Monday, February 11, 2013

Lesson Plan for Week of Feb. 11-14

This week we continue review of essay structure. For the past three weeks we have looked at paraphrase, summary and thesis sentences as we also developed ideas to write about (invention).

We tried our hand at introductions and incorporating text into our work. Whether or not students were successful with this is yet to be discussed (smile). They Say, which we will begin this week, will help us become expert in differentiating between what we say from what others say, as well as letting our audience know whether or not we agree, disagree or agree and disagree.

Today students were to have an opportunity to discuss Rubin's book and then work on their own Happiness Project. We have read a lot and it helps to bounce ideas and concepts off another person. Sometimes a discussion helps clarify what one has read.

In the early class, I showed students how to submit their essays to me.

Homework: Catch up on all the outstanding readings from 50 Essays and They Say.


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