Monday, March 02, 2009

1. Freewrite: Celebrate Women's History Month with a reflection on a woman you admire and honor. Post on the blog and continue reflecting on women this entire month on women and posting as you feel so inspired (3 times a week). You can bring in art, literature, poetry, music, etc., to share and copies (if literature or lyrics for your classmates).

2. How have women influenced Barack Obama, and shaped him into the man he is today and the man we meet in Dreams? What values do they share?

3. Stewart Pidd E-2. We reviewed Phrases and completed exercised together on pages 84, 85, 110-111. Keep going, we want to get up to page 124 by tomorrow.

4. Literature Circle: Skit. Think of sections in the book which lend themselves to dramatization. Mark and we'll share.


Blogger Unknown said...

One woman that I honor and admire for all her hard work and that is very important in our nations history is Susan B. Anthony. Anthony had a major role in promoting woman's rights. She also was involved in stop slavery and the mistreatment of African Americans. She always seems to be very involved in what was going on and trying to make a change. Should would go around trying to collect petitions that opposed slavery. Anthony would travel the nation giving speeches trying to make every one treat men and woman equally. Anthony was also part of organizations to help promote rights for Africans Americans as well as woman. She has greatly helped change this great nation.

Jeremy J. Kerby

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama mother was a big influence in his life more than anyone else. I admire her for getting up before she had to go to work and before Obama went to school. Although, he had his grandmother she gave him some values to cherish, however his mother was his main influence.

English 1A

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Evans eng 1a 9-10 response to woman in Obama’s life

Obama shows respect for the woman in his life. He has been touched throughout his live by various woman and has highlighted his experiences in “Dreams from my Father”.
Obama was raised by a single mother and while he often feels lost in terms of his black manhood and standing he is thankful for his mother’s guidance, love, and strength. Ann was well educated and passed her inelegance and studious habits on to Obama. She understood that while she could not teach him how to “be black” she could educate him in areas such as the civil rights movement and of famous black women and men who had come before him. Obama found himself inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King, W.E.D Dubois, Malcolm X, and Rosa Parks.

Throughout Obama’s travels he meets other inspiriting woman. During his educational career at Occidental he met Regina. She proved to be an individual with radical views. Regina did not so much care what others thought of her but more of her intelligence and moral standings. After Obama’s rally to “preach” black movement and acceptance he felt downtrodden and selfish in his self demise because the rally had not gone perfectly. Regina lifted him up, sparking for the first time, a sense of a larger world that deserved attention and focus more than his own sorrows.

During his organizing in Chicago Obama met many special women including: Mona, Angela, Shirley, Mary Bernadette, Dr. Martha Collier, Linda and Bernadette Lowry, and Sadie Evans. The first women he met, Mona, Shirley, and Angela, cuddled him like a new born baby. They were all single mothers who were looking forward to bettering their community and lives. They gave willingly and gratefully with no reservations or expectations. Obama held high expectations for himself and these women helped to lesson his worries and instead see the good he was constructing in Altgeld.

Linda and Bernadette Lowry were two sisters Obama met on his quest to assist the schools. Both single mom’s they were working to better their lives, taking turns at community college and attending to their children. They saw the answers in public education and worked diligently with Obama to set up counseling, tutoring for the public school system.

Sadie Evans however has touched Obama perhaps the most thus far. A meek church lady striving to become minister stepped up when hope and progress were desperately needed. The threat of asbestos in the homes of many in Altgeld was present and while people were considered no one expect for Sadie stepped up. She gathered the community to come together to fight for something they all agreed on, their health. Though in retrospect the issue itself wasn’t groundbreaking the process of community organization nourished Altgeld and promoted further hope.

Obama renews his vigor for community organizing thanks to Sadie. He learned along the way that even when things don’t completely execute the process is perhaps the most important gift of all.

Obama lost his mother Ann to ovarian cancer in 1995. He recently lost his mother’s mom, Madelyn better known as Toot, on November 2, 2008. Obama is blessed today to be surrounding by his wife Michelle, and two daughters Malia and Sasha.

Michele grew up in south Chicago has become an amazing woman, She is well educated graduating from. Princeton University and Harvard Law School. Barack was rewarded with her presence when they met while working at a law firm together. They fell in love over community organizing, righteous living, and welfare fro all.
Michelle is perhaps one of the most controversial first ladies. She has been criticized for wearing sleeveless dresses and cooking in the kitchen. Michelle is an inspiration for all women. She is not destined to the stereotypical roles woman are placed in today. I admire her for body and self acceptance. Michele is an excellent role model for her daughters as well as American women. Her plans as first lady include: being a dedicated mother and wife while still setting her own boundaries and goals, working on universal health care, and proper public education.

Malia and Sasha are blessing like every child. Their exuberance and youthfulness will no doubt be a welcomed addition to the tense white house atmosphere. Obama wishes and hopes for his children to, "to grow up in a world with no limits on your dreams and no achievements beyond your reach, and to grow into compassionate, committed women who will help build that world.”(Obama)

"Family of Barack Obama." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 28 Feb 2009, 15:06 UTC. 3 Mar 2009

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Evans eng 1a 9-10 response to anointed

Obama’s mother was indeed on amazing woman. She had a tough road laid out for her as she was forced to raise a son alone. Being a single mother is hard enough however, she was faced the added difficulties of not being able to contribute to Obama’s African heritage. It was however admirable of her to research black history and instill values and knowledge of great African Americans that had come before him. She set out an example of men for Obama to follow and placed values in him that helped him land the presidency of today.

7:57 PM  
Blogger JeniFromThaBlock said...

Jennifer Gonzales
English 1A 9-950a
3 Mar 09

Response to the women in Obama's Life:

Obama has been influenced greatly by all the women who have contributed to his life. First and foremost is his mother. She was the one who made sure he had a good life. She taught him good morals and values and educated him about his background. While being a mother to Obama she was also able to continue her own education. That shows strength and dedication.

Obama's grandmother was also a very important person in his life. She was his chilhood role model. Obama states, "She was the cornerstone of our family, and a woman of extraordinary accomplishment, strength, and humility. She was the person who encouraged and allowed us to take chances." He remembered her as "one of those quiet heroes we have across America, who aren't famous ... but each and every day they work hard. They look after their families. They look after their children and their grandchildren."

Then there is his wife, Michelle Obama. She plays a huge role in Obama's life. She is his backbone when he needs support and is the mother of his daughters, Malia and Sasha. Obama says, "She's tough, there's something about her that projects such honesty and strength. It's what makes her such an unbelievable professional, and partner, and mother, and wife."

Having strong women in Obama's life has definitely shaped him into the man he is today and they will continue to shape him throughout his years as our president. He shares all of the same values as the Obama we know of in Dreams From My Father only more older and wiser.

Goldenberg, Susanne. Grandmother who was childhood role model dies on eve of poll. 4 November 2008. Washington. Guardian News and Media Limited. 2009.

Parsons, Christi, Bruce Japsen and Bob Secter, Tribune staff reporters. Barack's rock: Michelle Obama. 22 April 2007. Los Angles TImes. 2009.,2,5512257.story?page=1

10:58 PM  
Blogger Muno said...

Munkhjin Munkhbaatar
English 1A
When we all talk about women the first woman who comes into our mind is mother. Obama's mother is the person who shaped him who he is today. She is the one who helped him all this years and made sure he has good life, good family and education. Mothers always do everything for their children. And they teach our life's the very first lesson.
And then his wife Michelle Obama. She is type of woman who is self-confident and strong. She is the one who helps Obama every time when Obama has difficulties or problems. Having a strong woman like Michelle Obama in his life makes him stronger and shapes Obama who he is today.

1:24 AM  
Blogger Brave New Patriot said...

My grandmother has been a major formative character in my life. Since my youth, she has always symbolized strength and perseverance. She was the first female African-American bank manager in Philadelphia, a title hard fought for in a still segregated America. Some of my earliest memories take place on her immaculate white-carpeted floors, her attention to detail evident in her spotless home.
“There’s no luck in life, just hard work” she would tell me and my brothers.
Although most of the family is now here in California (she is still in Philadelphia), and she is battling with Alzheimer’s Disease, she is still the rock in our family.
Hardship has been a hallmark of her life, from the racist owners of the Pottstown Refinery, who told her that a black woman could never be a manager, to the long hard years at home waiting for my grandfather to come home from war.
She taught me the meaning of hard work, and selflessness, and I owe a great deal of my spirit to her guidance.

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andre Stephens
English 1A, 9-9:50

President Obama’s wife Michelle has been a big influence in his life. When the couple attended the inaugural balls on January 20, he introduced his wife by saying, “She is the one who brung me.” He also said she could do everything he could, except in high heels and backwards. The President was saying that if it wasn’t for his wife, he wouldn’t have made it to where he is, and he acknowledged that she is just as intelligent as he is. In a February 2009 article in Ebony Magazine, Obama said one of the positive things about being married to his wife is she makes sure he stays grounded and focused on the priorities in life. It is obvious they have a great deal of love and mutual respect for each other.

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hong Tang
English 1A 9-9:50am

Obama's mother impacted quite a lot in his life. He learned many lessons from his mother. Without his mother, he wouldn't be brought to this world. She taught Obama many lesson in which gave us the president of the United States today. His ability to knowledge each aspect of human culture was outstanding. The effort that Obama's mother had put in him are now been rewarded. Without the care giving from his mother be might not even stand here, giving speeches and halping adapt the comcept of life.

3:49 PM  

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