Thursday, May 14, 2009

Choose a selection from Alehouse and respond. Post that response here. Then look at the section on revision in Bedford on the desktop. What is revision as opposed to rewriting and why is it important to revise work?

What is a draft, and philosophically speaking, is there such a thing as a final draft?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Evans eng 1a 9-10 response to Alehouse 5/14/09

To survive as a Siamese twin by Joy Maulitz pg 51

Joy Maulit’s poem shares the difficulties of being a Siamese twin. Siamese twins are conjoined to share parts of a body. It is very difficult for children to grow into adult Siamese twins due to immune deficiency, and inadequate organ functioning however, if the twins do survive, life can perhaps be even more difficult. Maulitz speaks of her wish to have her own body, and to be alone, she is thankful for what is hers: her eyelashes, her lips, and her mind.

We all have Siamese twins, the alter ego that accompanies us everyday. The voices we hear within ourselves wander throughout our daily lives. One cannot escape the perfectionist, the critic, the coach, and the parent. The cartoon of someone with the devil on one’s shoulder and the angel on another is not far from the truth of everyday instances. Everyday we are faced with decisions some easy and some more difficult. With influences from our family, media, religion, and school it is difficult to find one’s own morals and values with so many paths to take.

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Evans eng 1a 9-10 free write response to revision questions 5/14/09

Revising writing is different than rewriting. If a writer chooses to rewrite a piece of work he/she is starting over from scratch. However, revising is simply an attempt to strengthen one’s writing. When revising sentences one needs to check for correct punctuation, structure and creating concise sentences without extra words. Writers need not be afraid to add or remove large sections of the work in order to proved research, or analysis.

There is really no final draft; instead writers offer their best attempt at a written work. No mater how many people review your work, and no matter how much research you do there will be someone who could add something else, and opposing research. At the rate our world in progressing, information is changing at lightning speeds and research is constantly changing. The best a writer can do is to get support, re-read, and not stress, if one feels confident in their writing then they can be sure of their final draft.

9:49 AM  
Blogger JeniFromThaBlock said...

Jennifer Gonzales
English 1A 9-10am

Freewrite for Alehouse: Rhapsody in People

Purple people eaters, ha ha that sounds funny. I think there is a movie called the purple people eaters. Not sure. Sounds kinda of like these purple people eaters are just like us. They go to meetings, they fuss and they eat. The only difference is they eat people. I love how the writer uses descriptive words and a word I have never seen before. Dontchaknow? That's a first. I also like how the writer incorporates people with food descritpions because I'm a person and I love food.

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andre Stephens
English 1A – 9:00 – 9:50

Alehouse Freewrite – Divorce by Billy Collins

The poem, Divorce, is about a relationship. In this case, it is the relationship of two utensils that happen to be spoons. It goes on to discuss how the spoons have been joined by the addition of forks and this has caused a separation of the two. The granite table represents a table that has been set and adding to the mix are knives, which make the table setting complete. Events in our lives can cause separations and stresses in our relationships. Understanding and learning how to cope and manage the obstacles in our lives can help us put them in perspective so they don’t impact our relationships.

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the poetry responses shared here. Love between spoons, purple people, babies joined physically to one another.

I ageee Rebecca: there is no such thing as a final draft or a perfect draft, one just has to say, this is the best I can do in this moment and pull the paper from the typewriter, printer, bin.


7:26 PM  

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