Monday, October 13, 2008

Students spent time in their groups talking about their project plans and developing a preliminary outline to post tomorrow. The plan was due last week. If you haven't posted the plan, please do so, where assigned. We meet in the lab Tuesday, October 14. You cannot do your project if you do not read the book. Seriously, and if you have members of your group who have not read the Loop and are trying to float through, let me know. Call me and they can present on their own. The entire group gets a grade for the entire Loop or section you are presenting, so if any key element is not included, your grade will reflect this.

If you have the introduction you have to talk about the breath of the entire work, that is, the entire book. You will highlight what is to come in all the loops, which is what Chang does.

If you have Necropolis then you have to talk about urban decay and disenfranchisement of communities throughout America, then and now and how hip hop was conceived under these circumstances, that hip hop was one response. There were others.

The individual essays are to take their themes from your section. Look at the assignment sheet for the due dates.


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