset we’ll need to come with in order to be prepared to participate in class. It explains that in order to do well in this class, we’ll need to know what and essay is, have written an essay, and be prepared to commit ourselves to writing an essay. In retrospect my only hopes are that writing an essay isn’t all it takes in order to pass the class. I don’t want it to be the only thing I work on in terms of my skills in the writing field.

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle Chim
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
27 August 2012
After reading the syllabus, I thought that it helped me more. The guidelines it provided helped me through what I need to know to complete this class and help me pass this class. I thought the outlines of planning my own essay and portfolio was a good way to help students plan ahead of what they’re going to write about so they won’t have a hard time brainstorming. I am aware of what we’re going to do in this class for the rest of the semester. I agree about making my own schedule and creating study groups because it will help a lot by reaching our goals more and we would be also helping each other. The schedule is basically given to us so we know our times and using it wisely. My goals for this class are basically completing all the requirements needed for this class. I plan to make my own schedule, complete any homework given right away, do my best on all of my work, and come to class on time and for the bigger projects such as essays and portfolios I will use my time wisely working on those and completing them.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wei Zhang
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
From the syllabus, I got some useful information with the “reading logs for analysis”, it suggested me a good habit which is keeping a reading logs for all the books. I thought most of us had a same experience that I always forgot to take notes when I was intoxicated with wonderful plot. If I did not take notes or reading logs, I would forgot most of the plot after reading.
Besides the above, I want to tell you that today I read a long syllabus I have never seen. As a syllabus it is too long. When I finished this reading assignment, I felt that the writing is a part of your life. I understand it. but it is just a syllabus. Actually I spent more times to analyze this syllabus, because I need to separate the primary coverage from it. Next time, please just tell me how to do it without secondary things.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emily Lam
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
August 27, 2012

I have read the syllabus. I don’t think that I have a problem with the syllabus. After reading it, it kind of gave me an idea of what’s going to happen in the next 18 weeks. I agree that it is good to make a schedule and plans for ourselves to help ourselves pass the class. I believe that writing is something that needs to be done for ourselves and that no one should be writing essays or any writing assignments for us. It shows the teacher how we can be creative on our own with our writing. In my opinion, I think it is very important to show our teacher that side of us. It also seems like there is a lot of high expectations that is expected from this class. I honestly do not really like research papers because I feel like assignments like these, takes up a lot of time to make it as least close to perfect. When I read that part, it kind of stresses me out a little bit, but hopefully I could find a way to do my best on it when the time comes. I know this is an English class and writing is going to be required in this class, but I never thought doing research and writing a paper for an English class would be necessary. The reason that I feel that way is because the books that were listed on the syllabus, seems like we are going to spend a lot of time on the books and writing essays. I feel that if I do everything in the class with my best, turn in my assignments on time, do all my work and pay close attention to what we’re doing in class, I believe I should be fine. These are some of my motivations to help me survive in this class.

10:19 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Pascual Gabriel
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11:00 - 11:50 A.M
28 August, 2012

I have read the syllabus. The syllabus is very long and descriptive, and well-organized. I like your syllabus because it has the headings in bold, which provides your students with easy access with information regarding to your grading policies and expectations from class. I especially liked two informational contexts which you included in your syllabus. The first one was the reading log and all the components involving it. I like how you provide us with group discussions because listening to other people's opinions about a certain subject can aid me start a foundation on my essays, and help me finalize my own opinion about the subject. I also find your drop-in writing workshops of great importance because I am green-headed to college, and there's a lot of knowledge I would like to acquire from these workshops that I am currently missing and I need in order to earn a good grade from your class.

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Daniel Yoo said...

Daniel Yoo
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
28 August 2012
Homework #2
After reading the syllabus, I now understand all the policies and what to expect from the class. The syllabus was very straight forward and had a lot of information that I couldn’t think of a question to ask. I am looking forward to reading the books in class because Tupac’s biography really interests me. I really like how we are going to write reading logs because I think it is really going to help me understand the book a lot more. The group discussions are a really nice way to share your knowledge with your peers. I am also glad that there are going to be cyber assignments because I am a lot more comfortable typing. On a side note, I think it is really cool that we are able to contact you via cellphone if we have a quick question. Following the syllabus is very reasonable and I am confident that I will do well. Overall, I hope that I have a good semester in this class and expand my knowledge in writing.

11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steven Le
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
29 August 2012

I have read and understand the agreement with the syllabus. I understand the grading policy and how my grade will be determine from assignments. I look forward to learning new skills in this course. The syllabus has all the information I was looking for such as ways to get help. I believe everything that I am asked to do is in the syllabus with explanations to the work we will be doing. I am impressed with how long the syllabus is. Some syllabus I get form my professors are one page. I think it is very reasonable with no questions to ask. I fully understand and agree to this contract.

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bianca Hsueh
Professor Sabir
Eng 1A 11-11:50
30 Aug 2012

Assignment #2

I have read the syllabus and understand the components of the class. I believe that the syllabus and thus the course work in this English 1A class are reasonable. The syllabus is very straight-forward as it lists what I need to complete in this class. I also like the fact that there is a list of course outcomes in the syllabus; it tells me what I will gain from taking this class other than fulfilling a requirement for high school.

I support the use of the reading logs and the group discussions. I believe that they are a great way of allowing us to form our own ideas about the reading and see what other people think about the text. Nonetheless, I would like to know more about what the reading log should look like in terms of formatting and length.

I am still a bit confused about the tutors. In the syllabus, it states that we should, “Have a tutor or teacher sign off on your essays before you turn them in”. I am wondering if this means that we need to see a tutor every time before we turn in an essay or every time we turn in a revision essay. I believe that it is the former, but I would like to make sure just in case.

3:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Josh Gillespie
Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50am
30 Aug. 2012

I have read and understand the course syllabus.

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Everett
Professor Sabir
Engl 1a
30 August 2012

Homework Assignment 2
Based on the classes syllabus, English 1A is the first transferable English class. It is not meant to be easy, but we should be able to pass if we
“1. Know what an essay is

2. Have written one before

3. Are ready to commit yourself to the task of writing” (Sabir syllabus, Par. 2). The syllabus mentions that study groups would help us a lot in the class. I plan to work a lot with peers in order to help me adjust to the class, and all the new things we do in it. In order to improve my writing, I am willing to commit to a large amount of solo work. I will restructure my writing method, putting less time into first drafts, and more time into revisions. I am planning this year, to produce essays that are worth sharing with others and will successfully communicate my ideas. Our essays and lessons will be based books about Tupac and his mother Afeni Shakur. In these pieces we will examine the life of Tupac, and his relationship with Afeni. According to the syllabus we will attempt to answer the question “Was the man he became his choice, or were there other issues at play such as heredity?” (Sabir syllabus, Par. 7) English 1A will be a new type of class for me, I am excited to apply writing and reading skills to the life of Tupac Shakur. The syllabus seems reasonable, at this point I have no concerns.

11:08 AM  
Blogger Miguel Chavez said...

Miguel Chavez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
August 30, 2012

This must have broken the record for the longest syllabus. I am excited to look into Tupac’s work this semester, I know after this I won’t be able to listen to his songs the way I used to. I look forward to doing the reading logs. If it wasn’t mandatory I know I’d just read through the book as quickly as possible without really thinking about what I’m reading. I want to improve my writing and the workshops should help me do just that. I didn’t see anything in the syllabus that caught me off guard or made me cringe so it should be a good semester.

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kendra Jones
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50
Aug. 30, 2012

I feel that the syllabus was very informative. It explained the class objective and agendas very well. I printed it out to keep a temporary copy on file as you mentioned it may change. I appreciate the encouragement on "hanging in there.." I am confident in my writing and I bought SPHE to ensure that I can back that up.

I am taking an essay and thesis workshop on Fridays. Improvement of my thoughts on thesis statements is a must. I plan to succeed. Hacker is on its way in the mail, i do feel a little behind. I look forward to shaking my habits of procrastination to get that A.

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jocelyn Carvajal
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50am
30 August 2012

I have read and understood the syllabus. It's very clear with what we are going to do this semester in class. I look forward to reading all the books about Tupac. The grading seems very fair and I don't have any problems with syllabus. I look forward to being a good student and keep on track with all the work ahead of us.

10:11 PM  
Blogger Antionette said...

Antionette Armour
Professor W. Sabir
English 1A 8-850
30 August 2012

Homework Assignment #2

When I first started this class I was very confused at what we were supposed to be doing throughout the semester; however, this thoroughly written out syllabus has really helped me understand what we are going to be doing and what is to be expected in this class. We were reminded that we all are in this class for a reason; however, if we have written an essay before, know what an essay is, and be dedicated to good writing, then we will do well in this class. In the syllabus, it says that at our reading level, we are to write 8,000 words or more included homework assignments, drafts, free-writes, and etc. I think that is very reasonable considering all the assignments we have to do outside of essays. I am very used to writing, so I am fine with writing as long as my writing strengthens. So on, we will be required to do some cyber assignments, where we have to post them on the professor’s blog and when instructed, we are to respond at a minimum to two of our classmate’s post. Furthermore, we are to do reading logs for every reading assignment we are assigned. The reading logs include terms with their definition and write it in a sentence, provide important people mentioned and their profile, main points and interesting passages, and quotes. Overall, I think the syllabus is thoroughly written; however, I wish we were provided with due dates.

11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ian Bailey
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
30 August 2012

Overall, I found the syllabus to be greatly informative, due to it clearly communicating exactly what one can expect to accomplish by taking the class and what resources are available to us. It's interesting and unique that this class is themed around hip hop culture, which is a good idea because it might help a young generation connect with the assignments more than they would have otherwise.

There are, however, a few questions/suggestions I have regarding the syllabus. First of all, I think it would have been more convenient to the reader if the primary, most important information of the course were displayed on the front of the syllabus; namely, the required reading, teacher contact information, office hours, important URLs, and grading methods. Also, if it's possible, it would be very helpful to have some sort of online resource that clearly lists all the assignments of the course by name along with their due dates, rather than having to scroll through a blog to find out that key information.

12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kristoffer Enriquez
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
30 August 2012

After reading the syllabus, I feel that many things have been clarified and I can take more measures to prepare for upcoming assignments. The 8000 word course goal seems a little daunting, but I think I'm up for the writing. I'm definitely looking forward to learning more about English and developing my writing skills.

Thoughts on the side: The research project in particular holds a lot of intrigue. Although I'm not the most pragmatic person, I definitely believe in the idea that individuals are capable of many things, even when faced with a seemingly hopeless situation. I never look forward to the prospect of writing big papers or making presentations, but I feel that I can learn a lot about taking action from completing the assignment.

12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asmita Dahal
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8-8:30AM
August 31, 2012

I have read the syllabus and concluded that this class will be demanding. When I read that we will have to do lots of essays, I was scared because I'm not so great at writing essays. But as I think it over, I think this class will help me become a better writer. The 8,000 words writing sounds hectic, but I am determined to do get a good grade in this class.
What I find funny is the reading log. I have not done reading logs since elementary school. But I will make the best of what I do.
Everything in the blog above makes perfect sense and I hope to enjoy your class this semester.

7:35 AM  
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6:08 AM  

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