Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Color Purple Tonight!

Today in class we discussed the article about Muhammad Yunnus, "An Innovative Idea: Grameen Bank and Microcredit." I don't remember if I told you to post a response to the article here. If you feel so inclined, especially if you missed the class and have questions, pick up a copy of the article in the bin outside my office, and by all means respond. The article is an example of what I am looking for in the essay on the SE. You can watch a video about Grameen Bank and Yunnus at the Frontline World
website. Tonight on FW, Channel 9, 10 p.m., there is an episode about the CIA and its interrogation methods.

Tomorrow we will meet in the classroom. Students need to bring the completed Evaluating a Website assignment in for discussion. Answer all the questions. If you don't know the answer to one, ask the librarian.

Homework was to read the section on argument from Diana Hacker. I gave students copies of the section. We will watch a video about argument tomorrow. For Thursday we'll continue talking about Shakur. I will also have your midterm essays to return. Read up to chapter 4 for Thursday.

Today I handed out an article on social entrepreneur, Muhammad Yunnus, "Turning Poverty into Peace," reprinted from Ode Magazine. Muhammad Yunnus is founder of Grameen Bank, an institution which lends money to poor people. This article is a model of the type of essay or article I'd like students to produce for their research essay. Last semester, one student actually turned in a magazine style essay on Alice Walker. I am always open to suggestions on projects so make it fun for yourself.

Keep in mind the following questions:
What did you like most stylistically about the writing? If you had to answer the question: What was the author's purpose and what question did the writers want this article to answer, how would you answer?

How is Yunnus' work used as an extended analogy to talk about the key idea of this article? What is the point here? It is repeated minimally 4 times.

Where does the conclusion start? The key point is repeated here one last time. What is that point?

What references are sited to prove the writers' point? List them.

The authors also give other references to organizations whose development went through similar phases as did Grameen Bank. List them.

(Muhammad Yunnus is on the the SE profiled in Frontline World. Tonight on FW they will be looking at the CIA and its secret interrogations on Channel 9, 10 p.m.)

We'll meet in the classroom Thursday, Nov. 9. We will review the evaluation of a website questionnaires. If you had any trouble, drop by the reference desk. I want all the questions answered.

Keep reading Afeni. We are up to Chapter 4. We had a great discussion today about her life. Don't forget to read your Hardy selection and be prepared to share. Also, your planning sheets and source list is due. You should have made an appointment to talk to your SE, also you should be gathering materials to begin your research.


I gave students copies of the Hacker section on Argument. Please read. We will watch a film about argumentation Thursday and answer the questions at the end of the handout together.


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