Thursday, June 28, 2012

Essay 1

This first essay will be a response to the book:
Mighty Be Our Powers. In this essay students should address a topic which takes its theme from Leymah Gwobee's life story. Since this is a short essay (3-5 pages), students should rely on just the book as evidence and use the other sources (2) as a part of the bibliography--film and book review.

Use Hacker as a reference in citing sources both in-text and in the works cited and bibliography.

Cite one source per page: 1 block quote, 1 shorter in-text citation, 1 free paraphrase.

Let They Say, guide the writing as well. Make sure we are clear what the conversation is, you are entering. Give the context for all citations. Make sure you preserve the intention of the author.

When submitting the essay, include the Initial Planning Sheet and the Outline. These additional requirements for the essay follow the last page of the essay: the bibliography.

We spent a significant amount of time in class discussing this essay, especially the topics or subjects one might consider writing about. I have posted the brainstorming we did this morning and yesterday on Mighty Be Our Powers.

I will be looking at whether or not the paper makes sense and how organized it is. Secondly, I will note how well each writer incorporates the text into the work as evidence, how accurate the in-text citations and works cited and bibliographies follow MLA guildelines.

If the first two are met, the paper will be a passing one. Students can only revise one essay this summer.


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