Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Today in class we discussed Alice Walker: A Life. Homework was to read up to chapter 6, or page 32. We will respond to the reading on-line tomorrow in the Writing Center. Students will write a three paragraph essay incorporating one citation into each paragraph.

Alice Walker suffered a horrible accident that changed the way she perceived herself. What lessons did she learn from this accident? How does knowing this about her effect your re-visioning of her essays?

Homework: Keep reading Walker. Read chapter 6-12 over the weekend. Ask questions of the text, make predictions about what's coming, be prepared to share. We'll divide into literature circles on Monday. Don't forget to keep a vocabulary log and a reading log for each section. In the log note the key themes, characters and any other important information.

Let's meet in the Writing Center on Monday also, so you can share your impressions on-line. Does anyone know how I can set up a chat room in google blog space?

The sun is setting; I think I should go home :-) Monday, we'll get back to the Coretta King: Revisited assignment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rudy Gonzales
Mon.-Thurs. 8-9am

The beginning of Alice Walker: A Life by Evelyn C. White has been good thus far. The first five chapters have given background on Alice and her family. White pays attention to great detail; she gives much background on the history and people in Alice’s life. I enjoyed in the first chapter how she paints this image of the South and what it meant to be a black person living there. Black people had a hard life living in a country controlled by whites. White writes, “Trapped in an inhumane sharecropping system that forced blacks to take jobs wherever white landowners would hire them…” (7). Blacks having limited options led a life that was much fastened.
Although blacks were oppressed in many ways, their black community would help each other as much as they could. The Walker family had little means to support themselves, but always took pleasure in each other. I especially enjoyed how children were still children no matter what class they were in. White records the truthful actions when describing how the sister of Alice, Ruth, had prayed for a baby sister (11). Ruth was also quite the character when she said, “One day, I just about drowned searching for a baby in a tree stump that was stuck in a creek” (11). I laughed out loud during this part because children really do take to heart what their elders say.
The rest of the chapters established Alice’s elders. I learned the hard lives that they led and the kind of people they were. Alice’s grandfathers had a hard time dealing with life and were unstable and sometimes violent. Her grandmothers were pleasant and handled life the best they could. Alice’s parents were strong people and wanted the best for their children. White describes them as “unshakeable” and I quite agree with her (23). Alice started school at age four and showed abilities beyond her age. She read a lot and was an Aquarius; just like me. I find that I have many commonalities with Alice and I am excited to be reading her story.

4:45 PM  
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