Monday, September 15, 2008

Today in class we read Track 4 in Dyson. In this chapter he is interviewed by Byron Hurt, director of the critically acclaimed Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes. Our freewrite was to look at the terms: sexism, violence, homophobia, and machismo and define them in our own words. We then shared aloud as I made lists. Afterwards we read aloud, and stopped often to discuss what Dyson was saying and compare this to Chang's Can't Stop, where apropos.

Homework was to develop 3-5 thesis sentences from the freewrite themes. Students could focus all of them on a specific theme, like "violence," or choose a few, let's say, "violence," "sexism," and "homophobia."

Bring them in the morning to share. We'll watch the film either tomorrow or Wednesday. Keep reading Chang and writing a reading log per chapter. It's better to read ahead than to get behind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. homophobia is commonly seen in people who are afraid of what they don't understand
2. violence, while it isn't alway's the right thing to do it is what is nedded for survival
3 women campaign against sexism in hip hop but there only way to gain fam in hip hop is sex

11:32 AM  

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