Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SPHE Essays
If students have a particular concern about SPHE essay grades, visit me at my office hour which is today. I will be around until about 1 PM in A-232, and we can review the essay(s) together. I am not worried about the SPHE essays. I am interested more in the application of lessons to student writing.

Book Reports
Tomorrow we will start our book talks. Please rehearse the talk. Keep it to 5 minutes max and bring the book. In your talk briefly tell the audience what the book is about, themes, the author's background, why the author wrote the book. If this is not a first book, where this book fits into the author's body of work and if it is an new genre for the writer. Reflect on what the author does well: the style of writing, what you most enjoyed about the book. Why you chose to read it, and what you gained both personally and aesthetically.

You can also comment on the audience and who you wold recommend it to. If you'd like to bring in a video or other multimedia, please feel free to do so.

The Lottery Cyber Assignment
I gave students a copy of a story called: The Lottery. This story was accompanied by exercises. Respond to the exercises here. Use the two examples of student papers on literature to reflect on your own essays if/when you get them back. You can post the response here. Did you write an essay or a plot summary?

Here is a link to the story: http://www.classicshorts.com/stories/lotry.html

How do you plan to revise it? Again, you cannot answer this question until you get the paper back. Students have until Monday, April 26, to get revisions to me. Don't forget the narratives and the planning sheets.

SPHE Possessives
We will write this essay in class, hopefully Thursday, if not Thursday, then Monday, April 26.

Look here for cyber assignments for the Social Entrepreneur Essay. You will need to complete three Frontline World episodes by next Wednesday.

I also gave students a research guide for the SE essay. You have the assignment. For some of you, the author or subject of your book report would also work as a social entrepreneur profile.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gerren Franklin
English 1A 9:00- 10:00
20 April 2010
1. Essay number 2 had the thesis. It states “The Lottery” is a powerful story, certainly, but its reputation for having a powerful surprise ending” is undeserved.
2. Yes the essay is supported with specific details.
3.Essay number one is mostly a plot summary. Due to the face it has no thesis. Essay number one doest really give an opinion. Really it jus tell the story all over again.
4.The first sentence in essay number one is more related to the assignment
5.Yeah the writer does keep the thesis in mind. The writer had very strong and valid point that fell in line with the thesis.
6.Not so much the first essay, but I believe that the second one can.

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nico Baquiran
9-10 english 1a
1.The second essay has a thesis.
2.The thesis is supported with a specific detail such as predicting the outcome of the story.
3.The first essay was mostly a plot summary of the story, because the writer included only the facts.
4.Comparing the first sentences of each essay. The second essay was more directly related to the assignment. The second essay had a thesis and it was argumentative.
5.The writer with the thesis did stayed focused the topic throughout the essay.
6.I believe that first essay cant, but the second one can.

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joshua Duong
Professor Sabir
Eng 1A 8-8:50 am
"Lottery Q's"

1. Essay 2 has a thesis.
2. Yes, the thesis is supported with descriptions of the environment and the people living there.
3.Essay one is mostly a plot summary.
4. I think the first sentence of essay four is more directly related than the other essays.
5. The writer had no digressions from his thesis.
6. Readers will be somewhat informed of the ideas of this story by reading these two essays.

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James Barker
Professor Wanda
English 1A 9-9:50
Lottery Q&A
1. Essay number two has the thesis.
2. Yes, there are a number of details that support the thesis.
3. The plot summary essay is essay number two.
4. Essay number two is more directly related to the assignment.
5. There are some digressions in this writer’s essay.
6. I believe the second one is clearer than that of the first essay.

9:23 PM  
Blogger leo400 said...

Leonardo Martin
Professor Sabir
English 1A 9-9:50

1. Essay number one does not include a thesis while essay number two includes a thesis
2. Yes, the story includes descriptive information that supports the thesis.
3. Essay one is more of a plot summery
4. Essay number two is more closer to the assinment.
5. Digressions are somewhat included.
6. I believe the second essay does a better job.

10:14 PM  
Blogger pk510 said...

Peter Kortmann
Professor Sabir
English 1a 9-10

1. Essay number 2 has a thesis
2. Yes it supports the thesis with details.
3.The first essay is a plot summary
4.Essay number 2 seems like it is more related to the assignment
5. I believe there were some digressions
6. In my opinion the second essay was slightly more clear

9:26 PM  
Blogger Veronica said...

Veronica Flores
Professor Sabir
English 1A 9-9:50
20 April 2010
Lottery Questions/Answers

1. Essay two includes a thesis.
2. Yes, the thesis is supported by information and details.
3. Essay one can be described as a plot summary. It mostly retells the story.
4. Looking through the first sentence of each essay, essay two mostly identifies and relates with the assignment.
5. There were some digressions in the essay. The writer mostly stayed in touch with the thesis.
6. Essay is overall better.

11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Summera Farooq
Professor Wanda Sabir
Eng 1A 8-8:50 am
Lottery Questions

1. Essay two has a thesis.
2. Yes, the thesis is supported with details.
3. Essay one is mostly a plot summary. It repeats the same thing.
4. I think the essay number two is related to the assignment.
5. The writer focused on the thesis.
6. I think the second essay was better.

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sabah Said
English 1A

The Lottery
Q and A
1.Essay two has a good thesis
2. There was also details that supported the thesis
3. Essay one is a plot summary
4. Essay number the relates to the assignment
5.disgressions are included
6.both essay were okay, but essay two is more understanding.

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crystal Cortez
Professor Wanda
English 1A 8-9am
Lottery Questions
1.) Essay 2 has the thesis.
2.) The thesis has supported details.
3.) Since essay 1 does not have a thesis the essay is summery of the plot of the story and also includes facts of the story which basically just was a repetition of the story.
4.) If you look through all the essays it seems like essay 2 relates more with the assignment.
5.) The writer does keep in consideration throughout the essay the thesis, so he doesn’t go off topic to another point in the essay.
6.) Since the second essay I believe is better it will be easier to understand it than essay one.

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Jennie said...

Jennie Lo
Professor Wanda
English 1A (9:00 – 9:50am)
25 April 2010
Lottery Q&A

1. Essay B has a thesis
2. Yes, lot of supportive information with details for the thesis.
3. Essay A is mostly a plot summary
4. Essay B is more directly related to the assignment when we compare the first sentences of each essay.
5. Yes, writer of the essay B has a thesis keep in mind throughout.
6. I feel essay B is better, it keeps me more details and supportive information even though if I did not read the story in advance.

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahu Yildirim
Prof. Sabir
English 1A (9 – 9:50am)
20 April 2010
Lottery Questions of Answers
1)Second essay includes thesis.
2)Yes, it supports the thesis with definitions and examples in detailed way.
3)First essay is a summary of plot.
4)Second essay is the most related one with the assignment.
5)Yes, there are some digressions.
6)Second essay has more details and makes easier to understand for the reader.

8:33 PM  

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