Thursday, February 11, 2010

"More Than 100 Million Women Are Missing," By Amartya Sen
Volume 37, Number 20 ยท December 20, 1990

Thanks to Rosecary (English 201) for finding this article for us. If you read it and write a response you can have extra credit.


Blogger nseke ngilbus said...

Nseke Ngilbus
Eng 201b 8:00- 8:50
Feb 15, 2010

I found this to be a really interesting piece; these piece changes my long believes view that women outnumber men three to one. This piece made me realize that for every 105 men there are 100 women; there is not a great gap between the men to women ratio reflected in the world population. But in the U.S., Japan, and Europe women are the dominate sex in numbers; essentially this is the opposite of the numbers that is presented in the world. Another piece of information that is interesting is that women are healthier than men. This is odd to me because men are considering more superior in all cultures, but yet we see that women are superior to them in health. Women, when given the same medical treatment, live longer than men. In third world countries women outnumber men because they are not given proper medical attention such as men, in turn; they succumb to illness and die. This can be easily solved by putting more focus on women than men, after all. Women are the ones who bear the children. I believe this injustice is not right and it needs to be dealt with and change, women in these nations should not have to be subjected to this kind of treatment. This needs to change, these are injustices and needs to be ended.

7:48 PM  

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