Cyber-Assignment 2
2013 Roundtable at Stanford
Are you happy now?
The new science of happiness and wellbeing
Katie Couric moderated the 2013 Roundtable at Stanford University on the topic of happiness.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Maples Pavilion
Maples Pavilion
Media Partner: KQED

Katie Couric
The science of happiness is a growing and intriguing field. Research about what truly makes people happy is not only surprising, but applicable no matter how much money we make or where we live.
Join moderator Katie Couric and a panel of experts in psychology, business, neuroscience and design for a Roundtable discussion about the happiness and sense of well-being that elude so many, but are sought by all.
Reflect on this panel and its discussion now that you have completed Rubin's book and read a few articles. Where do you agree? Disagree? Agree and Disagree?
Reflect on this panel and its discussion now that you have completed Rubin's book and read a few articles. Where do you agree? Disagree? Agree and Disagree?
How did you respond to the panelists' definitions of happiness and other arguments?
Yessica Beltran
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A Saturday
25 April 2014
Reflection on Happiness Panel
The panel discussed many topics that come up in Rubin's book. There was one subject that I discussed in my essay that came up during the conversation. The panelists were talking about how people don't have to feel happy all the time. It is okay to feel sad and angry at times. These emotions are not necessarily a bad thing. They also discussed the topic of money. The panelists agreed with Rubin on the view that the way you spend your money is what contributes to your happiness. Each person on the panel gave their personal definition of happiness and I agree with them. They all stressed that a huge part of happiness is meaning, a life with a purpose. I believe that happiness is living a meaningful life and being true to yourself.
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