Thursday, February 18, 2010

Love-Cyber Assignment

Sanskrit has ninety-six words for love; ancient Persian has eighty; Greek three; and English simply one." probably from Robert Johnson. This sounds cool, but it's really not true.

In English we have many words for kinds of love: lust, desire, affection, adore, longing, family, respect, admiration. We will say, "I adore him," or "I am hot for her," or "I totally respect you," or "I am fond of you," or "You are like family to me." "Yeow! No wonder we are confused about love.

Think about all the kinds of love you have known. This quote is all over the web, and I haven't sourced it yet. It's not quite true though.

From Swamp donkey, a blog: All you need is love? Friday, October 07th 2005, 11:18 pm filed under: thoughtful inklings, Philosophy


The writing assignment is to research the terms "love" and respond in a 3-paragraph essay by February 25-26. Students will respond to at least one student essay here as well by March 2.

Questions to consider
Look at the three types of love: agape. Eros and philia. Which do you think is the most valuable?

Do you think love is the most effective weapon against hate?

Is there a role for romantic love in the world, or is this western concept which is highly overrated?

Are greeting card businesses and the candy stores a means to exploit the insecurities of the public?

Am I being to cynical? What's wrong with flowers and candy on Valentine's Day? What would the world be like without Cupid, Hallmark, KKSF, candlelight and special delivery?

After reading about the different expressions of love, and the three linguistic interpretations of the word "love," (use the library databases to find at least one scholarly article) choose one aspect of the word "love" to support of deny its virtues.

Remember, after you determine your angle on the topic, complete the essay planning sheet, and perhaps develop an outline. Be certain to use a variety of support for your claim or thesis: examples, analogies, definitions, expert opinion, statistics, anecdotes, etc. Be prepared to present your argument next Wednesday-Thursday, Feb. 25-26.

Bring in an object that illustrates your concept of love, if such a "thing" exists. The presentations begin Wednesday and continue Thursday.

Essay Planning Sheet (handout)
Outline (lecture)

Planning Sheet:
What is your topic?
Who is your audience?
What is your purpose --to inform, explain, argue or convince....
What question do you want your essay to answer?
What is your main writing strategy?
What evidence will you use?


First major point

Second major point

Third major point


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sabah Said
Feb. 23.10
Mon - thurs
English 1A

Love Assignment

The three types of love are: Eros, agape, and philia. Eros is passionate love, sensual desire and longing. Agape is general affection or deeper sense of true love. Philia means friendship love. Its loyalty to friends, family and community and desire or enjoying an activity. There are different types of love that have different meanings.

I think Philia is the most valuable because it’s the most important one I feel like. Because family comes from your own blood, and friends you have is having a bond with them, both family and friends is have people to be there and help you when your in need, being trustworthy, nice sharing, kind, and by your side. I feel like family has been there for us since day one, they would know us better then anyone else. Friends is having a good friendship with people you count on, you would even treat them like family I would say Philia is what I represent I’m close to my family and friends, I love them and care about then a lot.

I do think love is the most effective weapon against hate, because when you love someone and that person makes you mad, you be even mad because your hurt by the person you love a lot. Which makes you hate them, I would say that’s a common thing for love to lead to hate. Especially if the relationship goes bad from betrayed that person.

The world would be so dry and boring without romantic things in the world. That adds spice to your life, and there would be no flavor if there nothing romantic in our lives.

10:19 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Victor Ani
English 1A
Love-Cyber Assignment

Hello Ms. Sabir,

I think the most valuable type of love is agape love. I believe agape love is the only effective love against hate. There is a role for romantic love and that is where Eros lies in between. The greeting card businesses and candy stores are a way to one shows a certain type of love which I believe is very overrated. When agape love takes play, I do not believe that one has to go the way to impress another. As stated in the Martin Luther King sermon, Abraham Lincoln displayed agape love which earned him respect among his peers.

I believe strongly that Valentine’s Day is highly overrated and the one should treat the relationship amongst each other just as treated on Valentine’s Day. Without the numerous items being given out on certain holidays, I do believe that agape love would be much more effective in our world today. I am not sure if or how Valentine’s Day is being celebrated in other places of the world but I have been to other countries and seen how agape love was put into play. Many people expect a certain treatment when it comes to holidays and birthdays.

In a book I read “We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love,” by Robert Johnson, it explains the meaning for Romantic love. This section in the book helped me to understand the difference between the three types of love. In love, it first begins with philia love where the relationship starts off on a deep friendship type of level. After philia love, then comes the eros love. Eros is the romantic love which usually leads to a pattern of emotional instability that inevitably leads to isolation, heartache, and loss. Lastly, we have agape love which is the strongest love. This type of love is felt unconditionally and is true.

2:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Victor Ani
Love-Cyber Assignment

To comment on what Sabah said...

I understand what you were trying to say in your essay but I do not think you fully understand the differences between the three types of loves. It took me a couple of times and different sources to finally interpret the meanings and different stages of love.

2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucia Fallah
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
February 10, 2010
Philia Love
Look at the three types of love: agape. Eros and philia. My type of is philia I recognize philia and its meaning from the name Philadelphia, that is, the city of brotherly love. This is the love of friendship, best friends, and the fellowship of being with those people you enjoy.
Although philia is wonderful, it too is not reliable since it is also held captive by the sifting sands of situation as well as by ours and other's perceptions and expectations. Unfortunately, we probably all know of a friendship which waned or was severed because of time, distance, harsh words, how someone interpreted another's actions, etc. When the New Testament commends love, philia is the not the word which is used.
Which do you think is the most valuable? Philia is the most valuable to me. Family is something that never goes away and can never is replaced.
Do you think love is the most effective weapon against hate? I truly believe that love is the most effective weapon against hate. Loving a person means you care.
Is there a role for romantic love in the world, or is this western concept which is highly overrated? Yes, According to Dr King There is a power in love that our world has not discovered yet. Jesus discovered it centuries ago. Mahatma Gandhi of India discovered it a few years ago, but most men and most women never discover it. For they believe in hitting for hitting; they believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; they believe in hating for hating; but Jesus comes to us and says, "This isn’t the way."

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James Barker
Professor Wanda
English 1A 9-9:50am
February 24, 2010
The Best Kind of Love
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Oh what a wonderful word. The most significant love is agape. Some may say what makes agape love more importance than the others? Well before you shut me up, hear me out. Don’t close your ears, open your hearts and minds to what I am about to say. My purpose is to appeal to your whole being, this encompasses the body, soul, spirit. While phileo and eros love only focus is directed towards a few of these aspects of your being. Agape love engulfs and frees the whole of the humans being. I would like to prove that agape love is of more importance then phileo and eros love, it is necessary to the liberty and the life of each and every human being.
Imagine just for a moments you are a lost and wounded soldier. Not just lost and wounded in your home country but in the country you are at war with. Now imagine you are slipping in and out of conscious and the last person you see is the opposing side soldier. What would you do? In this moment what does love look like? Well if it is phileo love there is no ground for these two soldiers to have common feelings for one another except dislike. The thing that they have in common is the same thing that would require the blood of this individual they are soldiers. So while phileo and eros love are very important, their flaw is that it is based on how one feels towards another in order for the individual to do goodwill for another individual. So in the case of the wounded lost solider if it isn’t an agape response when injured and found by an enemy soldier (bang) someone’s life is over. Soldiers would never have to be in situations like these if their respected countries were operating out of agape love for,” Passion makes the world go round. Love just makes it a safer place.” ~Ice T, The Ice Opinion, quoted in Reader's Digest, "Quotable Quotes," February 2002
Let us examine agape love closely. What does it mean? Agape in the Greek language (the language of the New Testament) uses two different words to describe and define love. The most commonly used Greek word translated "love" in the New Testament is "agape." This love is represented by God's love for us. It is a non-partial, sacrificial love probably best exemplified by God's provision for our rebellion:
"For God so loved (agape) the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16). The Bible indicates that love is from God. In fact, the Bible says "God is love."1 Love is one of the primary characteristics of God. One can see that the apage love is that which is eternal and supernatural. Who doesn’t want that which last forever and which extends far past time and beyond our understanding? It was the great Indian leader Gandhi who understood that in order for one to live her or she must love."Where there is love there is life." -- Gandhi
It was the transcending Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who said, “Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.” While Dr. King was in the midst of fighting for the rights of all people, in a country that was hell bent on refraining them from him, to the point of his later assassination, he still persevered through all the obstacles that were thrown his way. Dr. King still fought with all his might for a cause he believed was right, he was fueled even until his last breath through the power of agape love. Eventually the civil rights movement would achieve its purpose and overcome those of the opposing side, only

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

because of Martin Luther’s stubbornness to love and overcome evil with good. Without agape love this great feat that was accomplished would have never been through phileo and eros love.
No one can over look what those that participated in the civil rights and women’s rights movements of the 1950’s and 60’s. It cannot be ignored because of what it allowed for those of this generation to be able to see. Barack Obama the first black President of the United States of America and the first serious woman Vice President candidate Sarah Palin. Evan though these two movements are over six decades long, their legacy of love has extended far past their time and way beyond theirs and our understanding, oh how heavenly it is! Love can be summed up with these words,"Love is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time: effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end."
- Love Quote by Germaine De Stael

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James Barker
Professor Wanda
English 1A 9-9:50am
February 24, 2010
The Best Kind of Love
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Oh what a wonderful word. The most significant love is agape. Some may say what makes agape love of more importance than the others? Well before you shut me up, hear me out. Don’t close your ears, open your hearts and minds to what I am about to say. My purpose is to appeal to your whole being, this encompasses the body, soul, spirit. While phileo and eros love only focus is directed towards a few of these aspects of your being. Agape love engulfs and frees the whole of the humans being. I would like to prove that agape love is of more importance then phileo and eros love, it is necessary to the liberty and the life of each and every human being.
Imagine just for a moments you are a lost and wounded soldier. Not just lost and wounded in your home country but in the country you are at war with. Now imagine you are slipping in and out of consciousness and the last person you see is the opposing side soldier. What would you do? In this moment what does love look like? Well if it is phileo love there is no ground for these two soldiers to have common feelings for one another except dislike. The thing that they have in common is the same thing that would require the blood of this individual they are soldiers. So while phileo and eros love are very important, their flaw is that it is based on how one feels towards another in order for the individual to do goodwill for another individual. So in the case of the wounded lost solider if it isn’t an agape response when injured and found by an enemy soldier (bang) someone’s life is over. Soldiers would never have to be in situations like these if their respected countries were operating out of agape love for,” Passion makes the world go round. Love just makes it a safer place.” ~Ice T, The Ice Opinion, quoted in Reader's Digest, "Quotable Quotes," February 2002
Let us examine agape love closely. What does it mean? Agape in the Greek language (the language of the New Testament) uses two different words to describe and define love. The most commonly used Greek word translated "love" in the New Testament is "agape." This love is represented by God's love for us. It is a non-partial, sacrificial love probably best exemplified by God's provision for our rebellion:
"For God so loved (agape) the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16). The Bible indicates that love is from God. In fact, the Bible says "God is love." Love is one of the primary characteristics of God. One can see that the apage love is that which is eternal and supernatural. Who doesn’t want that which last forever and which extends far past time and beyond our understanding? It was the great Indian leader Gandhi who understood that in order for one to live he or she must love."Where there is love there is life." -- Gandhi
It was the transcending Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who said, “Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.” While Dr. King was in the midst of fighting for the rights of all people, in a country that was hell bent on refraining them from him, to the point of his later assassination, he still persevered through all the obstacles that were thrown his way. Dr. King still fought with all his might for a cause he believed was right, he was fueled even until his last breath through the power of agape love. Eventually the civil rights movement would achieve its purpose and overcome those of the opposing side, only

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

because of Martin Luther’s stubbornness to have agape love and overcome evil with good. Without agape love this great feat that was accomplished would have never been through phileo and eros love.
No one can over look the accomplishments of those that participated in the civil rights and women’s rights movements of the 1950’s and 60’s. It cannot be ignored because of what it allowed for those of this and future generations to be able to see. Barack Obama the first black President of the United States of America and the first serious woman Vice President candidate Sarah Palin. Evan though these two movements are over six decades long, their legacy of love has extended far past their time and way beyond theirs and our understanding, oh how heavenly it is! Love can be summed up with these words,"Love is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time: effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end." This saying is true because agape love never dies.
- Love Quote by Germaine De Stael

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kyle Williams
26 February 2010
English 1A, Wanda Sabir

The three forms of love include agape, Eros, and Philia, each carrying its own special role and each one a little more significant than the other. Agape is unconditional love, an example of this is the love that God has for us because no matter how much we may mess up and go against his will, he still loves us. Eros is the type of love dealing more with an erotic more romantic nature. Philia, being the last form of love that we will discuss is a love based on friendship. Love is a form of expressing affection for someone, who one truly cares about. Everyone has there own way of expressing love, and the fact that we can do that little part is special and makes us unique.
The type of love that I chose to highlight was Philia. I think that this is a very important form of love than the others. It represents love between two people, and with that bond it grows into something else. Although, you cannot reach those other levels of love without having a healthy friendship, and developing a love for a person in which the relationship can grow. Philia is that beginning point for a potentially healthy relationship to grow into something greater.
Relationships can form just about anywhere. Whether they are good relationships or bad ones, the potential to meet someone and get to know them s always there. Having a Philia type of love is just the first step, make a connection and see where it leads.

1:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Romina Sarmiento
Professor Sabir
English 1A 9-9:50
28 February 2010

Love-Cyber Assignment

The Greeks have three types of love, eros, philia, and agape. Eros is a romantic love that one might have for a significant other. Philia is a love that one might have for a friend. Agape is the love of God.

Agape, the love of God, is described as unconditional, thoughtful, self-sacrificing, spiritual, and everlasting. God’s love, in my opinion, is the greatest love that exists. It is a love that never judges and is undying. In the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 describes love as patient, kind, does not boast, and is not proud. It is not self-seeking, not easily angered, and keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres, and never fails. Which is why agape is the most valuable to me.

This type of love is the most valuable to me because throughout my life I’ve experienced some traumatizing events within my family, which led me to feel like I didn’t have anyone I could turn or talk to about it. I thought, well if my family is the ones that are hurting me, then I’m basically alone in this world. I did know about God though. So my only way of finding peace and happiness, regardless of these horrible experiences, I turned to God with prayers. The end result is that I am now at a point in my life where I’m satisfied, happy, and somewhat at peace. All thanks to my faith in God’s love for me.

This love of God is powerful in a sense that if you truly believe in Him, you can endure anything. People who deal with great pain in their hearts should know of this love of God because I feel it can heal the worst pain that exists. Discovering this love has changed me as a person and gave me a happiness that I never knew was possible for me to have.

8:05 PM  
Anonymous Jennie said...

Jennie Lo
Prof. Wanda
English 1A 9:00-9:50am
Feb 28, 2010

Essay – Love

Love is a word of passion related to a powerful sensation of attachment and affection. Love can refer to generic joy or intense attraction with complicated feelings, states, and perspective. Someone loves an object if they value it greatly; we called it impersonal love. Love between human beings sentiment is interpersonal love. The initial passionate sexual desire is chemical basis of love. Grandmother and grandchild is psychological basis of love. When we look at love in cultural views, Ancient Greek with a more specific words for love even though they were difficult to separate the meanings of these words, philia, eros, agape, storge, and xenia. Philia is a dispassionate principled love motivated by practical reason includes loyalty to friends, family, and society. Eros is passionate love, with sexual attractive and longing. Storge is natural affection, and Xenia is hospitality. Agape is the most essential and crucial one refers to a “pure” ideal type of love and we can also translate it as “love of the soul.” I am reading two books; Half the Sky and The Promise, the two books both have the Agape love. I also found Agape love of a story between a mother and a son.

The first book I am reading, Half the Sky, is a contribution of the authors with their passion to change the oppression to opportunity for the women in the developing countries. The authors have travelled around and interviewed the victims of sex trafficking, forced prostitution and other various forms of violence and brought the real stories to the readers. They are using powerful voices with honest words with meaningful examples to share with the reader. At the end of the book, the authors also listed out the channels for the readers who want to participate the support of the action to change the women lives in the developing countries.

The second book I am reading, The Promise, is talking about how a woman make her promise to pay for the college education to a class of a first-grader. The amazing story about a woman’s unconditional giving makes a difference to others. It is a very inspiring book. It can tell the agape love is the main drive to the meaningful contribution.

My best friend told me his son is going to accept a 4 years contract mission offer after graduation from college this summer. However, she wants her son continues his study in graduate school for his best benefit. Mother and son have a little fight about this issue. I feel both of them based on a word love. Her son is a kind of agape because he is willing to contribute himself for the mission job in the church. My friend is more of philia because she loves her son, and she wants her son with a more easy future with more education.

After I reconsider, I feel love is a word with very broad meaning. Even Ancient Greek has categories love based on difference perspective. Every level with no clear cut definition; lot of over-lapping and grace area. However, I feel love is a word with a very meaningful feeling no mater we look at it from any angle.

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Summera Farooq
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
23 February 2010
Love Essay

Agape Love
The word love has many different meanings like a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person and a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend that is love in the “American Heritage Dictionary”. It can also be refer to a love of life like a relationship between a husband and wife or a dog and his owner. In Greek there are three kinds of love; Agape, Eros and Philia. I think Agape is the most valuable love because it is based upon the commitment of a decision. It entails the decision to proactively seek someone's well-being. This is the love of friendship, best friends, and the fellowship of being with those people you enjoy.
I strongly believe that love is the most effective weapon against hate. Muslims believe in Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). A long time ago Mohammed wanted to spread Islam by giving people information and letting them know some facts, but it was not easy. One day Mohammed went to a village to invite people to Islam, but instead they threw rocks on him and he was bleeding from head to toe. One of his friends said, “Why don’t you ask God to punish them?” Mohammed said, “It is okay someday their offspring will realize what their elders did to me, if I ask for their punishment their entire generation will be finish.” Finally one day they believed him and became Muslim. If Mohammed would have used the hatred weapon then there would be no Muslim in the world today. Instead he gave them a hand of friendship and invited them to join him.
Agape is love of God and people love someone just because they want to, they do not want love in return. In Tough love article a woman named Koob was accused by her captors of being a spy. In fact she was in Iran as director of the Iran-America Society, a nonprofit organization for a better relation between the people of the two countries. Koob said to Dumas that when she was taken hostage she knew she would have to give up something, and after thinking about the Bible's admonition to "Love your enemies," she realized she needed to give up her anger and bitterness. It was Koob's Christian faith that allowed her to walk away from her imprisonment without anger and resentment, says Dumas. “And although the Bible is foreign to Dumas”, she said, “Its concept of love of enemies is not”. She had to use the method of love and without that she would have end up dead. She did not want love in return, all she wanted was freedom.
Since the first day of our life we start to have the feeling of love. When a child is born every one want to see the new baby and hold him/her with a great feeling, especially the mom. Mom is like our first school, where we start to learn.

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Summera Farooq
Response to James Barker Love
I think your essay was great. You have mentioned some great people in your essay. I agree with you that Agape love is really important to this world. The story about a wounded soldier was really touching.

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James Barker
English 1A
Professor Wanda

In response to Victor and Summera,their writtings were very direct it seemed as if they really understood the assignment in choosing one specific type of love,proving their arguments with some type of solid reasoning. I liked theirs because they were very expressive in getting their points accross as well. Everybody keep up the great work,you all are inspiring to me.

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew Yount
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
23 February 2010
Love Essay

The ancient Greeks had several words for love; Agape which meant general affection, Eros which described a sensual desire and finally Philia which means friendship or general love. Out of the three types of love, Philia is truly the most valueable to have in one’s life. Without Philia in someone’s life, merely existing would be a nearly impossible idea.
Philia, means in general, love for various things such as family, loved ones, friendship and enjoyment. If someone were not have the love of their family and friends always on their side then who could they ever turn to in their darkest hour? They would have no one there to support them when they needed it and would surely fall into a dark depression. If I didn’t have my family and friends supporting me in what I do I know I would not be where I am today. Without them I’d be lost with no hope of ever being found. John Lennon truly said it best in the song “Love is All You Need”, “Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done”.
I cannot begin to imagine life as we know it today without love in it somewhere. If the world were simply full of hate and no love then quite possibly there would not be a world today. All life would have been wiped out by war and poverty if love did not exist. The world needs love to fight the hate that is already there. I believe that as long as there is love in the world then hate that is lurking around every corner will slowly begin to fade away. There is no other way to fight hatred other than love, if you try to fight hate with more hate all it will do is cause even more hate and anger.
If there weren’t Philia in everyone’s hearts, then how could the other types exist? Agape and Eros both come and develop from Philia. Without Philia there could be no other type of love because all love stems from Philia, it is the starting point of all love. You learn to love from your family and your friends, each person in your life teaches you a new way to love, be it mentally and or emotionally. Simply put, without Philia there would be no love.

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa Huey
Professor Wanda
English 1A


The three types of love are: agape, Eros, and philia. Agape is unconditional love. It is a love that is totally selfless. Eros is the love between you and your significant other. Eros is the romantic feeling you get. It is love that is untested by hardships, and therefore may or may not last in the long-term. It may or may not develop into a higher form of love - Philia love. Eros love can only succeed in the long-term if it progresses into a higher form of love. Otherwise, it will not last. Philia is a love of friendship between two people. When lovers start out being friends first before being partners, their relationships are more long-term.

I think that Eros love is the most valuable type of love. I think that out of all the different type of loves, it is Eros love that would always be there for you. There can be good friends out there, but when it comes to money trouble it is usually the significant other that one may turn to. It is true that some relationships don’t last forever, but when one ends, another one begins. It is a never-ending cycle for the search for true love. Just because one relationship doesn’t last doesn’t mean that you will not love again.

I also think that Philia is an important type of love. I believe that Eros and Philia love can be interconnected. A women and a man can start with the love of friendship and then develop intimate feelings later on throughout the relationship. They can also start with romantic love first, before developing into the love of friendship. I think that love with the people closest to you are most important because they are the ones that are going to bring you up when you are down.

In response to kyle: I agree on what you are saying about philia love. I, too, believe that without a healthy bond of friendship, you cannot have a good sustainable relationship.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kimthuy Tran
English 1A (9- 9:50AM)
Professor Sabir
Love Assignment


For me, love is emotions such as happy, bad, angry, jealous, and so on….From these feelings, Greeks have found three types of love such as agape, eros, and philia. In “Real Love” article, written by P. G. Mathew, M.A., M.Div., Th.M, eros love is based on “ people's preoccupation with sex” which causes feelings to another, and philla love refers as a friendship . Both Eros and philla have some commons; for example, they focus on self because the purpose of these loves is to satisfy the desire of people doing love. Different to eros and philla, agape love is a meaningful love, for it has no benefit and self-seeking. From the meanings of three types of love, I think that agape is the highest love, and also it is a true love.

For me, love is the most effective weapon against hate, and it is like a meaningful tool that brings people closer. In “Seeker of Truth”, Alex C has found that agape is a love that a person gives out his/her love to another person even if that person hates and curses. Whether the love given is returned or not, the person continues to love even without any self-benefit.( Alex C, “Seeker of Truth”. Also, these elements are the characteristics of agape love which eros and philia love don’t have because eros and phiia love exist on self-benefit

Agape love can turn life of people who do love to positive and negative way. In “ Agape in Feminist Ethics” article, Andolsen, Barbara Hilkert states “Agape is "a love that gives itself away, that sacrifices itself, even to the uttermost…. Agape is utterly heedless of the self's own interests… sacrificial love is the operating norm for personal life; justice, the standard for social life”.(page 2). For me, Andolsen’s remark is correct because the agape love gets rid bad characters of human beings such jealousy, selfishness, and cruelness. Furthermore, people who have agape love tend to think for other person before they care for themselves and even forget their own-interests. Therefore, the characteristics of agape love become a standard to follow and value people’s morality. However, agape love also has a negative aspect, and from Andolsen’s article, women are considered as self-givers, they sacrifice their own self-development supporting for men, then they are painfully conscious that they become the servants and objects for men to control .From this element, I think that agape love is not a perfect love, but is a meaningful love and a true love because it is a sacrificed love. In brief, agape love is the uppermost love because its characteristic is based on other-regard and self-sacrifice

By: Andolsen, Barbara Hilkert. Journal of Religious Ethics, Spring81, Vol. 9 Issue 1, p69, 15p; (AN 4854212)
Database: Academic Search Premier
P. G. Mathew, M.A., M.Div., Th.M “ Real Love”

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edith Gonzalez
English 1A-9am
Professor Sabir
28 February 2010

Love Essay

Love is the strongest most powerful force in the universe. There is absolutely nothing love cannot overcome. Love is difficult to explain and to pin point, because it has its own meaning to each individual. The Greek language has three words to define love; eros, philia, and agape. Eros is the love that one might have for a significant other that is considered to be more intimate, philia is the love one might have for a friend, agape is overall unconditional love. The ability to love someone unconditionally is the most valuable love there is, since it’s the most difficult to obtain, and can defeat anything.
Agape love to me is the strongest love there is because the feelings that one might have for a specific individual goes off and beyond. For example, the love God has for his children. He loves each and every one of us unconditionally and has given us so much and doesn’t ask anything in return. Another example could be the love a parent has for its child. Even though the child might not be the best person a parent is always going to love them unconditionally and a parent will do anything for its child.
In the book called, The Althruism Reader: Selections from Writings on love, Religion, and Science, written by Thomas Jay Oord, he begins his book by trying to define love. I believe Thomas did a wonderful job in defining love when he said, “It is affirmation that leads us to take interest in others to be attentively present to them in a manner that is undistracted and respectful, to be actively concerned with their well-being, to listen to them with care, to be loyal to them in life’s journey, to act on their behalf with courage and fortitude, to delight in their successes, and to require nothing in return” (1). Thomas defines love using many strong words that make the word have so much meaning. An example could be the love a husband has for his wife; they are overflowed with love and will do everything for one another without asking for anything in return.
Agape love and I believe love in general is the most effective weapon against hate. Time and time again we hear stories about love always overcoming evil. I think that love can change anything and anyone. It’s a matter of putting an effort and the love out there to battle out hate. Love is the strongest thing to be in this earth and it can defeat anything that stands in its way.


12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cortny Lozano
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
Love Essay

In the English Language there are many words for types of love. Today we are confused with the term "love" and what it actually means. The Ancient Greeks had three types of love: Agape, Eros and Philia. Agape is the type of love we have for love itself. This love is unconditional and seeks nothing in return. Eros is the romantic and powerful love between two people. Philia is love we share between family and friends. I believe that love is the most powerful weapon against hate. If nobody loved in the world, hate would conquer and there would be no world. Out of the three types of love I feel Philia is overall the most valuable.

The first love we are introduced to is Philia. When we are born we immediately feel this love from our parents. Unconditional love is a result through the distinct bond with our parents, siblings and mothers and fathers. I strongly believe the love between parents and their children is unbreakable. Love continues to grow after generations. The love that families share is extremely valuable. I believe families are our biggest support systems. When things get tough there is always family. I don't know where I would be without my family. How I love is based on the type Philia I have grown up with and experienced.

Philia is also the love we feel for friends. I believe Philia between two people can further develop into the Eros type of love. I feel it is important to have a friendship also involved in a romantic relationship. The chances are actually higher for the relationship to last longer if the romantic relationship is beyond romance. This is why Philia is valuable. I have all three types of love in my life, Philia being number one.

12:30 AM  
Blogger Veronica said...

Veronica Flores
Professor Sabir
English 1A
25 February 2010

Love-Cyber Assignment

What is love? Often times I feel like many have a hard time being able to define it. Is it all just flowers and candy on Valentine’s Day? What explains that sick to your stomach feeling when you see that special person? I believe love is something far more than romantics. Love can be something you share with anyone. People take the word out of context and abuse its actual meaning. According to the ancient Greeks, there are three types of love: Eros, Philia, and Agape. Eros is the most commonly known love. It is a passionate, sexual, and romantic love. This love would explain the fuzzy feelings and butterfly guts. Philia is defined as a brotherly love. It is a love that that is shared among friends and represents fellowship. There is also Agape. Agape is an unconditional love. It is not limited, and shows affection to everyone. With agape, you seek to find good in everyone, including your enemies. It doesn’t rely on the others feelings towards you. You love regardless, because that is the right thing to do.

I believe that Agape is the most beautiful and valuable love. It is concrete, unlike the other two. With Eros and Philia, there is no guarantee that the love shared will last forever. Relationships don’t always work out, and some friendships may not last through changes and situations between each other. Agape is giving, and can easily define any love that you share. Agape is a religious love. As stated in the Bible, "For God so loved (agape) the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:16) This shows that loves comes from God, and is shared through him. To love someone is to love all. Love all of Gods children, and you will have eternal life. Love shared should be eternal, which is why I believe that Agape is the most important love of all.

Agape love has the potential to conquer hate within our world. It can bring piece and serenity throughout us all. As Martin Luther King stated, loving your enemy may not be the easiest thing to do. This way of thinking may take time to take in, and that is understandable. The key to making the process easier would be to try and find something good out of every person. What people fail to believe, or rather refuse to believe, is that there is good in everyone. You just have to seek to find it. There is a lot of negativity people hold against the idea of love. This could due to personal experiences, or just what they have been brought up to believe. Love is something that keeps giving, regardless of the circumstances. Accept agape love into your life, and I believe this world will become a better place.

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taiisha Davis
English 1A

What’s love got to do with it?

Tina Turner said it best, but love is the essential part of any relationship. Love is composed of many elements that when successful, can bring happiness to anyone’s life. Based on the Greek concept of love, love is separated into three categories: philia, Eros, and agape. Philia is a common friendship, the love between friends and also the lowest degree of love. Eros is the sense of being in love, a relationship held only between two people, and not based purely on sex. And finally agape, the highest degree of love is the unconditional, irreplaceable, and unchanging love for someone. For me it is hard to determine which degree of love is the most important. Not because the characteristics of each degree are so distinct, but because I think they all play off of each other.

I remember my first day of kindergarten, and the extreme fear of not having any friends. As a child, friendship seemed to be the most important thing in my life. Every year I completed another grade level in school, my group of friends diminished. The girls I used to play jacks and double dutch with began to make fun of me and acted like we never shared any childhood memories. Growing up and progressing to middle school I realized friendship was not the most important part of my life. Philia is considered to be the lowest degree and least natural of loves, and is best explained as a strong bond between people who share a common interest or hobby. This means that it cannot compare to the love of a child, or the love of a parent. To me, a successful philia friendship can lead to an Eros relationship.

After moving on to middle school, hormones seemed to fuel young boys’ actions and influence young girls to desire “love”. Watching countless romance movies didn’t make me want a boyfriend any less, and I remember feeling out of place when classmates would talk about their “first kiss”. Having a boyfriend looked like the newest trend in middle school, but what we impatient kids didn’t know was that love is more than just a juicy, gossip filled kiss. Eros love is the act of being in love, a relationship between two people. This relationship is not based purely on sex, but more for the appreciation of one another. In order to appreciate someone as your partner, you must have a common interest you both share (philia) and a great friendship that allows room for each person to grow. Together these factors can be a solid foundation for a loving relationship.

Once I graduated the eighth grade, I thought I would be able to find a nice guy I could call my “boyfriend” in high school. I wanted the fairy tale story type of love; someone who would always love and protect me. Little did I know, unconditional love is a big responsibility for a fourteen year old. Throughout high school I had two trial and error relationships and thought I was doomed to a bad love life. It wasn’t until I graduated high school that I realized I had all the unconditional love I needed from my family. My mom always told me “Boys come and go, but family is forever. When the time is right, the right guy will come”. I understood that through any issue or problem, I could always count on my mom to give me the love and protection I desired. Agape is the highest degree of love and is unchanging. Both a strong philia and Eros relationship build up to an agape love. A true understanding for your partner takes time and there will always be ups and downs. The way a couple handles the “downs” can determine the strength of a relationship. I know no matter what situation, my mom will have unconditional love for me, and hopefully one day I’ll find a partner who will love me the same.

All love is valuable because the power to love, and be loved is beautiful.

12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Rawson
Eng 1A

I believe that the most important kind of love was Philia which is the love as a form of community. I believe that often too much emphasis is out on finding or obtaining romantic love. This love is rare and it is also at times very unstable and fleeing. I believe we should focus and teach more about the Philia love. Philia can help people because where romantic love is at best focused on one person; Philia can be applied to everyone. This is love as an ideology or philosophy. We should stop focusing on our differences and come together to help each other and teach love for our neighbor and for all people because we could learn, gain and save so much by just acknowledging that we could all love one another.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Arely R. said...

Arely Razo
Professor Sabir
English 1A
25 February 2010
Types of Love
Love is something that is very important in life. Some think of love as something that is painful and would not like to experience it once more. This can be because of a bad relationship that they had or someone that has lost their loved one. There are some people that have never experienced love and are afraid to. In relationships at times people will tell each other “I love you,” but not really mean it. I think that when a person is in love they give themselves completely to that person and they feel that they only want to be with that person. Love is something that each person views differently and there are different types of love.
Love is something that a person might feel for a special someone. This maybe the person that one marries. It is something that at times can make people do stupid things. When a person is in love they don’t want to be with anyone else because no one can compare to that person. They find themselves thinking of this person. One gives all themselves to this person and tries to make them happy. Sometimes this love can result in a child together.
A love for a mother or family is completely different than a love for a person whom one is in a relationship with. A love to family is unconditional love and is not something that one can forget. It is a great bond between members of a family, that cannot be broken. This is they type of love that many people have. My family is what I love most in life. They are the people who I know will always be there for me no matter what. It is a love that cannot be forgotten. My family are the people that support me in everything that I do. They are the ones that are there when I have had a break up with a boy friend. They love me as I am and would never try to change me. My family gives me love, as I do them and they don’t expect nothing out of it.
Another type of love is the kind that we feel for a friend. This can be for a person whom we feel very comfortable with and has been there for us. It is someone who stands up for you when others have said something bad about you. It is someone who likes you as you are. They try to be there for you no matter what happens. They are true to you and don’t talk things about you, behind your back. This is a friend that doesn’t make you do things that you do not want to do.
Love is something that make people feel a great connection and bond with others. It is something that many people in the world would like to experience. Love is special and something that occurs to all one way or another.

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Brittany Tuazon said...

Brittany Tuazon
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 9:00AM
3 March 2010

Forces of Nature

Different cultures around the world have varying definitions of Love. Many have 500 words and some places have no absolute word for such a feeling. However according to the Greeks love can be described as Agape, Eros, Storage and Phila. Each resembles a different form of love that we experience throughout our lives. Agape is one of a powerful love. It is that unconditional love that holds no expectations and accepts you for everything that you are- the good, the bad and the ugly. Eros is the Greek root for erotica. This type of love is the intense sexual attraction one can feel for another. It stimulates our hormones and races our hearts but does not last long. This form of love affects us in short term. Eros does not last long term. Storage is the long lasting love that we experience for our family. This love we feel for our family is protective and bonds us together stronger than any union. Storage is the first sign of love we feel at an early age by our mother, father, and siblings. Philia is the love we feel for the people around us. The power of unity between the nation and the compassion you feel for strangers.

The most effective, contagious and inspirational love is philia. To care for
someone you do not know will make not only a difference in your life but in the lives you
touch. Looking out for strangers as they were your friend restores the hope and reinforces
the good in all of us. Shedding light upon others unknown to you has the power to effect
change. It might brighten your day, put a smile on your face, or even feel as though you
were saved. Philia can be described as a chain reaction of positivity. Practicing this kind
of love exudes light to the universe making this world a better place.

Every action we commit has a consequence. However love as an action is the one ultimate weapon against anything evil in this world. One cannot fight fire with fire. The
only way to extinguish such a blaze of hate is to counteract with the flood of love. Love
holds no hidden agenda, just the intent of salvation. All good intentions will bring about a
positive result. Love can fuel our passion, warm our hearts from a slumber of winter, and
shed a piece of mind in our lives. The little things we do in the world can make all the


3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emmily Manown
English 1A 8-9am
Professor Wanda Sabir
Writing on love

Today there are many ways that humans intrpret love. The greeks had three diffrent ways of defining love. Eros, which is passionate love or romantic love. The agape love wich is the love of God. Lastly there is philia love, wich is friendship love. I believe the most important love is philia, because having love for family and friends is important in life.

Love for your family is the most important kind of love to have. Your family is always there for you through thick and thin. While relatioships always come and go. I do like romantic love, but it is definantly not the most important, nor should it be. You can always trust your family and yourself. People are naturally selfish, and have not many intrests in helping others than themselves. Family looks beyond the selfishness and learns to be selfless.

Without love in this world this world would be full of hate, which parts of it are. This is because of impoverished countries with no means of income for the naitives wich leaves selling ones body only option for an income. If there was more love over there police authorities would not justb look beyond things like this. "All you need is love."

3:50 PM  
Blogger leo400 said...

Leonardo Martin
English 1A 9-9:50 am
Professor Wanda Sabir
Writing on love

The three forms of love include agape, Eros, and Philia with each one carrying its own special meaning of love. Agape by definition is unconditional love. Eros is a representation of love that is romantic and is created through bonds with a significant other. Philia is love created through the friendship that is created with other individuals. I believe that the most valuable love and most important love that one can have is Agape love because it does not matter what someone will love you just based on who you are. This love is the love that conquers and destroys all evil.

Love is the one special weapon that all of us as human beings are equipped with to fight against hate. Hate can only exist if there is no love. Love can conquer many of the greatest obstacles that society as whole faces. We must never forget the importance of this weapon and it seems as if part of society has completely forgotten this weapon. It is the counter of hate it is the kryptonite of hate and we must let others know of these special weapon.

I believe the concept of romantic love exists and is very much alive. The part of romantic love that has been used as a holiday that has no more meaning than an average day is valentines day. This specific holiday is what makes many people confused because the belief that this is the only day where romantic live exists when in reality it exists every day of our lives, we just forgot about it.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Mulugeta said...

Mulugeta Mahray
Professor: Sabir
English 1 A - 8: 00 8:50 AM
25 February 2010
LOVE Assignment
The Greek uses three words to describe the levels of love: agape, Eros and philia. According to David Nelmes, regardless of economics, race or status, people value love and recognize that love will shape what is good and true. However, it’s the process of making these associations that will determine the outcome of our experiences in life. It is important that you are the person you want to be and not someone that I or others think you should be. As a result, relationships are everything, because they are all that real. However, philia is the main and most important way of love to me in my life.
Philia in Greek myth is the kind of love that we have towards family, friends and neighbors. It is about maintaining right relationships with those within your surroundings. Family is likely to be closest in this circle. Next, we have close friends and those that we have shared experiences with. In addition, work friends can sometimes be part of this group as well. The primary principle here is that these are people that I wish to keep close; those that I wish to remain loyal. Whereas Eros love words usually expressed sexual love or felling between two people physically attract one to another.
On the other hand Eros in Greek religion and mythology, god of love. He was the personification of love in all its manifestation, including physical passion at its strongest, tender, romantic love, and playful love. . Eros thus remains to be the primary force that brings about love between two people. According to some legends he was one of the oldest of the gods, born from Chaos and personifying creative power and harmony. However, to my understanding philia relationship is last long than Eros in really life time.

12:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kimthuy Tran

English 1A (9-9:50)

Professor Sabir

Response To Sahah’s loving Essay

Sabah’s loving essay has moved my though about philia love. Before reading her essay, I think that only agape is a meaningful and valuable love, for it is based on self sacrifice and other regard. However, from when I read Sabah’s essay, I realize the value of philia love.I agree with her idea that is “ family comes from your own blood, and friends you have is having a bond with them, both family and friends is have people to be there and help you when your in need, being trustworthy, nice sharing, kind, and by your side”. Moreover, I find out that aros and agape love can hurt you from the betrayed of whom you love. With philia , we wont get hurt because family and friends are people who always support us when we need help.

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sideeq Islam
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
1 March 2010
Long Lasting Love
I am an only child, raised by a single mother, for the most part. After two marriages, five children and a host of friends and students I can say that I have had the opportunity to experience love abundantly and in its various fashions. I’ve known agape love; After my father passed my mother and grandmother invested a lot of themselves into his only child. Songs, games, puzzles, stories hugs and kisses along with tough love is what I received. Growing up was kind of tough as I had no brothers and sisters. My chance to experience the philia form of love came when I joined the religious community that I currently belong to. In the middle of East Oakland I connected with a group of people that I proudly and with great affection call brothers and sisters. Being raised in an area where there was plenty of self hate didn’t provide me with a connection to brotherly love.
What I’ve learned over the years is that there is a big difference between “in love”, “true love” and “real love”. (Please don’t confuse “in love” with “inn love”, which is a one night stand in a hotel, motel or bed and breakfast.) The others terms of adoration may fall under one of the three stated “loves”. The essence of the terms remains the same as each type of love is translated to different relationships. For this assignment I will only focus on one type of relationship, romantic love between a man and a woman; Eros.

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothing else
He'll trade the world
For the good thing he's found” (Percy Sledge, When a Man Loves a Woman)
The first verses of Percy Sledge’s lyrics; “When a Man Loves a Woman” describes those beginning feelings translated as “in love”. This might be the most overrated and temporary kind of love professed and uttered in the history of man and woman relationships. Staying on the phone all damned night repeating the same crap over and over again or just saying nothing at all is what usually happens. Three hours into the conversation and for the thirtieth time you ask, “whatcha doin’?” You can’t stay out of each others faces and in the mean time you’re making everybody else sick. Your friends don’t see you for a month or so except when you bring “baby girl” to the gym with you or “your boo” to the baby shower. Nobody likes you anymore and you don’t give a damn. This is “in love”. The problem is not with the love portion of this condition. Just as love happens naturally, in and out flow just a frequent and seem to not be natural when just one exists. So, just as you are “in love”, know for sure that “out of love” is right around the corner. To sustain a relationship you’re going to need more than this. I can hear the arguments now; “I don’t care what you say! What we have is true love!”

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Never trust a big but and a smile.
That girl is poison.” (BBD, Poison)
BBD gave sound advice concerning the realities behind what we view as the big picture. “True love” is a fairy tale kind of love and has a dream state attached to it. It is mostly used as a cliché and if you’re referring to someone as such you should ask yourself one serious question; “How many times have I said this about a special someone?” There is adoration because you have found truths in that person that fit your major needs and desires. Yes, they have money, beauty and a nice ass, but “we hold these truths to be self evident. All men are created equal.” Everybody has flaws; however it is hard to see those glitches when you’re standing so close to your predisposed important qualities found in a prospective life mate. They say that love is blind. Well I say that this statement of “true love” is not only blind but, deaf, dumb and stupid. Sometimes the fairytale comes true and you can live happily ever after. Often times the dream turns out to be a nightmare and you realize you are blinded by the glow of those few attributes you called the perfect mate.

11:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“So I try my best and pray to God
He'd send me someone real
To caress me and to guide me
Towards a love my heart can feel
Now I know I can be faithful
I can be your all and all
And give you good lovin' through the summertime
Winter, spring and fall” (Mary J. Blige, Real Love)
This song is when Mary was starting to get it and not just want to hang out with somebody because of a spark or a small flame. She had enough and wanted “real love”. Whatever you believe in has to be your true and complete source to this kind of love. Whether it be G’d , nature or science, you have to go to that source and search its criteria for love guidelines. This love too can be blind but it’s is blind like Denzel Washington’s character in The Book of Eli. Though he could not see, he was able to walk through the toughest of obstacles while never losing the embrace of what he held true. Real love is just like this. In the most difficult times, when it seems as though everything is against you, you find yourself striving harder than ever. Even in a sexual sense you can find this “real love”. When that first child is born and the woman’s body goes through all of the pushing, tearing, straining, and pain, you will both know real love. She’s gonna be going through all of that and thinking (if she doesn’t outright say it), “You aint never getting none of this again!” The man is standing there watching what he’s cherished so dearly going through an extreme transformation. “It’s ruined”, he’s thinking (He better not say it). As far as he’s concerned, it’s broken and will never be the same. The overwhelming arrival of the newborn child immediately nullifies the pain and distress. In three weeks or so the two are looking at each other anticipating the six week resume copulation period. Neither one of them remembers the pledges, confirmations, or disfigurations of the birth day. In six weeks they resume with sheer delight. Now that’s real love.

Of course these are just my opinions about love and they may differ from those of others. We can all give our suggestions and proofs based on various experiences. Love in general is respected by those who love. Speaking, singing, writing and even feeling this thing we call love only makes it easier for others to join in. It is contagious and inspiring. As I am moved by the subject and by those who offer encouraging words, I feel compelled to say to you, “Thanks for the love!”

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahu Yildirim
Professor Wanda Posse
English 1A 9 to 9:50am
Love Cyber Assignment

Love is a positive emotion which brings strong affection and attachment to another being. The idea of love has the strongest force on our universal psyche and takes many forms within the minds of the billions of people inhabiting the world. The ancient Greeks used five words to describe the different levels of love. “Eros” was described as passionate love, essential to desire, where one longs for another in a type of romantic love. “Philia” was characterized as having friendship and loyalty. “Storge” was described as natural affection. “Thelema” was described as the desire or will to do something. “Agape” was selfless giving, the essence of agape love is self-sacrifice, it is divine and unbounded. From Greek times to present day America, there are many forms of love present in society. In the English language, we have many states of feeling that describe different elements of love: idolization, affection, devotion, worship, infatuation, lust, passion and rapture. The Greek word of love that captures my reality of my psyche is agape love.
Agape love is deep and tender. It is an unconditional type of love that another person gives to you regardless of any other circumstances. In general terms, love only manifests and stays if there is mutual reciprocity among the participants in the relationship. However, in agape love, love doesn’t have to be mutual as it doesn’t have any expectations. It can be construed as an unconditional type of love in that it is with you in any situation of life forever and always.
There are people and many things I love at life, but only certain things are able to touch my heart and move my feelings which are only solid. When I consider these things, agape love is the deepest one. Because no matter what I do or who I am, it is with me. It is truthful, forgiving, loyal, patient, kind, unselfish, respectful, selfless, happiness, hopeful, it doesn’t have proportions or beneficial expectations, it is divine.
My dear mother has all the beauty one could ever have in life. Her smile brings hope to me and everyone around her. Her love is with me no matter where I am or what I do. Her love for me is unconditional. She supports me with an unbounded unconditional love which is an agape type of love. Her touch and voice brings calmness into my soul. From these experiences, I feel no one can love me the way she loves me in life. Although she is realistically far away from me, I can feel how her love transcends these conscious borders. There are no words to explain the deepness of her love for me. Although I do not see her often enough, I truly feel her love, and our love for each other when we see each other in person.
I have been in the U.S. about 4 years as I go to school and establishing my life here. I go back to home for a short period of time every year to see her and my family. When I see her I realize how much I miss her. I am able to see, and feel, how much she missed me. She is not only my mother, she is also my best friend. As I look into her eyes I understand she misses me and how she wishes I was in still living in Turkey. She never explained to me that she missed me presence in Turkey or otherwise informed me that wished I lived there.

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahu Yildirim
Professor Wanda Posse
English 1A 9 to 9:50am
Love Cyber Assignment page 2

Her type of love would not allow her to say that. She knows I decided to have education and establish my life in the U.S. I know she never completely agreed with my decision to leave Turkey and establish myself in the U.S. Nevertheless, her love is unconditional and altruistic. These life realities of country residence, education, and work have no bearing on our relationship. She accepts my decision, supports me and my dreams as she continues to unconditionally love me. I see and feel her the same way.
I don’t tell her how I miss her, her touch on my hair, her eyes looking into my eyes, her breakfast in my mornings, her flowers in my room or her scent in the house. We always want to see each other happy and that’s exactly how we see each other whether we are on the opposite sides of the world of right next to each other.
I am able to tell everything. I can ever dump my darkness into her and she listens. No matter what time I give her a call, she responds and brings me a hope or even she tries her best to bring solutions for my problems. I feel like I am very fortunate because she is my mother and her love mine forever. Life is the most valuable gift to the human kind and I would give away my life for my mother, she would do the same thing for me.
Considering all the different types of love, Agape love is the most comprehensive type of love which I can identify with and apply in my life. Overall, it is the deepest type of love. Unlike psychical attraction, chemical love, and mutual love, Agape love is with you or in you unconditionally. It is the type of love which is most pure. Although I have explained Agape love, I should conclude my stating that it is the only type of love which words cannot explain how deep it goes and how beautiful it is.

9:57 AM  
Blogger nseke ngilbus said...

Nseke Ngilbus
Wanda Sabir
march 1, 2010
Intial Outline of Half the sky
1. In half the sky microfinance is a way for many women to purchase their freedom?
2. I want to write on this topic because I believe it is an interesting topic to talk about. It is quite interesting how money and freeedom can be interwine. I also think i can write a good essay.
3. I will be writting to a educated audience. People that is college level and have read the book.
4.In Half the Sky is microfinance a way for many women to purchase thier freedom?
5. I will use description to convey my point.
6. Half the Sky tell how women need money to purchase their freedom from their male counterparts.
7. pg 125, 87, 90

second outline
1. In Half the sky can women obtain their freedom through education?
2. i want to write about this topic because I do not like my original topic. I also believe that education is more important than money.
3. I will be writting to a educated audience. People that is college level and have read the book.
4. In Half the sky can women obtain their freedom through education?
5.I will use description and compare and contrast to argue my point.

9:20 AM  

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