Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I have been sitting here too long. The rain has taken a break again and I should probably head over to the parking lot--you know what they say about fools who miss out on their blessings? Well, maybe you don't. There is this story about a person who thought they were forsaken and what is was is they didn't take advantage of the opportunity when it presented itself.

I say this to say that, I hope I don't end up soaked because this is the third time the rain has stopped, yet, I am still posting assignment. I can hear Bridgett asking me this morning if I'd gotten the assignment from the board, and I said yes.

Today students graded each other's papers using the checklist on page 50-51. We first went over the MLA guidelines on pages 302-305. Some students were still confused, I hope they have clarity now, or plan to come by the Writing Center, L-234, tomorrow, 12-3 to see me and work it out.

The freewrite was to look at analogies in the text, where Obama employs the literary device where he uses something concrete to explain an abstract concept. Sometimes the analogies serve as descriptions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca Evans Eng 1a 9-10 Analogies ch .1-4 Dreams from my father 2/11/09

Ch 1
“Miscegenation, the word is humpbacked, ugly, portending a monstrous outcome” (pg.12).

“Before she could say anything the girl was in a full sprint, her long legs like that of a whippet’s as she vanished down the street” (pg. 20)- black girl befriended by Ann

“Where fear and lack of imagination choke your dreams” (pg.15).-describing gramps childhood/where he grew up

“His limbs stiff and curled up like a baby’s” (pg. 4). –when the old man in apartment dies

“ and yer by he time ny familt arrived, it had all somwhow vanished from collective memory like moring mist thtat the sun burned away” pg. 23 – Hawaii after the war


“Brown and green uninterrupted, villages falling back into forest, the smell of diesel oil and wood smoke. Men and woman stepped like cranes through the rice paddies, their faces hidden by wide straw hats. A boy wet and slick as an otter sat on the back of a dumb faced water buffalo, whipping its haunch with a stick of bamboo” (pg.32). –Obama’s first looks at Indonesia

Ch 3

“for a moment the air was sucked out of the room and we stood there suspended in our thoughts” (pg. 62)- upon receiving the letter from dad

“The air in the office was cool and dry like the air in mountain peaks, the pure air of privilege” (pg. 29). - when Obama goes to the embassy with his mom

“He remains opaque to me, a present mass” (pg. 70) – when Obama describes his father

Ch 4
“Laying in bed thinking how people used the phrase white folks: White folks would flash in my head lie a bright neon sign, and I would suddenly grow quite, as if I had secrets to keep” (pg. 81).

“When the friend wanted to leave the party: “There were no traces of satisfaction in Ray’s eyes, no hints of disappointment, just a steady gaze, as unblinking as a snake’s” (pg. 84) -when Scott and Jeff left the party

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nely Ruiz
English 1A
February 11, 2009
Here are some analogies I found in B.H. Obama’s book, “Dreams of My Father.”
“…My roommate would find him crumpled up on the third-floor landing, his eyes wide open, his limbs stiff and curled up like a baby’s.”
(pg. 4)

“ ….so that as a child I knew him only through the stories that my mother and grandparents told. They al had their favorites, each one seamless , burnished smooth from repeated use.”

“… that’s how all the stories went – compact, apocryphal, told in rapid succession in the course of one evening, then packed away for months, sometimes years, in my family’s memory”
…”Miscegenation. The word is humpbacked, ugly, portending a monstrous outcome:”
“…Where fear and lack of imagination choke your dreams …”
(pg. 15)
“… And at this point the story quickens in my mind like one of those old movies that show a wall calendar’s pages peeled back faster and faster by invisible hands,…”

It seems that most of the analogies occur when Obama is referring to his heritage. Obama refers to his parents, and grandparents stories with many metaphors and similes. The stories come to life through the imagery he paints.

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carla Poindexter
English 1A 9-10
14 February 2009

Analogies found in "Dreams from My Father."

"And then, on September 11, 2001 the world fractured"(x).
I think "world fractured" is an analogy. The world refers to the planet Earth. Since "the world" is a planet it cannot actually become slightly broken.

"...America's hunger for any optimistic sign..."(xiii).
The word "hunger" refers to something you feel when you want to eat. You cannot eat an "optimistic sign."

Chapter 2
"...the empty look on the faces of farmers the year the rains never came..."(37).
Your face cannot have an "empty look." Your face has eyes, a nose and a mouth. A look can be intense, but I do not think a "look' can really be "empty."

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In dreams, Obama uses literary device\s like similes and metaphors. Find such languages and discuss the ways it add to or explains the meaning. Include page and paragraph

“Loom of my grandparents’ memories”. (Pg.13)

Chapter 2
“The road to the embassy was chocked with traffic.” (pg.28)

Chapter 3
”the wood had a nutty, cinnamon smell, and I felt myself drifting back across oceans and over the clouds, into the violent horizon, back to the place where I had once been….” (pg.54)

“I felt like a non-native speaker tripping over a difficult phrase.” (pg.81)

English 1A

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hong Tang
English 1A

Ch1: “the problem of discrimination presumably solve”. (Pg.12)

Ch2: “The first thing to remember is how to protect yourself”. (Pg.35)

Ch3: “The tribe that still requires a young boy to kill a lion”. (Pg.69)

Ch4: “learning to disguise my feverish mood”. (Pg.87)

9:01 PM  

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