Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Muhammad Yunus, Social Entrepreneur; Book Report Assignment

Monday we read an article in Ode Magazine (2006) about Muhammad Yunus, banker, Noble Peace Prize Laurette and creator of microcredit. The article is a model for your social entrepreneur essay. Here it is on-line: http://odewire.com/53697/turning-poverty-into-peace.html

1. Complete your books.

2. Write your essay.

3. Find your Social Entrepreneur. Start developing a source list and then start reading and becoming an expert on your topic. Some of you have chosen to read a book about your SE which means all you need is 4 more sources. We will continue practice documentation next week and the weeks to follow.

Look at the section on research in Hacker.

4. Prepare to present your essays for the book report next week beginning Tuesday. The only essay due is the book report essay.

You will not read your essay. Prepare an abstract for the class. Bring in copies for everyone. If you do not have an abstract, you will not be able to present. If you are going to do a PowerPoint presentation, make sure it is rehearsed. The presentation should be between 3-5 minutes.

Posters are fine. Also, bring your book. If you have kindle bring in a photo of your book and your author. If the book has been adapted for the screen, you can show us a clip.

You are defending your argument, so have one (smile).

Review your errors on the first three essays, so you do not make the same ones on the next essay.


An abstract is a brief summary of the key points in your essay.  It contains your argument and the evidence you will use to prove your thesis.

Post it here, along with your Initial Planning Sheet by next Tuesday morning as well.

Bring the Book Report Essay abstract to class on Tuesday. Make sure you have enough copies for everyone. Students will not be able to present without an abstract. After each presentation, students will respond to each other's essays with comments. You will write them on the abstract and give them to the presenter. We will present in the classroom (A-202 & C-113) on Tuesday-Wednesday next week. If you have a PowerPoint presentation bring a laptop.

Don't forget to VOTE!


Blogger Joseph Carlo O. Tolentino said...

Joseph Carlo O. Tolentino
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8:00 – 8:50
4 November 2012
Book Report Essay:IPS

1. What is the subject of your paper?
Neglectful parents are often the cause of children getting involved into the “bad crowd”

2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
Because it is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

3. What audience will you write for?
Anyone willing to listen, and interested in the topic

4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
If the parents were present and responsible, would the child be able to keep away from the bad influences?

5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?
Trying to use a more down to earth and persuasive tone. Introduce counter arguments and show examples from the fictional book: The Last Olympian.


“Consequences of the Neglectful and Ignorant Parents”
Author: Joseph Carlo O. Tolentino

From the beginning of time, it is an unspoken duty for the parents of a child to guide him or her to the future. It is a responsibility that all parents must hold they are the first role models for a child, and arguably the most important. Naturally the child’s environment and friends hold some of the influence as well, however if the parents have a strong bond with the child, most of it can be negated with the right parenting. This also applies to teenagers, as often times, teenage rebellion can be a cry for help. Negligible parenting can lead to dire consequences for both the child and the parents, as depicted by a fictional book written by Rick Riordan titled The Last Olympian from the Percy Jackson Series. With the right parental guidance it is possible to keep a child away from negative influences and to create a successful future for him or her.

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Everett
Professor Sabir
ENGL 1A 8-8:50
12 November 2012
Book Report Abstract: The Hunger Games
When are oppressed by a government there are always ways to fight back. In many cases today, the government that rules over a people doesn’t always make the fairest laws for people to follow. In almost every country today, there are laws that restrict peoples’ speech in fear that it can harm the government. This raises the question, how can people show that they do not like what a government does? Suzanne Collin’s The Hunger Games offers an answer to this question. In the book, the Protagonist, Katnis Everdeen lives in Panem, a country divided into twelve districts and ruled forcefully by the Capital. There is a competition held in the capital called the Hunger Games. In the Hunger Games, each district sends one male, and one female tribute to participate in a fight to the death with only one winner. In the story, it is obvious that no one likes the hunger games, or being ruled by the Capital, but they are never able to voice that opinion because the capital does not allow it. Finally, in the end, Katnis is able to voice her disapproval for the government by showing the entire nation that she would rather die then be a part of the system the capital uses to control people. Even when it seems that there is no way to convey the message of disapproval to a government, there is because the government is just as much, if not more fearful of the people, as the people are of the government.

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Everett
Professor Sabir
ENGL 1A 8-8:50
12 November 2012
Initial Planning Sheet: The Hunger Games
1. The subject of my paper is the book The Hunger Games and how it examines a peoples’ relationship with their government.
2. The purpose of the essay is to argue that there are always ways to rise against a government.
3. I am writing for a broad audience especially people who are interested in how and why a government gets people to follow laws against their interest.
4. When and how should a people stop giving in to the government that controls them?
5. I will use the plot of The Hunger Games to back up my argument that there are always ways to rise against a government.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Everett
Professor Sabir
ENGL 1A 8-8:50
12 November 2012
Initial Planning Sheet: The Hunger Games
1. The subject of my paper is the book The Hunger Games and how it examines a peoples’ relationship with their government.
2. The purpose of the essay is to argue that there are always ways to rise against a government.
3. I am writing for a broad audience especially people who are interested in how and why a government gets people to follow laws against their interest.
4. When and how should a people stop giving in to the government that controls them?
5. I will use the plot of The Hunger Games to back up my argument that there are always ways to rise against a government.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda Lara
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
November 12, 12

1. What is the subject of your paper?

If colored people from the community would have had the opportunity to be allowed on a jury panel before 1968 racism and discrimination would not have been the reason to unfair trials or deaths.

2 Why do you want to write about this subject?
I want to talk about it because there have been recent cases such as the oscar grant and Rodney King case where police brutality had a big impact on the community.
3 What Audience will you write for?
The audience that I tend to attract is the young, since it is up to use to make a difference.

4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
How long has Police brutality been due to racism

5. what is the main strategy you think you will use?
I want to incorporate cases from the 20th century and compare them.

The Book that I am using is The Sky's the Limit: People V. Newton: the REAL Trial of the 20th Century?, a new book by Lise Pearlman

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo Hernández
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50am
11 November 2012

Initial Planning Sheet: Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

1) What is the subject of your paper?
The subject will be about how Steve Jobs reached his goals.

2) Why do you want to write about this subject?
I want to shed light on how Steve Jobs achieved his goals in ethical and unethical ways. I have heard that Steve was a mean man but after reading this book I claim otherwise.

3) What audience will you write for?
I want to reach a mature audience to let them know who Steve was. I also want to reach the audience that has knowledge of who Steve was and to set the record straight on what type of man he was.

4) What question do you want your research paper to answer?
How did Steve Jobs accomplish so much?

5) What is the main strategy you think you will use?
I would like to use the description style. I want to focus on Steve’s ambitiousness from a young age until the day he died.

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davian Grant

English 1A

Professor Sabir

8:00- 8:50

November 12 2012

1. What is the subject of your paper?
the use of though provoking problems to engage readers into a book

2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
it is a very important thing to have in books to keep readers interested.

3. What audience will you write for?
People who read books and like to be deeply connected

4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
what makes a good book and what makes a great book.

5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?
informative and pointing out how each part is done well.


Many would agree, that when two unstoppable forces collide, a small furry animal dies. It is equally understandable that when a great book is made the story must continue to the very bitter end. Halo is a novel that has been carried on for many many volumes. It has been passed on to so many writers including, Eric Nylund, and Greg bear. Halo has become a widely popular novel, making its way to the game consoles and also on screen adaptations by fans around the world. But what is it that’s brings so many people to like this novel. Many good novels have very provocative themes that bring up deep and profound questions. It is believed that apart from a very action packed and mysterious alien tech rich novel, it is the personal and thought provoking morality subjects that bring out the best in the novel.

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo R. Hernandez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50am
11 November 2012


Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

People always set goals to so they can achieve easily. Goals are usually something to better improve oneself and not to improve the world as a whole. Steve Jobs was a man that started from a garage with a goal to make a difference in the world through the use of his products. Steve was a man that not only made a change in the world but he made a change in a gigantic way by making an impact on our everyday lives. Steve Jobs was a man that achieved goals through sheer ambition. The biography titled Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson; Isaacson sheds light on how Steve Jobs accomplished his goals because of his resiliency, vision and strive for perfection.

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emily Lam
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11-1150
5 November 2012

Initial Planning Sheet
1. What is the subject of your paper?
The subject of my paper would be being successful.

2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
I want to write about this subject because I have recently read a book about how a person could have so many distractions and still have the motivation to become successful at what they want to be.

3. What audience will you write for?
I will write for audience that no matter what tries to drag you down, always keep striving for what you want.

4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?

How was Gordon Ramsay able to become a successful British chef when he had so many distractions in his life?

5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?
I believed that I will be using description and casual analysis as my main writing strategy for this essay.

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emily Lam
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11-1150am
5 November 2012


Gordon Ramsay did not have the perfect childhood where it would be nice to always go and look back. He was named after his father. As the book spills out the detail of Ramsay’s life, Ramsay’s father was not the father anyone would want. He was a stubborn man who likes to drink most of the time and gets into fight with people. Since his father was always drunk, he would come home and abuse the family. Ramsay also has a younger brother where he was addicted to heroin. While Ramsay was trying to focus his career as being a chef, his life was very distracted. He already have a father that did not show any kind of support of what Ramsay wanted to do and still had to try and take care of his brother. In the end, his brother did not appreciate everything that Ramsay did for him to get him to quit. After that did not work out well, he thought he could focus on his career again. That was not the case, Marco the person that trained him to become a chef, got him into a lot of drama. Marco needed help with his restaurant and asked Ramsay to help him by paying him a huge amount of money. Even though it was hard for Ramsay to say no to, he did not expect Marco to turn his back and tried to trick Ramsay to sign a contract. He told him that if he did not sign the contract with the other chef shareholders for a restaurant then they would ask Ramsay to leave and replace him with Marco. In the end, Marco had his own problems with the restaurant so he decided to quit. Ramsay continued to work hard and ended up opening his first restaurant. No matter how tough life gotten for him, he was the only chef in London that has three Michelin stars.

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeannae Williams
English 1A 8-8:50am
Professor Wanda Sabir
Bookreport Essay IPS& Abstract
12 November 2012

1. What is the Subjest of your paper?
Oprah Winfrey.

2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
Because she is an African American who is a successful women who over came many struggles and overall became very successful without holding her past agaisn't her.

3. What audience will you write for?
Whoever wants to read my essay.

4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
Why is it that people go through tough times and end up with many blessings?

5. What is the main strategy you think you will use? The strategy i will be using uin this essay; say what I'm going to say, discuss again in detail what i just said, and say what I just told you again, but in a much breifer way.

Oprah Winfrey was raped, pregnant, grew up in poverty and was not acknowledged by her mom how she should have been noticed. Her father played a major role in her life where soon one day she would excel just like he thought she would. Oprah put her neggative path behind her, so that she would take footsteps towards a successful path of becoming a co-host. oprah Winfrey is one of the richest African American women living in today's times. Her struggles is a proven fact that she does not believe in failure, and no matter what hardships one may pass have, Winfrey demonstrated that possibilities are endless. She did it all by going to school and networking her way through.

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel Avalos
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50AM
12 November 2012

Book report essay
1. What is the subject of your paper?
There is no one argument that covers the whole of Dancing Barefoot

2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
I chose the book, it does not have an argument in it, the essay has to have an argument in it

3. What audience will you write for?
Peers and professor

4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
Is Dancing Barefoot by Wil Wheaton a good choice for an argumentative essay?

5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?


“Average Geek”
Author: Rachel Avalos

Not all autobiographies work for argumentative essays, such is the case with Dancing Barefoot by Wil Wheaton. This book spanning five different short stories about the author’s life does not cover a controversial subject. These five stories cannot be cobbled together to form a well thought out argumentative essay, they cover varied subjects. Overall the theme of the book is acceptance, but there is little argument in acceptance.

11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse Valdez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50 AM
13 November 2012
Initial Planning Sheet
1. What is the subject of your paper?
That Beah was able to eventually change himself and not stay violent.
2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
I want to prove that with enough will and hope, people can change.
3. What audience will you write for?
I am not writing for any particular audience, but I am especially writing for those who doubt the ability to change oneself.
4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
How was Beah able to change himself and not be the violent soldier he once was.
5. What is the main writing strategy you will use?
I will attempt a persuasive essay using Ismael Beah’s book.

Jesse Valdez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50 AM
13 November 2012
In Ismael Beah’s A Long Way Gone, Beah lives in Sierra Leone, a place where, at the time, there is a war between the government and some rebels. The war ends up reaching the areas where Beach lives, and forces him to run away, and gets separated from his family in the process, never seeing them again. Afterwards, Beah finds himself in a village that government troops protect. It is there that Beah is transformed into a soldier who violently kills and takes pleasure from killing out of revenge for all the terrible things the rebels have done to him. When Beah is taken in to a UNICEF rehabilitation center where he will no longer fight, he is given a lot of time to be by himself. During this time he becomes easily angry, but after becoming friends with a nurse who listens to him and takes care of him, he stops being angry. Instead, he feels guilty of what he did when he was a soldier, and regrets it deeply. After much time passes, Beah stops letting his guilt stop him from being happy, so he accepts what he has done, still regretting it but not every second of the day. He proves he has changed himself and is no longer an angry violent soldier by making a speech at a UN conference, and talking about his past without experiencing the same bad emotions he used to feel. He has come to terms with it, and lives his life happily.

11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bianca Hsueh
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
13 November 2012

Initial Planning Sheet

1. What is your topic?
-- My topic is how people should deal with death.
2. What is your purpose or why do you want to write about this topic?
--I want to write about this topic because after reading Tuesdays with Morrie, I was moved by how Morrie is able to cope with his death.
3. Who is your audience?
-- My audience is open to everybody. I believe that Morrie parts with very good advice. Unlike many people who do not have the chance to value the last days of life, Morrie is optimistic about his death because he is able to control his last days by telling people life’s greatest lesson.
4. What question do you want your essay to answer?
-- How is Morrie able to accept his death and what can we as readers take from his lessons?
What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?
--The main writing strategy that I will use is analyzing the text and description.


In Mitch Albom’s "Tuesdays with Morrie", the author meets with his old professor to discuss about life, aging and death. The two meet after sixteen years when Mitch had graduated from the Brandeis University. During this time, Morrie had developed Lou Gehrig’s disease which would lead to his eventual death within a few months. Despite his looming death, Morrie is optimistic and accepts his death and old age. He is able to do so by believing that aging is a way of life and a journey on which he learns how to accept death. Morrie is able to cope by embracing the fact that he knows how much time he has left to live, which he claims is to his advantage and luck as he is able to make amends with the people around him and himself so that he does not die with any regrets. Nonetheless, the professor does have feelings of sadness and self-pity. However, he chooses not to let these feelings get the best of him. Instead, he chooses to only allow himself a small time of self-pity, so that he will be able to enjoy the people and things around him.

4:31 AM  
Blogger Antionette said...

Antionette Armour
Professor Sabir
Engiish 1A 8-850
13 November 2012

Initial Planning Sheet

1. What is the subject of your paper?
High incarceration rates among men of color.

2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
To understand the seriocomic factors that play into incarcerating a large mass of African American males.

3. What audience will you write for? (Your audience will determine whether you need technical or broad-based information from your sources.)
Students, policy-makers, and researchers (people who have questions about the mass incarceration rates of black and Hispanic males).

4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
What is causes the American jail system to disproportionately consist of African American males?

5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use? (Description, process or causal analysis, compare/contrast, problem/solution, classification, or arguments are some possibilities.)
My main writing strategy is problem/solution.

America has the highest incarceration rate than other developed countries. It has five times more people in prison now than in 1970s. Nearly 1.5 million Americans in federal and state prisons and local jails consist disproportionately of young men of color with limited education. In his second chapter, Inequality, Crime, and the Prison Boom, Western states, “Extraordinary incarceration rates among young, less educated black men at the end of the 1990s have seemingly obvious explanation: black youth with little schooling commit a great deal of crime.” Based on these trends, over one out of three black men will experience imprisonment during their lives. There is overwhelming evidence that the overrepresentation of blacks in prisons is largely due to discrimination in every phase of the criminal justice system.

Works Cited
Western, Bruce. Punishment and Inequality in America. New York: Russell Sage, 2006. Print.

7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kendra Jones
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50 AM
13 November 2012

Initial Planning Sheet

1.What is the subject of your paper?

2.Why do you want to write about this subject?
I can relate to parenting

3.What audience will you write for?
Parents and families

4.What question do you want your research paper to answer?
Does negative parenting style effect the child's self-esteem, relationship and personal growth.

5.What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?


(Good and Bad)

The effects of bad parenting on children can have long-lasting ramifications. The saying that "Children learn what they live" is quite accurate. If a child is being raised in a home where they are not being treated very well, the child is being set up for a lifetime of difficulties. Parents can affect the development of their children in either a positive or a negative way. Thus parents can consciously choose a positive parenting style to create more positive children. Love is not just a feeling. Parents are the first influence in the life of a child along with the attitude, views, goals, and perspective on life that the child develops while growing up. What a child learns in the initial years are known to have a lasting impression on the mind of the child which is why good parenting is an absolute necessity. Just as there are experiences which build self-esteem there are others which can have a damaging effect on self-esteem. The first people the child comes in contact with are the parents so the child's relationship with the whole world is determined by what happens between the child and their parents.

Darling, Nancy, and Laurence Steinberg. "Parenting style as context: An integrative model." Psychological bulletin 113.3 (1993): 487.

9:57 PM  
Blogger Miguel Chavez said...

Miguel Chavez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
13 November 2012
Initial Planning Sheet
1. What is the subject of your paper?
The coping mechanisms and survival instincts of someone in an extreme situation
2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
I will explore Miklos time in the camp and pick out examples that show how he dealt with his situation and managed to stay human in the end
3. What audience will you write for?
I am writing for my classmates and professor and anyone who interested in a story from a Holocaust survivor
4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
Can we remain human even after being treated inhumanely and participating in inhumane acts?
5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?
I plan to look at Dr. Miklos’ experiences and show how in some instances he was not a heartless monster but just a man trying to live.

Miguel Chavez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
13 November 2012
Many of us know what the Holocaust was and what happened to millions and millions of innocent people because of it. How many of us know what truly went on in those crematoriums and inside the head of those who committed these gruesome acts? Auschwtiz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account is the memoir of Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, a prisoner of the camp who worked under the SS. He voluntarily participated in Nazi-led research that was supposed to support the Nazi theories of the Jewish race being degenerate, and so justifies the systematic genocide of an entire people. Many see him as a monster and plainly inhuman because of what he did.
Dr. Miklos was a thrown into the camp and presented with an opportunity to continue his practice, so he took it. He could have quit helping the SS, but to do so would have been suicide. He was merely doing what he knew would help him survive. Whether that was a crime, is up to one’s discretion. Under the circumstances he was under, personally, I do not believe he committed any crime. He did his best to keep living as normally as possible. At first I was concerned for the doctor because he seemed to be pleased with his work but then his true self comes out. For example, the moment he saved a little girl’s life or when he finds his family. The fact that he found his family was what saved his life. He still had hope, something his fellow prisoners lacked.

11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fermin Carrera
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50 AM
November 13, 2012

IPS: Always Running: La Vida Loca: Gang Days in LA. By. Luis J. Rodriguez Book Report

1. The Subject of my paper is gang violence.
2. I want to write about this subject because I want to talk about how gang violence affects the individuals involved in such activity.
3. The audience of this paper is the professor Sabir and those who intend to read it.
4. The question that I want to answer in my paper is why do young guys and even girls join gangs?
5. The main strategy that I will use is casual analysis.

Fermin Carrera
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50 AM
November 13, 2012

Always Running: La Vida Loca: Gang Days in LA

The book, Always Running: La Vida Loca: Gang Days in LA, is a book about the young life of Luis J Rodriguez who is also the author of the book. Luis J Rodriguez is a Mexican American man who throughout his adolescent years and early adulthood, lived in East L.A., home of many Latino Gangs. Luis was an innocent kid before his teenage years began, but the fact that he was walked over by others, made him want to reach a goal that he will later realize will not be worth finishing. At a young age, he began his own gang with his friends after seeing what they are able to do. As time went on, Luis became much more of a gang member and actually participating in gang violence. His action caused him to isolate himself form his family. His gangs was primarily his family up until he realizes that living the gang life was not worth living because it was a slow self inflicting death that he would soon encounter if he continued. Gang violence empowers those who seek it, but blinds the reality of what gang members are really going through. Luis J Rodriguez was no exception.

1:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makonnen Richardson
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
Novermber 13, 2012

Initial Planning Sheet

1. What is the subject of your paper?
The subject of my paper will be about what it really takes to reform our education system in America and how Geoffrey Canada is a man who gets results.
2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
I want to write about this because the book exemplifies most of the key themes our class has been learning like the black community, violence, education, social change, etc.
3. What audience will you write for?
I want to appeal to an audience that truly understands where America is headed in terms of our future education and what’s really going on in our public schools
4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
How did Geoffrey Canada make HCZ (Harlem Children’s Zone) successful and what will it take for us to replicate this model efficiently in our education system.
5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?
By introducing different viewpoints and evidence to prove that while addressing and comparing Canada’s endeavors in trying to make a social change

When assessing the state of America’s children, people speak of the achievement gap between the middle class and the poor. But really there’s an everything gap: a health gap, a safety gap, a technology gap, a conversational gap, etc. Schools are an important role in a child’s development and can help make up for some of these deficits, but they can’t make up all the difference. Through many demonstrations of distribution of government aid and programs of welfare which initial goal were to help bring poor people out of poverty, none of these attributes are revolutionary or doing it’s job into solving the core of it all. In turn, it is understandable that kids in public schools like Harlem that are in middle school with reading levels 2 or more behind the grade they’re in. Sadly this represents a hidden majority of poor kids that go to public schools because there is no intervention being made, no real change being done. With enough motive, determination, and passion from all involved in social entrepreneur Geoffrey Canada’s HCZ (Harlem’s Children’s Zone) with proper guidance and parenting skills, attainable humane resources and external social programs to help enhance any need of the child to get to and through college can greatly change a community of people for the better and is something that deserves a lot more recognition.

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makonnen Richardson
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
Novermber 13, 2012

Initial Planning Sheet

1. What is the subject of your paper?
The subject of my paper will be about what it really takes to reform our education system in America and how Geoffrey Canada is a man who gets results.
2. Why do you want to write about this subject?
I want to write about this because the book exemplifies most of the key themes our class has been learning like the black community, violence, education, social change, etc.
3. What audience will you write for?
I want to appeal to an audience that truly understands where America is headed in terms of our future education and what’s really going on in our public schools
4. What question do you want your research paper to answer?
How did Geoffrey Canada make HCZ (Harlem Children’s Zone) successful and what will it take for us to replicate this model efficiently in our education system.
5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?
By introducing different viewpoints and evidence to prove that while addressing and comparing Canada’s endeavors in trying to make a social change

When assessing the state of America’s children, people speak of the achievement gap between the middle class and the poor. But really there’s an everything gap: a health gap, a safety gap, a technology gap, a conversational gap, etc. Schools are an important role in a child’s development and can help make up for some of these deficits, but they can’t make up all the difference. Through many demonstrations of distribution of government aid and programs of welfare which initial goal were to help bring poor people out of poverty, none of these attributes are revolutionary or doing it’s job into solving the core of it all. In turn, it is understandable that kids in public schools like Harlem that are in middle school with reading levels 2 or more behind the grade they’re in. Sadly this represents a hidden majority of poor kids that go to public schools because there is no intervention being made, no real change being done. With enough motive, determination, and passion from all involved in social entrepreneur Geoffrey Canada’s HCZ (Harlem’s Children’s Zone) with proper guidance and parenting skills, attainable humane resources and external social programs to help enhance any need of the child to get to and through college can greatly change a community of people for the better and is something that deserves a lot more recognition.

12:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wei Zhang
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50 AM
Abstract of Fahrenheit 451
Fahrenheit 451, a science fiction writing by Ray Bradbury, a worldwide celebrated author, the most celebrated 20th-century great master in science fiction. He created a fictitious American society that all the book are outlawed and the firemen`s responsibility is to incinerate the books.
The main charactor in this story called Guy Montag, a firefighter obeyed the autocratic government to burn the book and house. At the beginning, Montag was just a common worker wanted to earn more money and wish to get promotion depending. But all the things changed after he met a strange girl, Clarisse McClellan, who had incessant questions and strong thirst for knowledge. Then the peace was broken up, after getting influence from the girl, he started to hoard more books by stealth and think about if the fire department was founded to incinerate books. Moreover he started to doubt the whole society and his life. Unfortunately his wife reported to his team leader, Beatty, a typical representative of the autocratic system. After a personal talk between Montag and Beatty, Beatty considered that Montag had already fell in opposite ideology. Afterward Beatty led his team to Montag`s house and asked Montag to incinerate it. The story might end at this moment, but the captain discovered Montag`s secret that he kept communicating with Doctor Faber, a English Professor who was a dissenter fighting against the dictatorship. When captain planned to hunt down Faber Montag killed him with flamethrower. Starting from here the climax was coming, Montag began to escaped the manhunt from the autocratic regime. After getting guide from Dr. Faber, he escaped to the countryside and contact the exiled book-lovers who live there. Finally Montag met the exiles who created a system that each of them must memorize a book or a part of a book. They were ready to use their knowledge to rebuilt the society. Then the war began and soon ended. During a shining morning, all the exiles discussed the direction they would march. A large factory of mirrors should be built and it expected the bright future.

Wei Zhang
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50 AM
1.What is your topic?
Never Give Up
2. What is your purpose or why do you want to write about this topic?
From the book, Fahrenheit 451, I found a truth which proves a famous dictum “Carve but give up half way, even a decayed piece of wood will not break; carve without stop, even metal and stone can be engraved.” So I want to tell the audience that “never give up”
3. Who is your audience?
The people who can`t insist to do anything, especially the youth. The nonage is the most important period to build the foundation for the whole life.
4. What question do you want your essay to answer?
If you want to success to do anything, you need to insist. If you walk half way and give up it means failure.
5. What is the main writing strategy you think you will use?

11:33 AM  
Blogger Lhadze Bosiljevac said...

Lhadze Bosiljevac
English 1A

1. My topic is about Cadavers: dead bodies used for science.
2.To show how important cadavers are in science and how death is in everyday life.
3. Everyone. Because this is a choice people make and it focuses to all people.
4. Cadavers are a long misunderstood ignored topic like death, but is something we use everyday and need.
5. Facts, proofs, data.


When someone dies, they expect to be cremated or buried next to the previously deceased. Yet what about the 20,000 or so a year who decide to become a cadaver for medical purposes? In many cultures, we view death as something so terrible to not think or speak of it because we fear it. But for every body donated, it saves another or changes lives for millions in need of the research or care. In “ Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers” by Mary Roach one finds death a seemingly bit less tense and a bit of a ‘funny bone’. Born and raised in Etna, New Hampshire, she worked for the SF Zoo before becoming a book writer. In all her famous showings in National Geographic and Outsiders, Mary Roach wrote “Stiff” first in a column for Salon.com. Although the grueling tales of flying guts and dissected dermises of buccal areas which do not smile are told, Mary brings to captivate readers to understand just how important studying a dead body can be in the tale of life or death for patients in hospitals everywhere. For this purpose, bodies of the correct stature, condition should be legally utilized to help others in the medical field as positive upshots for the people in need.

5:15 PM  

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