Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Thank God it's Well it's my Friday and as I sit here in A-213 freezing at 5:30 p.m.--I've been on campus since 6 a.m. I am ready for the weekend. Tomorrow we will continue our literature circles.

We reviewed Part 2, Sentence Errors. The vote was split so we discussed the text as a large group; tomorrow the name of the game is minimalist, as in small is good. Next week, we will write our first Pidd essay, piece of cake, or at least, that is the hope. We will write a sample essay as a group maybe Tuesday, then students will have the opportunity to write their own for peer review the next day or Thursday, depending on how difficult you find the exercise.

If you'd like feed back on anything you have posted, or plan to post beforehand, print a copy and give to me. I will read it, grade it and return it with feedback. The best way to find out how you are doing is to come to office hours. I have more time then. I have a new program, Naturally Speaking, which I haven't used yet.

I like face to face consultations, at least initially, but if cyber-critiques are all some of you have time for, email me the papers you'd like feedback on, and if they are short (500 words or less) bring to class.


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