Monday, September 10, 2012

Today in class we continued with our Lit Circles. Most students were able to continue with their discussions, some groups more lively than others (smile). There were a few students who are still catching up on the reading. Remember, the essay plan and essay are due next week.

Post a reflection on the Lit Circle experience. Reflect on how it has affected your reading and writing related to the text. has it deepened your grasp of certain concepts? How do the various points of views expressed in the discussion expand your view of the material. Be specific.

Are there any aspects of the discussion which you think could go better? What are they and how do you plan to resolve this? Has there been any disagreement? How did this further your discussion or did it stop the communication? If the disagreement disrupted the conversation, how could this be better addressed in future discussions?

Reflect on how the discussion has affected your writing in preparation for the discussion. Talk about its uses re: the paper you will eventually write.

Tomorrow we will reflect in a freewrite on "War" and Sept. 11, 2001. Students were asked to bring in an object that symbolizes what happened that day and how this nation changed. It can be a photograph of an object.


Continue reading the book and keeping notes. Bring the notes to class. If you do not have your notes, you cannot participate.

Secondly, bring a copy of They Say, I Say to class as well.

We will start with the Preface and Introduction and work our way this week through chapters 1-3: They Say: Start with What Others Are Saying; Her Point Is: The Art of Summarizing; As He Himself Puts It: The Art of Summarizing; and from I Say chapter 1: Yes, No, Okay, But: Three Ways to Respond.

You can start reading the Preface and Introduction, which is tomorrow's homework (smile). Chapters 1-3 are homework for Wednesday and Chapter 1, Part 2 is homework for Thursday. The exercises will be completed in groups, unless indicated in advance.

We will use some of these strategies in our first essay.


Blogger Miguel Chavez said...

Miguel Chavez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
10 September 2012

Lit Circle Experience

The Lit Circle discussions have definitely been helpful to me. Usually when I read I miss most of the important points. Annotating as I read helps but I still miss many points. Through the discussions my group members always bring up something I had either forgot about completely or just didn't think too much about. Today, for example, we discussed the malpractice occurring in the hospitals back then. In my notes I had just written down that hospitals were called butcher shops. I hadn't thought any more than that about it. My group members showed me how it connected to Afeni's passion for the Black Panther Party.
If anything in our group could be better, I would say it's my role as director. I'm usually the quiet one in a group that doesn't participate. As director, I have to be the complete opposite and not only participate but keep the whole group participating. So far my group members have been great with coming up with topics they want to discuss when I can't think of anything. I need to be better prepared for our discussions with more questions and points I think our group should discuss.

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Everett
Professor Sabir
10 September, 2012

Literature Circles Reflection
Literature circles have improved my reading. I now read in search of content that is worth sharing with a group, which gives me a better understanding of what the author is trying to convey. My group members also bring up themes that I haven’t already recognized. For example, a group member explained that when Afeni said her friend died of neglect; it may have been more literal then simply not having anyone who cares about them. It may have been the neglect of the health care system towards African Americans. Discussing with group members also helps me improve understanding of concepts that I found myself. When I communicate with my group I better organize my thoughts on the book. I described to my group how the reason the black panthers fell apart may be that they used the Quran instead of following it. When I shared this with my group I managed to show how not following the Quran led to a weak spiritual base. I feel that not everyone has a chance to participate in the discussion. I would like the discussion to receive equal input from everyone. So far there were no disagreements among my group members. I believe the lack of disagreements may explain why there were some moments when people had little to share. I would like to change this by bringing more controversial ideas to the table. Doing group discussions makes me look deeper into the text to bring new ideas to the group, and it opens me up to other people’s opinions and observations.

11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kendra Jones
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50 AM
10 September 2012

Lit Circle (Group 3)

I like my lit circle. The experience is refreshing. I connect well with the members of my group. Our ideas and views on topics are similar. We all take charge in our roles, which makes our experience enlightening. I do suggest that we communicate via email so no one feels left out. I will start by emailing my groups reflecting on our notes. The lit circle has improved my writing in preparation for the discussions. My group talks alot about Afeni and our views on her overall character. This will eventually help me write my paper.

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wai Man (Remy) Tang
English 1A 8-8:50 AM
Professor Sabir

Literature Circle Reflection

I enjoy my literature circle discussion. It helps me review my knowledge of the book and I can share my thoughts with my group members. By having everyone pool our information together, we are able to get a deeper understanding of the story and the events it is talking about. Today, my view of the Black Panther Party was changed by what my group member said about it. At first when I finished reading about the party, I thought the way they tried to get their rights back was too violent. I did not like them robbing people. I believe in passive resistance, but after listening to my group member, I realized that the party was not all bad. It protected its people and was brave enough to stand up for them. Not all of the things it did was violent, and probably if it only expanded on its non-violent activities, its goals would have succeeded. This is what the group discussion did for me. It made me look at an event from different perceptives so that I would understand it more. It made me think. That is the important part for me because I have trouble finding the deeper meanings behind the story that a book tells. I look forward to the next literature circle discussion.

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joseph Carlo Tolentino
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8:00 - 8:50
10 September 2012
My Literature Circle experience (Group 1)
When we were told that we need to be involved in groups, I was rather intimidated at first. I rarely talk about my personal views and comments on the books to someone, let alone a group. I expected myself to let my group down and remain silent until I surprised myself in being able to discuss it with my classmates. Together my group had managed to discuss different interesting and personal views about the book we were reading and it certainly improved my understanding about Jasmine Guy’s Evolution of a Revolutionary. I was the connector of my group and did my best to see how the story becomes parallel to real life. It gave me a role where my voice can be continuous and have a broad sense of choices. I helped my group members see the story in between the lines, how the story of Afeni is not alone in the world. Naturally I would miss certain information, but my group members remedied that and my knowledge about this country was also improved, as I have been raised in a different country.
The group was very fun and each of us allow everyone to talk, however the conversations would be better if everyone would place more input and increase the number of topics that we would discuss. Perhaps in the near future I’ll try to dig deeper for interesting topics and connections within the book. I hope that the group never gets dissolved, I enjoyed my time with them thoroughly.

3:53 PM  
Blogger Antionette said...

Antionette Armour
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-850
10 September 2012

Literature Group Reflection

The literature circles are amazing. Ever since I was introduced to Literature Circles in high school, I was intrigued by the conversations and interesting points my classmates and I would make. In this class my literature group has been amazing and has sparked up many burning topics that I have never imagined would come out of the assigned reading. These circles are very successful because they make my notes in my reading log much stronger in detail. I am also able to note many interesting ideas my group members have come up with. At first I thought that the literature circles would be very boring because I am used to group members summarizing the reading and some not talking at all, but my peers are so deep within this novel that it amazes me to hear them speak about things I did not catch while reading.
My group members and I communicate very well when it comes to communicating within the group and outside the classroom. When we come to disagreements we allow the person to back up their argument with evidence and state why they came to that conclusion. In addition, we would add on to the person we agreed with and state why their argument might be valid.
As the connector in my group, I am always excited to talk about how the reading relate to my community, many problems people face today, and problems that I have faced in the past. I also took a look at the essay topics we are suppose to write about when we are done reading Afeni Shakur, and in every reading I try to start a discussion with relating some of the reading to the essay topics. I think this method would really help my group members and I when writing the essay.

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeannae Williams
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50am
9 September 2012

The lit circle experience affected my reading tremendously being that when I read it's like going in one ear and out the other unless it's really some information that i really related too. On the other hand, this lit circle has done wonders for me because it freshens my memory about what I read; it all comes back to me and it is a blessing we are able to have a group circle. Thank you Professor Sabir(Smile). My group is wonderful they all play his/her role as well as myself. We are a team and their is no (I) in team. the only thing we can do is just continue to stay intrested in what one has to talk about and listen and pay attention and give everybody a chance to share their thoughts and opinions, because it is a group thing. I am very proud of my group and I don't have anything to say neggative, because everybody is trying. There has not been any disagreements maybe we have not gotten to that point, but if so happen my group does it's ok because that's his/her opinion. And most of our discussions in the group is very much helpful to all of us being that when one expands a view of the reading material we all put in imput and all start to talk about the material weather anyone of us forgot what we read, so it's very helpful in my opinion.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lhadze Bosiljevac
Mrs. Sabir
English 1A
8:00 a.m.-8:50a.m.

Response to Socratic Seminar Reading Group

With such a deep compelling book, it is useful to find someone who is on the same page as me to connect ideas than the general public. With our small group, I feel that we have a larger task, but a much easier time to connect due to the small size. Although once in a while we run across the timid erudite student, I feel the collection of ideas to be brain stormed will give a variety to the essay.

I personally feel we have a excellent group, regardless of how diminutive it may be, the group has immense ideas in perspective. Sure here and there being our first meeting is quite reticent, but I feel like our group will put forth the effort needed to make a successful reading troop.

Some of the ideas shed light on what I could use for my essay such as the ideas of owning a home before a car and things I may of not caught up on. Even a personal relation to this topic because they had lived in another country beforehand. Having three minds is well enough that we can broadcast and discuss our own personal thoughts. Because we come from different racial backgrounds, each one can provide a different outlook on Afeni Shakur in this book as well as Jasmine Guy. For one thing, I hope the slight edginess of the group for the most part will eventually dissipate otherwise I feel a strong well bound reading circle coming. Hopefully these activities will open up for me to ask for help from another peer as well as provide a stronger foundation for my essay.

7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fermin Carrera
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50 am

Lit Circle Discussion Experience

I think that today’s lit circle discussion was good. It was good because we all had a lot of the same views of certain things that happened in the book. Considering that the group was very open to listen to everyone’s ideas and perspective of the book, it encouraged me and perhaps the group as a whole to just say what they think is good or bad about the chapter.

I can certainly say that todays discussion has affected my reading and writing because I think that I should take notes of more things that really stand out and that I think will stand out to the group. After today’s discussion, I found that a lot of what I had t say was agreeable to the group. Perhaps if I can find something even more surprising, then the group can expand on it and just continue with the discussion. After listening to what the group had to say about the chapters we read, I noticed certain things that I did not see as I was reading. So it definitely helps to listen to what the group had to say.

I honestly think that the my lit circle is a good group and considering that today’s discussion went well then it will most likely go well for the up coming lit circle discussions. Considering that it went well today, I still do not see in what the group can improve on.

After today’s discussion, I think that I should have a lot more to say for the next discussion because I sort of know what certain things from the book can catch my groups attention. So for the nest lit circle discussion, I will just talk about the very interesting thing that caught my eye and expand on them by talking about how they might relate to many other things that happen in the reading. i think that this is my goal for all of the lit circle discussions.

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fermin Carrera
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50 am

Lit Circle Discussion Experience

I think that today’s lit circle discussion was good. It was good because we all had a lot of the same views of certain things that happened in the book. Considering that the group was very open to listen to everyone’s ideas and perspective of the book, it encouraged me and perhaps the group as a whole to just say what they think is good or bad about the chapter.

I can certainly say that todays discussion has affected my reading and writing because I think that I should take notes of more things that really stand out and that I think will stand out to the group. After today’s discussion, I found that a lot of what I had t say was agreeable to the group. Perhaps if I can find something even more surprising, then the group can expand on it and just continue with the discussion. After listening to what the group had to say about the chapters we read, I noticed certain things that I did not see as I was reading. So it definitely helps to listen to what the group had to say.

I honestly think that the my lit circle is a good group and considering that today’s discussion went well then it will most likely go well for the up coming lit circle discussions. Considering that it went well today, I still do not see in what the group can improve on.

After today’s discussion, I think that I should have a lot more to say for the next discussion because I sort of know what certain things from the book can catch my groups attention. So for the nest lit circle discussion, I will just talk about the very interesting thing that caught my eye and expand on them by talking about how they might relate to many other things that happen in the reading. i think that this is my goal for all of the lit circle discussions.

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gabe Shalaby
September 10, 2012
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1a
8:00 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.

Lit Circle Reflection

Frustratingly enough, this is my second attempt at this response. The laptop that I'm using decided that it was going to throw out my first attempt and extend my visit with my desk. I do not approve of my situation at the moment, but I'll tell you what I do approve. I approve the use of Lit Circles. In order to retain information from anything I read, I have to get the ideas out of my head and into some sensible order. This is easy enough to do through a multitude of media, but it seems to work best if I share whatever it is I have constructed with someone that has some kind of idea of what I'm trying to convey.
Multiple backgrounds produce multiple angles and with a wider angle you get more of the picture. We began to dive deeper into the text as class passed by, but discussion was limited this time around. It's not that any of us were behind in the text or unwilling to participate but our restrictions lied in our apprehensions. I imagine that our Lit Circle group's discussions will move flow a great deal easier as time progresses because after a few minutes we all loosened up a bit and our dialogue got to be interesting.
It is helpful to have finally received my book in the mail. Now that I have caught up with my reading and have begun annotating a book for the first time I can participate in discussions about the text without being unsure of myself. I have seen the versatility of a note saturated text in a real world situation and I am now a believer in the ways of annotation. It almost seems like all of the topics that we cover in class are somehow tied together. To quote Mortimer Snerd, "Who'd'a thunk it?"

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Virginia Tan
Eng 1A
Professor Sabir
The Lit Circle

The Lit Circle have made my reading more interesting. It is very helpful to discuss the questions that I have in my mind. It really gives me a clear idea about the chapter. It’s helps when one of our groups knows a lot about the Black Panther Party. Before, I was confused on what does the Party is form for. In addition, I love to share my thoughts in a small group if the group is double times big I will just stay quiet. Our group did not really assign each other jobs we just talk our thoughts out. We really have a great discussion. After the discussion we can get a whole idea of the plot and I believe it will help us when we are writing an essay.

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse Valdez
Professor Sabir
English 1A
8:00-8:50 A.M.
Literature Circle Reflection
The Literature Circle experience has helped me see things through another’s perspective, which led to me being open to other interpretations of certain quotes in the book. Being open to other interpretations has let me look at quotes in different ways, by thinking perhaps “maybe this is what she is saying…” or “I wonder if this relates to…” and so on. So far, there are no aspects of the discussion that I think could go better. Everyone in my group has shared at least one piece of information or analysis and given their point of view. There has been no disagreement either, just discussing a quote and finding more evidence on it, then looking at another interesting section of the chapter.

10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emily Lam
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A
September 10, 2012

The lit circle discussion went well. Everyone in my group participated. When I was reading the book myself, I found myself confused at certain part of the chapter, but my group helped me understand the story a little better. I also liked how everyone shares their opinion with the whole group and what they think. It really makes the discussion and reading the book a little more interesting. I think the discussion helps a lot because if someone was reading the book for homework and didn't understand what they were reading, the discussion can be pretty helpful. It really helps me understand the book better and keep myself on track when I read the next chapter.

11:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wei Zhang
Professor Sabir
English 1A
The literary circle discussion is a good way to communicate the conception and viewpoints. But for me, it is not comfortable.
I just came to the US for two and a half years, and I experienced the Chinese education for sixteen years. You know, the Chinese education is a kind of spoon-feeding education. We never talked with each other when I was studying in China. The teacher always told us to finish the homework on our own or we can only ask teacher some questions. Teacher said when I was taking final exam, there is nobody can help me to complete the test paper. So we must practice learning and think on my own, and I can not depend on other people.In my opinion, the group work is only a good way to practice my speaking and communication skill. After finish reading this book, we should write a essay by myself. For this essay, I need to do a personal expression without help which is from group member. And the viewpoint from other people are not helpful to write a good essay, because they are just idea not an essay.
Actually I like the discussion, because my group members are friendly and they are all good talkers. I can learn more things from them. Sometimes we talk about interested things which are not related the book.

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo R. Hernandez
Professor Sabir
English 1A

Lit Circle reflection

The lit circles have helped me remember the content way better then if I just read the book and made a report. The lit circles push me to pay attention more so I can actually have a good conversation with my group. My writing down my notes and all that is required from the guideline I remember what I exactly read. Although I feel like typing up my work is tedious, it helps me go over my notes again and remember everything from the section.

The lit circles can go better if we were just cut loose. I believe we can all have a better conversation if we just collaborated on each other’s ideas. When everybody comes and just does the jobs assigned I don’t think it helps at all, we will all sit and listen to each other. Today after we shared our job assignments we cut loose and let our ideas free flow. As a group we are a strong one that can have an adult conversation and not move away from topic.

I believe the lit circles are helping me shape ideas for any paper assignment. I can be set on one Idea but get a different perspective from my group conversation. It helps me collect information to assure myself that any point I make can be a good one because I tested my ideas with my group. I can always try any set of ideas and see what points I can make that can have an impact for writing and reach my reader just as how It reached my group.

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bianca Hsueh
Professor Sabir
Eng 1A 11-11:50
10 September 2012

Literature Circle Response

I believe that the literature circles have helped me with my reading. When I am reading a passage from the text, I tend to focus too much on one scene and overlook others. However, in the literature circles, I have a chance to see and focus on what I overlooked by listening to what other people said about that scene. Therefore, through my literature circle, I was able to get a deeper understanding of the text because other people in my circle described scenes that stood out for them which are also scenes that I may have missed.

For example, one person in my group noticed that the word “Garveyite” was repeated several times. After she brought it up, many other members of the literature circle began to notice the significance of Marcus Garvey in the book. At first, many of us overlooked it because we thought it was not important, but after we discussed it some more, we saw that there was a significance in Marcus Garvey’s ideas and how they influenced the Black Panthers.

My discussion could have went better if we discussed more deeply about what happened in the book; my group has mostly been discussing what we thought was interesting in the book. We can resolve this by spending more time on each scene that has something that can be interpreted instead of jumping from scene to scene. This can further the discussion because we will all interpret a scene differently; we will have the chance to agree and disagree with each other. So far, there has not been much disagreement in my group. If there was something that was confusing, another member of the group would help by clarifying the scene.

The discussion will surely help my writing for the paper that the class will eventually write. The discussion has brought up new ideas that I did not catch when I first read the chapters. With these new ideas, I believe that I will be able to support my thesis better when I come up with one when I am writing my essay.

11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abiodun Apata
Professor Wanda
English 1A 8:00-8:50am.
Literature Circle Reflection
It’s always great and interesting being in a literature circle or discussion group especially, a group that is garnished with people of high intelligent. Being in my group is a great privilege as the group members are very hardworking, respectful and smart. They made me to read and come to class prepared because of their level of intelligent. Our group is very lively and active. We understand each other and respect everybody’s opinion with great maturity. We have good communication between us and sense of humor.
The discussion group helps me to understand every aspect of the literature since we all have different interest and different thing that interest us in the literature. Being in the group makes me to know every aspect of the literature since it’s possible for me to overlook some part of the reading. Individuals’ opinion and perspective really enriched our understanding of the literature. We are multi-ethnic and therefore, the literature gives us different meanings based on upbringing and background.
I will want to have more of this group discussion and l think if other instructors can incorporate this into their teaching techniques, students will perform better in their academics. Group discussion brings out the hidden potentials and also help student to understand every aspect of the literature. With the example and background illustration we use in my group, it will be hard to forget any point discussed in the group.

11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steven Le
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
10 September 2012

While reading this book, it was great to be in groups and share our thoughts and ideas. Working in a group, I have pushed myself and felt motivated to keep up with the reading so that I can take part and discuss with the group. Being able to get others’ point of view is a great way to get more ideas and see different perspective.

I believed the group did a great job in being active and sharing their thoughts. I think the groups will benefit everyone by letting us shares ideas to help each other. I should have done a better job on my part during the Lit Circles. I will have to be more active myself like everyone else.

With some of the ideas today, I think I will have an easy time to write the essay. The ideas and thoughts that I heard today were very thoughtful. Being in the group gives us a good opportunity to write a better job and I look forward to getting more out of the opportunity.

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel Avalos
Professor Sabir
English 1A
10 September 2012

Thoughts on Lit Circle

Actually having to discuss the chapters of the book and having certain jobs helps me to be able to pick out certain phrases in the text that would be interesting to talk to the group about. The group was able to connect the book to present day and discuss Afeni and her possible motivations for joining the Black Panther party as well as why she was not bothered by polygamy. As a group we were able to discuss and agree on different points as well as inform others about what different phrases in the book meant. Also talking about the book helped me understand different points and concepts, as well as consider other points of view from people who read the same materials. Knowing that what I read and take notes on will possibly be discussed or help add to the discussion makes me read the chapters more closely and take notes of information that seems really important.
My group did pretty well in the literature circle, we discussed different points of the book. We did get off topic a little bit, but were able to quickly go back to the subject. Hopefully everyone was able to benefit from the discussions and conversation as much as I was able to.

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

De Long Liang
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50 AM
10 September 2012

Literature Circle is the best idea ever! When we got into separate groups, we discussed more in depth of a specific topic than we had in a class discussion, in which it is good in many ways. First, ideas of a specific topic were broaden because every individual have a different point of view to different things. Secondly, it helped to recaptured the important ideas that we, as the individual, could've missed while reading. Lastly, it is always interesting to hear feedbacks from other individuals.
I, definitely, benefited from my previous group, and the new group I was assigned in today. We specifically discussed about Afeni's characteristics, as we slowly begin to visualize what type of a person she is. I acquired a better understanding of Afeni's childhood to her mid-ages through our discussions in the Literature Circle, at least.
I say, writing a paper is like putting puzzle together, and Literature Circle is an tool to help us to locate all required pieces. So we can easily connect the pieces as we begin to write.

9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonas Sota
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11:00-11:50
September 11th 2012
Lit Circle Reflection
The members of the lit circle weren’t engaged in discussing the book or any of the prevalent themes. Personally, I didn’t gain any notable insight on Afeni, Jasmine Guy, black community, the black panthers, the life of a black person during the 1960’s because there weren’t any other perspectives put on the table.
I think the leadership in the discussion group could be better, but at the same time, when the participants aren’t enthusiastic about the subject it’s difficult for a leader to spur conversation without the authority over one’s grade. I don’t know how to resolve this. I put some of my ideas and interpretations on the table and the responses were minimal.
The Lit Circle didn’t affect my ideas for the essay.

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda Lara
English 1A
Professor Sabir
8:00AM- 8:50 AM
September 11, 2012
The Literature Circles are a good idea and helpful at the same time. It allows us to communicate with other students and hear their opinions and thoughts. When reading a book different people interpret the reading material differently and it helps you be more open minded. One thing that I like about my group is that we are all doing the readings and have all taken notes, it helps when everyone is putting in effort. It helps that we are placed in small groups of four or five instead of a whole class because that modivates and encourages me to speak up and not be shy which is something that I need help with a lot. My group also has spent a lot of time discussing the characters, Afeni, Jasmine and Tupac which is a good way to work on on my character log and reading journal. in the beginning it was a bit hard to communicate but once we split the work and opened up it was alot better one thing i dislike but i dont think i will have to worry about is that usually one person slacks off and leaves the other members doing all the work. In order to prevent this we are making sure that everyone is doing the reading and bringing in there parts to class.

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jocelyn Carvajal
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50am
12 September 2012

The literature circle is very helpful. That was a good idea because we all work together and discuss the main key points. I personally tend to miss the key points but my group has helped me understand and find key points. The circle has also helped me keep up with my reading because if I don't read I will not be able to help my group and I would not like letting them down. We all have kept up with our parts and are doing a good job in our discussions.

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Riana Watts
Instructor: Sabir
English 1A
10 Sept 2012

Today instead of doing the actual literary circle, I have to re-do my reading logs so I decided to sit aside and do that in order to catch up. I overheard other people in the class that were in there circles talking about what the chapters were about and what they thought of the chapters that they read. Sounded pretty interesting at the time but after I read the chapters of topic, I had slightly different thoughts. However it was still nice to have others insights and perceptions. Maybe if u were deeper involved in the group, they could have possibly persuaded me to change my mind on some things

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luchanda Williams
Professor Sabir
English 1A
september 16 2012

The lit circle has help me better understand most of the book's concept. I enjoyed my circle it amazing how everyone has a different view of Afeni and what is was like. We also all agreed about how crazy it is that she smokes about a box of cigarette every chapter. The discussion also helps me gather important information that I may have missed while reading. Comparing notes together gives me the ability to know if I'm on the right tract as a reader.

3:08 PM  

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