Tuesday, September 11, 2012

11 September 2012

1. 9/11 Artifacts--Reflect on your object(s) in a freewrite. If you forgot the item, poems in
Rose: "The Promise" (139) & "And 2morrow" (141).

Please post your reflections here. Students can post anonymously. Just send me a copy of the post with your name. Many students brought books, photos, poetry. I'd love to post such here--the images. Please send me the links and I will post a collage.

Homework is to read the Preface and Introduction to They Say. Skim the first section (19-51). We will look at it in light of our readings tomorrow and Thursday. I'd like students to consider including these devices in their first essay, that is, "acknowledgement" of the speakers' position(s) as one enters the conversation and why this is important.

One calls this active listening. The second aspect of the process is a review of summarizing, that is, putting the other person's position into your own words. This distillation actually helps one "suspend [his or her own] beliefs for a time and put herself in the shoes of someone else" (Graft, Birkenstein 31).

Yes, I found my book (smile). The authors give us lists of verbs to express agreement and verbs for introducing summaries and quotations (19). Such vocabulary can be useful when one wants to spice up his or her writing.

One cannot say enough about the well placed citation. When do we quote, why and how often? The authors also look at analysis and when to stop (49).

We will use Evolution and other writing, including out own to analyze how well we accomplish these tasks.

We will look at 2 I Say next: Chapter 4, "Yes/ No/ Okay, But" (55). Skim for Thursday-Monday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mason Eric
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
11 September 2012

Free write

I'm really into sports so what I have to remember 9/11 Is a picture of a ribbon with the 10 year anniversary dates inside of it. The NFL put the ribbons on fields, jerseys etc , to remember 9/11. I was only eight when everything happened , but I do know America was saddened deeply and every major sport league gave some type of remembrance of 9/11.


5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Americans were reminded that day on how parts of the world hate our nation. Innocent people died so that the people making the statement can make a point. Although the worst feelings in the world were felt that day, bravery emerged through all the rubble. All Americans put their lives at risk for others, we were not separated by gender, race or political party we were Americans.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Today is a memorable day that a lot of American people died. According to this disaster, I have a question that why the Muslim extremely hate this freedom country. I think the American government must deliberate how to deal with the communication with the other countries. Avoiding this kind of tragedy is what I want to remind to the government.

8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda Lara
English 1A
Professor Sabir
8:00AM- 8:50 AM
September 11, 2012

The object I brought with me today was the song “ What’s Going On” the remix with varies music artist such as JD, Monica, Usher, Ja Rule, Jlo, Alicia Keys, Nas, Nelly, P.Diddy, Christina Aguilera, Backstreet Boys, Justin Timberlake and Ect. . The reason I brought this is because many united to do the remix of the song. In the music video the music artist were bands to cover there eyes with words such as, freedom, Gay, Military, Stop the Global Aids, black, irish, whitevoterm catholic, love and lower class. This song was meant to be a wake up call and it talks about everyone being tbe same and uniting to help each other and war is not the answer. Music is a way of expression, something that many people turn to during certain emotions. This music video also had posters with messages such as unity, ignorance and donate. We should not wait till a tragedy occurs in order to become united and help others, it should be done everyday with out a reason.

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse Valdez
Professor Sabir
English 1A
8:00-8:50 A.M.
Freewrite 9/11 Artifacts
My artifact was a picture of a firefighter’s helmet with the stars of an American flag incorporated into the design. There is a caption that states “9-11 Our fallen heroes”. I do not remember 9/11 because I was very young at the time and too little to really understand. I did begin to understand how painful that day was for many families a while after I found out, but most of the signs of remembering those who died in 9/11 were firefighters, and I always remembered the bagpipes being played in the mornings. This is what made me choose the picture of the firefighter helmet, and what I think of most when I think of 9/11.


10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emily Lam
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50am
September 11, 2012

We were told that we needed to bring in an artifact to class that relates to 9/11. Since today is 9/11, our teacher wanted to talk about this particular day with the artifact that we brought in. I brought in a printed picture of the Twin Tower building being bombed. I couldn't think of any else to bring, so I brought in that picture instead. When I was in 5th grade, every day, my teacher always turned on the tv and have the whole class watch the news that's live from New York, after the 9/11 news was spread. She turned on the tv for a about a couple of weeks until the news started to die down about the 9/11 terrorist attack. After we watched it, we would talk about it. That's why I brought in that picture because all I could remember was the Twin Tower being bombed and I see nothing, but fire and smoke coming out of it. I was still young and couldn't remember much, but I knew that the 9/11 was a really big deal and that I should be able to know more information about it. I didn't really understand what was going on and why certain people would do these things to us. Overall, that's the reason why I brought this picture to class today because that's the only image I could remember when it was happening and I was in the 5th grade.

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Messi Chaib
Professor Wanda
English 1A
12September 2012

The 9/11 activity was an attack against humanity, people were burning, and suffering under the buildings walls and roofs that fell on them, and they were all innocents. They were employees inside the buildings or just passing. It was a big shock for every one in the world which made a big change in the security check everywhere.

12:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonas Sota
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11:00-11:50
11 September 2012

September 11th

My artifact is a first-aid kit. I chose a first-aid kit as my artifact because it resembles the care for those in the community that I hoped this country would experience. When London civilians were bombed throughout several years their suffering created a bond, a sense of community, which led to socialized healthcare. Israel is another example of a country that faced existential threats and because of those threats Israelis formed a stronger, more caring, and more conscious community. When a community faces an existential threat the community develops an internal sense of empathy. The United States has been attacked on its own soil only twice, Pearl Harbor in 1941, and the September 11th attacks in 2001. I write “only twice” because when considering the histories of other nations we are able to see that the United States homeland has an incredibly peaceful history, and perhaps this peaceful history has something to do with the nation’s lack of empathy for others in the country.

1:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bianca Hsueh
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
11 September 2012

9/11 Freewrite

I brought in a picture of the Twin Towers. In the picture, the towers have smoke rising out of them, with the one on the left collapsing upon itself. This was one of the pictures that I saw about 9/11 about 2 years after it actually happened. When 9/11 happened, I was in kindergarten, so I was completely oblivious to the occurrence until about two to three years after 9/11 actually happened. I found it a bit saddening that I was unable to understand the significance of 9/11 two to three years after it happened.

When I see pictures of the Twin Towers during 9/11, like the artifact that I brought in, I always wonder what the photographers were thinking. I feel that the photographers would have had a hard time taking the pictures, not because of the chaos, but because there were so many people dying at the time. If I were a photographer during 9/11, I would feel completely useless as all I could do during that time was to take pictures of the chaos occurring before me.

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Everett
Professor Sabir
11 September, 2012

9/11 Free Write
For my object I brought a picture of the front page of the New York Times from the day after 9/11. I was just beginning kindergarten in September 2001, it must have boon my second week of school. I have only one memory from September 11th. I remember a classmate brought in the front page of the newspaper. I had no idea what I was looking at, at the time. All I saw was a building that had a large cloud of ash around the top. I didn’t think anything of it. My 6-year-old self didn’t understand what had happened, and as a result 9/11 was not an important event in my life. As far as I was concerned, buildings fall all the time. I was never told 9/11 was an actual attack until much later. I didn’t know that the 2 of the tallest buildings in the world didn’t exist anymore. Because I didn’t know that 9/11 was an attack, I didn’t understand why America declared war on Iraq. I wasn’t concerned with the war though, I remember asking my dad who would win. He said America will win, because it always does. Now I realize that this war was more about protection then beating the enemy, I believe now this objective was met. At that point in my life, even though I didn’t care about the war, I still opposed it. I opposed it because my parents opposed it. Due to my low knowledge on the war and 9/11 attacks, I am not surprised when I believed my history teacher when he told us that the attacks were done by the American government. I have also been told that because of my age at the time, I was not affected emotionally by 9/11, and therefore don’t have the right to express feelings about it due to the thought that these feelings must be false. At this point in my life, I must ask myself what to do. Should I leave opinions to the adults, or should I care about the event to the point where I take down the government. I believe that what I should do at this point is do independent research to form my own unique opinions and emotional connections to the 9/11 attacks.

8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kendra Jones
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50 AM
12 September 2012

Freewrite: 9/11

Today I brought in four pictures to reflect on how I feel about September 11,2001. The pictures are of my family and friends. The first picture is me in front of my sisters car. I was a freshman in high school the year it happened. The second is a picture of my sisters and I with my neices in front of the white house the year after September 11. We experienced the new systems of the airports and it was long and stressful. The third is a picture of me pregnant with my son at the beach. I think of life because families would have to start new ones due to the tragedy.The fourth is a picture of my grad night. I brought this picture because I was at school the day it happened so I wanted to represent success for the families that have made it through that tragic day. I presented these pictures because when I think of 9/11, I think of the people who lost their families in the plane crash. It was a painful day. The beginning of a new war and the start of a new act of terrorism.

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joseph Carlo O. Tolentino
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8:00 – 8:50
12 September, 2012
Free Write
September 11 was a day of mourning. Yet it was also a symbol of war. AS I think about the conflict my mind wanders to the lost innocence children are forced to bare. My artifact was a small figurine given to me by a childhood friend. It represented the innocence we as children had before as our ignorance shielded us from the pain and suffering around the world. September 11 claimed many lives, including the mothers and fathers of children. To them, they will never see their parents alive again. In some, continual ignorance and childhood memories shatter as the pain of loss dives deep within their hearts. My childhood toy is a tribute to their innocence, yet at the same time it’s represents integrity and image shows a possible future for those whose innocence were protected. A child will eventually awaken from their ignorance, but time must prepare them for the challenges. Let us not forget the children whose childhoods are broken.

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lhadze Bosiljevac
English 1A

It is a day in history everyone remembers, yet it is funny we barely can recall what we ate for dinner. Exactly eleven years ago, I was a five year old in elementary school with no idea what a terrorist was, instead I was busy figuring out how to create sentences. Fortunately, my political mindset had not developed at that age for me to speak out on the situation. September 11th marks a day of national tragedy, and national controversy. Bush had just been elected and our country looked like it was headed towards a brighter future, until a the morning in 2001 that shook most of the world.

At that point in time, I remember sitting in class with a teacher babbling words from the book I could barely see across the itchy rug with the fifty states polychromaticly etched across. From the haze of teachers immediately calling the office to the kids excitedly squealing that it was an early release I was lost in my panicking state. Around 1:30 p.m. at Palmquest Elementary, I remember the buses loading children and the police across the street guarding the middle school and the rudimentary grade children to their rides. By the time I was home I couldn’t figure out why my mother told me to go eat in the kitchen and go to our room and play. Our house was large enough that the tv could echo across the halls into our bedroom and I remember peering over the stairwell to see a glimpse of two tall grey buildings in smoke and flames. What was going on?

I haven’t thought much about 9/11 since the first grade. It seemed to be such an annual remembrance I was used to the news briefs about the anniversary of the death of many lives. But my artifact is unfortunately not a physical object, I was not told to draw anything about the day. We were to only speak about it, not ever draw. For me, the artifact is my great aunts picture. Some might say thats strange or is she dead? Neither. My great aunt came over when I was 13, December 10th while visiting people in San Franscico. Now old enough, I was able to engage in the talk about the attacks on the twin towers and her experience. Because I was really not openly able to talk much about this event, I remember being shocked when my great aunt told me her flight was somewhere near New York from Oklahoma and that they had canceled it because of the bombings just 30 minutes ago in the big apple. Her face was completely white when she said she was stuck in the middle of a place where she had no one to live with and that she couldn’t go home or see her kids in Pennsylvania and on the East Coast. Thankfully a woman on the plane was able to let her stay at their residence for the time being. What struck me was how many people 9/11 actually affected, because for me it was limited exposure which is why I have no work or drawings from this event. Another story was my dads office worker who was supposed to be on flight 93, but ended up canceling his reservation because he was going to miss the flight. He was so lucky he didn’t get to the airport on time.

At this point in time, 9/11 will always be remembered. Even though I cannot fully understand what happened, I feel that everything that happened was to make this nation stronger. Even though I was not open to all the news buzz, I had some memories and to this day I can see how much it affects us.

6:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tatiana Johnson
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11:00-11:50
11 September 2012

9/11 Freewrite

The artifact that I chose to bring to class today in order to reflect on 9/11 is a picture of the World Trade Center when the airplanes crashed live on TV. This image is from breaking news on CNN. I chose this picture because this is the image that I remember seeing back on September 11, 2001. I was in the third grade, I didn’t get it than but I get it now. As years went by I realized how many innocent lives where took for no reason at all, it’s a real tragedy.

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davian Grant
English 1A
Professor Sabir
8:00AM- 8:50 AM
September 11, 2012
9/11 free write
When I heard the news about what happened to America on September 11 2001 there really wasn’t any big feeling for me. I didn’t get the day off school; my parents didn’t say anything about it. The only people who were talking about were the American news people on TV. There wasn’t any other feeling than passiveness that I could muster. I couldn’t help these people and I wasn’t anywhere near them, I was just 9 years old. On that day, my father gave me a watch. Today the only think remaining of the watch is the face of it. The only thing I have to mark that day.

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jared Iulio
Professor Sabir
English 1A


Silvers balls linked together, forming an insepreable bond, holding a small oval shaped piece of metal representing my status as a sailor in the United States Navy. Some look at it as a mere necklace, those who wear them look at it as a badge of honor. I see it as a tell-tale sign of my own willingness to serve, and desire to protect my country and its people. Now youmay be asking "what does this have to do with war, and 9/11?". It also represents my willingness to wage was on other countries that have threatened or attacked us. Now this doesnt necessarily mean that im insane and i would nuke another country simply for spitting at us, but i do believe that we should stand up for ourselves and make sure that everyone around the world knows that we are not to be trifled with.

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Virginia Tan
Eng 1A
Professor Sabir

The object I bought to class is a tear drop that I made myself. I believe tears are one of the best things to describe war. What is the cause of war? The cause of people lives. Those people can be your family member, your friends or your beloved one. I know it is painful seeing the one you love dying in front of you. I believe tears can help everyone to get all their unhappiness and pain out of their mind. Crying is one of the ways to heal ourselves. If you keep the scars in our heart for a long time it will seriously cause long term sickness. Instead of letting that happens, how about crying out loud; that will definitely make you feel better. I believe your beloved will not want to see you suffer forever.

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeannae Williams
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50am
11 September 2012

I chose a $5 dollar bill which is or was folded up in a few ways that ends up showing a image of the twin towers that blew up on September 11th, 2001. It reflects on September 11th because that's exactly what happened on that day. It is mighty funny how this (newiest) $5 dollar bill was able to be folded in such a way to create those twin towers blowing up. So, I question myself, was it all a plan of a set up? Also, I'm curious did the $5 bill come out before the twin towers blew up? Money in my opinion is the root of evil (but it's something people need to survive), but why would you have this image on this $? The government system, I question myself about that as well and $ is made through the government. It is all a trap and the cold part about the money situation is that on all money it says "in God we trust". How are you adding God to wickedness? Rest in peace to all those people who were affiliated with 9/11/01, and to those people who lost there love one's, friends, family and enimies in such tragedy. Hopefully nothing terrible will happen like this again. God Bless America!

9:54 AM  
Blogger Antionette said...

Antionette Armour
Professor Sabir

English 1A 8:00-8:50 AM

11 September 2012

Freewrite: 9/11 Object Reflection

When I think about September the 11th, I think about the day my sister came and picked me up from my class, took me home, and my cousin was there because she has to leave school early as well. I do not remember watching the news or talking about what was going on. However, I do remember my cousin telling me that the world was about to end. I asked her how did she know, and she pulled out the Bible.
The Bible is the first thing that pops up in my head when I think about 9/11. My cousin turned the pages to Book of Revelations, which is the last book in the Bible. She read all the things that are suppose to happen when the world ends and then she compared them to the current events that were happening during that time. She had me scared out of my mind. I will never forget that day and the story she told me out of the Bible. Although, the world has not ended, the Book of Revelations still scares me a bit.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gabe Shalaby
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1a
8:00-8:50 a.m.
September 11, 2012
I know this might sound like a bunch of hot air, but today the object that reminds me of September 11, 2001 is my backpack. There are actually a few reasons for this, but two or three stand out among the rest.
I still remember that morning, I had just finished eating breakfast before my walk to school. I remember putting the last of my school supplies and walking to my parent's room to let my mom know I was all set. It was very grey and quiet outside and I recall the feeling of something being amiss. I was thinking that it was too quiet outside and in my house. The first thing I saw was what I understood to be a live feed of the two burning collapsing towers and tears rolling down my mother's face as my parents stared silently in horror. I knew something had gone terribly wrong because I could feel the fear, outrage, and sorrow in the air. It was like stepping into a green house or butterfly exhibit and being hit by the wall of hot air, thick with humidity. However instead of a pleasant tropical air saturated with moisture it was a could dark atmosphere dripping with uncertainty and negativity so heavy it could buckle your knees.
My parents never told me exactly what was going on, but as soon as school officially started, classes were interrupted by the announcement that we had to stand together as Americans because New York had just fallen victim to a terrorist attack.

2:08 AM  
Blogger ukovida said...

Kovida U
English 1A
prof:Wanda Sabir

One Tragedy Day In The US History.

One of the beautiful day on New York City, most people preparing to go to work. no one would know that day will be the one the sad day for the people of the United States and most people around the world think the US is under attack.
It was so sad to see more than 3000 fire fighters were killed and thousands of people were leaved their family forever.

Why is the human societies should be that way? different believe system is should not the enemy on to another.

8:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tracci Davis
English 1A
Professor Sabir
8:00AM- 8:50 AM
September 11, 2012


To day is September 11, 2012 . The one thing that stayed on my mind that whole day was Biggie Smalls song "JUICY "

It was all a dream
I used to read Word Up magazine
Salt'n'Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine
Hangin' pictures on my wall
Every Saturday Rap Attack, Mr. Magic, Marley Marl
I let my tape rock 'til my tape popped
Smokin' weed and bamboo, sippin' on private stock
Way back, when I had the red and black lumberjack
With the hat to match
Remember Rappin' Duke, duh-ha, duh-ha
You never thought that hip hop would take it this far
Now I'm in the limelight 'cause I rhyme tight

Time to get paid, blow up like the World Trade

Born filla, the opposite of a winner
Remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner
Peace to Ron G, Brucey B, Kid Capri
Funkmaster Flex, Lovebug Starsky
I'm blowin' up like you thought I would
Call the crib, same number same hood
It's all good

Uh, and if you don't know, now you know, nigga, uh

More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmania.com/juicy_lyrics_biggie_smalls.html
All about Biggie Smalls: http://www.musictory.com/music/Biggie+Smalls

he died in 1997 the world trade blew up in 2001, his song came out in the 1994 . its just really crazy to lisen to the song and to know all these events happen and no i do not t think its an illuminati . i dont know that song just had me thinking about a lot and how he was nothing just a every day young man trying to make in this so call thing called LIFE .. he made it but but its sad how his life had to end so early.

1:16 PM  

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