Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Presentations, Day 2--The Finale

Great presentations 8-8:50 a.m. class! Please continue reflections at the previous post, Tuesday, October 29, 2013. I appreciate the positive reflections of peers to their classmates, as well as the close reading and rebutals to students who did not feel they did as well as they could have. Note Susan's for example.

In this class details matter. MLA documentation is about the details. They Say is about framing these details and that is our knowledge how what we think we know is always contextualized by the consciousness or psyche we participate in as a collective and individual members of a community we cannot often even name.

That said, I am still seeing headings that are not correct.

Student Name
Instructor with title (no abbreviations)
Course Title (no abbreviations)
Day Month Year

Title (centered in essays)

The essay is not justified or centered. The entire paper from the heading to the bibliography is double-spaced. Paragraphs are indented. 

If the form is incorrect, the grade suffers.

Do not forget to include a bibliography with the abstract.

Essay 2. . . Monday-Wednesday, Nov. 4-6

Next week, besides doing research on what exactly is a Social Entrepreneur, students will also have an opportunity to revise Essay 1, one more time, if needed. You will not get your grades for Essay 2 until next Wednesday-Friday. It is my hope that students will all receive passing grades the first time.

For the SE search, use the librarians for help. They are all familiar with the assignment. Professor Gerstle created the library handout I gave you. He also has a list of websites students can use to look for rebels with a cause.

There will be MLA worksheets for students to complete, along with a chapter from They Say, on Metacommentary, which means you are commenting or further developing an idea shared earlier in the discourse or paragraph. It expands what you allude to initially (129).  We will also look at the "writer's voice" and how in academic writing the goal is to find and keep your unique voice, while responding to the rigor of the task, substantiating one's ideas with evidence which involves research, synthesis and then documentation.

We are nor clones of one another, however, often the challenge for scholars is to come up with a fresh or original angle on a established truism or controversial argument. What if the audience's mind is closed? How does the new scholarly argue in such a way that pierces preconceptions?

This is your job, to find a locus that does not negate what exists, just asks for a hearing (They Say 121).

Cyber-Assignments next week con't.

As in earlier this month, each day there will be an assignment. Unlike earlier this month, they will not all be tied to They Say and the Cyber-Assignments for Frontline World are in another location. The proposal is due in hand on Thursday, November 7 in class.

I am still under the weather, so thanks for your tolerance.

Presentations con't. English 1A 8-8:50 only

For English 1A 8-8:50 AM we will continue with Angel and Isabel tomorrow. Alma and Wiliko if you would like to present, bring your abstracts to class to pass out. Come on time. We will be finished by if not before 8:30 a.m. 

Post your abstracts now in the link for Tuesday, October 29, 2013.

Visitors, October 31, 2013

Don't forget, we have visitors 10-10:50 a.m., D-205. Mr and Mrs. Alexander will join us to talk about Mrs. Rosa Parks, her Detroit Days. All are welcome.


Blogger Unknown said...

Kimberly Young
Professor Sabir
English 1A, 8:00-8:50AM
31 October 2013
Response to Presentations

I have read this book four years ago and I thought Angel's presentation refreshed my mind. His presentation was well pasted and flowed pretty well. One thing I would have changed was reading off the paper.

Wiliko's presentation was good and informative. She had a strong voice, which grabbed my attention. I thought it was interesting how she connected her book to her life (her son).

Isabel did a great job explaining the negative impacts that food have today.I was shocked that food (mostly cheap) contained poison. One thing she could have worked on was explaining how it connected to the book.

Alma gave a really good summary on the Hunger games. I was surprised to know about the background of the book and where the book xame from. She argument was clearly stated and easy to identify.

9:56 AM  

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