Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The Known World Essay Questions

Choose one question from the five or so listed and respond in a 3-5 page essay. There should be an initial planning sheet and an outline included with the essay. A peer review would be nice, but not required. There should also be three (3) citations: one short quote, a longer or block quote (4+ lines)and a free paraphrase. Use only one citation per page: Three pages, three citations, four, four, etc. I am okay if you go over a tad, not much however. The works cited should include the novel and at least one other citation, like the book report we looked up in class.

1. Which one of the two men, had more influence over Henry Townsend’s life: his biological father, Augustus Townsend or his former master, William Robbins? How and why?

2. Look at the close connection between literacy and freedom in The Known World. How is freedom assured for Henry Townsend who technically belongs to his father, Augustus, and not secure for his father? How is freedom defined by the participants in human trafficking in The Known World? Does this definition differ from that as defined by those enslaved?

3. Does race matter, yet not matter, in The Known World when one looks at the society of free slave owning black citizens of Manchester County. Again, how is freedom tied to literacy?

4. When one looks at the institution of slavery, one is confronted with a system which was legal, yet immoral. Look at John Skiffington and his wife’s dilemma regarding Minerva. Contrast this with that of William Robbins who has a “black family.” How do these characters and others justify their hypocrisy?

5. How do the characters in The Known World keep the notion of freedom alive, despite the dire consequences in store for them if they tried to escape? Look at Alice and Elias and Moses.

6. How does The Known World address the financial, ethical or political influences that lead to the Civil War and Lincoln signing into law the Emancipation Proclamation?

7. Sanity is a theme explored in The Known World. How do characters in The Known World keep their wits about themselves in a system that is often crazy making in its complexity in inconsistency?

8. In the published interview in the published novel, Edward P. Jones, author, is asked about circuitous nature of the tale. He talks about his original intentions that change once he is immersed in The Known World. Discuss Jones's style. How does the style support the narrative, character and story development. Give examples.

9. There are many themes explored in The Known World, family, freedom, brutality, power, money, literacy, race and class. How does Jones use characters to discuss and develop such topics?


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