Monday, December 06, 2010

Today we worked on our portfolios and revised essays. Tomorrow we will devote one day to portfolio presentations. Rehearse your presentations. Make sure you do not exceed the 3-5 limit. Make sure you at least have a photo of the entrepreneur.

We also watched a video called: Brainwashed, directed by Tom Burrell. What is his argument?

In what way does Takaki's A Different Mirror address the internalized oppression inherent in those denied inclusion into the dominant culture or mainstream America? Do you agree with Burrell's argument? Is it limited to African Americans? Draw parallels between other cultures.

Now look at world Edward P. Jones sets in Manchester County. How are the enslaved and free blacks victims or participants in their own brainwashing? How do the systems set up by the "Founding Fathers" make it almost impossible for an unenlightened African American to escape to freedom literally and figuratively then and now?

How would Takaki address Burrell? What evidence does he use to support this premise.


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