Monday, March 03, 2014

March 3-8 Overview with links to assignments

This week we continue in Rubin's The Happiness Project and start looking at research methodology using library resources. I am going to list 4-6 resources this week and a few more next week for students to practice navigating the library databases to find articles for use in essays.

In THP cyber-discussions students will look at the Second Splendid Truth. Here is a link to the assignment:

In They Say we will look at Planting the Naysayer, that is, developing counterarguments (78-91)

In preparation for the first mastery essay:
I suggest students look at the essay for THP and chose 1-3 topics of interest and tailor your research to answer the question you might like to consider in the essay you will be writing.  Each essay will use 3 sources, minimally. Students do not have to cite in-text from the articles, but they do have to include the other sources in their biography. I would like students to vary the sources used: scholarly articles, books, broadcast interviews, film or videos. Look at the Assignments Link posted a few weeks ago. 

1 source for each of the three mastery essays has to be a scholarly article (generally between 5-20 pages long).

The freewrite topic this week is:  In 250 words reflect on the women (1-3) in your life and how they have shaped you into the person you are today. Be as concrete in your examples as possible. You can be creative and the woman does not have to be a relative or even human.

Research Links


Expanded Academic (general interest academic).
(Watch 2)Topic: Happiness; Gretchen Rubin

basic search

subject guide search

advanced search

Literature Resource Center
 (Watch both)
 Gretchen Rubin; The Happiness Project

person search

works search

Students will post the results of their research using MLA format.  Please include a brief synopsis of the articles (2) you read and their usefulness in your research on happiness.

At the end of the articles or media is the resource in MLA form. Check this against Hacker's Rules.In this forum, discuss what you found and any questions or problems using the library database.  

There is a virtual librarian  Please also ask the Virtual Librarian and share the results in the Research Forum. 

Reading/Writing Assignments

They Say
"Skeptics May Object: Planting a Naysayer in Your Text" (78-91).  Read the chapter and complete exercises 1 and 2. For exercise 2 (91) use one of the essays we read this week in 50 Essays. Post at link. 

Link to post

50 Essays

Read the following the two essays by Stanton and Truth and answer questions pertaining to one of them: 

First Essay from 50 Essays

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" (379) 
Read the discussion D-74, at this link. For some reason the authors of 50 Essays didn't include this part of the presentation.

1. What is the analogy Stanton sets up between Revolution-era Americans and women of her time?

2. Read Stanton's argument through her title. Why does she declare sentiments and resolutions? (Start by defining both terms.) How does she get from the former to the latter?

Read Argumentative Analysis: 

3. Connections essay: Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence (p. 187). 

Compare Stanton's declaration to Thomas Jefferson's declaration (p. 187). How does she use both the form and the historical significance of the original text to make her point?

4. What group today could write a declaration akin to Jefferson's and Stanton's? In 250 words min.:  Write its declaration, playing off on these earlier declarations. 

Second Essay from 50 Essays

Sojourner Truth, "Ain't I a Woman?" (410). 
Look at the two versions of the speech in the linked text. What is lost in the translated version?

1. To whom and to what is Truth responding?

2. Truth's argument take the form of examples. What are they examples of, and what point do they help her make?

3. Connections essay: Elizabeth Cady Stanton's essay (p. 379).

4. Imagine you were in the audience when Truth delivered this speech in 1851. What perceptions of her might you have had, and how might what she said have countered them? (Respond in 100-250 words min.)


Blogger Eleven Chrysanthemums said...

Yessica Beltran
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A Saturday
6 March 2014
Free Write on Influential Women

Naomi Katz. My eighth grade advisor, who was the first to really understand me and see my potential. She was my advisor for two years. Ms. Katz was easy to talk to and get along with. She was there for her students and loved to do yoga and plant gardens. At the end of the year, before moving on to ninth grade, she gave each girl a little notebook with a poem and a short letter describing how we had influenced her. The poem was “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou. The words of that poem always remind me of Ms. Katz. She was quirky and fearless. She never apologized for being herself. In the letter she wrote to me, she explained why I should speak up. She understood that I was shy and quiet, but knew that I had interesting ideas to share. Every time I read that letter I am reminded that I have the potential to influence others in a positive way. I shouldn’t be afraid of being myself. I have the potential to be whatever I want to be. Ms. Katz was able to see this in me and encouraged me to take risks. I view her as the first person to understand that it takes me a while to trust people and she accepted that. She didn’t want me to change, simply to be a bolder version of myself. Ms. Katz helped shape the person I am today and continues to be an influence. I always go back and read what she wrote whenever I feel upset. She not only expressed to us what we could be, she led by example.

8:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Middleton, Dorothy Middleton 1
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1 A, Saturday
8 March 2014


There was a woman who helped shaped my life; she made it full of joy, love and helped me to gain insight and understanding about the world around me. I called her Mother.

I can’t say enough about my mother; she was the person who taught me how to love and give of myself to others. One rainy day in the mists of one of the coldest winter I could ever remember; I was maybe about 6 years old, a friend of the family came over. She was all wet and she seems so very cold. She was greeted by my mother’s smile; my mom had a smile that could light up the darkest room, yet it didn’t this time. I knew then that it was something that was attached to a bad situation. As they talked, I could hear bits and piece of what they were saying; my mom left the room, when she return she had an old shopping bag filled with what looked to me as some food item. Her friend left, I just had to know, “what was in that bag” so I asked her some food for a friend, she proclaimed. She then began to explain how we have a duty to help others in need. She didn’t give me any details of their talk; she did let me know that we were going to have less for some of our upcoming meals.

What stayed with me that day were her actions; she began calling out loud, thanks and praises to Lord for being able to help her friend. At the time it seemed so strange that you would want to thank the Lord for having less to eat. As time went on, I began to learn from my mother how to have a heart that was giving, understanding and focus not just on self. She made me realize that helping others can bring the giver joy as a result of being a help to others.

I learned from her sometime people only need an ear to talk to, a smile to up lift them and maybe just a word of kindness to get them thru their day. All these things are things that one can give of themselves to others; it didn’t have to be food or even money. Thanks to my mother, I will always call out loud; giving thanks to the Lord for placing her in my life; for her teaching me that joy is what you should feel each time you give of yourself to others. She knew that there was no substitute for having joy in her life; my mother had so much joy in her life; I pray that I was a part of that joy.

11:38 PM  

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