Tuesday, January 27, 2009

For some reason my audio book skips entire sections, jumping between pages. I might have to return it and get another copy.

In the second class, students had not only completed reading the Introduction, a few like Ms. Bridgette, completed the summary/analysis or commentary also. So for these students the homework was to post the response to the Intro. For those students who'd like feedback on their work, the best way to do this is to come see me in my office hour or in the Writing Center on Thursdays, 12-2 p.m.

You can also make an appointment for TTh morning 10-11, or MW afternoon 3-4. If you have any questions about your skills, now is the time to make the diagnosis and prescription. Come by my office and talk to me.

In the early class we read the Intro and discussed it. Homework for both classes is to read Chapter 1 in Dreams. We'll assign Literature Circles tomorrow and begin our discussions. I'd like the Lit Circles to check-in via the blog each week with analysis of the discourse process.

I enjoyed the history lessons two students shared in the second class regarding the reference to the Battle at Trenton, George Washington led and to the other battle in Concord, MA* during the Revolutionary War. I thought Obama's reference was Concord, CA (smile). Goes to show you...but that reference, while not intended still works for me. Port Chicago, in Concord, CA** references WW2 and the black men who refused to load live ammunition onto the ships as ordered.


This blogger gives a critique of Obama's sanitizing of the events of Trenton. This is the Washington Crossing the Delaware mythology that is a part of the saga of our nation.

See http://blogofbile.com/2009/01/22/george-washington-in-obamas-inaugural-address/


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paola Garcia
English 1A 8:00-8:50
summary/analysis of the Introdution

Barack Obama’s states in the introduction of the book Dreams from my father that this book was originally done with a different purpose. The author had planned to address a broad list of topics such as the civil rights. But the more he wrote, the more he kept thinking and meditating about all the memories from his childhood. Although these recollections had more significance that all the theories and arguments he wanted to pursuit; he was not confident about writing a book with his personal background. However he was aware that the book was pulling in that direction.

From that point on Obama introduces us to the struggle he has faced his entire life. First of all, he is caught between two worlds; as he describes it “the tragic mulatto”; this situation is the result of the mixture by his African and American heritage. Second he illustrates examples of how the skin color still affects society in number of ways reaching unimaginable points such as a play ground. The Author concludes the introduction by sustaining the reality of the book; this piece of literature is an inside journey. A voyage that wants to fill the wholes left by his father and find the significance of being an African American.

Throughout the introduction, it is very clear the importance that the family has for Barack Obama; as well as the social awareness that he possesses. His high education level is well presented in every written word. The descriptions and analogies are so precise that the images come to the mind while one is reading. In the same aspect, this part of the book captures the reader by making a sensational craving for the story; which will show the significance of growing up as a minority and all the challenges he faced in order to become the President of the Harvard law review; along with the fact that four years after the publication of this book he became the first African American president. Despite the fact that he didn’t know this, it is for sure that all his experiences brought up the strong and charismatic characters that lead him to this point.

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Evans, Joyce Cho, Jose

Group summary to preface of “Dreams from my father” English 1a 9-10 1/26/09

Barack Obama began writing “Dreams from My Father” in 1995. He lays out a backdrop that affected and influenced what he wrote. These influences include everything from his marriage, his law practice, all the way to his senate seat. Obama mentions the terror attacks of September 11th which in turn brings light to not only the terror in the Middle East but also the terrors in out our cities. Though he highlights his backdrop between the years of 1994 and 2004 the issues are still relevant. These issues also continue to impact our country and world today. We can learn from history just as Obama learned from his mother’s history. His mother was an inspiration that lead him to conquer issues, opinions, and ideals.

8:31 PM  

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