Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mimi Silbert, Delancy Street Foundation

We watched a video this morning profiling Mimi Silbert, one of the founders of Delancey Street Foundation in San Francisco. Write a three (3) paragraph essay based on this woman and her work. Use information from the film to answer the questions posed in the Frontline exercise.

Here is a link to the Silbert New Heroes video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW-pzSnYYBQ

In each of the three paragraphs use one citation: 1 short direct quote; 1 block quote and 1 free paraphrase.
Here is a link to the New Heroes: http://www.pbs.org/opb/thenewheroes/meet/silbert.html


Blogger Unknown said...

Patrick Yu
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
12 November 2013
The New Heroes - Mimi Silbert

Mimi Silbert, founder of the Delancey Street Foundation, has the goal of helping the ex-convicts, criminals, drug addicts, and homeless of the bay area to redeem their lives. She believes that by doing good deeds, the "good" will outweigh the "bad" from their past. The past can never be altered, but it can be forgiven. Participants of this project stay for a minimum of two years, where they work a high school GED and learn the skills needed to be successful in society.

The Delancey Street Foundation offers a training that includes cooking and moving furniture. The skills obtained from this program "'teach residents marketable skills and inculate in them habits of self-control and self-discipline.'" Because many of the participants have spent the majority of their lives in prison, these skills are especially important for them to find a career.

Silbert is very passionate about this project, and cares for each and every one of the participants very much. To see that the ex-criminals complete the program without going back to a life of crime is what she hopes to accomplish. Her passion to improve our society through the use of what we consider "lowlives" not only benefits the lives of the individuals, but also the society as a whole. By changing the lives of these people, there will be a greater percentage of employment rather than imprisonment.

3:50 PM  
Blogger Angel Vargas said...

Angel Vargas
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00
12 November, 2013

Mimi Silber, Delancey Street

Mimi Silbert is the Founder of Delancey Street Foundation a self help organization where people with troubled pasts go to start anew. Delancey Street Foundation was founded in 1971 by Mimi Silbert and four others, it first started out in a small apartment building, later it moved to its first location, a building in San Francisco where they faced their first “Not In My Backyard” battle. People were in favor of the program, but just didnt want it so close to where they live. They feared because of the program that crime would go up, and property values would go down. Mimi, however made sure that was not the case, they patrolled the streets and crime went down, they renovated buildings, and values went up. Years later when they moved, the community was sad to see them leave.
The Delancey Street Foundation has many aspects to it, one of which is the Delancey Street Movers. The movers are just like any other moving company, they go to your house, they’re friendly and the help you making moving out an overall more pleasant experience. They are, however, a moving company that consist of people with troubled pasts, whatever that may be, they are all there because they want to change their lives. Another part of the foundation is the restaurant run the the foundation. Again it is just like any other restaurant and they also help to reestablish individuals into the community as functional contributing members of society.
From a little apartment building to what is now six major locations spread across the United States, they have truly made a difference in the lives of those they help. They are chaning lives in San Francisco, in Los Angeles, New Mexico, North Carolina, New York and Massachusetts. Their program lasts two years, in those two years you will education and also how to work as a team, how to be a part of a working group. Those who have stuck to it claim that it has made all the difference in the world. Mimi believes “I have no right to not fight as hard as they do.” something she lives by everyday.

4:35 PM  
Blogger right again..? said...

Melon Yemane
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
12 November 2013

The Moving Company

Mimi Sihbert is a modern hero, she is recognized for her attributes towards helping fellow felons, substance abusers, prostitutes and etc. She is the founder of the organization called Delancey Street foundation, located her in the San Francisco Bay. But it does not only stop here, with her success she was able to built a multi-million dollar empire in North Carolina, New Mexico, New York and Los Angles. This organization has been known to give people known to give people a second change at a new life. She even refers her organization as "Harvard for losers".

And unlike Harvard it is inexpensive, to the participants and tax payers. Because, the organization uses sixty-five percent of revenue from the business they bring in to pay for the majority of this cost. Silbert has managed to help over fourteen thousand people live a crime-free and drug-free life, single-handedly. In organization, Sihbert has made it so that the average person attending would have the background with at least a high school diploma.

Sihbert shows, and proves that anyone can turn their life around if they truly wish to do so. She was not afraid to give the benefit of the doubt that have been doubted all their lives. She actually mentions that most of the people in the program are third generation felons,

and although they may come from one of the toughest backgrounds that shouldn't stop them and still remains and refuses to let them loss faith in changing their live-style.

Whether or not she may be the only one that is rooting for them. She is not only an entrepreneur but the hero of over 14,000.

8:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Chris Lee
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
12 November 2013
The Delancey Street Founder

Mimi Silbert is a women with a dream. Being around or having experience with people who had trouble with drugs, alcohol, and etc. Mimi Silbert dreamt that one day she would be able to help those who wanted to seek change from their old lives. Where “in 1971, Mimi Silbert founded Delancey Street with four others”, which signal the beginning of the dream of Mimi Silbert.
The Delancey Street Foundation had the sole purpose to help ex-convicts, drug dealers, thieves, homeless and etc. Mimi Silbert created the organization to help people who sought to live better and change from their lives from being a common criminal or social outcast. The Delancey Street Foundation helped those by giving them an education, social skills, and chance to start over again in life. Where they “help teach those to learn how to read or to help them live more productive and crime-free lives” instead of their old lives full of mistakes.
Mimi Silbert started this organization to help the people who had made mistakes in their lives and sought to better themselves. Silbert was empathic person who saw people who were drug abusers, criminals, homeless people and etc. that deserved another chance to change themselves to become a better person. This is what led Silbert to create her dream, the Delancey Street Foundation a non-profit organization that receives more than ten million dollars from donations every year because of the community work and Silbert and her co-founders who wanted to make a difference for those who wanted a better life.

9:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jacky Christie
Professor Sabir
English 1A, 10-10:50
The New Heros: Mimi Silbert
Video Response

Mimi Silbert is known for being the CEO and founder of the Delancey Street Foundation. While the foundation works as an overall social rehabilitation for ex-convicts and drug addicts, it is branched out into many different businesses, all with their own privately owned property. Silbert originally created the foundation to help those freshly released out of prison with no home, no work experience to use, basically next to nothing. She provided several different job opportunities that provided helpful services to the community, all while teaching the members vital job skills. Some of the occupations the Foundation offers include working as a chef or waiter in a restaurant, landscaper, movie theater worker, or member of a moving company(The New Heroes.2005.Television.)- just to name a few.
The specific video that we watched, documenting the social entrepreneur success of Mimi Silbert, included many face-to-face interviews with members of the foundation. More than a few noted that the program was what got them on the right track, and in some cases, saved their lives. One member of the foundation who'd been used to a life of crime and jail time for some 17+ years before joining pointed out, when asked what he believed was the purpose of the program, "What have you done with your life it all you have is a history of things you're ashamed of?"(The New Heroes.2005.TV) He noted that, while he knew there wasn't anything he could do to undo the wrongs he'd committed from the past, he could take many more progressive actions in his future to make his overall history positive.
After watching this video, I believe Mimi Silbert is a perfect example of a "rebel with a cause". As harsh and unforgiving as it seems, there are many in our society who would see a drug-addict behind bars or on the street and would move more quickly to judging them rather than helping them. There are certainly some who wouldn't have faith in believing these ex-convicts could be turned around enough to be put in charge of restaurants where they eat or companies moving their things. There are plenty who would be skeptical to sitting in at a restaurant after learning that an ex-heroin addict with a 10 year sentence was the one who gave them their menu, or who cooked the meal. However, Silbert acts from a more positive, helpful perspective. She has created- and since, expanded- a business that takes the most troubled, violent addicts of the streets, gives them shelter, and rules to live by, and puts them to work. She incorperates them into a friendly, teaching working environment, that they probably wouldn't have gotten the chance to see otherwise. She notes:
"It usually takes about two years for the rehabilitation process to really work it's way into a person…it has this sort of ability to turn around the way they think, and makes them want to…do something different."(Mili Silbert.New Heroes.2005)
This 2-year program has helped turned the lives around of many who'd hit rock-bottom (or come dangerously close), and brought them to a renewed sense of purpose, values, and productivity for their lives.

Works Cited
"Mimi Silbert." Davis, David. The New Heroes. PBS. 28 June 2005. Television.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hun Kim
Professor Sabir
English 1A 10-10:50
12 November 2013
Delancey Street Summary
In the film “The New Heroes,” one of the social entrepreneurs shown was Mimi Silbert, a woman who has dedicated her life towards the rehabilitation of ex-convicts. Mimi Silbert rehabilitates these convicts by introducing them to 2 years of a marketable job such as gardening, cooking, moving, or waitressing.
Mimi Silbert’s belief is that once someone outweighs the good things they have done with bad things he/she has done, that person would become a better person of society. The former prisoners that were interviewed in the film also believe in this as well. They take this opportunity to work at Delancey Street as not only a second chance to turn his/her life around, but also as a home and family.
Although Delancey Street isn’t 100% effective at completely changing someone’s life, Mimi Silbert has converted many ex-prisoners onto the right path. Many of those who have served in Delancey street are able to use their new found abilities to good use, and are able to live a crime-free, productive life.

9:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Mussa Obad
Wanda Sabir
English 1A (11-11:50)
Heroes of Delancey Street
Delancey Street is an organization founded by Mimi Silbert. The organization’s mission is to take in substance abusers, former felons, and others who have hit rock bottom, and resurrect their lives by changing themselves in an environment that allows them to do so. Silbert named the program Delancey Street because in Manhattan, there is a place called Delancey Street where immigrants would settle there and build their future from there. This foundation operates in many businesses, mainly the Delancey Street Café and the Delancey Street Moving Company. On Meet The Heroes, a short film that covers the journey of these inmates as they turn their lives around, a group of residents in Delancey street were working at the Café, serving customers who had no idea that these employees were former felons, drug dealers, pimps, etc. When a customer would find out, they would be in awe and in denial.
When Mimi Silbert founded this organization, she received no government funding, nor did she accept any. She began with a thousand dollar loan and only four residents. Over time, Delancey Street expanded to areas in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Los Angeles after originally beginning at San Francisco. According to Silbert, “65 percent of the organization’s operating costs are paid for by revenue from its businesses.” Delancey Street also earns over ten millions dollars yearly through private donations.
Not every resident in Delancey Street completed the journey of resurrecting their lives, but those who stuck around definitely changed their lives. Residing in Delancey Street gave former felons requirements such as obtaining a High School Diploma, gaining job experience/earning a job, and also finding a place to live. Once these residents are finished with their two year sentence, stability, which is something these residents lacked coming in, is obtained, thus leading to a more fulfilling life afterwards. Silbert has been in this field for over 30 years, and she treats all residents “like they’re family”. Family is what they have become indeed.

10:26 PM  
Blogger Huy Vo (11-11:50) said...

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12:09 AM  
Blogger Huy Vo (11-11:50) said...

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12:13 AM  
Blogger Huy Vo (11-11:50) said...

The Delancey Street Foundation, often simply referred to as Delancey Street, is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco that provides rehabilitation services and job training for drug addicts and convicted criminals. It help its residents into mainstream society by operating various businesses such as restaurants, catering and moving companies, all of which are wholly managed and run by the residents themselves. The foundation's methods have been widely praised and have been emulated internationally.The Delancey Street Foundation was founded in 1971 by Mimi Silbert.

A social entrpeur, her goal is to transform the lives of criminals. She justify her reason to these people dean "the hopeless" by saying, "you just ant to cry your heart out". Silbert has empowered more than 14000 people live crime free, drug-free lives for the pass 30 years. Sukbert envision a place where former felons, people who hit bottom or anyone in help could develop marketable skills. A social welfare program, she has built her empire in locations such as New York, New Mexico and L.A. Since then, "they have acquired skills, attended college and part of the work force."

The 20 million dollar a year empire, Delancy Street Foundation make residents spend four years at the facility and pass equivalency exam to obtain a high school diploma. They also must be line up with a job and have a place to live if they want to be apart of this program. s of the early 1990s, the average Delancey Street resident has had 12 years of drug addiction, has been in prison four times, is functionally illiterate, unskilled and has never worked for more than six months. "People who have become involved with gangs, drugs, violence, crime . . . those are our favorite residents," Silbert says. Since than, she has changed lives.

12:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Samantha Gober
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
13 November 2013
Mimi Silbert

Forty-two years ago, the lives of many convicts made a turn for the better due to an extraordinary citizen, Mimi Silbert, and four others who started the Delancey Street Foundation in San Francisco. The foundation helps former drug abusers, convicts, and homeless people get back on their feet by educating them about business while also giving advice on how to maintain control of their lives and be productive. Mimi Silbert calls the program, “Harvard for losers.”

The foundation has had much success over the years. The program brings in its own revenue through its businesses and private donations, but denies any help financially from the government. Results of their success show through as what was once a single house from the start increased to “an empire grossing 20 million dollars a year with locations in New York, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Los Angeles.” Silbert’s remarkable attitude to never give up has made her dream come true and she continues to push harder to assure the residents graduate with newly acquired marketable skills to begin their new lives.

Not only is Silbert a blessing to her community, but she is also a savior to those who have become lost on the “streets” and have nothing left to live for. She has completely changed the perspective on life for many citizens who have gone through her program and graduated. If it wasn’t for Silbert, many of those former criminals may have never had a chance to be successful or straighten their lives up. Still today, “Silbert and Delancey Street are always facing new challenges,” but we know we can count on the inspiring woman to pull through and continue to make America a better place.

Works Cited
“Meet the New Heroes: Mimi Silbert.” PBS. Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2005. Web. 13 Nov. 2013.

“Mimi Silbert.” The New Heroes. PBS. Dir. Bonni Cohen. DVD.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Briana Del Cid said...

Briana Del Cid
Professor Sabir
English 1A
12 November 2013
Response to Delancey Street Foundation
Mimi Silbert established the Delancey Street Foundation in 1971. The Foundation is a rehabilitation center for former drug addicts, homeless, and criminals to start on a clean slate by learning skills and overcoming their troubled past. Residents, past convicts, stayed at the foundation for a minimum of two years, where they work for a high school GED and learn skills needed to be successful in society. They acquire skills by working in the many branches of different privately owned businesses that the program offers.” It has been called the most successful rehabilitation project in the United States “(PBS 6). The foundation which started in a small apartment that now works in locations in New York, Los Angles, New Mexico, North Carolina, etc. It has grown into Silbert’s own “empire” and has received great reviews.

In class we watched a video called “New Heroes” documenting the success of Mimi Silbert’s entrepreneur work. The video included some of the training that residents receive in the program which includes cooking and moving furniture. These skills are important especially for residents who have spent time in jail since they were 17. The video didn’t just interview Silbert, we also got to hear from residents of the program. Many expressed there appreciation towards the program and how it taught them that they can live healthy lives. One resident had been used to being sent to jail and a life of crime since he was a teenager. He was finally able to overcome his bad habit when joining the foundation. He has stayed with the foundation longer than the required two years and he expressed to us that, "What have you done with your life if all you have is a history of things you're ashamed of?"(The New Heroes). He knew and was able to identify that what he did in his past was wrong however Silbret believes that when people join the foundation they are given a chance to balance and even tip the scale in a positive direction in the program. This man has been working hard to tip the scale and I believe that he won’t ever end up in jail again.
Watching this video has made me realize that heroes don’t need powers to make a difference in the world and in the lives of others. She is very passionate about her work and has high hopes for every resident that enters the foundation. Seeing that she can help convicts and see them move on for the life of crime and never look back is most rewarding. Her goal is to improve the community and make the world a safer place for everyone. Most people are scared of ex convicts and would never imagine interacting with them but Silbert has proven that people can change and not everyone is a bad person. She has created a positive and supportive environment for the residents of the foundation so that they can build off of it to make a better future for themselves. “Silbert says she has spent her career cultivating a ‘university of the streets.’ She calls it a ‘Harvard for losers’” (PBS 4). She has proven herself to be a social entrepreneur, better yet she should be called a true hero because she has saved lives and proven that the impossible can be done without any strange powers.

Works Cited
“Meet the New Heroes: Mimi Silbert.” PBS. Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2005. Web. 12 Nov. 2013.
The New Heros. Dir. David Paris. Perf. Mimi Silbert and Delancey Street Foundation Residents. Narr. Robert Redford. Oregan Public Broadcasting. 2005. Videocassette.

5:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Alma Ramirez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50AM
13 November 2013
Mimi Silbert: Delancey Street Foundation

Mimi Silbert is the founder of the Delancey Street Foundation which has over 40 years being opened and serving people change their lives. The Delancey Street Foundation mainly helps criminals, drug addicts and homeless people acquire the skills in order to get a high school diploma, and also learn basic job skills in order to get a job by the time they finish the two year program. As Mimi Silbert states in the article, “She calls it a ‘Harvard for losers’ where the students are former pimps, prostitutes, junkies, drug dealers, and armed robbers” (The New Heroes).

Many people come into this program with many problems going on, but when they finish it, there is a change in their lives. An example of this was shown in the film with a former criminal who explains the great benefits he has achieved through the Delancey Street Foundation. He states how hard it is to live as a criminal all his life, and thanks to the foundation he now has a support system and he knows he can get all the tools he needs to succeed. He feels that he is now part of something and does not have to go back to living the same lifestyle as before (The New Heroes).

The Delancey Street Foundation is constantly facing many challenges due to the many criminals coming from families that have a very big criminal record. For Mimi Silbert it is tough to go through this, but she keeps the hope on the program. She states,
“Put in the scale good things until it tips. Then there only good to your life. Before all they could
see was themselves, but now they see others. Criminal life is all they really know” (New Heores).
Mimi Silbert believes that no matter how hard their lives were before, these people can change this. They can get an education as well as job, and now be part of society without being looked at as just a criminal.

Works Cited:
“Meet the New Heroes: Mimi Silbert.” PBS. Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2005. Web. 12 Nov. 2013.
“Mimi Silbert.” The New Heroes. PBS. Dir. Bonni Cohen. DVD.

9:31 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

Daniel Mao
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00
13 November 2013
Dr. Mimi Silbert

In the film New Heroes, Dr. Mimi Silbert is showcased as the founder of Delancy Street. Delany Street is a place that Dr. Mimi Silbert aspired to help “substance abusers, former felons and others who had hit bottom would, through their own efforts, be able to turn their lives around” (“Meet”). It has given many people an opportunity to make the choice to change their lives for the better.

Dr. Mimi Silbert was able to create an organization that grosses 20 million dollars per year with locations all over the United States (“Meet”). It is an organization that teaches job and life skills to be able to climb back up from nothing. It takes hard work and many years, but the chance is there and made available.

Delany Street has grown tremendously over the years and helps many people that truly need it. Dr. Mimi Silbert believed the standards needed to be high and the skills that were taught to be marketable for success. The article asserts this with:

“Each resident spends up to four years at the facility and must pass equivalency exams to obtain a high school diploma in order to graduate. They also need to line up a job and a place to live. Silbert likes to see each of her students graduate with three marketable skills to ensure their job success” (“Meet”).

12:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Kaleb Beyene
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
Assignment on the documentary “Meet the new heroes”

The Dalancey Street Foundation
Mimi Silbert is an inspiring woman that established an organization called Dalancey Street foundation. The main objective of the foundation is “to change people’s from their old bad habits and to drive them into positive direction.”(The new heroes) As one participant in the foundation stated that, it is a great thing for somebody like him to feel he is a part of something important.
Dalancy Street foundation is a “non profit organization that tries to generate its own money” by doing different fund raising activities. (“The new heroes”) They don’t get any support from government. By participating on those different money generating activities, the participants also get a place where they develop the skills they learned in the foundation.
As Mimi silbert herself described it, that feeling of being a part of something will relieve those pre-criminal participants to overcome their feeling of guilt. As of her, in this process “they can find what is best in them and try to built their own life.” (“The new heroes”)

Work cited
“Meet the New Heroes” Mimi Silbert, PBS. Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2005. Web. 12 Nov. 2013.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Kimberly Young
Professor Sabir
English 1A, 8:00-8:50 am
14 November 2013
Mimi Silbert Reflection

Forty-two years ago, Mimi Silbert and four others created the Delancey Street Foundation in San Francisco, many criminals and drug addicts learn to turn their lives around (The New Heroes). They learn how to get back into the business world, by giving displaying options in front of them that they have instead of doing crimes and drugs. This program, as Silbert called it “Harvard for losers” (The New Heroes). In this programs many criminals, drug addicts, and homeless people gain an education, through the two years program they provide to them. After most people finish the program, they would be able to find a decent job for a second chance in life.

This program is a successful one because many people who were in the video has felt greatly affected by the change Mimi Silbert has done to her community. She has bettered many people's lives and as a viewer I'm deeply touch by her actions. Her creation of this program has made her seem like a rebel. She took an initiative in helping people who needed help but were never addressed. To the Delancey Street Foundation, every day is a challenge. For example,
“Offenders are often third-generation criminals. Silbert used to tell clients that their parents wanted a better life for them. Since participants' parents are often criminals as well, the draw to go back to the streets can be strong. Fortunately, after more than 30 years, Mimi Silbert isn't about to give up” ( The New Heroes).
Her determination in this program has persisted this program to be as successful as it could be.

As a listener and audience, I am not just deeply touched by her doings, but also inspired. It makes me think of what I can do to my community to help people, who are not as fortunate as I am. She has inspired me to reach beyond what I know I can do for the community. Maybe, next time when I go to San Francisco I should drop by this foundation and find out more about this program.

Works Cited
“Meet the New Heroes: Mimi Silbert.” PBS. Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2005. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.

6:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ariana Yu
Professor Sabir
English 1A,8:00-8:50AM
14 November 2013
Response to Mimi Silbert

Mimi Silbert

The social entrepreneur profiled is Mimi Silbert. She initiated the Delancey Street Foundation, which is in San Francisco, California. She wanted it to be a place where “substance abusers, former felons, and other who had hit bottom would, through their own efforts, be able to turn their lives around” (The New Heroes).

Mimi Silbert was very successful with her goal. She was able to lead fourteen thousand people to a crime-free and drug-free life without taking any funds from the government. The students attending are given a chance to learn new skills, attend college, and join the workforce. Silbert nicknames her program, “Harvard for losers”.

The Delancey Street Foundation was named the most successful rehabilitation program in the United States.
“The Foundation runs at no cost to the taxpayer or client. They earn revenue by operating more
than 20 businesses, including the Delancey Street Restaurant and Café and the Dalancey Street
Moving Company. These “training schools” not only generate income, they teach resident
marketable skills and inculcate in them habits of self-control and self-discipline” (The New Heroes).
Silbert and her project are constantly running into challenges and modern-day offenders are often third-generation criminals. She often tells students that their parents would be proud of them if they set their lives straight. Despite challenges, Mimi Silbert, after working for over thirty years, is nowhere near giving up.

Works Cited
“Meet the New Heroes” Mimi Silbert, PBS. Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2005. Web. 12 Nov. 2013.

8:33 AM  

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