Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Cyber-Post for Half the Sky
I will be in class in the morning, so show up (smile). I am supposed to keep moving, so I can't stay in bed. The doctor gave me some scary meds which I don't plan on taking long. I am on my way back to the hospital for an x-ray. The Black History Month kick-off was great. I arrived in time to hear Chancellor Harris present the keynote, which was on point.

Today in class we reflected in a freewrite on the Chinese proverb, "Women hold up half the sky." This saying is the inspiration for the title of the book we are now reading. Students in the early class, took turns reading, and then we discussed the authors' writing strategy, how they presented the problem, established their credibility, and used strong non-debatable evidence to convince their audience that something was wrong.

Homework is to evaluate and critique the introduction to Half the Sky (250 words min). Students are also to bring in a published book review either tomorrow or Thursday. We will write summaries of the book reviews as freewrites on Thursday.

We meet in A232 now. I will pick students up 2/4 and walk you over. If you are late, we'll meet you in A232 or if you know where the classroom is, you can meet us there.

Continue in SPHE. We'll review the exercises tomorrow for Sentence Punctuation. I might give you a quiz on Thursday, maybe Monday. We'll review "Essay 1: Sentence Punctuation" Thursday and go over the templates, so students can begin to write the essay for next Monday-Tuesday.

Dominique West will hold Study Hours on Mondays and Wednesdays at 12-1 PM in one of the study rooms in the L-bldg. Look for her. I will ask her to post a sign. She is available to review Pidd and anything else students are working on. There are 4 copies of SPHE on reserve in the library. Do your assignments there if you don't have a book.

Students can also post their freewrites here (at this link). If students want to post both the freewrite and the reflection as one post, no problem. Use a heading to indicate where one ends and the other begins.

I enjoyed the short stories and other wonderful writing this morning in the early class. We will continue our discussion in the morning. I still don't have 10 students for the Tim Wise event. I need four more to get the group rate. Hopefully
$40 more dollars or 4 students will kick in more money tomorrow so I can buy the tickets. I don't want the event to sell out.

We will be reading aloud, so thanks to the great readers today who read dramatically and kept our attention. I can hardly wait to read Lysistrata next month! Are any of you theatre majors?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Response “Half the sky”introducation
English 1A

I saw this book “Half the Sky”. The forth paper said the Chinese proverb that ‘women hold up half the sky’ has elongated been more ambition than fact. It is inequality gender. Good education is solution to gender equal opportunity, which leads to upper wages, improve labor force participation, lower birth rate; and better physical condition and education. Women have to study education that is good key. Higher education provide better economic. I support female’s economic society activity why women could be increased GNP. Women power could change in the world economic value.

This is story about discrimination women at in the society (India and China). Mother wanted to only son they don’t want daughter. In Fujian Province China, some female said “We don’t have to have daughters anymore”. Asian country provided about sex-selective why girl could be usually aborted. It is too bad. They follow the custom fact so girls died by her mother. West people couldn’t understand this situation why they accept equal girl or boy. They thought equal sex. However, American has discriminate gender. This book wrote Sheryl’s. Sheryl’s grandfather had two wives why first wife didn’t have son so he found second wife that he got son. It is common society situation, second wife, not special. This son is her father which her family story. She wanted to change in the society about gender equality and I hope advance women right.

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Romina Sarmiento
English 1A
Reflection on “Half the Sky”

I find it hard to comprehend that things that horrible actually occur in this world. Maybe it’s because I was raised here in America. Although, I was born in a country, where, those types of things happen to women everyday. I think the proverb “women hold up half the sky” means that women are just as important as men. Women make the world go round too. I think if more countries were more liberal like the states, these types of things wouldn’t be happening to women in these third world countries. They’ve been treated so badly for so long that they lack the courage to stand up for themselves. They grow up always afraid to show their true colors and never get a chance to use their potential to the fullest.

This book “Half the Sky” is very powerful and gives people insight on exactly what goes on to these women in third world countries. Maybe one day someone will read it and want to make a difference to change this.

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joshua Duong
Eng 1A 8-8:50 am

I think that this Chinese proverb is saying that, just like the men that live in this world, women also live in the same world. I think that this proverb has a deeper, hidden meaning to it. Which half of the the sky do women hold up? Well, in my opinion, no one can tell because the sky isn't meant to be divided; it is meant to be as one being. Just like the sky is one, men and women should live together in harmony, where there is no thought of relevance as to whether or not the person is male or female, but to realize, that, first and foremost, that the person is a human being just like every other person on this planet.

6:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joshua Duong
Eng 1A 8-8:50 am
Introduction "Half the Sky"

The introduction to this book really took me by surprise. I knew that women today in other parts of the world were, still, after all these years, treated as unequals to men. The thing that took me by surprise was the severity of the situation. I thought that the women were just looked down as inferiors at things such as job interviews and intelligence levels. I didn't know that women in some parts of the world were still treated very poorly like slaves.
Soon after reading the first few pages of this book, I became very interested about how these women's lives would turn out. I wanted to know their stories of how they overcame impossible obstacles and how they became successful people like Rath, going from a slave to prostitution to a very successful street merchant.
I believe that educating girls can lead to a more successful economy. I also believe that, just educating more people in general will lead to a better economy. Obviously, by not giving the people an education, there is no way there can be any types of improvements and advancements in anything like the social system, technology, and anything else of that sort. So, by denying an education to women, there will not be as much advancements in the economy as there should be. I think that the sooner these ignorant countries can understand this, better off the people will be in the next two or three generations.

7:00 PM  
Blogger violetsun said...

Ahu Yildirim
English 1A
“Woman hold up half the sky”
Free writing
What is woman? A human being who has the beginning of creation of beauty, strength and nurturing behaviors. When we first open our eyes into this life, she is there to take care us. Our connection with life starts in her womb. She is the cave of security and warmness.
Under her fragile physical body and more sensitive emotions than man, “she is the one who holds up half the sky”, she is the one who has the most strongest strength and power for her love ones. Nobody knows what or where the beginning and the end are for all of us, but she is with us in the beginning may be at the end, too who really knows!
May be she is sunshine or rain for dry earth or hope, she is an adult female who is complicated and delicate for all mankind.

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Juan Li
English 1A
Evaluation of "Half The Sky"

The introduction of "Half The Sky" used sevral true examples to show as that the women issue is really strong. Also it bring as to think about how women lives look like and what is the position of women in this society. what they are doing and how they are doing. The introduction bring us to think about what shall we do for them or even be them. The story was showing as that some women live in unfair world and I believe that this isn't a history. This still is some people's lives. In order to help them we have to know the deep level of why or what causes this happen. Is this just sigle problem, so we can just help them individually or this is a big problem which we have to fouces on a lot of areas and to soft problem sllowly. So far, this book catchs my attention so much.

8:14 PM  
Blogger adri3400 said...

Adriana Ultreras
English 1A
Feb 2, 2010
Free write Chinese proverb

Free write: Chinese Proverb
The saying “Women hold up half the sky” not only appears in the book Half the Sky, by authors Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, but also appears in history. Its origins are from China, but it is a quote that is widely used and has many definitions for each individual.
“Women hold up half the sky” demonstrates a lot of imagery. I can visualize the women actually holding the sky up with their strength. The sky is one of the most important things in this universe and women help keep it up with their extraordinary importance and strength. Their empowerment is demonstrated every time that they go beyond any obstacle life throws at them. Without the sky the universe could not be; without women, men could not be. Both are needed in life. “Women hold up half the sky” is a huge comparison that demonstrates the significance of women’s roles to this world. Many people in other countries don’t value the worth of a woman. They are oppressed and discriminated based on a sex that was not their choice to make. They are taken away opportunities that demolish their potential based on their gender. A gender that should makes them no different from men. We are all equal and with the proper education can be as successful worldwide.
Women hold up the sky because their strength and importance are needed in life. Not everyone in the world believes this. But women are important and are a crucial necessity for a continued existence.

8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Juan Li
English 1A
Respond to "Black History Month even"

Today I attended a black history lecture at student lounge 12:30-1:30. The topic which they were talking about was why we need black history month? and what does black history infulence us? I have learned some black history by knowing some first even what black people did. The reason why we need this black history month is to know and to repeat all the of these evens and to understand where we came from and it help us to find where we should go. Also very important value of knowing balck history is this history is the history of human attain freedom history. This history as a mirror reflected women rights, children rights, and minority group rights.As they were singing,"I am singing because I am happy. I am happy because today I am free." That is everybody should be.

8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cortny Lozano
English 1A 8am
Reflection on "Half The Sky"

Having read the introduction of "Half The Sky", I can't even imagine how Srey Rath survived through her experience. I consider Rath a strong woman who is extremely brave. I just don't understand why these horrible things happen to women everyday. Now I see why The United States Of America is named the best country in the world. "Women hold up half the sky" means that women are just as equal and important as men. I believe Men hold up half the sky and women hold up the other half. It's devastating to see in some countries women are treated unequal and are less cared for. Rath shows that there is still hope out there for those women who can't get away. "Half The Sky" gives a powerful message of what is going on in our world. This book is about changing the world's outlook on women.

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James Barker
English 1A 9-9:50 am
Free write on the Chinese Proverb

“Women Hold Up Half the Sky”. What is this suppose to mean? Well my interpretation is that it is the responsibility of both men and women to share in supporting creation. And how females are just as valuable in this process as males.

Introduction to “Half the Sky”
Intense! Gripping! Hypnotizing! Are just a few words to describe the introduction to this book. The authors Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn have given us, their readers a beautiful yet realistic view of the pain and suffering of the women that they have encountered. Also they give an unbiased statistic of the world wide abuse of women. The pictures of the women and their stories were enough to grab the attention of any churlish being man or woman alike. Kristof and WuDunn also expressed the ideas of some of the countries such as China and India. Proving that in the world there are more than 100 million women missing. Also how China for example would neglect their female children when the child was under some sort of illness, but under the same conditions their male counter parts would be given immediate medical attention. Also how the Chinese people would prefer male children over female seeing males to be of more value than the female. Another thing that stood out to me was the fact that though in the world total women outnumber men. But in the countries where the rate of female abuse was higher, there was a dramatic difference in that statistic. I am very intrigued by this story and the message they are trying to reveal to all who would listen.

9:59 PM  
Blogger adri3400 said...

Adriana Ultreras
English 1A
Feb 2, 2010
Critical Analysis: Introduction “Half the Sky”

The introduction of the book Half the Sky, written by the Pulizer Price winners Nicholas D Kristof and his wife Sheryl WuDunn, started with the story of a young Cambodian girl names Srey Rath. She was fifteen years old when she was misled into prostitution. She was taken away from her family with false promises and sold into a brothel. She was beaten and forced to have sexual intercourse with men against her will. Her living conditions were horrific. She was forced to have unprotected sex, take drugs and work 7 days a week. She was beaten constantly and was living in hell. She eventually escaped and went to the police, who arrested her on a tough anti-immigrant law they have. Srey eventually was released, only to be sold to another brothel house by her police escort. She eventually escaped and went back to her home town.
Srey had a tough life and only when she though that her life was getting better, it got worst. Many people might give up hope, but not Srey. She got help and started her own decent business. She got married and had children. Srey didn’t let her past hold her back from having a better future. Many people might simply give up since they feel wasted. But that should only be inspiration to do better.
Like Srey, there are many women and girls worldwide that are discriminated based on their gender. In India husbands burn their wives simple to remarry. They may throw acid of them or light them on fire. The government doesn’t get involved or find it important news. Women hold a less significance then men. In their first four years of life, 39 thousand girls die annually in China based on discrimination. A life of a boy is treasured way more then a girl. Parents care more about their male children since they can carry on the family last name. If a girl gets sick they will let her be. If a boy gets sick, he will be taken to the hospital. There is discrimination in every way possible for girls. In places like China, Indian and the Fijian Province women are no allowed o know the sex of a child because most women will abort if they find out it’s a girl. This is wrong in so many ways. Boys and girls should be given the same opportunity as life.
The U.S. government gives little foreign aid to women. Workers that obtain factory jobs for huge manufactures like Nike are mostly women. They are paid less and forced to produce a lot. They are hired since they have smaller fingers and can work more. Jobs like this are better then the one that Srey was forced to work for, but they still receive unequal treatment.
Amaryta Sen, a Noble price-winning economist stated that the women in this globe are vanishing. In places like Latin America and Africa there are more women then men. In China, there are less women then men. The ratios of males over females are 107 males in China, 108 India, 111 Pakistan. The disappearance of women has nothing to do with biology. Some are trafficked to brothels, and some are murdered. To this day there are 107 million women missing worldwide. Also, 2 million women a year disappear based on gender discrimination. The government is not taking the time to resolve this problem since they don’t value the women’s worth.
There are organizations worldwide that are helping this epidemic. Women are being discriminated and mistreated worldwide and in some places it is considered normal. This book is stating facts and stories of women that look past their obstacles and move on to a better future.

10:15 PM  
Blogger Emmily Manown said...

Emmily manown
English 1A
Free Write:

Reading the introduction to "Half The Sky" makes me feel so grateful to live the life i live, when there are women all around the country suffering from poverty and being beaten and talked down on a daily basis. To know things like this really happen to women is sad and degrading. I believe Women are definantly equal to any man. The introduction to this book alone was intense and had my emotions going, it was definantly something worth reading. i have never read a book that captivated my attention this much. Many women live in unfair worlds and definantly do not deserve a single thing thst happens. It hurts me to know that after years and years that women are still treated and inferior compared to men.I just am shocked to think that women really grow up this way as objects to be used and as something which has a price on it. You should NEVER be able to buy a women....there is no amount of money worth that, but yet people find a way to put a cheap price on women. Of course things like this do not happen to men. I dont understand why womne have a lesser value than men do in other countries. I am so happy for the US being so liberal when i read stuff like this.


The Book "Half The Sky" written by Nicholas D Kristof and his wife Sheryl WuDunn in riveting and intense to read, a makes you a little upset while reading. While reading this book, i feel like getting up and going to make a difference in the world. I feel like i want to make a difference while i read this book. I definantly have sympathy for all the women who are in this book, and who have experienced what they have experieneced. The book starts of with talking about a young girl tooken from her family, and sold into prostitution as a young girl. This girl absolutly goes through hell trying to make a better life forherself when she does that.

11:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mokhtar Mohamed
Ms. sabier

"Women Hold Up Half the Sky" is a book which is written by Nicholas D Kristof and his wife Sheryl WuDunn is discussing the conditions of women's life in many parts of the world. The authors illustrated women's life by giving many examples of several women that faced many difficulties such as discrimination, rape, beating, and selling to prostitution.
Additionally, "Half the sky" shows how important women are to any society. By saying that "women hold half the sky" the author explained that women are equal to men in their rights. More over women are half of the societies, so if they are not protected or mistreated their societies will not be complete because of missing the freedom of half of them which are the women.

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zaidea Magpoc
English 1A 9-9:50am
Evaluation for the Introduction of Half the Sky

I am impressed how they presented this book in the Introduction. The writers used experiences to capture its readers. It is quite powerful and very interesting. After you read the Introduction, you are intrigued and wanted to read more.

After reading the Introduction, I was really disturbed by the experiences mentioned. You would think that human trafficking and “gendercide” were all in the past. But based on the information, abuse in women and girls are happening left and right and in different parts of the world. We may be living in the country where everyone is treated fairly and equally, but in some countries women and girls are still put down and abused. We can see from the staggering numbers of missing women, infant girls that die because they were neglected by their own parents and aborted babies because of their gender. It’s sad that no matter how advanced we are in Science and Technology, humans still cannot take away the hatred and animosity against women and girls.

I am very fortunate to live in a place where people are viewed equally, regardless of their gender, social status, race and many others. This is a wake up call for everyone. We need to look around us. Some women or girls have suffered a lot. Their scars and bruises may have healed, but we know for a fact that the emotional scars may be healed through a long period of time and sometimes not be healed at all. The emotional damage is there and would always be there.

11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff Cornelius
English 1A

Introduction to Half the Sky Reflection:

I thought it was a very interesting way to introduce a book. To basically tell one of the stories of struggle, trauma, and then success of an interesting young woman. And then to go into what I thought would be more of a traditional introduction. When we first started reading the book I figured there was no introduction, and we were just starting in on one of the many different stories in the book. I feel however that it did a very good job of catching my interest and wanting to hear more about Rath. I also enjoyed hearing about her escape and eventual success.

Like others have said in their postings I find it hard to believe that things like this happen it todays world. However with this book bringing it to light I can see it now. I have travled to many parts of the world, some of them in places where these atrocities occour. Mainly Indonesia, and the Middle East. However these issues of female inequality were never brought to my attention, and I just attributed the behaiviors as cultural differences.

I can now say that I am looking forward to reading this book. When before to be honest I was dreading it, thinking; oh great just another bra burning womens rights/equality book. When it now seems to me to be so much more than that. It sounds like a book that wants to make a difference in the world through bringing serious issued to light.

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ruby Holt-Roth
English 1A

Free write(reflection to Chinese Proverb):
The Chinese proverb "Women hold up half the sky" strikes me as highly accurate because without women (being the bearers of children) the human race would cease. I also feel that the manner in which a mother raises and treats a child greatly impacts their future, so in a sense, women are not only accountable for half of the responsibility but determine the fate of their nation and the world.

Reflection of introduction to Half the Sky:
The introduction to Half The Sky depicts the brutal treatment and oppression of women in foreign countries. I found the graphic imagery quite disturbing as well as the tragic stories of forced prostitution and "bride burning". The immeasurable score of injustices acted out on women each day is appalling but unfortunately not surprising as women have only recently (within the last 50 years) gained adequate laws protecting them from gender discrimination in the United States. The undeserved physical, sexual, and mental abuse of women abroad is disgustingly common. I feel an unbiased education for both men and women would greatly decrease if not abolish gender inequality in foreign countries. The skewed notion that a woman is not equal to a man and is not worthy of basic human rights is destructive to the social structure and the economy. This vicious cycle must stop if progression and economic growth are desired.

12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kimthuy Tran
English 1A

Reflection: Women hold up half the sky.
Chinese proverb
Reading this proverb, I feel that it is so meaningful because it talks about women‘s role in life. According to society, they are hard workers, skillful employees, and good citizens. When we mention to social issues such as criminals, gambling, drug addiction, and drunkards, women are not main factors that create these problem, but men do. Furthermore, they are people who give birth to talent people for their country and society. In the family, women act important tasks in maintain customs and cultures. In brief, I think that a society will not develop and getting more beautiful if there are no women.

Reflection: Half The Sky

Reading the introduction to Half the Sky, I feel life is not always simple and beautiful, I also believe that God give birth to us as human beings who have feelings and love, but why there are people who treat badly to other people. From this introduction, I dislike brothels and discrimination genders in China and India, for these factors brings many griefs to women and girls over there. In addition, I think killing female fetuses and carelessness to infant girls in China and India are evils, so these unmoral actions should have to stop .Furthermore, this issue creates an unequal gender and the poverty for these countries.
Talking about Rath’s story, I am sorry for her past life, and I think Rath’s life story is a result of discrimination sex and poverty in Cambodia. Women in poor countries have no human rights, and the society is lack of concern to them; therefore I think these also are causes that lead to the slow development of poor countries, for women also are important members of the society. On contrary, in developed countries, women have many chances as same as men do. They was educated and have their own careers, so women in these countries can help their country’s economy that is getting better.
All in all, the introduction to Half the Sky is an inter

8:33 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Victor Ani
English 1A
Hello professor Wanda Sabir,
The introduction from the novel Half the sky was an in depth story of Srey Reth. While reading, I felt that the writer had great credibility. Rath’s story presented a glance of the violence women go through all over the world. It was astonishing what happened to this girl because the same type of story happens to a lot of the women we know in our communities. Also mentioned in the introduction, was how the parents did not treat the women with the same care as they did the men. I find this issue to be very disturbing and also wonder why everyone does not get treated with equality. It is very odd to hear that men outnumber women by a landslide when the statement is always made that the ratio of men to women is 10 to 1. I see know that that is only a statement made out of context. I like that there will be an attempt to focus on the three abuses that women today face: sex trafficking, forced prostitution, and mass rape.
I believe this story is very important and that the writer has credibility because there are pictures to prove her case. There is also verification that helping women with a strategy to fight poverty can be successful. There can be change for humankind as long as the world notices the problems in other places around the world. I like how the introduction ended with, “This story is a transformation”. Showing that these changes are taking place now and moving forward.

8:50 AM  
Blogger leo400 said...

Leonardo Martin
English 1A
Reflection on "Half The Sky"

Upon reading the introduction to “Half The Sky” by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn I was given the impression that these book has a very significant importance to the authors of the book. Based on the introduction there is a lot of information present from different aspects of the world from different women. I like the way that this book is written. I am very interested as to what kind of knowledge this book carries because women are very strong creatures that make things happen. It gives a story of forgotten heroes in our society. These kind of depressing stories are present in every region of the world no matter where it might be. This is a very disturbing reality of the society that we presently live. Many of these types of stories are hidden within books like this one and many individuals continue to ignore this huge epidemic present in our society. There has been huge progress over the past few years to close that huge gap between women and men. Many individuals will never understand that these injustices actually still happen it is as if they are blind to the reality of many women in our society. Women continue to struggle to become part of society, but they are making progress towards a better future, which is something that I respect. Many cultures discriminate against women and these cultures are failing because of these ridiculous notions that they follow. In order to progress towards a better future we need to leave many of those outlandish accustoms in the past because they are of no help in present day society.

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Summera Farooq
English 1A
Introduction "Half the Sky"

The introduction of “Half the Sky” is really shocking. The book brings up some big issues about how women are treated in some countries. When I read the first few pages it really moved me. There are some evil people in the world who do not want other human being (woman) to live. If people are killing girls then how are they going to have a next generation? If every man wants to have a boy not a girl, then how are they going to have next generation? Yeah, if the men want to live their entire life without some on who cares about the man? That is the man’s choice. This is happening in some countries today. It is not a history, present. We really need to think about this problem.
I f a women is educated obviously she will have a bright future and no one will look down on her. Women can do the same things as men do. Actually women do more work than men. A mother takes care of her children, spend time with spouse, does chores, work in office etc. Most of the time a man will just go to work and still complains.
I cannot believe it, that in twenty first century some women are treated like slaves and very poor. I am looking forward to finish this book and want to learn more about these brave women’s’ lives. After all they have been through they did not give up.

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew Yount
English 1A

The Chinese proverb saying, “women hold up half the sky” really struck a chord with me. I thought it was an incredibly powerful statement and really set the tone and really helped give a small but proper introduction to this book. I took it to mean that women along side men keep the sky up, because it is written in many stories that a sign of the world ending will be the sky falling, so by men and women working together they help keep the world in motion and from ending.
Now right off the bat in Half the Sky we the readers are thrust into the terrible evils that take place within the world we live in, but what makes it truly terrible is that these events still happen to this day, and we simply over look them because they do in fact happen so often. Every day thousands of women are sold into sex slave groups and we do nothing to liberate them. Women as young as infants are taken from their homes and sold like cattle, it is truly disgusting. The stories in the introduction help get the readers hooked with the hopes that these awful stories have not necessarily happy endings but at least improvements to their current situations. These stories I believe are supposed to enlighten the world on what is going on and help prevent others from having the same fate. I also believe this book to be about hope and not giving up, because even when things are truly bleak you should never give up and always push on.

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jade Hooker
English 1a
Wanda Sabir
The Introduction of Half the Sky by Nicholas D. Kristof

The introduction to "Half the Sky" by Nicholas D. Kristof seems like a very intense yet insightful book. The introduction alone already portrays many emotions and many hardships that women in developing countries often go through. Women are often degraded and treated unfair conditions as well as circumstances compared to the over ruling male. Women have been oppressed for centuries; this book finally addresses the issue of how to overcome the issue and suppress the problem.
Within the first couple of pages, we read about sex trade, rape, and other components involved in African and Asian countries. In the American Society, women are also frowned upon and mistreated, but in comparison to the women in this book, these women have endured far more than what most American women have.
Strength, oppression, and survival are only a few descriptions of this book. It acknowledges the discriminative aspects in society and how may view women as and how they should be viewed as. It is a survival guide to all women to bring strength out of them and grow from degrading and difficult situations. Women are very strong humans and deserve the natural right of respect just as men. It just takes time and effort for women to strive and become what they’ve dreamed.

9:32 PM  
Anonymous Jennie said...

Jennie Lo
9:00 – 9:50am
English 1A

Introduction to Half the sky
by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

I don’t like the stories, even though I know this is the real world. I don’t like these happen in the world. I read the introduction last week. I feel nervous; I feel angry, and I feel helpless. I cried.

Rath is a very unlucky girl, however she is luckier than those girls still stay in the brothel while she can escape. She is strong, and she can standup again after the evil experience.

Sedanshah, an Afghan clearly stated his priorities, “A son is an indispensable treasure, while a wife is replaceable.” What a shame.

The stories and pictures of Naeema Azar and Ummi Ababiya are so fearful. The oppression is really breaking my heart.

After-all, it is grateful that we have someone like the authors Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn work very hard with their moral voices, a passionate call to help the oppression of women and girls in the developing world. Using the real stories to show how a little help can transform the lives of women and girls. It can definitely wake up the world with emotion.

The authors used an old Chinese proverb “Women hold up half the sky” as the book title. It is a channel for the world to recognize the full implication of the proverb and to ensure that women are able to give their full potential everywhere. Women can benefit with their contribution to the global society.

9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chelsea Eomurian
Eng 1A 9-9:50

Response to the Chinese Proverb

"Women hold up half the sky." To me this means that without women, the world wouldn't be a very good place. There are many qualities in women that are not found in men. Women create half of life and especially without them there would be no life!

Critical Analysis of the Introduction:

The introduction was extremely moving and inspirational. The couple of stories that are told are very eye-opening and sad. I was very surprised at the intimate details that the women were telling and the horrible things they were put through. The authors did an excellent job introducing the contents of the book and explaining their reasons for writing the book.

After just reading this short introduction I felt truly lucky to be in this country and to have the life that I have. They get so in depth into the events and feelings throughout the hardships of these women's lives. Not only did I feel blessed, I got very excited about reading this book. The book seems very important in today's world and can definitely change people's minds. I think the author's idea was to inspire the reader to make a difference and spread the word about "gendercide" and all of the other horrible things that women go through in this world.

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauryn Helling
February 3, 2010
English 1A
Wanda Sabir

Response to Chinese Proverb; "Women Hold Up Half the Sky"

I think that the meaning is trying to give women credit for being apart of earth. The duties that need to be done aren't just accomplished by men. It's an equal state. As much effort as men put in, women try to do the same amount and if not, then exceed that. All acknowledgments don't jut to one or the other. It's a partnership between men and women.

10:48 PM  
Blogger leo400 said...

Leonardo Martin
February 3, 2010
English 1A 9:00-9:50 AM
Wanda Sabir

Response to Chinese Proverb "Women Hold Up Half the Sky"

The Chinese proverb holds a very deep meaning to the society that we live in. Many cultures fail to realize that women are just as important as men. In order for society to run as smoothly as possible there needs to be women present that will hold up half the sky. It is impossible for men to hold up the whole sky on their own which is why women are realizing that men can no longer do it on their own. Women are very powerful individuals that are willing and able to hold their own without the help of men. They are willing to sacrifice just as much if not more to make society prosper towards a better future. Women are crucial to the existence of men because without women there would be no man. Many fail to realize this reality or fail to recognize the significance of women in our society. Women hold a huge responsibility in this world because they are creators of the future.

11:05 PM  
Blogger Arely R. said...

Arely Razo
Professor Sabir
English 1A
2 February 2010
Critique and Evaluation of Half the Sky (Intro)
I think that it was good that this introduction was written so that people can who what is going on in the world. This person is brave for doing this. Not many people would talk about that openly. I liked that this person wrote about it, but don’t like that nothing has been done to prevent this. This is still something that is going on in this world and some people do not believe it is happening.
I don’t think that it was right to use women as if they are just for sex. What they want should also be important. If they did not want to sleep with someone, then shouldn’t have to. I can’t believe that the owners would rape the women that did not want to sleep with the costumers they had. If they didn’t sleep with the costumers, then the owners would rape them. Them being rapped and the police not doing anything about it, is as if the police were also part of it. Women are human beings and should not be treated as if they are property. I could not believe that they would get mad if the women wanted protection for when sleeping with these men. It was important for them so that they would not get pregnant. It must be a fact that if the women would get pregnant, the men that impregnated them would not help.
It was very cruel of the men to have the women naked. They must have been cold and felt uncomfortable. This was the only way that owners would be sure that the women would not run away or keep tips. The tips should be for them because they are the ones that are doing things. These women could have just gotten used to being naked and not cared if they had to run away without having anything on, if they knew they would be free.
Men are the ones that have the power and that’s why they feel that they can do what they want. This is not right that they try and take control of women. Just because there are more men in the world than women, gives them no right to do what they are doing.
Women should not be sold as if they were nothing and should have a say in the world. There should be laws that will protect women from these mistreating. I know that I would not want to be one of these women. I wouldn’t want to have to sleep with someone I did not know. I would want to chose who I would want to give my virginity to, because that is something that is sacred.

11:22 PM  
Blogger Arely R. said...

Arely Razo
Professor Sabir
English 1A
2 February 2010
Freewrite: “Women hold up half the sky” Chinese proverb
I think that women do hold up half the sky because the world is made of men and women. They were first created with men. Women are important to the world because they are the ones that produce children. They are the teachers of their children and those children are the future. Women are different than men because of how emotional they are. I think that women are a great help to me and the world. When women pass away they go up to heaven. Heaven is almost like the world down here, except better.

11:22 PM  
Blogger Arely R. said...

Arely Razo
Professor Sabir
English 1A
2 February 2010
Summary C.W.
The women in Taiwan were treated badly. They were turned into prostitutes. If they did not sleep with the men then they would be beat and rapped by the ones that owned them. If they asked for protection then they would be treated badly. So that they could not run away or keep tips, the women were kept naked. They would be kidnapped and sold to other people that could make money off of them. The police don’t really help these women out. China has more women than they have men. Around the world many women are missing. In Indian little girls are more likely to die than the boys. Wives are replaceable but the men are the ones that trade. The women were treated like property and not like people.

11:24 PM  
Blogger Arely R. said...

Arely Razo
Professor Sabir
English 1A
3 February 2010
Response to Joshua Duong Freewrite
I really like what your freewrite said about how women live in this world just like men. It would be great if that was how most men or people would think of the world and women. I do no think that there are any sides dividing the sky. Maybe there they are equal.
Arely Razo
Professor Sabir
English 1A
3 February 2010
Response to Joshua Duong’s Intro
There really are parts of the world where people are still not being treated equally. People all over the world is different. This also helped me open up my eyes to see more and think that something should be done about this. I am also interested in how their lives turned out. I am glad that the lives of these women improved in some ways. I agree with you in that people should get an education so that they can better the economy. That is exactly what needs to happen. Women should be treated the same ways as men and given the same opportunities

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kimthuy Tran
English 1A

Reflection: Women hold up half the sky.
Chinese proverb
Reading this proverb, I feel that it is so meaningful because it talks about women‘s roles. According to society, they are hard workers, skillful employees, and good citizens. Whenever we mention to social issues such as criminals, gambling, drug addiction, and drunkards, women are not main factors that create these problem, but men do. Furthermore, they are people who give birth to talent people for their country. In the family, women act important tasks in maintain customs and cultures. In brief, I think that a country will not develop and getting more beautiful if there are no women.

Reflection: Half The Sky

Reading the introduction to Half the Sky, I feel life is not always simple and beautiful. However, I believe that God give birth to us as human beings who have feelings, and I also wonder why there are people who treat badly to other people. From this introduction, I dislike brothels and discrimination genders in China and India, for these factors brings many griefs to women and girls over there. In addition, I think killing female fetuses in China and the bias to Indian women are evils, so these unmoral actions should have to stop .Furthermore, this issue creates an unequal gender and the poverty for these countries.
Talking about Rath’s story, I am sorry for her past life, and I think Rath’s life story is a result of discrimination sex and poverty in Cambodia. Women in poor countries have no human rights, and the society is lack of concern to them; therefore I think these also are causes that lead to many social issues such as rape and violation in family. On contrary, in developed countries, women have many chances as same as men do. They are educated and have their own careers, so women in these countries can help their country’s economy that is getting better.
All in all, the introduction to Half the Sky is an interesting part to me, and it also is a correct criticism to our social issues. I think this is a valuable lesson for young generation nowadays and in the future, so they can figure out the right ways for themselves.

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kimthuy Tran
English 1A

Reflection: Women hold up half the sky.
Chinese proverb
Reading this proverb, I feel that it is so meaningful because it talks about women‘s roles. According to society, they are hard workers, skillful employees, and good citizens. Whenever we mention to social issues such as criminals, gambling, drug addiction, and drunkards, women are not main factors that create these problem, but men do. Furthermore, they are people who give birth to talent people for their country. In the family, women act important tasks in maintain customs and cultures. In brief, I think that a country will not develop and getting more beautiful if there are no women.

Reflection: Half The Sky

Reading the introduction to Half the Sky, I feel life is not always simple and beautiful. However, I believe that God give birth to us as human beings who have feelings, and I also wonder why there are people who treat badly to other people. From this introduction, I dislike brothels and discrimination genders in China and India, for these factors brings many griefs to women and girls over there. In addition, I think killing female fetuses in China and the bias to Indian women are evils, so these unmoral actions should have to stop .Furthermore, this issue creates an unequal gender and the poverty for these countries.
Talking about Rath’s story, I am sorry for her past life, and I think Rath’s life story is a result of discrimination sex and poverty in Cambodia. Women in poor countries have no human rights, and the society is lack of concern to them; therefore I think these also are causes that lead to many social issues such as rape and violation in family. On contrary, in developed countries, women have many chances as same as men do. They are educated and have their own careers, so women in these countries can help their country’s economy that is getting better.
All in all, the introduction to Half the Sky is an interesting part to me, and it also is a correct criticism to our social issues. I think this is a valuable lesson for young generation nowadays and in the future, so they can figure out the right ways for themselves.

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Valeria Ramos
Professor Sabir
English 1A
Critiquing the Introduction of Half the Skye:

When I read the introduction of this book i felt some what obliged to finish it. As if it was the least i could do to help. Being educated on things that are happening on other parts of the world is human beings getting one step closer to helping humanity. The introduction didn't hold back at all and that's why i completley loved it. It came hard and strong on the importance of helping women not just because their stories are really terrible but because as human beings they need help.

The introduction was the reason on why I didn't want to stop reading the book. It was an eye opener for sure. I know that things like this happen in third world countries but you never really come to think of it like the book puts it on. There are women all over the world this very minute that are being bilittled just because of the fact that they were born with out something hanging from in between their legs.
Over all the introduction was the thing that hooked me and railed me in.

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ivorionda Owens
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50AM
4 February 2010

free write
"woman hold up half the sky"

what i feel this quote really means is that women make up majority of the population, and without them what would the world be. women work hard not saying that men don't but women do not get enough recognition for it, seeing that women are viewed as not strong people. I feel that if women were given the proper respect, and were able to work a mans job that the abuse toward them would most definately drop in percentage.

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phil Redd
MTWTH 8-9am
ENG 1a

There once was a woman named Sheryl Wudunn. She was not very bright and a bit violent by nature. Cheating, lying, and stealing were her way of life.

One day while, smoking PCP, she had a crazy idea. She was looking up at the sky and saw a cloud. Mistaking that cloud for smoke from her pipe she decided to reclaim what was hers. There must be a zillion dollars worth of drug smoke up there she thought.

So she went to her friend Nicholas Kristof and together they made a plan to hold up the sky. Armed with a steak knife and a broken bottle they shouted into the air, “Break yourself sky, this is a hold up.”

Ironically at that moment the sky was looking down at them. The sky thought that because people are made mostly of water, that maybe he should reclaim what’s rightfully his. So he smashed them both dead with a meteor.

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zaidea Magpoc
English 1A 9-9:50am
Freewrite on the Chinese Proverb

"Women hold up half the sky"

To me it means that women play an important role in our society. It shows that women are as equally important as men in our community.

In the family, women hold a vital role as childbearers. That being said, without our mothers; we would not be here.

In the society, women have entered the workforce. Most businesses more than half of the employees are female. Research shows that women work harder than men and paid much lower than men.

This are just a few examples where it shows the value of women in our lives. It is really true that "Women hold up Half the Sky."

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucia Fallah
Professor Sabir
English 1A
Mon-Thru 9am-9:50am
February 4, 2010
They can do it: Third world untapped power

Half the sky has captivated the world with stories of women in third world countries. Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn have been journalists for years. As a married couple, they covered the Tiananmen massacre and were appalled by the dramatic loss of human life. But as they carry out their work in developing countries, they discovered that the most dreadful suffering happened in the daily lives of poor, mostly women from the village. These Pulitzer Prize-winning authors see the treatment of women in developing countries as the greatest story of our century, a moral, religious, gender, but also as an economic one.
Oppression occurs in fifty percent of countries in Africa, Asia, and Middle East. According to a Chinese proverb “Women Hold up half the sky” young girl are group raped and not allowed to leave the house, including a daily wiping. Teen girls are wives to much older men, in the Middle East these women are stoned to death for disobeying family wishes, sometimes burned to death in India or Acid thrown on their faces or skin.
They endure genital cutting and ghastly fistulas or internal ruptures from botched births.
Kristof and WuDunn explain of an Ethiopian girl who suffered a fistula during her first pregnancy. She made her way to the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital, got sewn up so she was no longer a "modern-day leper," and then stayed around to make beds and assist the surgeon.

Work Cited
By Carolyn See: “The can do it: The third world untapped power”

Washington Post

September 11, 2009


10:28 AM  
Blogger Veronica said...

Veronica Flores
Professor Sabir
English 1A
Free write on Half the Sky Introduction

In Half the Sky’s introduction, the authors’ Nicholas Kristof and Cheryl WuDunn give us a taste of what the book is consisted of. From this, I’ve been picked up that it will be a book made up of personal experienced stories of oppressed women in developing countries. They tell us a story of a young Cambodian woman by the name of Srey Rath. She was seeking a job outside of her village to in hopes to her family out financially. She decided to move to Thailand to work as a dishwasher, along with a few friends. The job agent helping them ended up handing her over to gangsters who prostituted them. It was upsetting to read that she moved to Thailand to seek better opportunities, but instead was subjected to sexual slavery. The authors also discussed women in China, and how they are used far more than men in factories because they can be paid less for better quality work one owner of a factory even said that women are more appropriate for the job because they are more obedient and work hard than man. “They have smaller fingers, so they’re better at stitching”, he said. It was as if these women had no other choice. Also, China has more men than women population. They like to keep it this way, and keeping women in factories will prevent marriage and pregnancy of other females. Women are often victimized, but people rarely pay any attention to it. The Chinese proverb “women hold up half the sky “can be defined to me as women being strong beings. Women are often underestimated in what they are capable of doing. We do not only provide sex and products. It’s as if we are looked at as objects and not as people. I’m hoping to gain knowledge about powerful women around the world and their stories to help keep my head up when people doubt me.

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan Mah

Professor Sabir

English 1a 8-8:50am

"Half the Sky" is a book written by Nicholas D Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. The beginning of the book is discussing how women live in other parts of the world and things that they go through. Nicholas and Sheryltalk about women's life by giving many examples of the struggles and difficulties they go through. Such things like discrimination, rape, beating, and prostitution/sex trafficing.
"Half the sky" shows how important women are to any society. By saying that "women hold half the sky" the author explained that women are equal to men in their rights. Also women hold up half of the society. Without women life cannot go on and vice versa for men. Although it seems as if women are not as important as man, it is not true.

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Rawson
Eng 1A

I do believe that “women hold up half the sky” in a figurative sense. I believe women do a lot for society. Their ideas as well as their ideals help us as a people. Being raised by my mother I myself have seen the quiet strength women exhibit on an everyday basis. I believe women are greatly important and help the balance of the world. I believe that women do “hold up half the sky” and sadly far too often in many cases are relied upon to hold up the whole thing.

The introduction to “Half the Sky” was very disturbing to me. I try not to think of those horrible things and I was shocked at the level of brutality. I can’t relate to these men who forcibly control and exploit women. I for one would hope that the world sees that it’s time to love our women instead of exploiting them.

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ruby Holt-Roth
English 1A

Jade, your summary of the introduction to Half the Sky was very insightful and accurate. You seem to understand the authors' purpose.

7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sabah Said
English 1A
Mon- thurs

Half the Sky
reflect to introduction

The introduction to half the sky was sad. A young girl named Rath tried to support her family to pay bills by working in Thailand instead she was being used, rapped, starved, basically treated in the worst way. That’s heartbreaking to know the girls are treated that way. Women are way more important then men are. I cant believe how people in Thailand and China cared more bout their sons the daughters. Half the sky tells the meanings of women are more valuable then anybody they do the job, they hold up women. They have the most important role in their lives that no one else would have. It’s not fair to know how girls were treated and abused. It’s horrible how they do that to girls and their still young and innocent. The world we live in is unbelievable sometimes when you found out something tragic this.

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sabah Said
English 1A
Mon- thurs

Half the Sky
reflect to introduction

The introduction to half the sky was sad. A young girl named Rath tried to support her family to pay bills by working in Thailand instead she was being used, rapped, starved, basically treated in the worst way. That’s heartbreaking to know the girls are treated that way. Women are way more important then men are. I cant believe how people in Thailand and China cared more bout their sons the daughters. Half the sky tells the meanings of women are more valuable then anybody they do the job, they hold up women. They have the most important role in their lives that no one else would have. It’s not fair to know how girls were treated and abused. It’s horrible how they do that to girls and their still young and innocent. The world we live in is unbelievable sometimes when you found out something tragic as this.

10:18 PM  
Blogger nseke ngilbus said...

Nseke Ngilbus
Wanda Sabir
Eng 1a
april 22, 2010

I thought the comments of Romano was right and accurate, it is amazing all of the atrocities that is allowed to happen and prevail in the world. Before reading this book, I really did not have a strong idea of all this injustice in the world. Like Romano, I was also raised in America, thus I was shielded by most of these injustices. This book served to open up my eyes a little bit; I could not believe that I was so ignorant. Women are being raped, beaten, abused and I did not even know about it.
I believe the term “women hold up half the sky” can have a lot of meaning and interpretations. One being that, women are just as important as men, so they are doing have the work. In Greek mythology, a man held up the entire planet. In turn they can be saying that women are so weak, that they can only support half the sky. Like I said, there are multiply possibilities.

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Valeria Ramos
English 1A 8-8:50 AM

I loved the introduction of Half the Skye. It made me want to read more, so i did. I went beyond the introduction to find myself in the fourth chapter all in one hour.
I think the title "Women hold up half the sky" is to kind of prove a point to people. Men weren't the only ones who contributed to making important history, it was also women who contributed just as much as men did. So when this title says women hold half the sky, i think this book is giving back to those women who were never thanked for sacrificing their well being for their children or for their own women.

12:11 AM  

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