Today is class we spent a few moments correcting the quiz on MLA: titles and essays. We read two poems, well Brianna and Sebastian read the poems: When Ur Heart Turns Cold and Untitled from Rose. Outstanding recitations (smile).
Sebastian's brought chills to my spin (cliche--I know. Smile). We then discussed the style of the two pieces and the themes. The freewrite was to develop a thesis that defined a key element in the work. Many students saw the two pieces as connected the character the same, yet at different points along his or her trajectory on his development or spirit journey.
I wrote a sentence where I compared madness to a state of inhumanity. Human beings are sane, and madness is perhaps the final step to the other side where all we were is lost, all that matters most is gone.
Post your thesis sentence that defines a key element in the poem --your choice, here. Comment on another student's poem.
We meet in the library tomorrow morning for an orientation: 11 AM with Professor Jane. If you can't figure it out, meet at the reference desk (smile).
We will discuss Dyson at length Thursday. That is all we will do. We are in the final stretch of the book. There will be an essay assigned (not due), next week (smile).
Today is class we spent a few moments correcting the quiz on MLA: titles and essays. We read two poems, well Brianna and Sebastian read the poems: When Ur Heart Turns Cold and Untitled from Rose. Outstanding recitations (smile).
Sebastian's brought chills to my spin (cliche--I know. Smile). We then discussed the style of the two pieces and the themes. The freewrite was to develop a thesis that defined a key element in the work. Many students saw the two pieces as connected the character the same, yet at different points along his or her trajectory on his development or spirit journey.
I wrote a sentence where I compared madness to a state of inhumanity. Human beings are sane, and madness is perhaps the final step to the other side where all we were is lost, all that matters most is gone.
Post your thesis sentence that defines a key element in the poem --your choice, here. Comment on another student's poem.
We meet in the library tomorrow morning for an orientation: 11 AM with Professor Jane. If you can't figure it out, meet at the reference desk (smile).
We will discuss Dyson at length Thursday. That is all we will do. We are in the final stretch of the book. There will be an essay assigned (not due), next week (smile).
Stephanie Kiick
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11:00-11:50AM
20 September 2011
Topic Sentences for “Untitled” and “When Ure Heart Turns Cold”:
Tupac Shakur's poems, “Untitled” and “When Ure Heart Turns Cold,” portray a journey to ruthlessness, if ruthlessness is loss of a caring heart.
Tupac Shakur's poem, “When Ure Heart Turns Cold,” depicts a hurting heart loosing peace of mind, if peace of mind is the sanity to deal with the world around.
Quincy Taylor
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11am – 11:50am
20, September 2011
Lost Humanity
His poems are hard to interpret, but once you break it down then you would start to understand what it is that Tupac is talking about. In the poem “When ure heart turns cold 2 Kristen and my friends who wonder,” He’s trying to show that people are always going to have problems in there life, death is going to occur. Speaking on feelings, It seems that he’s feeling lonely and he’s about to tranquilize himself or the people he’s talking to or ”who wonder.”
Darrin Webster
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11am – 11:50am
21 September 2011
Tupac Shakurs poems “When Ur Heart Turns cold & Untitled” depict his character’s journey from what is at first a plea for freedom from the captivity of poverty but the result after that plea goes heard is a loss of humanity.
Lena Chhit
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1a 11am-1150am
20 September 2011
Thesis sentence for “When ure Heart turns Cold” by Tupac Shakur
Tupac’s Shakur poem When your heart turns cold describes how a person can feel when you no longer have love in your heart. Without love in your heart you become numb, indifferent, and hopeless.
Lena Chhit
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1a 11am-1150am
21 September 2011
Response to Stephanie Kiick
In Stephanie Kiick’s response to When Ure Heart Turns Cold and Untitled by Tupac Shakur, she writes that it is about a “journey to ruthlessness.” From reading the two poems and comparing them to each other I can understand why she uses the word “journey” to show the relationship to becoming ruthless. Its as if the journey begins in the poem Untitled and ends with the poem When Ure Heart Turns Cold depicting the emotional result of it all.
Melody Webster
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
21 September 2011
Thesis statement for "When Ure Heart Turns Cold" and "Untitled."
In Tupac's poems, "When Ure Heart Turns Cold" and "Untitled" he portrays the feeling of defeat and depicts the confinement of living and surviving in poverty. One can only make it to a certain point until they break, which is what Tupac refers to as one's heart turning to ice. It is the human race's allowance of the cruel world of poverty to exist, and Tupac points out the inhumanity and imprisonment of that life.
Melody Webster
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
21 September 2011
Response to Darrin Webster:
Darrin writes about how the two poems are Tupac's plea from the captivity of poverty, and how this goes unheard by humanity. I can agree with his thesis statement, and feel we touched upon similar points. In the poem "Untitled" Tupac states, " ...I live like a prisoner of poverty/Please wake me when I'm free/I cannot bear captivity" (15). This shows his feeling of being imprisoned by the lifestyle he was born into. In the poem "When Ure Heart Turns Cold," Tupac speaks of the horrors that are often seen in poverty stricken areas, and that after a while it becomes almost unnoticeable.
Jesse Pinkney
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11:00AM-11:50AM
22 September 2011
Thesis statement for "When Ure Heart Turns Cold" by Tupac.
Tupac's poem "When Ure Heart Turns Cold" is a harsh poem with a harsh reality. Harshness is reaching a point of carelessness, with no respect for others and society. This poem is about a self forfilling prophecy the requires no input from others. Reaching a state of harshness is being selfish because you will do whatever to get the outcome you want even if it effects other's in a negative way.
Marcel Rollock
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11:00-11:50AM
22 September 2011
Topic Sentences for “When Ure Heart Turns Cold”
“When Ure Heart Turns Cold” by Tupac Shakur portrays a character who has a sense of hopelessness and is struggling just existing.
Samuel Yihdego
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11:00-11:50AM
24 September 2011
Topic Sentences for “When Ure Heart Turns Cold”
Tupac's poem "When Ure Heart Turns Cold" shows how deep his soul was affected by loneliness and extend his message someone understand it better, when ones heart turns cold.
Samuel Yihdego
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11:00-11:50AM
24 September 2011
Topic Sentences for “When Ure Heart Turns Cold”
Tupac's poem "When Ure Heart Turns Cold" shows how deep his soul was affected by loneliness.
Javier Flores
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1a 11am-1150am
26 September 2011
Thesis sentence for “When ure Heart turns Cold” by Tupac Shakur
Tupac’s Shakur poem When your heart turns cold, to me makes no sense. Tupac clearly states that "when your heart turns cold you feel nothing" yet he goes on to say that "death seems like tranquility" if he really felt nothing he would care for death or life. he would just be. I believe he is just trying to make himself feel better by convincing himself he has nof feelings.
Debanique Kemp
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1a 11am-1150am
4 October 2011
Thesis sentence for “When ure Heart turns Cold” by Tupac Shakur
In the poem "When ure Heart turns cold” Tupac Shakur talks about being emotionless. He states, "When your heart turns cold you feel nothing" In order to get to this point, a person is hurt beyond capacity and shuts down. It’s easier to shut down, than to deal with and sort through your emotions. Although it may seem strong to be emotionless the root is always s fear; fear of caring about anything and becoming venerable. When nothing matters you can’t be disappointed. But what often happens is you hurt others because the pain you feel in the inside begins to manifest itself in you life. With his life story it is not a surprise that he attempted to adapt this mentality.
Joe Kempel
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
10 October 2011
Tupac talks about the potential of all those stuck in the captivity of poverty. Potential that was once realized in older societies is being repressed and hindered by poverty. Freedom from poverty will liberate them from ignorance. Without poverty, society is much better. There are no wars, there is equality, and there is appreciation for beauty.
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