Thursday, October 09, 2008

English 1A Assignments Freewrite

The teams for Can't Stop, Won't Stop, are as follows:
If your name is not here talk to me. If you do not want to be on a team, talk to me ASAP

Team coaches: Elesha and Caprice
Introduction and Prelude, plus Loop 1

Team Coaches: Derek and Chesi--Loop 2

Team coaches: Matthew and Quyen--Loop 3

Curtis and Dorothy--Loop 4

The assignment is to read the sections you've been assigned and look at the following elements:

Who are the key stakeholders in this period surveyed? What is the climate and is the art a response to any particular political, economic or social circumstances? How does this particular period expand the previous artistic era or limit it, or is the terrain explored entirely new?

You will be using compare and contrast, as well as, cause and effect.

Include in your presentation examples of the music, writing, dance styles, and any other relevant aspects of the culture explored in your Loop. Each member of your teams will write a paper exploring one aspect of your Loop. You will all get a grade for how comprehensive your presentation is and how comprehensive the papers are when taken as one research project on the Loop. If anything important is left out collectively, then all will be docked.

When you outline the Loop you are responsible for, make certain you include all the key points, not everything, just what's important. I'd like the planning sheets and outlines in by October 14. (We will meet in L-202E.)

Planning sheets for individual papers are due the same day. You can work on the group plan and individual plans together. Bring in ideas that day and together you can flush it out.

Wednesday, October 15: Document lists due for group project and individual paper

Thursday, October 16: Narratives for each section of the presentation are due. I would suggest you divide the presentation in sections: History or prologue, Setting, Key players, measurable results, outcomes or impact on American society

First presentation: Loop 1 October 20
Second presentation: Loop 2 October 21
October 22--no classes, staff development
Third presentation: Loop 3 October 23
Fourth presentation: Loop 4 October 27

Essay due dates
Essays are due: October 24 posted. Post as a unit. Please include works cited with the papers and a bibliography. The essays should be 4 pages minimally, excluding works cited and bibliography. This is your midterm.

You will have a week to revise, once I get comments back to you. Students are not revising their essays. There are Change essays students never revised.

Bring Elements of Style to class beginning October 13. We will complete it by October 22-23. You will have a series of short cyber-posts related to the topics raised this week.

Future assignments
Your research essay planning sheet, along with an outline on a woman in Hip Hop Planning Sheet is due Tuesday, October 28. We are in L-202E October 28.

Document search is due: Wednesday, October 29 (You can work on this 10/28).

First draft of the research essay on a woman in who uses Hip Hop Culture as a tool for social change, is due: Monday, November 3

Second draft is due: Thursday, November 6. Email it to yourself so you will have a digital copy for peer review.

We will watch Frontline World docs which look at social entrepreneurs (11/13).

Final draft is due: November 20.

We are in the L-202E November 6, 13, 20.

We'll start reading The Coldest Winter Ever the last week in October, bring to class.

You’re final essay will take it’s themes from this book.

The day of the final, see schedule, you will present your research essay on the woman in hip hop.


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