Monday, February 09, 2009

Love Reflections Cyber-Post
Today for our freewrite we reflected on "Love". We are going to reflect on love through next week, Monday, February 16. Please post your reflections on the topic anonymously or use a pen name. It will make it easier to address you directly when commenting.

Valentine's Day is a time when people reflect on those feeling they might have for a special loved one. We are going to look more broadly at this concept, expressed in three Greek terms for love: agape, philia and eros.

What are your thoughts on V-Day? For some, V-Day is a day to reflect on violence against women. For others, V-Day is a day for romance: candlelight, flowers, chocolate. It is a day Hallmark makes a killing, along with Sees candy stores. Tuesday, Feb. 10, 12:00 or so, until early afternoon, there will be a dating game, STD testing, and other fun/educational activities in the F-Bldg. or Student Lounge.

We were speaking about "agape," in class today. One reference was to Jesus or God. This type of love is god-like, selfless and spiritual (American Heritage Dictionary).

Agave, not agape is the plant that the alcoholic beverage Tequila is made from, so the reflection I made regarding the secular nature of agape, or perhaps the fact that this kind of love could also intoxicate, was wrong...linguistically anyway. The student who told me this was wrong, the term is actually agave--

I thought being drunk with love for humanity is an interesting analogy, still is, especially if one references the poet/mystic Rumi who speaks of drunkenness with the wine of God. Hum, I wonder how many words for love exist in the Persian language and in Arabic? Rumi was Persian.

Other words which are used to define love given were: compassion and unconditional love. I read somewhere that love is an action word. On Martin King's birthday, citizens are encouraged to put love into action and participate in service activities (we spoke of this already this term, re: the Starbucks incentive for community service.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Evans Eng. 1a 9-10 love reflection 2/9/09

Love defined by Merriam Webster dictionary states that love is, “a strong and deep affection or warm attachment”.

Love is a language any culture, country, wealth, or stature can speak. Love does not discriminate, it can strike us at the most un-expecting of times and often at the most awkward and inconvenient times as well.

In Persia the word for love is, “eshgh” (wikapedia). In the Persian culture everything revolves around love. One begins loving others to orient themselves to the idea of love and one then eventually reaches the ultimate goal of loving themselves.

In Chinese and other Asian cultures the written character is written as a heart surrounded by feel or accepts. Confucius and Mohism, Chinese philosophers, represented love as a feeling of empathy and universality without expecting reciprocation.

In Japanese Buddhism , love stems from , “(甘え), a Japanese word meaning ‘indulgent dependence,’”(wikapedia). Indulgent dependence instills a love from the beginning of life. Mothers are expected to hug their children and children are expected to hug back and serve their mothers and family.
The ancient Greeks distinguished love in several forms, “philia, eros, agape, storge, and xenia.” (wikapedia). The Modern day Greek language uses “Agape” which generally refers to a "pure," ideal type of love, rather than a physical attraction
In ancient Latin, which is the descendant of many languages, several modifications of love include “Amāre”(wikapedia). Love is a key cornerstone in life and daily functions. For example a friend is often called an “amicitia”.
In all cultures throughout the world love is an irrevocable force it is stronger than hate, jealously, or even happiness. I believe it is one of, if not the strongest emotional felt by living creatures.

True love is unconditional, meaning no mater the circumstances love abounds. I agree with the translation of the Persians in that to truly love someone else you must love yourself. The person that loves themselves will be able to offer their heart and soul to another without hesitation due to fears of judgment or rejection. They have found it within themselves to accept who they are; they love themselves and no one can tear them down. I have met few people who actually truly love themselves. We are designed to be preoccupied with the thoughts and reactions for of others. However, when we can rise above and take everything at face value we begin to see the world as a much larger place, in a much more vibrant picture.


Wikapedia. Feb. 7 2009. Wikamedia. Feb. 9 2009. (

3:23 PM  
Blogger Professor Wanda's Posse said...

Nice survey Rebecca.

3:33 PM  
Blogger JeniFromThaBlock said...

Jennifer Gonzales
English 1A 9-950a

Hello Ms. Sabir, I just wanted to correct you on Agape also being the plant that the alcoholic beverage Tequila is made from. It is actually the AGAVE ([uh-gah-vee) plant. It is from ten to seventy years, according to climate, in attaining maturity, when it produces a gigantic flower stem, sometimes forty feet in height, and perishes. The fermented juice is the pulque of the Mexicans. (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, 1996 )

4:03 PM  
Blogger JeniFromThaBlock said...

Jennifer Gonzales
English 1A 9-950a

Personal response to love:

I do agree that love is unconditional. Scientifically, culturally and religiously love is a very important word we embrace very strongly. It is not only a word but an emotion one feels from the heart. It is stronger than any other emotion we have. Love can defeat our way of logically thinking in both positive and negative ways. For example, if a woman is in a relationship with a man who is abusive, because of love the woman will stay with the man because she sees the good in him, which outweighs the bad. But logically thinking we expect the woman to leave him because it isn't right to be abused by anyone. In a more positive way Martin Luther King said, "A second thing that an individual must do in seeking to love his ememy is to discover the element of good in his enemy, and everytime you begin to hate that person and think of hating that person, realize that there is some good there and look at those good points which will over-balance the bad points." (Loving Your Enemies) That is how strong love is. It enables you to think more positive while also seeing the good in evil.

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Evans Love In response to Jenny Gonzales Eng. 1a 9-10 9/2/09

Love can be unconditionally. However, as you said in your example of an abusive relationship, I think that is an example of a very conditional love. No one should have to suffer through a conditional love. Everyone is deserving of love, no matter their background. We were all born as innocent children each deserving of equal love and attention. We are influenced to become the people we are today by how we were loved and taught. Martian Luther King Jr. had a very insightful approach when he said, "A second thing that an individual must do in seeking to love his enemy is to discover the element of good in his enemy, and every time you begin to hate that person and think of hating that person, realize that there is some good there and look at those good points which will over-balance the bad points." He is basically stating that you must love your enemies as you would want to be loved. People often get caught in the trap that to love your enemies the way you would want to be treated automatically means they should treat you with love. Unfortunately this is not always the case. The world can be a “shity” place. However, the real result is that if you love someone like you would like to be treated, unconditionally; you will feel confident, warm, and whole.

6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Evans eng 1a 9-10

The history of Valentines Day…

February 14 is Valentine's Day. Although it is celebrated as a lovers' holiday today, with the giving of candy, Valentine flowers, or other gifts between couples in love, it originated in 5th Century Rome as a tribute to St. Valentine, a Catholic bishop.
For eight hundred years prior to the establishment of Valentine's Day, the Romans had practiced a pagan celebration in mid-February commemorating young men's rite of passage to the god Lupercus. The celebration involved a lottery in which young men would draw the names of teenage girls from a box. The girl assigned to each young man in that manner would be his sexual compainio for the year.
In an effort to do away with the pagan festival, Pope Gelasius ordered a change in the lottery. Instead of the names of young women, the box would contain the names of saints. Both men and women were allowed to draw from the box, and the game was to emulate the ways of the saint they drew throughout the rest of the year.
Instead of the pagan god Lupercus, the Church looked for a suitable patron saint of love to take his place. They found an appropriate choice in Valentine.
Emperor Claudius had determined that married men made poor soldiers. So he banned marriage from his empire. But St .Valentine would secretly marry young men that came to him. When Claudius found out about Valentine, he first tried to convert him to paganism Valentine refused and was beheaded.
Before he was taken to his death, Valentine sent a letter to his girlfriend signed "From your Valentine." The phrase has been used on his day ever since.
Although the lottery for women had been banned by the church, the mid-February holiday in commemoration of St. Valentine was still used by Roman men to seek the affection of women. It became a tradition for the men to give the ones they admired handwritten messages of affection, containing Valentine's name.
Cupid is another symbol of the holiday, because he was the son of Venus, the Roman god of love and beauty.

This info was paraphrased from…

Wilstar. 2009. Wilstar.
Feb. 9 2009. (

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carmen Truong
Professor Sabir
English 1A

There are many ways to express love. I can define love in two ways. There are unconditionally love and Companionate love. Unconditional love is couples who fall in love may certainly stay together for a long time of periods. Despite any circumstances, there will be no limit by any conditions.

Companionate love could be share with close friends. Friends whom we spend time with. Sometimes we will say I love you to a close friend because they may do something that’s valuable or meaningful.

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hong Tang
English 1A

True love according to definition is "a feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; preeminent kindness or devotion to another; affection; tenderness."

Love refers to a variety of different feelings and attitudes. Love is not a single feeling. It is an emotion built from one person to the other. The greatest love in human nature is a person appreciation. Love can bring two people with the same common interest together, forming a strong commitment to one another. If you treat people as if they were what they deserve to be treated then a bond of love will appears in between the two. Love is when you sacrifice yourself for one particular person happiness. Once you love someone you should unconditionally love them. As for myself, family love is the most important. Family love is the most important thing in my life. It helps me while I am in my weakest and pulls me up when I'm falling in depression. I personally think between two people inside a love relationship, there will always be problems. However, these problems may be a good reason that brought the two together. People often needs time to understand each other. If a little problem makes the two of them separate then there wouldn't even be any love between them. If they're in love they will love each other with passion and willing to solve each and every problems.

9:06 PM  
Blogger JeniFromThaBlock said...

Jennifer Gonzales
English 1A 9-950

Reply to Rebecca's response:

I understand your point. Although, love is extremely strong because it allows you to love unconditionally even when the conditions aren't right. That is why I said you can be persuaded by love in a negative or positive way. Negative in the sense that the woman in my example is staying in an abusive relationship because her heart is telling her she loves him, despite his unapropriate actions. Logically speaking no one should tolerate such ill-mannered treament but because she loves the man, it didn't matter. The way that Martin Luther King expressed to us that we should love our enemies but dislike the evil deed the person does means love everyone even if their actions are not good, because if we release negative energy to the ones we hate that will only continue a cylce of hatred without forgivness. Love needs to counteract that, so love is still unconditional, no matter what the circumstance.

I also agree with you when you said "We are influenced to become the people we are today by how we were loved and taught." But, not everyone is taught and loved the same way. Some people grow up without any guidance or moral support and they grow up not knowing how to love because they never recieved the same treatment. They then realize through life experiences and by others who show no hatred towards them for the wrong that they've done.

And yes, this world can be a "shifty" place but that is why we must learn to sway with the movements the world has made us feel.

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love can mean alot of different things but this valentines day i will focus on one main idea. being there for the person you have affection for. i believe just your presense says more than "i love you" alone.

11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eng1A 9-10
09 Feb 2009

What Love Means To Me

Love is just what the "Bible" stands for and means to me...."Love thy neighbor as thyself... and love your enemies...".

You must have unconditional love for everyone. We as a people have not learned how to love like that, but if we strive to treat our fellowman as we treat ourselves, this task will be accomplished. Did I make sense in describing love? There's unconditional love that I have for my family. Mother, Father, sisters and brother; then there are my children, not necessarily in that order. There is also the love for a spouse.

Each of these categories have a different feeling when I say that "I love you". For my children- its knowing that Mama will always be with you even until the end. Knowing that the love I have for you never ceases, no matter what. God gave us the joy and the burden to bring you into this world and to hopefully see that you out live us in a very healthy, prosperous, God-fearing manner. My parents, I love the way you raised me to know what real love feels like from a parent to a child. Not having to feel lonely, unwanted or neglected. I don't know what that is like, no empathy. Then there are the siblings. The fussing and fighting and kissing and making up (that's what my parents made us do). So, I made my children do the same thing. This brings about a bond between siblings that no one can break.

Last but not least, when I say that I love my enemies, this is required of me from my heavenly Father, and I am still striving to achieve "unconditional love" for them, also. Agape love is the "unconditional love that God wants all of his children to have for one another"(throughout the Bible). Love is "charity" as stated in the Bible:1Cor.13:4-8 "Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
vs.5. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
vs.6. Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in truth; vs.7. Beareth all things, believeth all things, endureth all things. vs.8. Charity never faileth..."(KJV-King James Version)

12:18 AM  
Blogger Muno said...

Munkhjin Munkhbaatar
English 1A

Most part of our life depends on love and the little part depends on money because without money we can't do anything but we can't buy love. Without love life would not exist. There are so many kinds of love such as family love, friendship love and relationship love which is man and woman's love. Everytime we say I love you to someone it has different meanings depending on who said to. Love has been in the Earth since it is created. Every living creatures have love. Our love is unconditional. At the end of our life everybody will be experienced and know about love.

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To understand love between two agents you must first understand what it means to be alone in the world. You walk through this world kind of asleep with your cheap self constructed purposes that are ultimately just flimsy excuses to be alive. You know deep down that they ultimately mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. You just say they mean something to keep yourself from realizing the futility in your fake constructed life. You probably make yourself sick, trying to fool yourself into thinking what you do matters knowing that ultimately when you die it all goes away. Everything you ever worked towards and everything you ever knew just suddenly blinking into nothingness.

Then you fall in love and realize there is something bigger than you. You see, love transcends death. But only a lover would ever believe that because only a lover can believe in the after-life. It is the only way they can be in love forever.

So in closing I will say this to sum up love:

I want to skateboard on a golden skateboard through the green meadows and white mists and tell her I love her.

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John 3:16 says “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who ever believed in his shall not parish but shall have ever lasting life”. Translating into what I believe is that God has this agape love; it is so strong that he gave his only son who died on the cross for our sins. Being a follower of God I strongly believe in agape love I have love for all man kind no matter how they treat me I forgive and move on.

My beau and I disagree sometimes, I want to bash him over the head with an iron cast skillet, and at times I really dislike the things that he does. In the end loves concurs all bad things.

Love makes me happy, to k now that someone loved me so much that they died for me, I can only return the favor and love those who do and do not love me.

English 1A

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: R. Evans

I disagree

I don't think love has anything to do with the self. Love is to completely abandon the self and surrender your body/soul to another

be that to a person or thing

Stevie Wonder said


True love asks for nothing

and thus perhaps by extension

a true lover has no concern for themselves; only for the beloved

1:33 PM  
Blogger cesangaryt1 said...

Cesangary Tzinzun
English 1A
9-9:50 am

Love can be different things, you can have love for objects, personal things, your pet, family, boyfriend/girlfriend. But what is really true love? For me true love is having to give up on somthing because holding on to it is only hurting you. Is letting go when you dont want to. Love is unconditional, it is loving somebody with out expecting something in return. It is cherishing every single moment you spent with that certain someone. It is having to be away from each other with out drifting apart. Love is forever, its not loving someone one day and the next you dont. Love is amazing, when people say that love is pain, then they are not really in love,they are just crushing over that certain someone because they like that person a little too much and confuse it with love. Because love can make you feel great. Love is lifting you up in time of need, it is the sun that shines after lots of rainy days. Love is hard to explain, only you can feel it nobody else can. Its forgetting about yourself and only think about that person.

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nely Ruiz
English 1 A
9 - 10


Out of all the three types of love; Eros and Philla are most common. Agape is the one that may take a lifetime to find or to realize within yourself. Philla is the shown everyday in opening the door for someone, run errands for your mother; help find a lost pet, and other charitable acts.
Eros crosses your path sensually; with a boyfriend, buddy, or a late night hook up. This passionate sexual side of love happens in every one’s life. I consider the three different loves as levels. Eros is the middle level; it is more selective than brotherly love and broader than agape love. Everyone tastes Eros at least once in their life. Eros is the action or expression that most people measure the broad category of love.
Agape is the illusive love; the greatest love of all. When people say, “God is Love.” This is the love they are referring to. This word was created for the sole purpose of describing God actions toward humanity. He sent his only son, Jesus to die for all of mankind, the sins of the whole world. He selflessly have himself up to torture, pain, and suffering to die for people that did not ask, require or even know him. Jesus died knowing that some people would never even recognize or believe in him. That is where we get the definition for this word of love, a love so deep and strong that you are at anytime willing to lay your life on the line for someone. This is the epitome of love. I can say for myself, that there are very few people in my life that I love with agape love.

9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mesha Shavers
Eng 1A

My reflection on love:

Love could mean a lot of things depending on how you use it. You could be in love, where you have this deep connection to a person and everything seems so right because you understand each other. You always want them around, no matter what it is they can not do anything wrong and you can see past everything that’s not right. You can love someone as a friend who’s just a genuine person and you have an attachment because you both understand and respect one another. My feelings on love, because I do not use the word loosely it’s an unconditional emotion that’s hard to control. You can’t control who you love.

11:10 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jeremy J. Kerby
English 1A, 9-9:50AM

As I write this I find what I call true love being tested. When you share everything with someone for many years it makes you so strong. Strong enough to overcome some of the worst troubles one could imagine. My true feelings about love do not deal with sex or how hot she is, to me that is just an extra incentive. I feel like true love is someone you fully truly trust. When you know every little detail imagined and both do not mind knowing, that is love. When you know that person is right there for you for what ever is needed when needed, that is love. I find myself there for the one I love as she is crying and tearing apart. She knows the arms around her will never fall or do wrong. They are there to comfort her through the toughest times and protect her. When she looks into my eyes, she does not know what to look for - is it an answer? She never asked a question. So she just sits there, astounded that I would let her lay with me again. So close our bodies were - warm. My hands so rough against her thighs. I don't know what it is that makes it so fucking great when she touches me the way she does when we're alone. I always dread when it has to end because I do not know when it will happen again. When apart she tells me how she sits in bed at night, how she wants to lay in my arms with one around her neck and the other holding her close around the waist. My grip is always firm on her body. She says it gives her that secret sensation that never goes away. How she tells me making passionate love with the one she loves is better than anything imaginable. Then fall asleep holding each other just to wake up to reminisce on yesterdays events that brought us so much joy. You know you have true love when she is your whole world - all you think about - all you want to do. When she is sad you do not find yourself doing much better as you see the one you love struggling and all you want to do is make it better and ease her pain. So we know after all we have been through and shared, no matter where are paths take us we will forever have love for each other like neither of us could imagine. We will never forget what we have overcome and the memories we have made. I will forever love her. She is forever mine. <3

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bianca chouteau
english 1A 9:00-9:50am

I suppose there are two types of love; strong affection for another based on kinship ties and attraction based on sexual desire. Clearly they are both different, the love you have for family is different from the love you have for your mate. I love my mother so much with all my heart, I love my ex boyfriend the same way but the love I have for him is passion, devotion, and tenderness. I still have those feelings for him even though he left me but that’s another story. With my mother it’s more of a warm attachment not affection.

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carla Poindexter
English 1A 9-10

Love to me is the greatest gift of them all. The love that God has for us is pure. The love that we have for on another should be pure. We know that God truly loves us because he gave his only son so that we would be free from sin, ourselves, and man. True love is unconditional. Sometimes we think we love something or someone, but we do not really love them. Or maybe they do not really love us.

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Evans eng 1a love response 2.14.09

A story brought to my attention comes from the beloved book, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul”. The story written by Judith S. Johnesse chronicles the growth of a young man through the love for his cat.

Jesse showed up at the veterinary clinic desperately looking for healing for his cat, Tigress. He was innocent and scared. When the vet examined the cat she found a tumor. Jess had been consented because the cat was vomiting and acting sluggish.. The vet contemplated what to tell the teen, finally she broke the news. Knowing that chemotherapy and removal would be expensive and prolong the 15 year life to possible only 16, the vet broke the news. Jesse was heartbroken. He listened to the options and in an instant grew into a man. Jesse called his father and together they decide to put the cat to sleep.

Without arguing or hysterics only the acceptance of the inevitable Jesse asked for some time alone.

As the vet gave the humane injection Tigress, drifted off to sleep, her hear head gently laying in his lap. He and the vet had learned a great gift. The finest gift one could offer is to assume another’s pain so that a loved one might rest.

To put Teddy down was one of the most difficult things I have ever done, but to see his struggle through life would have been inhumane and uncharacteristic of the champion stature he held. I clearly remember gently losing him as he fell limply into my mother’s arms. I miss him with all my heart. His love was pure and I know he would have done anything to protect his family, his pack.

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I do believe in true love. However, I have not found the kind of true love I am looking for on Earth. I do know the love of God. I have also felt the love of my Father and friends. I have issues with my mother and I am not so sure about my other family members. Well, perhaps my brother does love me. The kind of love I long to have is the love a husband and wife share between another. Oh, I guess my daughter loves me too. And of course I truly and dearly love my daughter.

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andre Stephens
English 1A – 9:00 – 9:50
February 10. 2009

Love Reflections

What is love? It depends on who you ask. There are a lot of different genres of music I like, and one happens to be old school R&B. In 1995, Al Green wrote a song called L-O-V-E (Love). In part of the song the lyrics say, “Love is a walk down Main Street; Love is an apple honey, so sweet; Love is something that can’t be beat; Love is a flower in my soul; Love is a story that just can’t be told; Love is something that’s so divine; Love is a feeling that’s a friend of mine; It can’t be measured by no sign; In your heart or even in your mind; Love is as bright as the morning sun”. Basically, love is a strong emotion and it means different things to different people.

Love can be divided into three types, Agape, Eros and Philia. Agape is a Greek word that means love and stands for godly, unselfish, total, energetic and considerate love. When Plato lived, Greek Philosophers described Agape love as the love of a spouse or relative, or affection for a certain type of activity. Philia is a love that symbolizes goodwill or is normally a non-sexual affection. Philia is the type of love you’d have for your friends. Eros is an affection of a sexual nature (Wikipedia). Agape love is the most important because it is the love of God and the love my family and I have for each other. The words that I think of that represent the love of family are compassion, loyalty, unity, motivation and support. I say compassion because they don’t judge, loyalty because I can always count on them, unity because we try to be on one accord, love because it is unwavering, motivation because they continue to push me to be the best I can be, and support because I know they are always in my corner.

The Apostle Paul described Agape love in 1st Corinthians 13:4-8 as patient, kind, not envious, doesn’t boast, not proud, not rude, not self-seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record of mistakes, doesn’t take joy in evil and rejoices in truth, always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres and never fails. I’ve been to a few weddings and this is the scripture they will usually read. The words are important because they should cause each person to look at themselves instead of expecting the other person to do these things. If each one in the relationship looks at themselves first and make sure they are doing the things in this scripture, it can help make the relationship a good one.

The day set aside to celebrate love is February 14, but Valentine’s Day is too commercial. Florists hike up the price of flowers so they can make a huge profit. Giving flowers, a card, candy or taking a special lady to dinner are things that can be done whenever and for no special reason. Love should be celebrated everyday. Love can also be giving your time, money or talents to a worthy cause such as an organization that feeds the hungry. The bottom line is there are many ways to express love.

Wikipedia. “Agape.” 10 Feb. 2009

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mokhtar Mohamed
English 1A 8-8:50

Love is a strong romantic feeling for someone or something. Love is the grease that allows the wheel of life to continue turning. For when we love we look beyond ourselves, beyond our needs and desires. We sacrifice our time, our energy, our wishes, and sometimes even ourselves because of love. Sometimes it is for an immediate person or group that we know intimately and love completely, but other times it is for a larger group of people that we don't really know or perhaps even like. It is love that allows law enforcement and emergency services personnel to face danger. It is love that allows soldiers to risk everything. Love makes heroes every day in every corner of the world. As Thomas ã Kempis said: "Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength... It is therefore able to undertake all things, and it completes many things, and warrants them to take effect, where he who does not love would faint and lie down."
Additionally Martin Luther King shows that we should love our enemy. I agree with him that we should love our enemy but not deep love in which we give up on our rights or positions for this enemy.

11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mokhtar Mohamed
English 1A 8-8:50

Love is a strong romantic feeling for someone or something. Love is the grease that allows the wheel of life to continue turning. For when we love we look beyond ourselves, beyond our needs and desires. We sacrifice our time, our energy, our wishes, and sometimes even ourselves because of love. Sometimes it is for an immediate person or group that we know intimately and love completely, but other times it is for a larger group of people that we don't really know or perhaps even like. It is love that allows law enforcement and emergency services personnel to face danger. It is love that allows soldiers to risk everything. Love makes heroes every day in every corner of the world. As Thomas ã Kempis said: "Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength... It is therefore able to undertake all things, and it completes many things, and warrants them to take effect, where he who does not love would faint and lie down."
Additionally Martin Luther King shows that we should love our enemy. I agree with him that we should love our enemy but not deep love in which we give up on our rights or positions for this enemy.

11:31 PM  

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