Monday, March 08, 2010

International Women's History Day!
Freewrite: Where would you be without women? Reflect on a special woman in your life. You can post your reflection here as well if you'd like to share.

Cyber-assignment 2:
Today in class we reflected on how innovation and invention is at the heart of women's empowerment. Muhammad Yunus is a man who demonstrated such with the establishment of Grameen Bank. Muhammad Yunus is mentioned in Half the Sky. How is Muhammad Yunus's bank and popularizing of microlending an important step in women's empowerment?

Homework is to respond to the New Heroes video. Talk about how microcredit helps women take control of their lives. In three paragraphs use examples of what Yunus has done with Grameen Bank to support what the authors talk about in the section on microcredit (pages 185-198). This response should be three (3) paragraphs.

Include a citation in each paragraph. Don't forget the signal phrases and the works cited page.

For information on Muhammad Yunus go to (New Heroes). Visit

Come to class prepared to discuss Half the Sky. Students will reflect on the three areas the authors identify as priorities and list 3-4 profiles of women who were victims and have now turned the situation around.

Each group will outline the strategies employed looking for similarities and differences in strategies.

Lastly, when one reads Half the Sky is the thought that passes through one's head, "that's over there and here things are different" or does one see parallels between so-called First World and Third World nations?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

James Barker
English 1A 9-9:50
Professor Wanda

Yunus is a very courageous caring man. Yunus approach to helping empower women is through banking. The work he has started is the grameen bank. Through grameen banking Yunus started a contovercial system called micro crediting. Micro crediting allows for people, women in particular who are starting their own business to take out a loan without collateral. What a great and helpful idea!
This microcredit approach is effective in countries all over the world. In Pakistan Roshaneh a Pakistani woman has become a tycoon. Roshaneh has become successful through the microcredit system that Yunus has spearheaded. Roshaneh has moved from a poor woman without a voice to a wealthy woman with a loud voice because of her financial status. This was able to happen only because of the microcredit approach, without this her life would leave Roshaneh with no voice.
Zohra Bibi says, “Now women earn money and so their husbands respect them more.” Zohara was able to make this statement because of the same system that helped Roshaneh has benefited her as well. Goretti, another woman that has been the recipient of the microcredit system has gone from the hen that cannot speak in front of the rooster, to the hen that speaks with confidence; all because of her financial status has changed. Just by observing a few cases one can draw this conclusion, that Muhammed Yunus banking idea has impacted the world and help to further empower women.

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cristian Barrionuevo

English 1A 8-8:50AM

Prof. Wanda Sabir.

Where would you be without women?

Definitely, without women the world would be an empty spot or the human race. Also men would not be able to survive. Women are an essential tool in society. Contrary to popular belief, they play a significant role in our society. From my point of view, women are the chief gender in humanity. Men without women would not be to procreate. As a consequence, generations would not be able to spread. Finally, women should be placed on a pedestal and admired by the opposite sex. Unfortunately, throughout the history the masculine sex has always been struggling to be on top in society. Still, we may find some men’s retrograde minds claiming that men are far ahead better than women. Prejudices, biases, false judgments are the main causes why women have been fighting to gain a place in society. I hope one day we may see women playing the role they deserve in society. Men may be stronger than women, but the most sensible decisions are made by great women.

Reflection on a special woman in your life.

If I had to choose a special women in my life, it wouldn’t take me so long to say that my mother is the most special and beloved women. Definitely, I am here thanks to my mother and when I say that I am not talking about economic issues, I am talking about moral issues instead. She is the one who understands me and respects every decision I make in life. My mother is always close to me regardless the adverse circumstances. She always relies on me and I rely on her. She is a great woman who went through several misfortunes in her life. Humility, self-confidence and great values are just some of the most significant points that made my mother an interesting and valuable woman. For me, it is a privilege to be able to sit down and spend some time with my mother. To hear my mother is one the most pleasurable and valuable things I have ever experienced. For several reasons, one of my prayers is that God continues blessing my mother and giving me the chance to enjoy the presence of my mother in my life.

4:45 PM  
Anonymous Juan li said...

Juan Li
Prof Wand Sabir
English 1A 8:00-9:00am
Responding the New Heroes video
Muhammad Yunus establish the Grameen Bank because when he asks people about what they need, the answer was $27. A little money can make a person happy and also give this person a hope of his/her life.
As the book “Half the Sky” gives us the example of a change of Saima’s life:
It was at that point that Saima joined a women’s solidarity group affiliated with a Pakistani microfinance organization called Kashf Foundation Saima took out a $65 loan and used the money to buy more beads and cloth, and soon she had an embroidery business and was earning a solid income-the only one in her household to do so. Saima brought her eldest daughter back from the aunt and began paying off her husband’s debt.
Only $65 could change a woman’s life that is the reason why this is a great thing to do.
Muhammad Yunus started his Grameen Bank in Idea it wasn’t so easy in the first time. Especially at the first time, most women didn’t believe that they could control their own lives by themselves. However, as Yunus continuing more and more women attended. Women loan a little money from Yunus’s bank and started their small business, also save a microcredit for the next loan.
After some women got a real benefit from loaning, this became a part of these women’s habit. They found a way in which they can control their lives. As what Yunus and we saw in the video, women’s dress changed, their children went back to school and there were more smiling on women’s face.

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Summera Farooq
Eng 1A 8-8:50am
8 March 2010
Responding the New Heroes video
With out women the world would have not been the same as it is today. There would have been no Love or Sexism.First off all there would have been no one in the universe. Women are very important to this world.Men would have shatter in to pieces without women.Because women are a tool of pleasure for men.Men and women are equal. One with out the other is just not the same.They support each other in many different ways.My mom is the special woman in my life.If she was not here i wold not be here today.Because of her i am here today.She is like my best friend. She makes me happy and iu try to make her happy. If i say THANK YOU to my mom it wold not be enough because she deserve more than that.She taught me so much in my life.With out her this flower would not bloom.
Muhammad Yunnus wanted to help poor poeple.So he went and ask them what do you need. All they wanted was a small amount of money which changed their lives. He is a social enterpernur just like some are mentioned in "Half the Sky". He helps empower women around the world.Because women are hard worker than men.Women will support their family and provide nutritious food for the kids and also provide supplies for education for kids.
He started a Grameen Bank.At first it was not easy lending money only to women.But as time passed he made many people lives better. He made another Begger bank that gives money to the poorest people of the villges in Bangladesh.As the book “Half the Sky” gives us zzanexample of a change of Saima’s life:
It was at that point that Saima joined a women’s solidarity group affiliated with a Pakistani microfinance organization called Kashf Foundation Saima took out a $65 loan and used the money to buy more beads and cloth, and soon she had an embroidery business and was earning a solid income-the only one in her household to do so. Saima brought her eldest daughter back from the aunt and began paying off her husband's debt.Organizations like that help the poor people around the world and save and change their lives.

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50 Am
March, 8.2010
Where would you be without women?& Reflection on a special woman in your life
Responding the New Hero video

Where would you be won’t women? I thought that is impossible situation. Gender is equality which is natural role. Women and man support each other. Today I checked news that the boy rule is 167 but the girl rule is 100. It is unbalance sociality system. There are many problem that man look for their wife but hard. If women disappear in society, men also disappear. Gender has different duty. Man is important and woman special important. Good man made good mother.
In my life, I met special women, my teacher nun. She is my teacher and like mother. Twenty years ago, I met at Buddhist temple. She checked my life rule and she support basic philosophy. She is good advisor and I ask every my problems to her. I studied sutra school and Dong-guk University and she support every fund: books, fee, transformation, food, and house. She is perfect woman for me. Once in a while, I call to my teacher nun and she advised about health and good way. She worried about me because she always prays to Buddha. I met special women my teacher nun and I must not forget her appreciation.

Reflection about new hero Muhammad Yunnus and “Half the Sky”

Today, I watched New Hero Muhammad Yunnus help poor woman and man. He had a revaluation idea. Somebody wanted to support only $27 and they got happy. He thought it is easy but he is brave hero. They loan small mount and started small business. Women and man change their life. He made micro-create bank and he organized finance system. Every day they got social revaluation. He insisted special point education power, so he supported education system school. After then, this society change better life. “Half the Sky”. I found this slimily situation. For example, Samia, who was often abused by her husband and mother-in-law, was granted a $65 dollar loan from the Pakistani microfinance organization, the Kashf Foundation. With beads and cloth she produced embroidery which brought her a steady stream of income. The money boosted her family’s quality of life exponentially, allowing Samia to repay debt, renovate her daughter’s school and channel running water to her home. The beatings abated and were replaced with respect from her husband and her community; Samia now plans to send all three of her daughters through high school. The success of micro loans to women has proven to empower. Most importantly, as women are empowered, it becomes more difficult to beat or exploit them or their children. The authors point to a study in the Ivory Coast which reveals that while women spend more of their money on food, education and health, men buy alcohol and tobacco when they have purchasing power. Furthermore, an empowered mother may be the most effective weapon to battle violent and militant tendencies in young men (185-198).

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abtisam Kaaid
Professor Sabir
English 1A

Muhammad Yunus is a mean with great courage. After thousands of people in his village died of famine “starved to death.“ He started his own bank because other banks only give money to people that have money. They believe the more money you have the money you get. Yunus has succeeded by helping people lift themselves out of poverty. He has provided many poor people with credit without collateral.

Yunus started to go into different villages promoting his bank. He even made it easier for people to get loans instead of them coming to the bank he went to there homes.He started off by giving small loans to start off small businesses and once the business grew so did the loan. Bigger businesses started to receive bigger loans.

Once Yunus started giving women loans, men became insulted. They didn’t understand why women needed money. But then women became fearless which raised off there self-esteem they had gotten there family out of poverty and there was no turning back. Yunus believes that credit is a basic human life. And has been keeping business up and running for more then 25 years. And now more then 95% of his customers are women. According to one expert in innovative government, the program established by Yunus at the Grameen Bank "is the single most important development in the third world in the last 100 years, and I don't think any two people will disagree."

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abtisam Kaaid
Professor Sabir
English 1A

Muhammad Yunus is a mean with great courage. After thousands of people in his village died of famine “starved to death.“ He started his own bank because other banks only give money to people that have money. They believe the more money you have the money you get. Yunus has succeeded by helping people lift themselves out of poverty. He has provided many poor people with credit without collateral.

Yunus started to go into different villages promoting his bank. He even made it easier for people to get loans instead of them coming to the bank he went to there homes.He started off by giving small loans to start off small businesses and once the business grew so did the loan. Bigger businesses started to receive bigger loans.

Once Yunus started giving women loans, men became insulted. They didn’t understand why women needed money. But then women became fearless which raised off there self-esteem they had gotten there family out of poverty and there was no turning back. Yunus believes that credit is a basic human life. And has been keeping business up and running for more then 25 years. And now more then 95% of his customers are women. According to one expert in innovative government, the program established by Yunus at the Grameen Bank "is the single most important development in the third world in the last 100 years, and I don't think any two people will disagree." Yunus’s bank and popularizing of micro lending is an important step in women’s empowerment because women make money and it is used for the family which will help many families overcome poverty. micro lending help women become independent and just to have that power and authority to them is priceless. Something they would never have imagine. To be seen and recognized not only as a women but a person a human.

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sabah Said
English 1A
March 8.2010
Mon- Thurs

International women day where would you be w/out women? Reflect on a special women in your life.

*I would say women have a bigger role on our lives. Women is where we really came from. We wouldn’t be here in this world if it wasn’t for women to give us life. A special woman in my life whom I love so much and adore and would give my life to her is my mother. Me and my mom have a very close nice bond. She’s my best friend. We help each other all the time, my mom is the special woman in my life.

8:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crystal Cortez
English 1A 8-8:50 am
Professor Wanda
March 8, 2010
Free Write on International Women's Day:

This is the first time I have heard of International Women's Day. To be honest I wouldn't know where I would be without women or better yrt where the world would be without women. I feel if it wasn't for a women then no one would be here because that is where the man comes from. I know that you need both a man and a women to reproduce but it is the women who goes through the whole nine months and then she is the one whom delivers this child to the world. A woman that is very speical to me is my mother. She is a very strong, smart, beautiful woman, who has always been there for me since day one. I admire this woman over all for everything and I would have to say if she was not here I really wouldn't know what to do. She has guided me through everything and is a person whom I know I can receive help from when I'm in need of it. She is one that I can tell anything to and I know she will help me make the right choose. Without women,men will be lost aswell as women because they need the guidance to run there society around them right. Women are a big asset to the world today, that's why I thing I wouldn't know where I would be but I think it I wouldn't be in a good place.

8:22 PM  
Anonymous Jennie said...

Jennie Lo
Prof. Wanda
English 1A 9:00-9:50am
March 8, 2010

Freewrite: Where would you be without women?

Without women? It is impossible. God makes man and woman, Adam and Eve, they are as important as each other. We can’t live with only one single gender. In a family, women (mostly) take care for the housework. In a classroom, women (mostly) dominate the conversation and discussion. In a modern society, women share the contribution of the economic output. Without women, men have to do all the housework at home; discussion will become boring in the classroom; society will never able to have full capacity of output.

A special woman in my life, I think my answer is same as lot of others. My mother is a special woman in my life. She is a very common mother with 100% philia love to her children. She loves all of us, 6 children, with her heart. She gives us all the best and help us whenever wherever we need her. She is a very simple stay home mom. Without her, our family will not be the same. She is very special to me and all my siblings.

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Jennie said...

Jennie Lo
Prof. Wanda
English 1A 9:00-9:50am
March 8, 2010

Response to the New Heroes video

Muhammad Yunus turned himself from an economic teacher to a microcredit system leader. When he saw his country experienced a terrible famine in which thousands starved to death. He stated, “Nothing in the economic theories I taught reflected the life around me. How could I go no telling my students make believe stories in the name of economics? I needed to run away from these theories and from my textbooks and discover the real-life economics of a poor person’s existence.”

Yunus went to the nearby village of Jobra where he found the economic realities of the poor. He started his microcredit idea by offering people tiny loans for self-employment. He started with a $27 to 4 women to start their own business and able to pay off the loans and run into a successful individual.

One of the successful examples from Half the Sky is Saima Muhammad in Lahore, Pakistan. She started with $65 loan for her beads and cloths business. She was a woman who beat up by her husband before she started the business. After she expanded her business to support the family, her mother-in-law stated, “Saima is bringing so much to this house. . . . She’s an exemplary daughter-in-law. She puts a roof over our heads and food on the table.” She also stated, “. . . if a woman earns more than her husband, it’s difficult for him to discipline her.” It proves that woman power can gain from her ability to support the family and the microcredit system is a very powerful tool to help the woman to make it happen.

Works Cited

“Meet the New Heroes.”
Web. March 8, 2010.

Kristof, Nicholas, and WuDunn, Sheryl. Half the Sky. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, 2009. Print

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sabah Said
English 1A
March 8.2010
Mon- Thurs

Reflection: New Heroes video- Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus tries to create a better environment for the poor and having his own bank to provide money for them. He loans women money and have them owe him back later on when there encouraged by him to do something in there lives. He makes a difference to the community. At first it was not a lot of people working with Yunus so they could get help. But after a while it increased to hundreds of people being helped by Muhammad. He mostly helped women and loaned them money, they were really thankful for providing food for them. And he was really reasonable in owing money back in very little amount when ever they make money.

Women are happy and glad to have someone help them and provide for there family.
He went from village to village going from house to house trying to help people by giving money to them instead of them going to Muhammad. He made it easier for the people as much as possible that’s why he wanted to do his own thing with banking. Women started off little by little and as they worked to get more money they received more money. Women felt more powerful they were proud of there selves and felt like they made a difference providing for there family from being in poverty. In half the sky it talked about Saima who was poor and beating by her husband. Saima later joined women solidarity group and took loans from that to help her. She then became successful and happy because then she end up remodeling her home. She ruled her whole family and her husband. “Saima became the tycoon of the neighborhood, and was able to pay off her husbands entire debt, keep her daughters in school, renovate the house….” (pg 186)

Men felt like there were worthless in a way. Because they saw that women were making the money and helping there families. But they were capable of receiving the help from Muhammad which has been going on for so much years and its really a successful way for people to get out of poverty. Micro leading changed a lot for women, it helped them become successful and responsible. They did there things on there own they didn’t need men to provide and help them. They had the courage to feel like they could do anything. Both Muhammed and women didn’t have a easy time managing loaning money but then Green Bank was a successful after a while it became more simple. Women then new how to get around and manage things on their own. Both The New Heroes and Half the sky had the same poverty issues as the New Heroes. It talks about how, “Microfinance has done more to bolster the status of women, and to protect them from abuse, than any laws could accomplish.”(pg 187)

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sabah Said
English 1A
March 8.2010
Mon- Thurs

Reflection: New Heroes video- Muhammad Yunus
three paragragh

Muhammad Yunus tries to create a better environment for the poor and having his own bank to provide money for them. He loans women money and have them owe him back later on when there encouraged by him to do something in there lives. He makes a difference to the community. At first it was not a lot of people working with Yunus so they could get help. But after a while it increased to hundreds of people being helped by Muhammad. He mostly helped women and loaned them money, they were really thankful for providing food for them. And he was really reasonable in owing money back in very little amount when ever they make money.

Women are happy and glad to have someone help them and provide for there family.
He went from village to village going from house to house trying to help people by giving money to them instead of them going to Muhammad. He made it easier for the people as much as possible that’s why he wanted to do his own thing with banking. Women started off little by little and as they worked to get more money they received more money. Women felt more powerful they were proud of there selves and felt like they made a difference providing for there family from being in poverty. In half the sky it talked about Saima who was poor and beating by her husband. Saima later joined women solidarity group and took loans from that to help her. She then became successful and happy because then she end up remodeling her home. She ruled her whole family and her husband. “Saima became the tycoon of the neighborhood, and was able to pay off her husbands entire debt, keep her daughters in school, renovate the house….” (pg 186)

Men felt like there were worthless in a way. Because they saw that women were making the money and helping there families. But they were capable of receiving the help from Muhammad which has been going on for so much years and its really a successful way for people to get out of poverty. Micro leading changed a lot for women, it helped them become successful and responsible. They did there things on there own they didn’t need men to provide and help them. They had the courage to feel like they could do anything. Both Muhammed and women didn’t have a easy time managing loaning money but then Green Bank was a successful after a while it became more simple. Women then new how to get around and manage things on their own. Both The New Heroes and Half the sky had the same poverty issues as the New Heroes. It talks about how, “Microfinance has done more to bolster the status of women, and to protect them from abuse, than any laws could accomplish.”(pg 187)

Works Cited

Kristof, Nicholas, and WuDunn, Sheryl. Half the Sky. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, 2009. Print

“Meet the New Heroes.”
Web. March 8, 2010.

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joshua Duong
Professor Sabir
March 8, 2010
Eng 1A 8-8:50 am
"The New Heroes" Reflection

Muhammad Yunus was, as his brother calls him, "an entrepreneur who is not afraid to take risks. Muhammad was not an ordinary person. He solved problems in a way that most people would not approach it in." Muhammad Yunus was the person who created the Garmeen Bank, which lies in Bangladesh. Garmeen bank is not a typical bank. This bank is essentially known as the "bank of the poor" because the bank focuses more on doing microlending to the poor people of Bangladesh. Most economists had early doubts about microfinancing. Banks are usually all about collateral, centering around the model that "the more property one owns, the more loans he or she can get from the bank." This system works, but only if the people have the collateral in case they can't pay. Muhammad, however, turned the banking industry upside down. He did microlending to the poor people of Bangladesh, lending people small amounts of money to start businesses, while asking for no collateral. This was thought of to be a non-sustainable system. He showed that microfinancing is, indeed, sustainable, after sustaining the bank a couple years later.

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa Huey
English 1A

Reflection on Heroes

Muhammad Yunus's bank and popularizing of microlending an important step in women's empowerment because it gives women a chance to start a business and a new life. In the video, Yunus began to challenge the banking system that only lends to male that already have money. He says that it is the people who do not have anything that should be prioritized to get the loan. His unique loaning system allows people, mostly female, to loan money with out any collateral. Also, he would come to the customer's house to collect payments instead of making them come to the bank. In half the Sky, there was a women whose husband was sick and cannot get a job and was in debt of $3,000. Him and his family let their frustration out on his wife, beating her daily. She decided to join a group that gave her a small loan so that she can make beautiful embroidery. She began making a decent living and paid off all the debt and provided food for the entire family. The family, including the husband, started treating her better. Bank's like Yuna's that help poor women obtain investing money would help families get out of poverty faster. Children would be educated and women would be not be mistreated as often. This is the first step to empowering women.

10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kimthuy Tran
English 1A (9-9:50)
Professor Sabir

Respond to the New Heroes video

Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi professor who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006, for he formed microfinance program and converted it to the Grammen Bank which helped many poor women.

Hearing Yunus’s story, Roshaneh asked Yunus that she wanted to work as a microfinancier.After ten weeks studying the work of Grameen. Roshaneh built up the Kashf foundation which helped Saima who usually was beaten by an unemployed husband.

With the cooperation of Sadaffe Abid, Kashf became a system that offers loans, life insurance, and health insurance. Also , it brings many advances to women; for example, transferring home title to women in Pakistan is complicated and take long time, so Kashf bank asked the husband to sign a document that even if he divorce his wife, he can not expel his wife. More importantly, Kahf reduced 34% poverty in and 40% family’s violence in Afghanistan. Furthermore, women were respected more in their family. Saima who got a loan from Kashf to make and sell embroidery in the markets had improved her family life getting better. Saima said: “We don’t fight, and he treat me well." , even though she gave birth the third girl.

11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edith Gonzalez
English 1A-9am
Professor Sabir
March 8, 2010

Response to New Heroes video

Muhammad Yunus was a well devoted man to help the people living in places such as Pakistan. Muhammad has managed to create a banking system that would allow women to take out loans to start their own businesses. Today, 95% of his bank customers are women. Woman have been able to turn their lives around a make a descent living and provide for their families with the help from the microfinance institutions.

In the book called, Half the Sky, we are introduced to a woman named Saima Muhammad who was a successful participant in the microcredit revolution. In the book they mention, “Microfinance has done more to bolster the status of women, and to protect them from abuse, than any laws could accomplish” (pg 187). Saima as well as the rest of the 95% of women have been able to take advantage of microfinance and pull themselves through the hardships and abuse in their countries.

However, after women began to become successful men started becoming uneasy with the idea that these women were starting to obtain power. Those women who participated in the microfinance were starting to become much stronger and their self esteems started to go up the roof. Many of these women were no longer afraid of their husbands and stood up to them and at times gave their own husbands jobs and managed them. Muhammad with his bank and the microfinance has helped greatly to give women empowerment in their countries which has helped stop a lot of the abuse they were so use to before.

Works Cited

Kristof, Nicholas, and WuDunn, Sheryl. Half the Sky. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, 2009. Print

“Meet the New Heroes.”
Web. March 8, 2010.

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julian Shipnuck
English 1a

Micro lending: A light in the darkness

My uncle has always told me that the hardest dollar to make is always the first dollar; it’s also the best feeling dollar you can make. Muhammad Yunus obviously understands this concept. Muhammad has started a bank that does the unthinkable, he loans money to poor people.” In place after place, markets and micro lending are proving a powerful system to help people help themselves.”(P.187 Kristof & WuDunn) I thought that this sentence explains exactly what Muhammad is doing; he is giving people the opportunity to help themselves, by helping them.
What Muhammad does is called micro lending, he is basically exactly like a bank here in the USA. Except for one thing, and that is that he loans to the poor. It’s not just that he loans money to people who others won’t get near, it’s the fact that he does it to help them, he doesn’t need collateral, and he sets up a payment plan that consists of small payments.
I think that Muhammad is the first of many who will see that the poor aren’t worthless, that women are just as important as men. The fact is that women can handle a working career just as much as men, they just need the opportunity. That is what Muhammad is really doing, he is giving the forgotten an opportunity to make something of themselves. He is a light in the darkness but there are slowly more and more people that are doing the same things to help. Once the ball gets rolling, self-confidence starts to build and opportunities show them, the oppression will stop and empowerment will take its place.

11:34 PM  
Blogger leo400 said...

Leonardo Martin
English 1A 9-9:50AM
Professor Sabir
March 8, 2010

Muhammad Yunus has a notion that goes against banks and the foundation of development with his own project, Grameen Bank, which has allowed for unprivileged workers to prosper through the loans that Yunus has given them. These loans have allowed for the poor to create businesses that allows for community development without the government under mining their operation. Yunus is an economic revolutionist that invented a theory that many felt was irrational but as I see it he adapted many western economical theories to reflect the struggle of his community. Yunus, himself states “Nothing in the economic theories I taught reflected the life around me. How could I go telling my students make believe stories in the name of economics?.” The government is the key that allowed for its own citizens to fade into poverty without interfering. It is time for the citizens’ to take responsibility to develop their own community and completely forget about these flawed governments. A little bit of money can go a long way and Yunus experiment holds truth to this theory. We must remember that development is unlimited and in most cases is only created through the use of money. In this society that we live in a lending hand will never be found especially if you do not have money so it is up to us to develop. Money screams and gains attention from every individual no matter the situation and we must use this toward our advantage. This will allow for these poverty stricken individuals to expand towards living a normal life.

These loans not only fortify the foundation for underdeveloped communities but it also empowers its citizens. These citizens have been dying of poverty and these loans can become the huge self-esteem boost that they have been looking for. A small boost of confidence (money loan) can create the energy needed to develop their communities towards a more prosperous life. These communities are fighting a war where they are losing and only a change within the community will lead to a prosperous beginning. The opportunities that these loans will create in these underdeveloped communities will be far more superior to any other government program. In order for the change to come from these communities there needs to be investment so that it can spark a start in fighting this evil because at the moment it is at a standstill. Those with opportunities must create opportunities for others that are less privileged.

Muhammad Yunus has gone against the westernized entity known as banks. Banks and the way that they have developed have segregated and discriminated against those that are poor. It completely removes the poor individuals from deriving any type of positive benefit from the bank. They are flat out disallowed from receiving these benefits because of their wealth. Yunus goes against this ideology by reinventing it to accommodate his community. It is extremely risky ideology that will be seen by many as radical and irrational to many normal people, but the situation at hand is not normal and requires radical planning in order to create a difference in empowering woman and allowing for communities to prosper without the help of others. We must navigate together in order for these huge steps of empowering women and erasing ignorance in order for development to take place “Microfinance has done more to bolster the status of women, and to protect them from abuse, than any laws could accomplish” (p. 187). Individuals need to take advantage of every opportunity because that can be the difference needed to leave a mark on society permanently.

Works Cited

Kristof, Nicholas, and WuDunn, Sheryl. Half the Sky. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, 2009. Print

“Meet the New Heroes.”
Web. March 8, 2010.

12:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cristian Barrionuevo

Prof. Wanda Sabir

English 1A 8-8:50

Respond to the New Heroes:

Muhammad’s idea was the brightest and the most sensible idea that a human being has ever made. The problem is that the idea does not seem to be accepted by everybody. Obviously, there are many people who oppose the idea of giving women the place they deserve in society. Besides people from government feel totally uncomfortable with the idea of empower women. Obviously it is easier to dominate illiterate people than educated people. It is easier for them to keep them in silence than the possibility of being heard by world. It is easier to persuade those people than people with the chance of make sensitive decisions. It is easier to manipulate poor people than people with the possibility of thinking freely without being forced to say something that they really do not wish to say. I remember having read a famous book written by George Orwell named “Animal Farm” which clearly reflects in an amusing and funny way how powerful people may influence on illiterate people’s mind and how they may make those people feel so miserable. Many enormous talents and bright minds have already passed away. It is high time people around the globe realize that women may perform an exceedingly good role in our society.

Grameen Bank brought not only the chance for women of feeling economically independence but also education and the breaking of habits, customs and traditions that have been dominating part of this world. The most significant issue is that Gramen Bank gave women the chance of thinking for themselves, the possibility of feeling like a real human being, the opportunity of being heard and taken into consideration. The book states: “Eleven countries now have women as top leaders” (on page 196) the reason to this is because women are more peaceful and conciliatory than men. Absolutely, the bank has broken prejudices, biases against women. A new way of thinking has emerged in the world and sensitive people hope this to continue until the whole world may see clearly into the future without being blindfolded.

Fortunately, traditions and habits have been broken thanks to Grameen Bank. There are certain conservative countries around the world that is extremely difficult to observe women playing a role in those societies. Women have a lot of limitations and restrictions by society and even by their own husbands. Muslims women are barely heard and they do not take an active role in society. Instead, they are born to accept and obey orders by the opposite sex. Grameen Bank has turned the Muslims world around. As a result, now we may see Muslims men are seeing their women from a different perspective. Also the bank has transformed the lives of many Muslims families. Grameen Bank has reached out the poorest people in the world. It has taken those people out from poverty, suffering and hardships. Instead they were brought into the system, into the world, a world of dignity and dreams. Women’s dreams and hopes have been restored by Grameen Bank. The possibility of dreaming about a future is now reachable, affordable for women in those countries. They were set free and there is no price for liberty. Grameen Bank from its humble position began to cultivate women’s minds. Consequently, innovations are flowing in the most natural and precious way.

Works Cited

Kristof, Nicholas, and WuDunn, Sheryl. Half the Sky. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, 2009. Print

“Meet the New Heroes.” ttp://
Web. March 8, 2010.

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cristian Barrionuevo

Wanda Sabir

English 1A 8-8:50am

Reflection on Grameen Bank:

Muhammad Yunus has made a huge contribution to the development of women in those developing countries. Definitely, he has achieved superb results because he has given women the chance of putting all their bright and sensible ideas into practice. He focused mainly on women because they are considered to be the ones who most suffer from poverty. Women showed to the entire world that they are potential and incredible people who may contribute to the world in a positive and profitable way. With the establishment of Grameen Bank the world has discovered and revealed one of the most relevant secrets in history that the world (consciously or unconsciously) has ever hidden. Contrary to popular belief, women has exceeded men’s expectations especially those ones with retrograde minds. Grameen Bank has reached a turning –point in life in which from now on, there is no excuse to go on segregating women just because their gender. Women, especially those brave and courage women from Middle East need to be admired and respected for having taken the first step. It is no easy to go against cultures, values, traditions that have been ruling those countries for centuries. It is deplorable to think that it was necessary to create such an establishment to start to respect and treat women in the same way than men are. People like Muhammad should be placed on a pedestal and recognized as somebody who revealed the secret that has been hidden for so many years. Nowadays capitalism may be seen as a terrible economic system, but from my humble opinion it is not a question whether capitalism is an effective system or not, it is a question of who is in charge of putting the system into practice. Muhammad has proved that the system works when there are honest and genuine intentions behind it.

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cortny Lozano
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50AM

International Women's Day

Where would you be without women?
Reflect on a special woman in your life?

Without women, we wouldn't be here. Without women, the world wouldn't be the same. If I had no women in my life I wouldn't be here, or even if I just didn't have a woman figure in my life I would be lost. A special woman in my life is my mom. My mom is the most special woman in my life because she is intelligent, lovable and she loves me unconditionally. She is a single parent that supports us. I appreciate her tremendously and am so grateful to have her as my mom.

Reflection on video, New Heroes:

Muhammad Yunnus, a revoultionary banker for more than 25 years. He started of as a professor at a University. He began lending money to the poor to get out of poverty. This money came out of his own pocket to help them start small businesses. Yunnus then opened his own bank, Gramine "village." He continued visiting small villages to promote his bank. He visited the village so that the poor didn't have to travel to see him at his bank. He let them barrow money without zero interest. Women began to want to barrow money from Muhammad as well. When Yunnus started helping the women in these villages, the men became upset. Why do woman need money? The men complained. Women were more determined to get out of poverty than men. Today 95% of Mahammad's barrowers are women. Yunnus' strategy is helping poor men and women overcome poverty, as well as women empowerment.

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahu Yildirim
Professor Wanda Posse
English 1A 9 to 9:50am
Free write “Where would you be without women?”

Probably I wouldn’t be here without women since I came from a woman womb. Women are sensitive, emotional, more fragile creatures than men, unlike all those qualities they have an enormous mental and emotional strength especially for their love ones. The most special woman in my life is my dear mother. She has all the beauty one could ever have in life. Her smile brings hope to me and everyone around her. Her love is with me no matter where I am or what I do. Her love for me is unconditional. She supports me with an unbounded unconditional love. She is not only my mother, she is also my best friend. Life is the most valuable gift to the human kind and I would give away my life for my mother, she would do the same thing for me. I believe I wouldn’t know the meaning of love as much as today without her. I couldn’t believe the existence of an unbounded love without her love. She taught me many beautiful things. I don’t even want to think an earth without women, it sounds scary.

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew Yount
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50AM

Where Would We Be Without Women freewrite

To put it simply, all life on this planet would be extinct, that is a simple fact. Males and females are both required for reproduction, excluding A-sexuals of course. If we are looking at it from a non scientific angle however the results are the same. Without women men would be lost and civilizations would crumble and fade away. Women are much more compassionate and softer then men who can be more rash and aggressive. So without women odds are humanity if left up to me would have been destroyed a very long time ago.

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahu Yildirim
Professor Wanda Posse
English 1A 9 to 9:50am
Reflection: New Heroes video- Muhammad Yunus
“Muhammad Yunus has had phenomenal success helping people lift themselves out of poverty in rural Bangladesh by providing them with credit without requiring collateral. Yunus developed his revolutionary micro-credit system with the belief that it would be a cost effective and scalable weapon to fight poverty”. He is a founder of Grameen Bank. His passion to help poor people especially to women who are struggling under oppression and poverty is not only impressive also very humane. He is an enlightened man. Trying to create a world without poverty sounds almost impossible, but his endless affords show us the possibilities and brings those women a hope.
Many women get chance to lift themselves out of poverty, oppression, violence, prostitution because of his bank. Even though in many rich countries many people are not eligible to get loan money but in his third world country he provides loans with no interest for those poor people. He is a revoultionary banker. Today 95% of Muhammad's barrowers are women. His bank not only helping the poor, it also helps women’s empowerment. His bank helps prejudices against to women. Women can able to establish their financial freedom with his bank which helps to change the inequality between genders. “Microfinance has done more to bolster the status of women, and to protect them from abuse, than any laws could accomplish” (p. 187). Saima Muhammad who we are introduced in the book of ‘Half the Sky’ is a very good example of this, she is a woman who was able to take an advantage to get loan. She improved her and her family’s life conditions with that loan. “Saima became the tycoon of the neighborhood, and was able to pay off her husband’s entire debt, keep her daughters in school, renovate the house….” (pg 186) Many more women got chances or get chances to improve their life conditions because of his bank.
He is a man who makes positive changes in people’s life especially for women’s life. He gives a hope for future and helps women’s empowerment with his endless effort and his bank. May women rescue themselves against poverty, oppression, violence, prostitution and establish their freedom, their voices solidly in third world countries, too in the future because of him and with new heroes like him.
Works Cited

Kristof, Nicholas, and WuDunn, Sheryl. Half the Sky. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, 2009. Print

“Meet the New Heroes.”
Web. March 8, 2010

9:21 PM  
Blogger pk510 said...

Peter Kortmann
Professor Sabir
English 1A
M-Th 9-10
International Women’s Day Freewrite
Women are a pivotal role in human ecology. If you ask the question “where would I be without women,” the unanimous response would be, non-existent. Women bring life to this earth by giving birth, without them our species would perish. A less drastic view would reveal that woman play on instrumental role in our lives besides giving birth to us. My mother has always supported me and showed me unconditional love no matter what I did. I love my mother very much and respect her strength at times and her sensitivity at others. Women emit a more nurturing aura than men and most people confide in women for that reason. Our species are comprised of two genders male and female; I would argue that for this reason each should be equally valuable and important to the progress of mankind. Women make up about 50% of our species so they should be as equally influential as men, if not more because of their importance to reproduction. All I know is that my mother express a deep and profound love for me that I know can only exist between a mother and a child.

10:47 PM  
Blogger Veronica said...

Veronica Flores
Professor Sabir
English 1A 9-9:50
8 March 2010

International Women’s Day Free write:

I think women are essential to make this world prosper. Without women, none of us would be here. Although children are not possible without a man, a woman is the one who gives birth to you. Without women, how would we reproduce? I feel there are some qualities in a woman that men do not possess. The love and care they show for their child is irreplaceable. One woman in particular I admire is my grandmother. My grandmother has had twelve children, including my father. She became a mother at the age of 16, and struggled to take care of each of her kids. Although my father may have not had everything, she made sure her children had a roof over their heads. Unfortunately, my grandfather was never around, so she was the soul provider for twelve kids. It is beyond me how she made it financially, but I show her so much respect for it. She is now 70 and recently retired (not by choice). I’m sure she would still be working if it were up to her. I see her as a woman that is always willing to earn everything she receives. She has come a long way, and I admire her deeply.

Reflection on New Heroes Video:

Muhammad Yunus is indeed a man of hope. He is best known for being the founder of Grameen Bank, a banking system that allowed poor individuals to take out loans to start their own businesses to prosper. Over time, many of the people he helped were more commonly woman. Yunus assisted many women in helping make a better life for themselves, as well as their families, without involving the government. Yunus states “ Nothing in the economic theories I taught reflected the life around me. How could I go telling my students make believe stories in the name of economics?” It is best to avoid the government, seeing as how they are mostly the cause of why there is poverty, and have done little to help the situation.
In Half the Sky, we were introduced to a woman by the name of Saima Muhammad from Pakistan. Saima is a prime example of someone who benefited from a microfinance bankng system similar to Grameen Banking system. Saima took out a $65 loan to buy beads and cloth to make embroidery. With her success, she was able to get back on her feet and also help pay off her husbands debt. Saima was considered an unusually successful participant in the microcredit revolution. “ Microfinance has done more to bolster the status of women, and to protect them from abuse, than any laws would accomplish.” (pg.187) The fact that Saima’s story is considered rare kind of concerns me. As time goes on, I see more and more women pushing through and using Yunus’ plan to their advantage.
Thanks to Yunus, traditions are now broken. As said previously in Saimas story, she helped her husband out of debt. A woman can now be looked at as a provider. Women have many restrictions that are enforced by their husbands. Perhaps the success of these woman might upset the men of these countries. That just shows you how we can move closer to equality between both sexes. Acknowledge the fact that women can be just as successful as men, if not more. Because of Yunus these women show more confidence in themselves as individuals, and feel they have a say in what goes. This is just another step forward to putting a stop to women’s oppression in developing countries. Lets empower these women by helping them get ahead. A little goes a long way…

Works Cited

Kristof, Nicholas, and WuDunn, Sheryl. Half the Sky. New York:
Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, 2009. Print

“Meet the New Heroes.”
Web. March 8 2010.

11:58 PM  
Blogger Arely R. said...

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3:24 PM  
Blogger Arely R. said...

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3:24 PM  
Blogger Arely R. said...

Arely Razo
Professor Sabir
English 1A
8 March 2010
Reflection “Where would we be without women.”
Personally, I think that I wouldn’t be here if there were no women in the world because my mother was the one that gave birth to me. I am a women myself and I think that life without women would be hard. Many men would not have a companion and there would be no more children. Men would most likely have to be with other men. I don’t think that many things in the household would be done and they would have to care for themselves. Men would be a bit happy because they think that women just nag at them. It would be a world just filled of men. It would be a world that I would not want to live in.

3:34 PM  
Blogger Arely R. said...

Razo 1
Arely Razo
Professor Sabir
English 1A
8 March 2010
Heroes “Comparing what Muhammad did and Half the Sky”
I think that it was great that women in poor countries are now being the ones in control of the income. It is true that men just spent the money on what they think that they need and do not worry about the family. “One reason microloans are almost almost always made to women, rather than to men, is that females tend to suffer the most from poverty” (Kristof & WuDunn,192). This meant that mean would waste things on beer or things that they wanted and did not worry about their family.
Women worry about the needs of the family and making their lives better. The women want their children to get an education and better themselves so that they will not struggle the way that they have. Saima says, “She is planning to send all three of her daughters through high school, and maybe to college as well” (Kristoff & WuDunn,187).It is a great idea that she is going to send her children to school. It is exactly what needs to happen in order to help poverty decrease.
I don’t think that it is right that the men don’t think the women are capable of doing this. They get mad that women are the ones that Muhammad gives the money to the women. Many men do not allow their wives to leave home so that they could go to organizations to get help. Goretti says, “Eagerly Goretti asks Bernard if she could go to one of the CARE meetings in the village. No, Bernard said” (Kristoff & WuDunn,200). This was not fair. He should have let her
Razo 2
go. All she was trying to do was help her family. Her getting the money would be the best thing to do. I think that Muhammad is smart for giving the money to the women and it is the best thing that he could have done. It is because of him that now women are not being abused by there husbands and have more of a say in what will happen in the house. His organization has helped many people.
This makes me think of Half the Sky because that is exactly what happened to some women. The women were able to make businesses, buy things that were need for the house/ children and were able to give their children an education. Some men accepted the fact that the women were in charge of the income. There were some women that are so accustomed to the old ways that they did not want to get help from Muhammad or organizations. Many women were able to better their social statues and were treated better by their husbands. Those that were very poor, were now able to afford things.

Work Cited
Kristof, Nicholas, and WuDunn, Sheryl. Half the Sky. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher, 2009. Print
“Meet the New Heroes.”
Web. March 8, 2010.

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Rawson
Eng1A 8:00-8:50AM
Prof. Wanda Sabir

If there were no women, I would not be here. My mother gave birth to me as well as raised me. Without women, there would be a huge void in society. Not only purely from an anatomical standpoint, but also culturally, socially, emotionally and in every other way possible. Women are half of our society and probably the more important half.

The most important girl in my life is my daughter. She is very funny and has a unique way of always making me laugh. I love hanging out with her and even when I’m feeling really busy or bored at work I think about her and feel better. Women are a great and positive force in the world and I’m grateful to the ones in my life.

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crystal Cortez
English 1A 8-8:50am
Professor Wanda
Refection to New Heroes 3¶:

After watching New Heroes and how Muhammad Yunus started this new system of banking for poor people, it was amazing. This was and is a life changing system. Micro crediting did not just change the life of poor people but over all change the whole view and the way women in Pakistan were treated. I never really thought that money would change the way men treat woman in third world countries like in Pakistan. Since Yunus main focus was to loan money to woman he accomplished this goal he set and women began to take loan from him. This at first made men really mad and made them feel disrespected, I believe because it might had made men feel useless since women were actually doing something to better their house hold better than the men. Many started to treat woman with respect since they were bring in the money, like in Half the Sky on page 188 Zohra Bibi said, “Now women earn money and so their husband respect them more.” Its unbelievable how just for that reason the table is flips and men are taking orders from their wife the women, the head of the house.

This Micro crediting did make a big impact in woman’s empowerment, it makes woman be a lot more confident. In the video New Heroes it said at first when Yunus tried to give woman money they wouldn’t want to take it because they were shy or scared. It must have been hard or they must have felt that is was an unreal action that they have never seen in their life before. When does a man just simply give woman money for no reason? That doesn’t happen and mainly in third world countries. I think that is why women didn’t want to take the money. Yunus usually gave women $20.00 to start off and they didn’t have to pay that off after they made that work to their advantage they would then ask for a loan that they would have to pay back. Most those loan were not much but it would help them start their business. Once they paid that debt they could take out bigger loans to expand their business or renovate their home. Since now the woman were respect by their husbands and women overall became a lot more confident since there was no type abuse in their home or environment. This was not only an empowerment to woman but a big leap for everyone, like said on page 187 in Half the Sky, “In place after place, markets and micro lending are proving a powerful system to help people help themselves.” This created a cycle of being a community and look to better everyone, starting with Yunus vision of helping his people, the women of Pakistan.

2:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Crystal Cortez
English 1A 8-8:50am
Professor Wanda
Part 2 Refection to New Heroes 3¶:
Yunus made a big difference in Pakistan for everyone, but not just his main focus, woman but to everyone one else children and men. Since women became confident and sure of whatever they did they became to have some knowledge in bettering there family in every aspect starting with their children. Women starting to make sure their children would get educated this will not just help their own family but better the community and the up and coming new generation in educating them to treat woman with respect. Money will always be a factor but I feel that educating these children would better understand young men that women can also help the house hold maybe better than a man can but the relationship should be equally respected no matter the circumstances. Also teach girls how to manage and educate their own life with or without a husband. Micro crediting has also help in the health issue of Pakistan, since families now have money to support themselves they can afford health care which is a lack in third world countries. Now with health care available children and their parents are a lot healthier than ever. Last but not least is food, in order to be health these people need to eat right, which is what most these people getting their first loans for. Making sure they are eating well and then they sell the rest, like rice at the market place to make money off it. Yunus was not just focusing on woman but all the areas where he saw the villages, the poor lacked on that is why on page 187 in Half the Sky they mention that when they would get together to discuss issue they would talk about, ”Topics include family planning, schooling for girls, or hudood laws used to punish rape victims.” These are all issue where loan will help improve once people get financially set and paid debts. Yunus has over helped and improved his countries in many different ways with micro credit but mainly with women’s empowerment.

2:49 PM  
Blogger nseke ngilbus said...

Nseke Ngilbus
Wanda Sabir
Eng 1a
april 28, 2010

In Half the Sky I took particular interest to this women name Edna. She came from a middle class family; and did not have major hardship such as other girls in the book. Against all odds, she got an education and completed school. She then went on to become an entrepreneur, she found her own hospital. This hospital mostly help women that were in need and could not afford medical care.

In the New heroes video Maria Teresa Leal is an educated woman that is from Brazil. She is an entrepreneur; she is the founder of Coopa-Roca. Her company goal has been to give job opportunities to single mothers in poverty. People that are given jobs typically make clothes in a community. Leal company is expanding and helping more women.

I believe an empowered women is someone who have their lives change for the better in a sustainable way. This is typically represented in women who get the ability to provide for their family through business that they receive recently. An empower exhibit characteristic such pride, self confidence, self esteem. These are women who have been dealt bad cards and was able to change it, for the better

8:41 PM  

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