Friday, January 18, 2008

The new semester has begun and I'm excited to have met such engaged adults. I arrived yesterday on campus and realized I didn't have keys to the classroom. The dean unlocked the classrooms for me, and after introductions we went over to the Writing Center (L-234) to read the syllabus on-line and discuss first assignments. A lot of students were confused. I hope things are clearer after reading this.

All of the students in the early class (8-9) raised their hands when I asked if everyone had an email address. Many students overall are computer literate, under 20, a few just out of high school. We also have continuing students and students who are on multiple Peralta Community College campuses, like Laney next door.

In the second class, once again, most students had no problem accessing the blog once the hardware booted up. The second class ended as my office hours began and I was able to answer questions and help students get started. It's too bad we don't meet in a lab or smart classroom all the time. Towards the end of the semester, we'll be meeting in the Writing Center more often.

I was able to pick up copies of the syllabus and the letter after 10 a.m. and put copies in the bin outside my door. Also, if you ever have trouble posting an assignment on the blog, email it to me so it won't be late, then come to my office and I can show you how. Sometimes certain computers won't allow the posts. If this happens to you at school switch to another computer.

I also went by the bookstore to see what was in stock. The Evelyn White: Alice Walker: A Life is in, along with Letters from Mississippi.

There is nothing due Tuesday in class. Go to a MLK Jr. event and write about it for Wednesday, January 23. If you are working an can't attend an event, read about King Day events and write a response. The essay should should be minimally 250 words or one typed page. The cyber essays are due by Thursday at midnight. Respond to one of your classmates posts there. Students pay attention to where you post your assignments. As the days progress you need to look at dates to make sure the responses correspond to the correct assignment. If you post elsewhere, we will get confused. Again, for the cyber assignment, do not post them all at once. Spread it out over the week. Also include a reference to the site where it was published in your bibliography or works cited section at the end of the work.

NOTE: COA library has King's speeches in the collection. You don't have to utilize the links on the blog. A book is fine as a resource. The links just make it easier. If you use a book, remember to include a reference to your source in the paper when you post it on the blog.

These essays are just warm-ups and are supposed to create a community dialogue. Relax and enjoy each other's interpretations of King's profound insight on the human condition, one that extende beyond these borders.

Don't forget to respond to my letter. It's in the comment section at the syllabus post. Put Tuesday, Feb. 12 in your calendar. We will meet in the library for an orientation with Steve Gerstle, librarian.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deon Johnson 1A (8-9am)
Wassup Ms. Sabir,
I was commenting on your “Here are the two homework assignments again.” The morning class (8-9am 1A) didn’t get any handouts; what you instructed us to do was the “Cyber Writing Assignments 1-3” and the “MLK Jr. Event and write a reflection on it.” I don’t know where the confusing happen, but I’m definitely confused.

5:34 PM  
Blogger Professor Wanda's Posse said...

the assignment hasn't been given yet.

6:38 PM  
Blogger martin said...

Good post. I believe that writing center will open the new plans for students. They can get more knowledge so visit this page and share your stories also.

3:22 AM  
Blogger yashlittle said...

Your story is well appreciated. Things are more easy to understand when writing is vibrant. We just need to look on such facts and you must follow the link to get better opportunities.

12:29 AM  
Blogger yashlittle said...

This is the matter of understanding that leads you in right direction. We just need to follow what we are looking for so go to and get bets services onilne.

3:31 AM  

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