Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 4

Well we have complete the first week of classes. Congratulations! It is often tough getting through the beginning formalities. I hope everyone is registered, can access her Peralta email, has all class materials and is ready for an exciting journey of discovery (smile).

Summarizing Skills

We shared summaries again in most of the classes Thursday. I read a few model summaries taken from the MX assignment. We also read the section in Hacker on summarizing and outlining (page 76). I also pointed out the sections on analysis (p. 77.) Hacker cross references in the text. When reading alone follow the line of thought. You can also go on-line to for exercises and other resources. The text links to these resources as well at the bottom of the pages in a gray highlighted area.


Students then read each others summaries of the Keller essay and rated it (smile). The highest number possible was a 7 out of 7.

I did not collect the Keller essays. Students will turn them in with the first short essay portfolio from 50 Essays. I did not record the grades on the MX essays, so don't lose them. If the essay was not typed, students still need to turn it in once completed electronically.If you wanr feedback on the Keller essay, you can email it to me with your score. I would hope writers would revise essays first.

This coming week we will read two more essays from 50 Essays: Alexie and Douglass. (See syllabus). Since Monday, August 26, students have a lot to prepare, I am going to make the Keller summary writing assignment optional for the 8-8:50 class. Just read and annotate the essay.

Here is a link to a PDF for the Keller essay.

We had fun (my word) discussing the "Learning to Read" (from 50 Essays) in the first few classes. I shared my notes with students, and encouraged them to annotate their essays, if they had not done so.

Bedford Handbook
is also Hacker. This resource is on many of the college desktops such as in the Writing Center (LRC) and in the Open Lab (LRC). I saw one student had A Writer's Reference, also by Hacker. I don't know this book to compare it with mine.

I spoke to the college librarians and they plan to purchase most of the textbooks.These books will be on reserve.


Other homework is to read up to page 71 in The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Park. See the syllabus.

I gave most classes a Reading Log handout. Here is a link to the handout here:

Here are links to the Alexie and Douglass essays. We are reading these two essays next week, August 26-29:


I have found the essays from 50 Essays relatively easily, which means students who are still raising the money should be proactive and look as well. I am not going to do this for the entire book. Also, check with a classmate to see what the questions are that follow each selection.

Permission Numbers

For students who would like permission numbers, you have to purchase or rent the textbooks. My permission numbers expire Sept. 1, which means students need to get them by Thursday, August 29.

Classrooms for Technology in the A-Bldg.

This week a few of the classes met in classrooms with technology: A-205 and A232. If I can reserve these two labs, we will meet there once a week, Thursdays.

Library Orientations: Mark you calendars!

Library orientations are scheduled for the following times and date. Note, the 11-11:50 class is not scheduled yet. 

On Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013: 8-8:50, 9-9:50 and 10-10:50 will meet in the COA Library in the reference section with Professor Steve Gerstle. Put this in your calendar. We will not meet in the classroom that day. Bring your notebooks and something to write with. 

I will post the final orientation when it is scheduled.

This is all for now. Have a great weekend!


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