Monday, November 05, 2007

Evolution of a Revolutionary

Today we met in the lab where we will meet tomorrow also. We read two poems: "Starry Night" and "If I Fail" from A Rose that Grew from Concrete, pp. 25 and 27. Students were to respond to the poems in a freewrite. I mentioned Dyson's reference to Van Gogh in his book (74) and my notes for the line "I only follow my voice inside (Chapter 4, Dyson) and the song Me Against the World.

Share your freewrites here. We then started a profile on Afeni Shakur. Students had only read up to chapter 1. Homework is to read up to chapter 3. We'll continue the profile tomorrow.

The characteristics listed were:

loving (4) friendship
skinny (10)
short and thick hair
short not tall

smokes weed and cigarette (18)
angry (18)
hot-headed (impulsive) (18)
silver tongued (articulate)

add to the list with page numbers
The characteristics we listed were: Afeni: beauty--dark-skinned, low self-esteem, short kinky hair, thin, short in stature. I asked the question: when did Afeni begin to love herself? Love the way she looked? Love her hair and dark skin?

We spoke about the term "evolution" which means to develop and grow or change over time. it also has the connotation of the stuff that remains when all else is destroyed or eliminated, as in Darwin's theories of human evolution, which he terms the "survival of the fittest." What does this theory suggest about Afeni Shakur and the life she has led when Jasmine Guy begins to write this book? So what remains of Afeni when Jasmin Guy meets here at the courthouse?

Evolution is "a gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex form. In biology, its the theory that organisms change with the passage of time, mainly as a result of natural selection, so that its descendants differ morphologically and physiologically from their ancestors." It comes from a Latin word meaning to "unroll" (The American Heritage Dictionary 298).

List continue (put page numbers next to the characteristics. Add more to the list. We'll share in class tomorrow. Post all of these responses on the blog today.

After the freewrite we paired up and did the research project: Evaluate a Website. We will complete the assignment tomorrow.


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