Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bush's State of the Union. Today we had a class discussion on the president's speech last night. In the 9-10 class our discussion was quite involved. Students will complete their group outlines on Coretta Scott King: Revisited tomorrow. One student will post the outline here for the group. The group can also write a summary and post that also.

Homework is to purchase the textbooks: Alice Walker: A Life, Elements of Style (any edition), to bring in a grammar style book, plus a college dictionary. In Alice Walker: A Life read the title page, the publication information, noting Alice Walker's and the author's ages, plus the table of contents, the prologue, and Walker's family tree. We'll read the first chapter together and talk about it tomorrow.

We will meet in the Writing Center, L-234 on Thursdays this semester. Students will post assignments on the blog during the week. Thursday assignments will be emailed to me. You will receive a grade on these essays. If you area absent the assignment will be posted there as well. These essays will be skill building essays. This week, 1/31, we'll work on MLA format for essays and books, in text citations, and signal phrases. Last week was an assessment.

We'll practice certain types of rhetorical forms and look for their application in each other's writing, strategies like the use of examples, process analysis, cause and effect, compare and contrast, argumentation, definition, division and classification, when addressing certain topics. (All of this is in the section in Hacker called: The Writing Process.)

We will also discuss in more detail what is reasonable thinking and what is fallacious, what makes an argument sound and what invalidates it. We will talk about deductive and inductive reasoning and practice identifying the more common fallacies by name. We'll also look at propaganda, especially where marketing is concerned-- goods and ideas.

One of the cyber-assignments will look at the presidential candidates and their arguments on similar issues and the strategies they employ in trying to best their opponents. Students will watch two debates and talk about the arguments raised and the argumentative strategies employed and whether you feel its fair or unfair.

Next Thursday we will look at the three types of essays: narrative, expository, and descriptive. I believe everything is an argument. We will also look at essay planning, and the parts of an essay: introduction, body and conclusion; and the structure of an argument.

We will also touch on invention strategies: listing, mapping, clustering, questioning; essay planning, essay style and format, grammar, syntax, punctuation and mechanics and where to find help.

We'll adjust this list as the writing situation arises.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

English 1A 8-9am
January 30, 2008

Angelica Watson
Rajir Amalya
Rudy Gonzales
Dominique West
Raja Sankofa
Deon Johnson
Outline: Coretta King: Revisited

1. Thesis :
a. Coretta King had a role in the world, in this country, in her family, in here immediate community. (page 149)
2. Major Point #1:
a. Coretta has changed a lot since 1962, but she continues to believe in carrying on her husband’s work along with her own. (page 150)
a. On her way to the peace conference in Geneva, this was an honor to represent blacks and women. (page 147)
a. Concerts are given, that she runs, to raise money for the memorial of her husband that she insists he must have. (page 154)
a. What Coretta like to do is inspire other women to take a more active role in the peace movement. (page 155)
3. Major Point #2:
a. My top priority has always been my family, there was never any conflict. (page 151)
a. When her children come home from school, she will usually stop whatever she’s doing to talk to them. (page 154)
Evidences’ #2:
a. Her son was missing his ride, from school, she restates her solution; [whatever she was doing] will have to wait. Period. (page 155)
4. Major point #3:
a. Coretta appears to have enjoyed her swing through her home state, in support of local black candidates. (page154)
Evidences’ #1:
a. She explains that she gave a number of “Freedom Concerts” to support her father and other delegates. (page 154)
Evidences’ #2:
a. She seemed, at the time, the only black women in Atlanta actively and publicly engaged in the pursuit of peace. (page 146)
5. Conclusion:
a. [Women] are capable of tremendous compassion, love, and forgiveness, which, if they use it, can make this lace a better world. (page 153)

6:19 PM  
Blogger Dung Le English 1A 9-10am said...

Dung Le,
Christina Thoss
English 1A 9-10am

Coretta King: Revisited


Recognition Coretta King, the King’s wife. Coretta King was not just his wife, but also a person who fights for the Civil Rights in her own way. The King’s beliefs, goals and dreams continue on through her and how her actions are reflections for black women within the Civil Rights Movement.


Though the wife of Martin Luther King, Jr., Coretta King was also an independent woman, who has her own dreams and goals.


Walker said, “she did not and we did not, mention her husband.” (Page 147)


Walker recognizes that Coretta King fights for the Civil Rights Movement in her own way and not just a shadow behind her husband, Martin Luther King.


She said, “I had though, looking at Coretta then beginning to admit grudgingly that my hero had married a person, and not just a wife. (Page 147)


Even after Martin Luther King, Jr.’s death, his dream lived on through Coretta, she didn’t give up on his dreams and embraces it.


Walker said, “In my heart I said goodbye to the nonviolence she still professed.” (Page 148)

Coretta is not only an image for her husband, but for all the black women who’s going through the same struggle. Every actions of hers has great effect on the people and the Civil Rights Movement itself.

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thesis: After the death of her husband, Coretta King continued to peruse her civil rights goals, although her demeanor drastically changed.

Topic 1: Before Martin Luther King’s death Coretta was a strong women who seemed to be very content and loved life, but after Dr. King’s assignation, she lost a part of herself.
Before Dr. King’s death: “Coretta that day was quick, bright-eyed, slim, and actually bubbly; and very girlish-looking…”(146-147) After Dr. King’s death: “Coretta had to struggle on alone. She had worked tirelessly after her husband's death and carry on his legacy and only recently began to slow down her efforts.

Topic 2: Coretta continued to fight for civil rights and equality despite the death of her husband.
Coretta King continued to serve the cause of justice and human rights of equality, peace, nonviolence, and justice, she had worked to keep her husband’s dream alive.

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melissa Tinkelenberg
Sean Watson
Daniel Palmer
Jade Epps
Vanquez Petty
Marcus Lee
English 1A 9-10
Outline for Coretta King: Revisited

Thesis: “Coretta has changed a lot since 1962 but she continues to believe in and carry on her husbands work along with her own. I am trying to see where so much strength is coming from.” (150)

1) Main point: In 1962 Alice Walker met Coretta for the first time, and realized that Coretta was a person herself, not just the wife of MLK Jr. (147)
A) Evidence: “I was satisfied just to witness her exuberance, her brightness, her sparkle and smiles, as she talked about the peace movement, her music, and all her plans.” (147)
B) “Coretta that day was quick, bright-eyed, slim, and actually bubbly…..”(146)
2) Main Point: At the funeral, and the weeks following, Coretta seemed to be holding herself together, was able to stay strong while Alice herself was falling apart.
A) Evidence: “In my heart I said good-bye to the nonviolence she professed. I was far less calm then she appeared to be.” (148)
B) “It seemed to me, at the time, that if he ‘he’……must die no one deserved to live, not even my own child” (148) This refers to a miscarriage she had shortly after the death of MLK Jr.
C) “I was still angry and confused, and, unlike Coretta, I have wandered very far, I think, from my belief in God if not from my faith in humanity.” (148)
3) Main Point: Coretta has changed a lot, yet still is a wonderful, strong woman and involved mother who has time to be a great mother, while still continuing her work on black rights, and women’s rights. (148-155)

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ali Hassan

Coretta Scott King was more than African American women; she was the lovely wife of Martin Luther King, who is in everyone’s eyes is a hero and a great leader, like her husband was. Alice Walker did not really know much about Coretta Scott King except she was the luckiest women to be married to the wonderful man like Rev. King. Alice Walker looks up to Martin Luther King, and after Dr.kings death, Alice Walker really wanted to meet Coretta Scott King who was married to the man who was her hero. Alice Walker knew that Coretta would follow the step of her husband.
Martin Luther King was very important in Alice Walkers life, because before he came along she did not know why she even existed, and Alice Walker knows that because she quotes “I have often thought that if it had not been for Martin Luther King, I would have come of age believing in nothing and no one”. Alice Walker was behind Martin Luther King one hundred percent for all his decisions; Alice Walker states that through the years, like thousands of others, I followed him unquestioningly, for my belief in him over come even my disbelief in America. Rev. King was a true leader, that’s why Alice Walker honors him and when he was assassinated in 1968 it was as the last light in her world had gone out. Alice Walker knew that Dr.King wanted people to keep fighting for their freedom although he was not beside them. Alice Walker says “The future looked difficult but bright. We had tough young tearless friends and brothers who stood with us and for us”.
When Martin Luther King was assassinated Alice Walker wanted to see Coretta, and she did, she saw Coretta again which was at Dr.Kings funeral. “We can only see her from a distance”, she said as she sat on a platform on the more house campus. It was not enough for Alice Walker to just see Coretta; she wanted to see her face to face and try to get to know her a little more because she did not really focus on others like she focused on Martin Luther King.
A week later she saw Coretta Scott kings face again, and this time it was on television, although it was not face to face she was still glade to see her. Alice Walker knew that she was going to follow her husband’s foot step. Alice Walker states “I saw Coretta Scotts face again on television, and perhaps it was my imagination, but she sounded so much like her husband that for a minute I thought I was hearing his voice… “I came to New York today with a strong feeling that my dearly beloved husband, who was snatched suddenly from our midst slightly more than three weeks ago, would have wanted me to be present today.”
Martin Luther King really opened Alice Walker eyes to the world. She knows that keeping quite does not change anything standing up and fighting for what right can change the world.

9:31 PM  
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1:38 AM  
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8:31 AM  

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