Sunday, February 09, 2014

Week February 10-15; Week 17-22 Assignments with links

To make it easier to navigate this week I have put links for each assignment here. Do not worry about dates. As long as you get all the assignments completed by Saturday you are fine. You might find yourself having to backtrack to respond to classmates. I give dates as a way to pace yourself; however, if you are swamped then just make sure you get everything posted by Feb. 15, 9 a.m. and Week 2, Feb. 22, 8 a.m.

You will then have the weekend to respond to classmates. The new week begins that Monday. Let me know how this works for you.

Recap of February 8 Meeting and Projection for the next two weeks. This is just a projection.

The Happiness Project Reading Schedule: 

Feb. 3-7 prepare: pp. 69-111
Feb. 10-14 prepare pp. 112-140
Feb. 17-21 prepare pp. 141-193

Happiness Project Weekly Discussion topics. These discussions will not be on the blog; instead students will email their writing group peer(s). You can also email me so I can give you credit for the Discussion Assignments. Make sure you indicate what the topic is in the subject line for your peers and me. Save all conversations for inclusion in your essay portfolio for this first essay. 

Week 1 (Feb. 10-15) Topic 1 Your first set of resolutions. Introduce yourself and then identify three or four resolutions to tackle. Email these responses to your writing group members. Send me a copy. Respond to each other by week's end (Feb. 15, 8 a.m.).

I gave everyone a copy of the Happiness Project Starter Kit in class, but just in case:

Week 2 (Feb. 17-22) Topic 2 Personal Commandments 
First part half of email, Resolutions check-in; second half, write and share your list of personal commandments. Again, respond to each other by week's end (Feb. 22, 8 a.m.)


Blogger Unknown said...

Dorothy Middleton
Professor Wanda Sabir

English 1A Saturday

14th February 2014
“They Say/ I Say”
In the introduction to “They say / I say” The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing, Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein provide templates designed to demystify the process of essay writing. Specifically, Graff and Birkenstein argue that the types of writing templates they offer are an easy guide to follow for all levels of writing from the simple to the complex Graff and Birkenstein are of the mind that their templates are design in such a way that the writer must be engaged in the process. They believe that in order for a writer to understand the critical thinking basic, the writer must be engaged in the process. They content that this is what their templates does. They felt that this will lead the writer to a better understanding of the forms that are needed to becoming a more critical thinker when writing.
. It is view by some that the use of templates inhibits the critical thinking process needed to be an intelligent writer. Graff and Birkenstein states that in fact their templates are not an easy way out for writers, but an aid to move them thru the process of becoming a writer whose writings will hold up against their critic.

I agree that as a writer I need a template that will guide me thru the process. I don’t need any one to do my thinking for me. I have a lot of ideas just waiting to get out of my head on to paper. I just need to understand the rules to become a critical writer. A writer that writes in a way that not only writes wells, but a writer that writes critically. By using a template that is design to keep me aware and engaged with the rules of writing. My dream is to someday become a critical thinker that writes.

1:44 PM  

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