Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Today in class we wrote an introductory paragraph together. We didn't finish. Its topic was courage. We started the assignment with an outline. I hope the activity was fruitful. Students were told to bring in at most an introduction, however, if you can finish the essay, bring that in--we realize it is a fast draft.

The more polished draft is due next week. I will explain what I mean by essay portfolio with examples in the morning. IPS is Initial Planning Sheet. It is a handout. Type your response to it.

Start looking for the book you plan to read on your own. Our next book is Half the Sky and then we will be working on the Social Entrepreneur Essay. The Book Report Essay is before the SE essay is due. The SE essay is the final essay for the class.

If you'd like to see assignments, do a search on the blog. I have taught Half the Sky before and the SE essay is a staple with me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daniel Escudero-Whitney
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
23 February 2012

In class freewrite

In her memoir, Mighty Be Our Powers, Leymah Gbowee starts out as a strong-willed young woman with ambitions for higher education. Throughout the course of the war in Liberia she meets a man named Daniel who she is sure she is not in love with him. Not long after they have moved in with each other the domestic violence begins. She still stays with this man despite the beatings and humiliation. When she gets pregnant, she thinks it will end the violence, but it only makes it worse, because she truly then becomes his. By staying with this man and continuing to have more children with him his need for control over her escalates. She is constantly victimized by Daniel because she does not want to leave him. It is not until she discovers that by helping others who are weaker than her that she can pull herself together and become, once again, a more confident person. This, however, comes at a great price. She is unable to spend time with her children.

9:21 AM  

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