Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Cyber-Assignment for English 1A (8-8:50 AM due today or by class tomorrow); (11-11:50 AM Thursday's homework. Due tomorrow or by Friday.)

Post here. If you run out of space, just continue it in another consecutive post.

Today the early class had their library orientation with Professor Gerstle. In three paragraphs, minimally, share what your learned about libraries and research that you didn't know, information you knew and was reinforced and perhaps myths dispelled.

What, if anything, would you like to know more about? What are your plans for follow up library field study in the future (smile).

Visit the COA Library Website and look up a reference for Afeni Shakur. Talk about this process.

Use at least one citation in this reflection. Include a works cited and/or bibliography page.

Some students turned in their revised essays. Most had narratives, a couple got through without. Whenever, a student revises an essay, he or she has to include a brief, yet detailed analysis of the work in question. Depending on the state of the first draft, a writer might be asked to write a correction essay prior to submitting the revision.

The social entrepreneur essay is like a final product, which means, the draft submitted will earn a final grade on the first draft.

On another note, there are students who began the class after the On Respect essay, which means you have a zero for that assignment. It was a screening assignment to make sure students knew where they stood as writers in the class.

I guess you will have to wait to see until your grade on the Afeni essay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joseph Carlo O. Tolentino
Professor Wanda Sabir
5 September 2012
English 1A 8:00 – 8:50 am

The College Library

Today at the 5th of September 2012, my English professor brought the class to the library for an orientation presented by one of the school’s many librarians. The librarian was rather helpful and informative as he guided us along the information that we, as students, may require to take full advantage of the resources that the library contains. After the orientation, I believe that my knowledge about the college library have increased in its awareness as he had showed us some tips that I may have ignored in the past.
I can clearly remember the librarian talking about the library catalogue, as that had taken a majority of the time, and what it does to help us. I never really knew about the catalogue as I assumed that they were only used by the librarians in regards to arranging and organizing the books. I was a bit embarrassed as I didn’t realize that they were set up for the students, not the librarians, as they were already trained to know where the books are located.
The catalogue really proved to be helpful when I tried to use it, although the book that I wanted was in another campus so I was a little bit put out. In a way it increased my interest in libraries as I already enjoy spending time in the library and this new way just decreases the time that I waste by looking for the book that I may need or require. I was honestly tempted to become a librarian when I was a small kid, well I still do but that is not my priority as I don’t like their salary levels.
After the orientation, I immediately went to the library’s reserved books section to read a book that I had not purchased yet so I was able to catch up to my Modern Art History Classmates. I also went about and searched a book about Afeni Shakur using the schools catalogue. It was actually rather simple as all I had needed to do was access the school’s website where there was a link for the library page. The link then brought me to another page where the options “Book Catalog” and “Article Databases” appear. The catalogue search engine is the Book Catalog and that is where I managed to type in Afeni Shakur and it gave me the lists of books where she is mentioned.
The Article Databases option was also rather interesting, though very pricy as the librarian told us that the school pays about an average of $40,000 for all of them. One of those subscriptions was a biography search page with a lot of information about different people. Searching on that site was rather easy as it had a very visible search option where I managed to search for Afeni Shakur and read about her. The details that they have were rather interesting and informative as I learned that Afeni had founded the “Tupac Amaru Foundation for the Arts” which sponsors programs to help young people succeed in art and musical projects.
There are a lot more detail than that and the listed options were very broad so I would be able to get all the information that may need in the future.

"Afeni Shakur." Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 67. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 5 Sep. 2012.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeannae Williams
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50am
9 September 2012

The day of 5 September 2012 I visited the library at college of Alameda as a class orientation, with professor Gerstle. What I learned in that orientation was in the reference section of the library has books only pertaining to Law, Anthropology and medical information. When I thought of searching for novels.

What I did not know is that when you are doing a research project how you have to give credit due to the people who research information one is using. Which means, whoever information I choose to use I have to write all that info. of that cited search with name, site searched from, date it was published and so on. I had an idea of why should one cite his/her source, but now it is a clear picture of giving credit to the author.

There was not to much information I knew about a library. I'm not a librarian and I was ever the type to go and spend time in libraries to know what everything is about. I did know that the total of three books could be checked out. Myth wise, Books are organized in the order of call numbers not letters.

{First action I took was logged on to the internet, typed in College of Alameda& scrolled down of quick links and double clicked library& to my left were links of choices and i clicked Article Databases out of all the subjects I clicked Biography. Logged into the user account and went to "search name" &typed in Afeni Shakur and the cited information: "Afeni Shakur" Contemporary Black. Vol.67.Detroit:Gate,2008.Gale Biography in context.web.5 sep.2012.}

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Everett
Professor Sabir
5 September, 2012

Library Cyber Assignment
I learned a lot about research and libraries. I learned that I can access a lot of information from my computer by going on the college of alameda library site on my computer. Online, from the library catalog I can access information on what books are available at the library and even read quick summaries of the books available. College of Alameda also provides a collection of online databases that offer information from professional scholars. Books at the library are organized in the Library of Congress method, like at most universities. In this system, letters and numbers are used to organize books. I learned a lot about researching online. I, as a researcher, need to decide if a source is credible or not. When using databases, this can be easier especially when we can limit our search by only viewing edited articles.
I would like to learn more about researching techniques. In the past, I have found that it is very difficult to find information that is both relevant and credible. For some reason it seems even harder to find specific information when using databases because you are limited to using sources only on the site. I also feel that I need to learn how the college of alameda library is organized. I need to know where each topic or subject of book is located in the building.
I used the biography database provided by the college to find an article about Afeni Shakur. I found an article provided by Comtex news network titled Shakur’s Mother’s Drug Case Postponed Again. Article describes how Afeni was arrested for possession of Marijuana, and was waiting to go to court. It was not at all hard to find this article. I simply used the college of alameda site to select the biography database. Once on the database I searched Afeni Shakur. A list of books, articles, and news about Afeni appeared. I selected the article I did because we did not view it in class. I am surprised with how simple the databases are to use. I am confident that this semester I will be able to compile research easily.

Works Cited:
"SHAKUR'S MOTHER'S DRUG CASE POSTPONED AGAIN." World Entertainment News Network 16 Mar. 2011. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 5 Sep. 2012.

5:31 PM  
Blogger Miguel Chavez said...

Miguel Chavez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00am-8:50am
5 September 2012
Library Orientation
I had been to the library orientation at Laney College where they went through so many details about the library system that I could retain most of the information. Professor Gerstle’s orientation was much more practical and informative. He simplified the online search system for me, so now I can find books on my own and make sure they are available before making the long trip to campus.
Professor Gerstle did such a great job explaining the services provided by both the library and the databases, that I have no questions about the library. I feel very prepared as far as going to the library to find a book is concerned. I won’t rely on Google for all of my research anymore.
Finding a reference for Afeni Shakur was a bit difficult because she does not have much written about her besides the fact that she is Tupac’s mother. I could not find anything in the book catalog. The only database I thought she might be in was the biography database. I searched her name and she was found in six news articles, seven magazines and only one reference.
This search made me realize that the article database is only useful if you know something about what you’re researching. You have to know enough about the subject to be able to pick out the best databases to search.

Works Cited
"Afeni Shakur." Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 67. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 5 Sep. 2012.

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makonnen Richardson
Professor Sabir
English 1A, 8-8:50

The library orientation given today explained alot about the process of how and where to look for the right book. Having gone through similar orientations on the subject, Professor Gerstle did a much better job in making the information given clear, concise, relative, and simple.
Not knowing about the catalog system in shelfing the books or even how many books I can check out at one time, I can say I feel much more confident in utilizing my time efficiently whilst in the library. After initially searching Afeni Shakur, not much came up other than her being tupacs mother which made the research a little difficult. I searched her in the biography database and a bunch of magazine and news articles corresponded with only one reference. Knowing what to search for is critical when using the databases, however it is much more helpful and practical than aimlessly wandering the library grounds.

Works Cited
"Afeni Shakur." Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 67. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Biography In Context.

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda Prieto- Lara
English 1A
Professor Sabir
September 5, 2012
Library Orientation
8:00A.M. to 8:50 A.M.

Today at the library I learned a lot of useful information that not only will help me with my english class but other classes. The orientation of the library and the explanation of all the resources was very pleasing. I was not aware that the Peralta college website provided so much information making research fast and beneficial. I am not someone who likes to spend a lot of time in the library but more comfortable with researching online. From home , class or even the library we can easily log on to the school website, click library and then book catalog. We are able to look up books by title, author, subject and imprint. I am actually looking forward to spending more time in the library.
Looking up information or resources can be done by using keywords, title, author and subject after you search you can easily find what you are looking for and what campus it is located at and if it is available making it easier and more timely. You are also able to look up article database which includes collections, magazines, publishes and prints. The books are also separated by subject for example if I were looking for books about musicians I would look under m and all similar books would be by each other. Different resources that are also provided and available include different types of dictionaries and encyclopedias such as law dictionaries and medical dictionaries.
For this assignment I went on the Peralta Website and looked under database to find information on Afeni Shakur who we have been reading on. While looking up Afeni Shakur I found some articles about her especially after the death of her son Tupac Shakur. Not many books but more newspaper articles relating to Tupacs music release after his death. I was hoping to find more information about her childhood that would help me on my character log for our reading.

7:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wei Zhang
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50
Today my English 1A class professor’s brought us to the library. Although I attended the orientation for five minutes late, I still listen to majority of the information with the librarian, the professor Gerstle. What a luck day I have!
After taking this orientation, I learned a lot of useful information about the library that have never know before. I felt that I was a stupid man never use the website by the College of Alameda to research some materials from the library items at home. I only knew that I can use the database of the library to find some books or newspapers on library. If I want to find something next time, I can research them at home that can avoid a trouble if there is no book in library.
I used the catalogue of biography database by the college to find an article which is about Afeni Shakur. This article told us the process of arresting for possession of Marijuana. It is helpful to me to understand Afeni`s life and the whole book, Evolution of A Revolutionary. Thanks for professor`s extra class.
"Afeni Shakur." Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 67. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Biography In Context.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel Avalos
Professor Sabir
English 1A
5 September 2012
Library Research
Today I learned about using College of Alameda's library as a resource for finding research material. One of the librarians showed the my English 1A class how to get different research resources from the library. During the presentation I noticed that there was some information that I did not know about, as well as ways to use the college library that I already knew about from previous experiences.
As expected the college library has an online database that can be accessed both on campus and off campus, I already suspected that this was true since I have used Shasta College's online database for a research assignment while I was attending high school. The College of Alameda database seems much more organized and offers a broader selection of works considering there is more than just one database. There is a counter behind which a student can check out textbooks on reserve and use them in the library, I already knew about this since I asked about it earlier so I could do my geometry assignments while I waited for my textbook to come in the mail. I did not know that the book catalog can be accessed from computers off campus nor did I know the fact that colleges use a system different than the Dewey Decimal system for arranging and cataloging the books. I would really like to learn more about the Library of Congress Classification system, it is an intriguing concept and will help me navigate college libraries easier in the future.
For future research projects both in this English class and any other classes I can use the vast resources offered by Peralta Colleges. Being able to view the catalogs for all the campuses apart of the Peralta Colleges will probably prove to be extremely useful for future research projects, being able to access various databases of previously printed works will also be extremely beneficial for researching and studying any subjects I may later be interested in learning about.
Following the prompt I went to the database section of Alameda Library on my home computer, I looked at the back of one of the handouts from this morning's presentation and followed the directions to sign into a database. I clicked the Newspaper Source database and searched “Afeni Shakur” there were only 9 results and all of them were relevant to my search. I went to the first article “Reflections on Tupac from Afeni Shakur” by Farai Chideya, and noted that there was an option to listen to the article. The article was short but interesting, I learned that there is a center in Stone Mountain, Georgia and that the building there is being used for many different purposes such as, “a center, an art gallery, a dance studio and a small store with some offices” (Chideya 1). Afeni Shakur states that she hopes the center will become a place “for all of us to figure out ways to resolve conflict without violence” (Chideya 1). This is an optimistic concept, and I hope that the institution has become what she hoped it would become. After reading the article and typing the works cited, I realized that the database does not list the page number the article occupies in the published periodical which led me to use the number 1 for the in text citations since the article does not span more than one page on the database.

Chideya, Farai. "Reflections on Tupac from Afeni Shakur." News & Notes (NPR) 13 September 2006: unknown. Print.

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steven Le
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
5 September 2012


Today was not the first time I had the library orientation. I had gone to the orientation in the past with my other professors from different courses. Going to the orientation lets me know that the system is still there for me to use. I know I can go into the site and do my research for my courses. The librarian helped provide sources that I can go to for references. It was great to refresh my memory.
The databases can be accessed off-campus. The site has a lot of article databases that I can use, and I have done so in the past. The database is a good tool to use when you are doing research for a paper. It is very easy to access and use. I have used it in the past and it has been very helpful.
One thing that seems a bit of a problem for me is to cite sources. I don’t believe I have enough practice in citing sources, or that I keep forgetting how sources are sited. I believe I will just have to look into Hacker when I am citing sources or remember the ways to cite sources somehow.

"Afeni Shakur." Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 67. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 6 Sep. 2012.

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wai Man (Remy) Tang
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50 AM

Library Freewrite

Today, I was brought with my classmates to the library for an orientation. We were shown how to make full use of the resources the library offered us. The librarian was very helpful and showed us step-by-step how to find what we needed. The articles, journals, etc. were in a seperate database than the books, which I like. The books were organized by their subject matter rather than the author's last name. Everything is neatly categorized to make it easier for us students.

I have always liked reading so I spent a lot of time in public libraries. Therefore, I am used to looking for a book by the author's last name rather than going to the computher and searching it up. It will be a while before I get used to this system. I think it is more efficient though to have all the books of the same subject put together. This must be why all the colleges use this system instead of the one the public libraries use. I like the fact that there are summaries for each book in the libraries. I have always wished that the public libraries will post summaries for all of their books, but they didn’t. I’m glad I was shown how to search the catalog for colleges or else I would have been so confused since high schools follow the public libraries’ system.

After the orientation, I went to the library's open lab to try finding articles on Afeni Shakur. It was easy with all the links and all I had to do when I got into the articles database was choose what type of article I wanted. I chose biography and then I simply had to type in her name and all the information I needed popped up in front of me. When I read her biography, I thought she was a really strong woman to have rid herself from her cocaine addiction and also form a charitable foundation for the arts. With information so readily available, it will be a breeze when I have to search for research material in the future.

"Afeni Shakur." Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 67. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 6 Sep. 2012.

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abiodun Apata
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50am
Library Orientation
Today’s library orientation was very informative. It cleared various fear and ambiguity on the use of library. The Library is for textbook as well as researching differing viewpoints in hot topics for speeches and papers which can be done through the catalog using online database, reference books or periodicals. Research can be also be done by the use of subject dictionary and encyclopedia for different subjects; Personality research can also be carried out by article databases with proper citing of sources used. Using the online data base can be done using CQ researcher which has 24pages issue exploring a single hot topic in-depth. It can also be done by academic search premier who provides full-text for over 4,500 journals covering the social sciences, humanities, science, health, arts, business, sports, politics etc. In-addition, SIRS knowledge source on leading issues with full text of magazine articles, newspaper, government reports and websites on hot topics and so on. Use of reference books with opposing viewpoints series, encyclopedia of bioethics can be helpful. CQ weekly shelved with Almanac in references using recent issues which include such topics as the middle east, immigration and privacy.(SMG revised September 2011). Personality search using article data base can be very help to get the full detail of a personality through article, journal, publication, biography or base skills. Using Afeni Shakur as a case study, the catalog will help to get the Author’s title, description, subject, biography, series, note, summary, content, local subject and added title. Furthermore, search by subject such as names, search by keywords and title is usually the classification used in the library.
"Afeni Shakur." Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 67. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 5 Sep. 2012.

11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kendra Jones
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50 AM
5 Sept 2012

Cyber Assignment

Arriving a little late, I entered the library. Orientation was being held by Professor Steve Grestle. I sat down ratherquickly in the last row, third seat towards the front. In that short time period, I listened in on Professor Grestle anouncing to the class that he was one of the librarians. I remember him explaining the organization of the library books. College of Alameda, like the Library of Congress Congregation, uses a system. This system is alphabitized by their call numbers. Professor Grestle was standing in front of the over head screen, controlled by his laptop. To the right of him, and the left of me stood a projector screen. I thought that was an official way to grab the classes attention and immediately I focused.

A few things that were topic in the orientation stuck out with my previous visits to libraries. Using your "Student I.D" to check out books was familiar to my mind. Professor Grestle gave us a vivd picture on what not to do when looking for a book. He also mentioned that College of Alameda does not charge to use the catalog. I was unaware about websites not getting reviews nor edits. I would like to learn more, about different services that help students study for classes.

Going on the COA website to reference a book was difficult. When browsing I found books and articles on tupac, nothing about Afeni Shakur appeared. I remembered the how simple Professor Grestle made the process look during his demonstration. I had trouble. Logged into the "my library account and still couldn't find anything. When revisiting the campus library, I would like to get some asisstance with the catalog system once more.

Works Cited/Website
College of Alameda.Sept 4,2012

12:22 AM  
Anonymous Daniel Yoo said...

Daniel Yoo
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
Today, our class went down to the library to learn more about it. Hearing the lecture on the library today, I did not know that the library had so much to offer. I thought that all this library had was tutor, rent books, and assessment tests. It was interesting to hear about the library of Congress organization and get an idea of what the alphabets mean in the call number. I knew that the books were organized by their subjects rather than the author’s name or the first alphabet of the title. My favorite feature has to be the article database. I am definitely going to take advantage of it because I think that it is going to help me in writing my essays for this class. One of the more interesting information that I heard today was that the school pays 40,000 dollars for the databases.
Personally, I feel that Professor Gerstle did a great job going over all the important details. I think he answered all the questions that I had and the whole process is very simple. My plans for library field study are to get comfortable using and getting familiar with the college libraries. Up until now, I haven’t really been taking advantage of the library, but now that I know a little bit more about it, I feel like it is really going to help me get a good grade in this class.
So to look up a reference on Afeni Shakur, you first have to go to the College of Alameda website. Then, click on the library link that is located under the Quick Links section. After you have done that, click on the Article Database and it will show you all the databases that you can use. Also, if you keep scrolling down, it tells you a short description on all the databases to look at if you can’t choose. For this example, I chose the Biography in Context. If you are trying to access the databases on a computer that is not school owned, it will ask you to enter the username and password. For the username, enter in student and alameda for the password. When you are at the Biography in Context website, look for the search bar and type in who you are looking for. Press enter and you will get a list of references, news, and magazine articles that is about that person. Click what you want to read about and you will get the information you need.

12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse Valdez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50 A.M.
Cyber Assignment Library Orientation Reflection
This library orientation has enlightened my knowledge on libraries and research. For one thing, I did not realize that all libraries at colleges had similar systems of organizing books. I always assumed some books were organized alphabetically, or were organized in some other way that might have or might have not been followed by other colleges. I did not come to think that most colleges followed a system that was the same, which were call numbers. Also, speaking of call numbers, I always thought that the call numbers had some kind of significance. Hearing that there was no special reason or pattern in giving books call numbers surprised me. This is good information, so I won’t end up thinking there is a pattern and I assume a book has a call number when it doesn’t, leading me into never finding the book I was looking for.
Another good portion of information I heard during the orientation was how to search for articles in the article databases at the College of Alameda online database. I have been taught to use it a little bit before, but I was only taught with the Expanded Academic ASAP. I had never looked at any of the other article databases or ways to look up other various sources of information.
I would like to know more about researching articles on the article database, assuming there are other “tricks” to finding good information. I feel as though I might have learned more on the article databases if there had been more time, but if there all there is to finding articles was presented in the orientation today, then I suppose I might like to learn more about the research process that was also seen.
When going to the article database, I clicked on Expanded Academic ASAP, and proceeded to type in Shakur, Afeni. I clicked on news, then clicked on an article titled Tupac Shakur’s Mother Prepares to Sue that was part of the New York Times.
Works Cited
"Tupac Shakur's Mother Prepares To Sue." New York Times 17 Mar. 2009: C2(L). Expanded Academic ASAP. Web. 6 Sep. 2012.

12:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gabe Shalaby
English 1a
8:00-8:50 a.m.

Today our English class had the opportunity to take in a presentation by professor Gerstle in the Library. We learned how to better utilize the basic tools available on the COA's library section of the website. I was a little late so I missed a couple key points I'm sure, but what I absorbed seemed very helpful. It's a good thing we got a few hand outs with instructions or I would have never known the password and username to log in to the databases.
Professor Gerstle also explained how books are sorted and how the same system that we use in our library, is used by colleges all over. It's a relief to know that once I get used to this system I don't have to relearn everything when I transfer. The whole presentation was news to me. I'm very excited that such a convenient compilation of databases and information on the availability of physical data is so readily accessible. I've never really used any college's library system, let alone the library itself.
Searching for articles on Afeni Shakur was fairly straight forward and yielded results almost immediately. It seems for some reason Gale Biography In Context doesn't agree with my computer in the moment but I'm sure I can fix that soon enough. In my search through other databases I came across an article on Afeni Shakur's reluctancy to become CEO of Amaru Records. I did not know that this responsibility came as a burden. As the article quotes her ``Tupac really wanted me to not run, so that's really why I'm trying to stick to it" and that is precisely what she did.

Nekesa Mumbi Moody. "Afeni Shakur Becomes Reluctant CEO." New York (AP Online) 05/28/1998. 09/05/2012

1:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems my indents didn't work out.

1:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonas Sota
Professor Sabir English 1A
September 6, 2012

An encyclopedia can provide a broad view and useful key words (useful for researching & discussing) of a topic or controversy. The “nature vs. nurture” controversy serves as a good example.

The Peralta Library website has a comprehensive list of databases that range from compiling a very broad range of materials, such as the Expanded Academic ASAP and the Academic Search Premier which contain articles from sources such as journals, newspapers, and magazines. There are a variety of other databases that offer materials using a less broad filter such as

It’s beneficial to use these databases because they provide information such as origin and the intended audience of an article, which is important to know in order to understand any biases, and the date of publication which is important to determine what information was known at the time of publication and therefore the relevancy of the article can be determined.

Afeni Shakur reference:
I used the abc clio database, another database that I have access to. I searched “Afeni Shakur” and immediately found a short article about Jasmine Guy’s book Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary and her interviewing of Afeni Shakur over a period of seven years.

Works Cited
Bush, Vanessa. "Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary." ProQuest 5000 International. ProQuest LLC, 15 Mar. 2004. Web. 06 Sept. 2012. . Summary of the book Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonas Sota
Professor Sabir English 1A
September 6, 2012
11:00-11:50 AM

An encyclopedia can provide a broad view and useful key words (useful for researching & discussing) of a topic or controversy. The “nature vs. nurture” controversy serves as a good example.

The Peralta Library website has a comprehensive list of databases that range from compiling a very broad range of materials, such as the Expanded Academic ASAP and the Academic Search Premier which contain articles from sources such as journals, newspapers, and magazines. There are a variety of other databases that offer materials using a less broad filter such as

It’s beneficial to use these databases because they provide information such as origin and the intended audience of an article, which is important to know in order to understand any biases, and the date of publication which is important to determine what information was known at the time of publication and therefore the relevancy of the article can be determined.

Afeni Shakur reference:
I used the abc clio database, another database that I have access to. I searched “Afeni Shakur” and immediately found a short article about Jasmine Guy’s book Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary and her interviewing of Afeni Shakur over a period of seven years.

Works Cited
Bush, Vanessa. "Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary." ProQuest 5000 International. ProQuest LLC, 15 Mar. 2004. Web. 06 Sept. 2012. . Summary of the book Afeni Shakur: Evolution of a Revolutionary

11:51 AM  
Blogger Fermin said...

Fermin Carrera
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50 AM
September 5, 2012

What I Learned at the Library Orientation

In only fifty minutes, I learned a lot on how to use the College of Alameda library. All I can say is that I am really glad that Professor Sabir took the whole fifty minutes out of her regular English 1A lecture so that we can have an orientation of how to use the library as a resource. Sooner or later, we will all have to go in the library to do some research for our up coming essays. Now that I know how to do research in the Peralta Colleges Data Base and how to look up certain books that can help me write my essays, I now feel more confident of going to the library to work on research related to my essay topic.

After having the library orientation, I realized that visiting the library is more reliable than to just search the web. I say that the library is more reliable because the information that I will find of any kind is legit and not false information. Which on the other hand, If I search the web about a certain topic, I will have to see if the information given to me I accurate, but I now that the information in the library almost or perhaps 100% accurate in truth knowing that a professional author wrote I intend to read.

Knowing how o use the database of the library excites me because I will be able to get a lot of information that is primary resource. For example, I will be able to read articles of newspapers, and magazines of that exact date. Another example would be that I f I want to look at the newspaper article of when Tupac Shakur was murdered, most likely I would find the article written in 1996 which was the year her was murdered. Those types of information will very helpful when I intend to prove a point in the essay.

Overall, I now know and understand how valuable a library can be to a student. Now that I have attained a lot of information of how to use the library as my resource when It come to doing research, I know feel more confident of going to the library and just spend a couple of hours doing research about a certain topic knowing that I will attain plenty of information.
I found an article in one of the College of Alamedas databases. I Went to the databases and selected Expanded Academic ASAP. From I looked up Afeni Shakur. There were a selection of magazine articles and new articles written about her. I found a very interesting magazine article about her work of trying to keep her son’s legacy of music on. In a way, her plan was to reinvent Tupac Shakur’s music into a full album. In the end, it became one of the top albums in 2008. The title of the article is Tupac Shakur's mother Afeni closes new deal to promote her late son's legacy by Dana Slagle. It was easy to just look up someones names and automatically receive many articles related to the subject, which in this case was Afeni Shakur.

Works Cited:
slagle Dana,"Tupac Shakur's mother Afeni closes new deal to promote her late son's legacy " Expanded Academic ASAP, June 4, 2007, September 6, 2012

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

weimei wu
professor: wanda sabir
English: 1A 8:00-8:50

Library cyber Assignment

My English 1A professor brought the class to the library for an
orientation presented on september,05,2012, and it was quietly, as student who studying at the library . I have learned a lot of research about how to process and where to look for the book and how to related to the four big essays we haven't been done yet.
after finished the orientation , I went back home and try to do by my owned ,and click on article Databases to search a wed about certain topic , also get a lot of information that is primary resource .

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Virginia Tan
Eng 1A
Professor Sabir

Library Freewrite

Today we have a class orientation in the library. The first thing I noticed is that the library is so big. I believe it is good to know more about how the library system works. When we have to do research in the future it will be useful to know where everything is. I appreciate the librarian spends his time and explain the process step by step on how to find the book we needed. It make the process very easy, we only need to type in keyword, title, or author, etc.

I always go to the alameda library and do my homework, so I am very familiar with the library system. The only thing I did not know is there are call numbers for each book. I thought those numbers are just arrange in alphabet order. I think if the book are not arrange that way searching for a book is like finding a needle in the ocean. I like where they have a very detail description it is very help to us. We do not have to search it one by one.

After class I went on look for articles about Afeni Shakur in the biography section. A lot of links appear. There are at least one reference, six news, and seven magazines about her. I click on the very first link. After I read her biography, I was surprise that Afeni was once addicted to cocaine. I think it have been a hard time for her to get rid of it.

"Afeni Shakur." Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 67. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 6 Sep. 2012.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Antionette said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Antionette said...

Antionette Armour
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-850
6 September 2012

Recap of the Library Visit
Today’s meeting was in the library where we attended a lecture given to us by Professor Gerstle about researching articles, biographies, books, databases, newspaper articles, and magazines. The lecture was very informative although I have attended one already when I went to Mills College. What refreshed my memory was when he told us how to research certain topics and subjects. I used to fuss about not being able to find the right articles and materials through the college library online and that was because I was not typing in the information the right way. What also refreshed my memory was that many different databases contain different topics. For example, when you are looking for an autobiography it would be under article databases, then under biography, and finally you have to click on autobiography in context.
I found that the databases give the size of a book and the number of pages in a book to be interesting because it gives you an idea of how long the book would take to read. So on, I do find library information and resources to be very informative; however, trying to get the concept down about how the books are labeled and sorted out seems very complicated. On the other hand, I am very familiar with the library database and I find it to be very useful. Throughout college and beyond I will use the article database because it directs you to the great and relevant articles for a research paper.
When I look up Afeni Shakur, I type in into my URL. I then click on Article databases, which then provided me with a list of articles. I looked under the category of Biography and found Biography in Context, which I clicked on. A separate window popped up and I typed Afeni Shakur in the search engine that is provided in the right hand corner of the page. Finally, her biography was the final result.

Works Cited:
"Afeni Shakur." Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 67. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 6 Sep. 2012.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bianca Hsueh
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
6 September 2012

Library Orientation

In the library orientation, I finally understood the use of the study rooms and what I need to do to reserve one of the rooms. During the orientation, I found the information about how to approach researching for a topic to be very useful. Usually, I would start researching a topic without knowing much background information about it. However, during the orientation, I learned that it is best to find a reference book to get an overview of the topic being researched. I always thought that reference books would not be as useful as a book on the topic or something from a textbook, but through the library orientation, I learned that a reference book is a great place to start; the information is detailed enough to allow you to get the gist of it, but condensed enough to not overwhelm you with information.

I would like to know more about how to find the right books to complete my research. After finding out about the College of Alameda’s article database two years ago, I have been using the database and other online sources for my research needs. However, I would like to try using a book for research in the future as I know they are a great resource for research.

The library orientation today was the second orientation I had. The first orientation I had was more intensive as it lasted about two or three days spanned over a week or two. During this time, I learned how to use the article database, how to search for books from the Peralta colleges and how to determine if a site is credible.

When I logged into the COA Article Database, I tried to find an article about Afeni Shakur through the Expanded Academic ASAP database. It was difficult at first to find an article about Afeni Shakur because the majority of the articles were articles about Tupac Sakur. Although these articles would be great resources to understand Afeni Shakur’s relationship with Tupac Shakur, they do not provide enough information about Afeni Shakur herself. Other articles were merely articles about Tupac that mentioned Afeni Shakur’s name. After some scrolling, I finally found an article that was a bit more focused on Afeni Shakur; nonetheless, it was related to Tupac. In this article, the author, Ta-Nehissi Coates writes about how Tupac’s death motivated Afeni Shakur to take some action in her community. The author writes, “Having been unable to prevent her only son's death, Shakur, 59…opened the Tupac Amaru Shakur Center for the Arts, to encourage youngsters to pursue their artistic dreams” (Par. 2). I found that this article was centered mainly on how Afeni Shakur reacted to Tupac’s death, which was to help her community by building an art center for children. In conclusion, finding an article that mentions Afeni Shakur was not difficult at all. What was difficult was finding an article that put Afeni Shakur in the spotlight like what the author of the article did.

Works Cited

Coates, Ta-Nahissi. “A Tale of Two Mothers.” Time 168.3 (2006): 72-74. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Sept 2012.

11:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ian Bailey
Professor Wanda Sabir
7 September 2012
English 1A 11-11:50

Today we visited the College of Alameda library for an introductory orientation. The librarians were very helpful and informative both in the clear way they explained the website and catalog, and the quality of the handouts they gave us provided similar information. Prior to the library orientation, I had no idea how to use the library's website, nor did I even know that they had a specific website. Needless to say, I learned a lot about how to use the library's many resources. The library catalog seemed to be the main subject matter throughout the presentation, which is to be expected because it is potentially the largest database of information, keeping record of each and every book in the library. We also learned about MLA citation and locating articles using the library's resources, and we had a chance to try it out for ourselves by the end of class. All in all, the experience made me more comfortable with using the library's technology.

The presentation had enough depth that my major questions were all answered by the end of the day, so I am hard pressed to find something I need to know more about. To follow up from the experience, I plan to use the library as a resource more often, especially to help any research I have to do for my classes. With such an impressive database, the College of Alameda library is likely to contain a lot of information about most school-relevant subjects, possibly providing some coverage where the internet falls short.

The first search I made using the school's catalog was for a book about Afeni Shakur. The process was rather simple. All that I needed to do was to go on the school's website, click the link that accesses the library page, go to the book catalog, and type the terms of my search, which was for “Afeni Shakur,” in this case. It provided a list of books about her, and a section dedicated to articles mentioning her as well.

"Afeni Shakur." Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 67. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 5 Sep. 2012.

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keelan Sunglao-Valdez
Professor Sabir
English 1A
Sept 7, 2012

When searching for a research, students can access the Peralta community district website for all kinds of researching recourses. This website lists all the books available in the libraries of any Peralta campus. The website gives which campus the book is available, where on campus, book numbers and whether or not if it is available. The website also gives the cited information on the searched book. This can be used when citing the source of a desired book.

When searching for a book topic, using the "key word" tab is the best way to find all kinds of books on your topic. The website will list different books on your topic, as well as I depth subjects on the topic. Articles are also available on the website under the school data base. Students can access newspapers, essays, biographies and other documented references. These recourses can all be accessed electronically, along with access to a source citation.

When recourses are found- book or article; on me can save the information or rent certain books. Many books are available for checkout on any Peralta Campus. Checking out books requires approval from librarian and a Peralta college ID. For electronic documents, students can print for a small fee, email, share to a social network, or saved to a computer. All of these recourses are made available by the Peralta Colleges to assist students in their studies.

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo R. Hernandez
Professor Sabir
English 1A

Library orientation

At the library we were introduced to all the resources available to us. When a student has to research for a project the library offers plenty of options to get information. By accessing the Peralta website we were shown how to access the book and article databases. The article database allows the researcher to look through hundreds of sites from the use of keywords. When an article is found a person has the options to print, email or save it. The book database allows people to search for books by typing the title or author. When the book the researcher is looking for is found it gives details about the location of the book and if it is available or not. What makes the article an easy source is that everyone has the same username and password. What also makes the article database an easier source is that the first two databases for articles usually cover everything a person is looking for. Students are allowed to access the databases on campus as well as off campus.
I learned a lot from the presentation given at the library. I did not know that databases for articles can be accessed off campus. I can really use this database for future research papers or for any questions I have. The presentation overall was really helpful even though I had my doubts that it would be a boring presentation. I did like the article search in the end and email it to myself, it was very hands on and it allowed me to actually have a feel for the database.
I will use the library more often for doing my homework and using it for future essays. I really enjoyed the seriousness of the library and how it should be used for school reasons. I will now get a school ID to check out books and fully use the library. The rooms for study groups can be very useful to me so I can actually want to start a study group. Overall the library has helped motivate me to try harder.
When searching for an article of Afeni Shakur I used the biography database. It led me to the "biography in context" site. I searched for “Afeni Shakur” and it led me to many different types of articles including her drug case and about Tupac’s death. I finally chose an article which contained information about Tupac’s work and how it could be released.

Works cited

Slagle, Dana. "Tupac Shakur's mother Afeni closes new deal to promote her late son's legacy." Jet 4 June 2007: 30. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 8 Sep. 2012.

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo R. Hernandez
Professor Sabir
English 1A

Library orientation

At the library we were introduced to all the resources available to us. When a student has
to research for a project the library offers plenty of options to get information. By accessing the Peralta website we were shown how to access the book and article databases. The article database allows the researcher to look through hundreds of sites from the use of keywords. When an article is found a person has the options to print, email or save it. The book database allows people to search for books by typing the title or author. When the book the researcher is looking for is found it gives details about the location of the book and if it is available or not. What makes the article an easy source is that everyone has the same username and password. What also makes the article database an easier source is that the first two databases for articles usually cover everything a person is looking for. Students are allowed to access the databases on campus as well as off campus.
I learned a lot from the presentation given at the library. I did not know that databases for articles can be accessed off campus. I can really use this database for future research papers or for any questions I have. The presentation overall was really helpful even though I had my doubts that it would be a boring presentation. I did like the article search in the end and email it to myself, it was very hands on and it allowed me to actually have a feel for the database.

I will use the library more often for doing my homework and using it for future essays. I really enjoyed the seriousness of the library and how it should be used for school reasons. I will now get a school ID to check out books and fully use the library. The rooms for study groups can be very useful to me so I can actually want to start a study group. Overall the library has helped motivate me to try harder.

When searching for an article of Afeni Shakur I used the biography database. It led me to the "biography in context" site. I searched for “Afeni Shakur” and it led me to many different types of articles including her drug case and about Tupac’s death. I finally chose an article which contained information about Tupac’s work and how it could be released.

Works cited

Slagle, Dana. "Tupac Shakur's mother Afeni closes new deal to promote her late son's legacy." Jet 4 June 2007: 30. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 8 Sep. 2012.

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo R. Hernandez
Professor Sabir
English 1A

Library orientation

At the library we were introduced to all the resources available to us. When a student has to research for a project the library offers plenty of options to get information. By accessing the Peralta website we were shown how to access the book and article databases. The article database allows the researcher to look through hundreds of sites from the use of keywords. When an article is found a person has the options to print, email or save it. The book database allows people to search for books by typing the title or author. When the book the researcher is looking for is found it gives details about the location of the book and if it is available or not. What makes the article an easy source is that everyone has the same username and password. What also makes the article database an easier source is that the first two databases for articles usually cover everything a person is looking for. Students are allowed to access the databases on campus as well as off campus.

I learned a lot from the presentation given at the library. I did not know that databases for articles can be accessed off campus. I can really use this database for future research papers or for any questions I have. The presentation overall was really helpful even though I had my doubts that it would be a boring presentation. I did like the article search in the end and email it to myself, it was very hands on and it allowed me to actually have a feel for the database.

I will use the library more often for doing my homework and using it for future essays. I really enjoyed the seriousness of the library and how it should be used for school reasons. I will now get a school ID to check out books and fully use the library. The rooms for study groups can be very useful to me so I can actually want to start a study group. Overall the library has helped motivate me to try harder.

When searching for an article of Afeni Shakur I used the biography database. It led me to the "biography in context" site. I searched for “Afeni Shakur” and it led me to many different types of articles including her drug case and about Tupac’s death. I finally chose an article which contained information about Tupac’s work and how it could be released.

Works cited

Slagle, Dana. "Tupac Shakur's mother Afeni closes new deal to promote her late son's legacy." Jet 4 June 2007: 30. Gale Biography In Context. Web. 8 Sep. 2012.

I am Sorry Professor Sabir I cannot get his post right. This is my Final draft.

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marco Gonzalez
Professor Sabir
English 1A
The time spent in the library today September, 5 2012 was very informative and some of the strategies that they showed us can be very useful down the road. We learned a number of interesting facts in our brief orientation, and all of those contribute to using the library to its full potential like many students don’t. How to use the library catalog was a lesson that stood out to me as being very useful, I have always felt lost when I’m in there but no longer. They explained to us the Library of Congress method that is used in our library along with most other universities. They also did well to explain the online search and how to use it most effectively.
The library is setup under the Congress method, which is a term I have not heard of until this orientation. The method is actually pretty common and is somewhat simplistic once it is thoroughly explained, as letters and numbers are used as a scale to organize the books. The other key point that was emphasized was how to use the library catalog, which I along with many of my classmates never knew there was a catalog to aid in our search. If I would of knew about this catalog last year it would have made my research report on Manuel Noriega that much easier.
Lastly they explained in depth how to use the online search in the most effective manner. I remember vaguely having a similar orientation around this time last year, and I do remember the instructor going over how to effectively search online vaguely. This refresher was much needed but the strategy is simple enough use keywords such as title, author, or subject to broaden yet specify your search. This orientation was overall pretty informative and offered up an easier way to do things which I think a lot of students are grateful for.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anthony Roberts
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
6 September 2012
Library Database Search
Today, the sixth of September, we visited the library and were given a presentation on database searching, more specifically searching the Alameda database. The librarian took us to the webpage,, and showed us the various databases we can search. These databases include books, and articles.
The book search is relatively simple, and it has 5 options: search the whole catalogue and the four different campus libraries individually. The search system works just like a normal search system, enter a couple keywords and hit enter, then the results pop up. The results are well sorted, and actually include most of the information necessary for MLA citation. The librarian also briefly broke down how to find this information and use it.
The librarian continued on after that to show us the different article databases we have, and there are plenty. They are broken down into different categories but she said it was usually best to just start the search with the first two databases, Expanded Academic ASAP and Academic Search Premier . Like the book search results, the article search results often have all the information needed to correctly cite the source MLA style, and even sometimes have the corret citation stated and ready at the bottom of the article itself. After this she wrapped up and let us break off into groups to take a stab at it ourselves.
I took a try at using the article search myself and it was relatively easy. I first went to the site above, and followed through to the Article Database search. Upon loading the next web page I took a try with the LexisNexis newspaper article search and actually came across a crazy article where a member of Tupac’s former rap group, the Outlawz, claimed to have smoked his ashes with his mother. She denied the claim and the family said the Outlawz “would have had to sneak the remains past the family member at the memorial.” It all seems pretty ludicrous to me!

Works Cited:

“Family: Pac did not go up in smoke; Hip Hop.” The Mirror. 1 September 2011. 13 September 2012 <>

8:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tracci Davis
Professor Wanda Sabir
5 September 2012
English 1A 8:00 – 8:50 am

The College Library

Today in my english class and i went to the library for an orientation presented by one of the schools librarians. The librarian was very helpful and very informative as he guided us along the information that we need as students, and that may be required and i may need to take full advantage of the resources that the library contains. I believe that my knowledge about the college library haves increased and the librarian showed the class and i so many things that I may have ignored in the past and that i did not understand fully .

After the orientation, I went to the library's open lab to try finding articles on Afeni Shakur. It was easy with all the links and because i understood every thing a lot better now and all I had to do when I got into the articles database was choose what type of article I wanted. I chose biography and then I simply had to type in her name and all the information I needed popped up in front of me. When I read her biography, I thought she was a really strong black woman to have rid herself from her cocaine addiction and also form a charitable foundation for the arts. With information so readily available, it will be a breeze when I have to search for research material in the future.

"Afeni Shakur." Contempora

12:49 PM  
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