Tuesday, September 18, 2012


1. Post your response to Peter Elbow's "believing game" (40).

2. They Say: pp. 8, 9, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 39, 46, 47.

3. Homework: Read Chapter 3 (42-50) if you have not already done so.

Write the essay based on Evolution of a Revolutionary. Bring to class along with a copy of the freewrite.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joseph Carlo O. Tolentino
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8:00 - 8:50
18 September 2012

How must Children be Disciplined

Disciplining children has always been a question in our society. Is it right to to punish them when they committed something wrong? Yet is it also acceptable to let them go leniently? Experts may have said that hurting children physically may just encourage rebellion but there are more cases of uncontrollable kids brought up by lax and restrained parenting.

Let us look at the facts. In most cases children raised with corporal punishment tend to be a lot more obedient than those raised purely by voice and speech. However a lot of those same kids may grow up to resent their parents while their counterparts may have closer relationships to their parents at times. Some say that corporal punishment is necessary, but then again, where does corporal punishment cross the line towards abuse? How often do people get arrested for abuse anyways? Corporal punishment may be a double edged sword yet its counterpart isn’t perfect either.

How many kids are taken away from parents due to bad behavior on the kids part? Can voice alone truly control the child, especially during their rebellious teenage years? It has it’s good side though as children raised in this way often has good relationships in their adulthood. But these are quite few in between as children and parental bond might have been to severed by miscommunication, which is common in teenagers. Is it really worth it to risk this deep argument that may develop hatred in the child’s impressionable mind?

Either way kids grow up in their own terms. Some may need corporal punishment, while others would feel a lot more comfortable with verbal upbringing alone. Each of them has their own strengths and risks so one can never know which side is better to use until they have tried using both.

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wai Man (Remy) Tang
English 1A 8-8:50 AM
Professor Sabir

Is Abortion Right?

Abortion is usually a common topic that comes up when presidential elections are near. Republicians tend to try to discourage it because of their religious views, while Democrats believe it is the right of a woman to determine her child's fate. For a non-religious person like me, I also think it is the right of a woman to determine her child's fate. Afterall, it is the mother who first gave the child life so the mother should also hold the power to take back that life. When Afeni Shakur stated that she regretted killing her unborn child, I thought that what she did was the right thing. Considering the fact that she can barely take care of her two children and herself, she does not have the capability to take care of another child. There is no need to bring new life into the world just to suffer. Instead, I believe it is better if they wait for the next opportunity to be born. It is better to be born into a family that has the ability to care for them and actually want them to exist.

Is Abortion Right?

Abortion is usually a common topic that comes up when presidential elections are near. Republicians tend to try to discourage it because of their religious views, while Democrats believe it is the right of a woman to determine her child's fate. Even for a non-religious person like me, I believe abortion should be outlawed. While it may be true that there are some situations where the mother never wanted the child or does not have the means to take care of the child, that does not mean the mother should just take away the child's life. Afterall, there are always other options available to help mothers. If a mother cannot take care of a child on her own, she can simply ask her relatives to take care of the child. If that is not an option, then the child could be put up for adoption. There are going to be some people who want children who cannot have children themselves. Why not give them the chance of being a parent? I really was disappointed in Afeni when she said she killed her unborn child. She let her rage over her own stupidity kill a child that had nothing to do with her own mistake. A child cannot choose its parents; therefore, parents should not be able to choose whether they want a child or not.

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Everett
Professor Sabir
5 September, 2012

Abortion Believing Game
A controversy dividing many Americans today is the issue of abortion. It is often said that because a fetus is in the developing stage of life, it is not a human despite the possibility that it may become a live human in the future. On the other hand, there are many people in the world who hold the belief that the life of a human being begins at conception. One group claims that because a fetus is not a developed human being, preventing future life is not harmful, and even does good for the mother and the child that will probably live a harmful, impoverished life. The other group appears to claim that preventing future development of a fetus is just as harmful as taking the life of a human. Both sides make very good points, and hold the common belief that life is very precious, but they differ when it comes to what life is.

When I was a child, I believed that a fetus is not a living human being. I would have said that if a developing baby is predicted to have a bad lifestyle, then the life should be prevented before it begins life outside of the mother. Since then, however, my belief has changed. I understand that an abortion may not cause noticeable harm to the fetus, it still causes harm in the most extreme of form, death. I believe that a fetus is a living person and even though it is not self aware, the chances are great that it will be. I see abortion as less of a tendency to cause harm, and more of direct harm to a living being.

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*18 September, 2012

11:26 AM  
Blogger Miguel Chavez said...

Miguel Chavez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50
18 September 2012

Drugs are Bad

Growing up in my neighborhood meant you were exposed to drugs on a daily basis. My parents knew this and they instilled in me from a very young age that drugs are bad. They are the devils candy. The only people who use drugs are heathens. They rot their brains away and become mindless zombies that only want to keep doing drugs. All drugs were bad. Fortunately, alcohol doesn’t count as a drug so the drunks were just people with a drinking problem. Completely different from those druggies.

Drugs are Good

Drugs have developed a negative reputation in today’s world. Obviously doing anything in excess can be bad for you. However, if you do it in moderation, drugs can open your mind to a whole new world. It can unlock parts of your brain that you have never used and give you a new perspective to life. Instead of teaching kids to always say no, they should be taught to say yes sometimes. Let them decide for themselves whether or not to do drugs.

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda Lara
English 1A
Professor Sabir
8:00AM to 8:50 AM
September 18, 2012
They say I say pg. 40 #1

Capital Punishment also known as Death Penalty has always been a controversial subject all over the world for a long time. Some believe that supporting the death penalty is a way to punish criminals for their acts and crimes. One of the main principals of punishment and the judicial system is that the penalty should fit the crime committed. People pro Capital punishment believe that if some one who kills someone is let out on parole that they will commit more crimes. Others feel that since technology and new discoveries have made it easier to find murders in cases since DNA is used at as evidence making it more precise on convicting someone.
I do not believe in the death penalty and It does violate the 8th amendment and it is cruel. It is morally wrong and it is not a good example to society. Raised as a catholic I feel that it is wrong to kill someone and justify if someone should be killed for a crime that they have been committed. Who are we to play the role of God. Plus the death penalty is very expensive and even though they use DNA in a lot of murder cases to convict someone, what happens if there was a mistake and someone is put on the execution chair and later we find out that they were innocent? Who would be killed for taking an innocents life? Supporting the death penalty can bring many questions up for example if someone kills your brother do you have the right to kill theirs? I would rather have someone be in prison for the rest of their lives to reminisce on the reason why they are there instead of giving them the easy way out of death

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Virginia Tan
Eng 1A 8:00-8:50
Professor Sabir

Abortion is one of the main issues in America today. I believe women have the right to decide to get an abortion or not. The mother is the one who will give birth to a child so they have the right to determine their child’s fate. In the book, Afeni Shakar said that she wants to get an abortion and I agree with her. I think it does not worth it to give birth for a man that does not even love her. Afeni is so stupid because she already know the result is not the one that she wants; and she still did it in the beginning. Also in reality, she does not have the ability to take care that baby. We do not need to bring that child to this world to suffer all these pain.

Abortion is one of the main issues in America today. I believe women have the right to determine their child’s fate. On another side, I believe killing an unborn baby is a sin. An unborn baby is still a human being is still a life. In addition, the baby is innocent. If the mother does not want the baby she can give it to the adoption center and let them take care of it. In addition, it is bad for a child that does not have parents; they might have childhood shadow when they grow up. I was really disappointed and angry when the baby died. Do you know it is very easy to lose a baby in the beginning of the months?! In the book, Afeni Shakar stated she was regret when she lost her baby. This evidence has proof that I am right.

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bianca Hsueh
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50
18 September 2012

“Believing Game”

Pro Abortion

The government should keep abortion legal because it is the woman’s right to choose what should happen to her unborn child as the mother. If the mother knows perfectly well that her child will not be able to grow up in an environment where he/she can succeed and thrive, then rather than having the child, the mother should choose to abort. If the mother does not choose to have the abortion, it is the child who ends up suffering in the end. Also, there may be cases where the child is conceived because the mother was raped. In this situation, the child would grow up without a father figure and live as a constant reminder of what happened to the mother. If the mother is not ready to take on the responsibility and care that the child needs when it is born, then abortion should be a legal option for them to have.

Anti Abortion

Abortion should be made illegal because it takes away the life of an innocent unborn child. When the child was conceived it was the mother who made the decision to have the child. Therefore, the unborn child is an innocent being and abortion would be the murder of the child who committed no wrongs. If the mother was raped, then the one who is committing the wrong is only the rapist, not the child, who should not be the one to suffer the consequence of death. In addition, the opposition may argue that abortion is ethically right if the unborn child has a health defect. However, this argument only serves as an excuse to avoid taking the sacrifices the mother may need for the child. Instead of choosing abortion as the easy way out, the mother should take responsibility and give birth to the child.

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abiodun Apata
Professor Wanda
English 1A 8:00 – 8:50am
September 18, 2012.
Summary of Marriage from a Divorced Home.
Marriage and divorce sometimes go together as two opposite words with a sweet and devastating effect on those involved. Marriage is the union between two individual to live together as husband and wife while divorce is separation or disintegration of a marriage due to either reconcilable or irreconcilable differences of the individuals involved. Some people believes that children from a divorced home usually ends up getting divorced when married while some people believes that children from divorced home usually make a good home/marriage.
Children from divorced are known to make a good marriage and home not as a result of training received from a divorced parents but due to experience of what it takes to be a victim. It is usually a bad experience for some people and they subsequently promised to make a good home and endure whatsoever it will take for them not to have a divorced home. They try to ask questions from their parents and try to know what works and what don’t work for the parents. They therefore try to make amend to those issues that caused the problem that led to the divorce of the parents.
On the other hand, people from divorced home lacks parenting upbringing and therefore tend to take to the behavior of one the parents they used to. They learn the altitude of the parents they are used to and sometimes develop the mindset carried by the parents towards the other party. They sometimes disrespect their partner in relationship when they see any the parents behave the same and therefore, seem not to value and appreciate longtime relationship (marriage) unlike short time relationship. They have nonchalant attitude towards their partner.

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel Avalos
Professor Sabir
English 1A
18 September 2012
The Believing Game
The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is a barbaric form of execution left over from the dark ages. This eye for an eye type of justice is no longer needed and an overly expensive process costing tax payers way more money than it would to keep the criminals in prison. Death as a punishment is not enough of a deterrent to stop people from killing others, a better punishment would be for the criminal to spend life in prison without the release of death. Society is supposed to be moving forwards and this backwards way of public execution is only holding civilization back. Despite the complex court system, innocent people can still be put to death for crimes they did not commit. In a word the death penalty is useless, this practice does not bring back the victims of the criminal it only serves to release the criminal from having to live with the thought of their crimes.

The Believing Game
Time has proven that the death penalty has been effective as a deterrent against horrendous crime. Death is absolute and few would throw away their lives by committing such crimes which would end with their own demise. Ending the life of the criminal provides closure to the family of the victim and prevents the criminal from repeating his or her crimes again. Modern science and DNA testing has greatly reduced the percentage of innocent people sent to their deaths, this testing allows for a guarantee that the person receiving capital punishment is the guilty party. Not using the death penalty will make the justice system appear as if it sympathizes with the criminals instead of justly punishing them. Taking the lives of criminals who receive the death penalty will clear up space in the prisons, if there was less of a wait for the lives of the criminals to be taken then there would not be the overcrowding problem that prisons have today.

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo R. Hernandez
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11:00-11:50
18 September 2012

For Cosmetic Surgery

People have the right to do what they please with their bodies even altering it. Cosmetic surgery is to help Improve self-esteem and bring confidence for those that don’t. Cosmetic surgery can change the minor defects someone has into perfection. Finally there is a way to make everyone happy and quick, no need to experiment with voodoo or what not. Cosmetic surgery can let people lose the weight they have been longing to lose in no time. Cosmetic surgery is the future to let people choose the way they look.

Against Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is the worst idea for people that do not have a reason to resort to it. A person was born a certain way and should be proud of how they look. Perfection is nothing but a never ending goal, perfection does not exist. Minor defects are not defects at all but a distinction from one another. If the whole world today were to go get cosmetic surgery to get our defects perfected we would look like a dream Barbie had. Perfection as some may call it is not worth the time and money because in the end we all age and the fake installations would be visible more then before.

6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davian Grant
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50AM
September 18, 2012
The believing free write.
A popular belief is that, people in bad situations don’t necessarily have to make bad decisions. Decisions like doing drugs or getting pregnant. The majority believe that these things happen because of irresponsibility and that is the reason why these people are poor and in the current situation they are in, in the first place. They become weaker and much more incompetent, allowing themselves to slip and fall down a slope when they could easily stop at anytime. But they choose not to simply because of laziness and lack of self motivation. It is believed that these people deserve everything that they bring upon themselves and should not complain because everything was by their own design. On the other hand, we can see that while most of these problems are caused by neglect, once in,they are incredibly hard to get out. It is like climbing out of a hole with sleek polished marble walls. Most situations were designed by society for people not to be able to escape. Cocaine makes one relax and enjoy a kind of ecstasy that cannot be felt by conventional means. Unfortunately it is incredibly addictive to the point that all you can think about is obtaining it and using it. Perhaps not for the feeling any more, but from pure addiction. This addiction is so powerful that it absorbs all thoughts and emotions and increases the desire for more! This leads to a deterioration of other aspects of life and it is hard to fix something if you don’t know or realize that it is broken.

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeannae Williams
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50am
18 September 2

Advantage of eating meat

A juicy steak or some crispy friend chicken can be considered well know meat dishes in today's society. Certain types of meats should be part of a healthy, well balanced deit. Meat provide important nutrients like Protein(essential for each&every function the body undertakes), Iron (transprtation of oxygen throughout the body), Zinc ( Helps keep immune system working properly to avoid colds, flu & other illnesses) and V-B12 (converts the calories you consume into energy). As long as one eats meat ocasionally or even prepare baked meat meals are fantstic. It is a helpful way to add nutrients to one's diet.

Disadvantage to eating meat

Meat often partakes a poor character of being high in fat, calories as well as existence to heart disease and obesity. Meat can lead to unhealthy eating. One will not get all of his/her nutrients that's needed, but their are other foods that can replace the meat eating to equal out as if you were eating meats. Like : Dairy products, all of every nuts, Beans&rice...etc type of produce.
Their's good and bad, but it is on one; as an individual to decide what's good to consume and what's not good to consume.

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

 Nafi Watson
Professor Sabir
Eng 1A 11:00-11:50
September 18, 2012


The Believing Game

            A Belief that I strongly disagree with is that if you’re gay then you will go to hell. I disagree with this because you can’t say if someone is gay that they will go to hell, how can you determined where someone is going to end up. I feel that you should let people live their lives; they are not hurting you in any type of way. I understand that it is not in the bible, and a lot of people say that “god made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve”. I really dislike how people are in this world, they are not accepting. Being Gay is a choice people are not born gay, so let them chose how they want to live their lives.


            Another Belief that I disagree with is” If you can walk, then you can Dance”. This puzzles me because not everybody can dance well or walk well. Just like they say “if you can talk you can sing”, where are people coming up with these sayings I just don’t get it. On the other I can see that they are giving them courage to try new things but not everybody is meant to do everything. We all have talents for a reason. 

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesse Valdez
Professor Sabir
English 1A
Response to Peter Elbow's Believing Game
Abortion has always been a debatable issue among many Americans. On one hand, abortion has been considered as murder of a human being, as the fetus is thought of by some as a human being. Others may consider it as crossing some sort of belief, in many cases a religious belief, but in other cases it is just personal opinion. On the other hand, it is argued that the choice of the matter goes to the woman and her partner if they want an abortion so they do not become parents.
I disagree with the idea of outlawing abortion. I think this type of decision should be an open option to anyone soon to be a parent. They should have the freedom to decide, whatever their opinion may be. The United States of America was developed to, along with some other reasons, have freedom of beliefs and to practice those beliefs. With this in mind, it should be a parent's choice to get an abortion if they feel they would not make a good parent, or if they simply do not wish to ever have children, especially to make the decision before it is too late.

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fermin Carrera
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8-8:50

The bad use of marijuana
In today’s society, something that is very popular among the teenagers is the use of marijuana. We all know that a drug such as marijuana or should I say weed, is a highly addictive drug. I strongly belief that the abuse of weed is wrong because it drives those who consume it be violent and even stupid. I strongly believe that purchasing marijuana is a complete waste of money. The consumer not only empties their wallet, but at the same time smoking marijuana affects their health. Over time, the happiness that one will get out of from smoking this drug will then lead to a drug addict who will constantly crave it and will not be happy at all if they have n possession of it. I strongly believe that the abuse of marijuana is wrong.

Using marijuana for health issues.
I believe that smoking marijuana for health issues is a good thing to do. For those who have pain in their joints, then it is a good idea to smoke medical marijuana to lower or to get rid of the pain instead of relying on pills. Not only will medical marijuana lessen the pain but it will make thee consumer feel better as an effect of smoking marijuana in general.

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Messi Chaib
Professor Wanda
English 1A
19 September 2012

Using Medicines

Everyone in this world goes to a doctor because of sickness. They get prescriptions which are sometimes full up with medicines. I deny that every small illness needs a doctor because there are people who are not familiar with doctors and medicines and they are healthy so is that mean they do not get sick? I do not think so, they are human too. I assume that they do something else to fight the illness and forget the pain such practicing sport or use tricks to cure their wounds. On the other hand, the people who use medicines usually get cures but those medicines do get out of the body completely which means some of it stay inside the body and that can cause another illness which it can be more dangerous than the first one. I agree with that and urge preventing doctors except in emergencies

12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kendra Jones
Professor Sabir
English 1A 8:00-8:50 AM
18 September 2012

Quiet Conversations

Bloggers claim that in order to have a quiet conversation you must be in a quiet place. "Most sporting events are extremely noisy", one blogger admits. Rejecting a conversation in a night or dance club doesn't seem like a bad idea. Going to a club makes you want to dance and the only talking going on might be between the whole crowd and the dj. A quiet conversation would do good in an interview or a classroom once you've been given the opportunity to respond. When you are in a classroom discussion you are able to compare your ideas with fellow classmates and express your opinion. When you are in an interview the conversation is more of a demand, that you describe your attributes to the company and plead why you qualify for the position you are applying for. Many bloggers suggest quieter places to support a deep conversation, "..You won't be interrupted and there is little to distract you from the conversation" ,you would think that a location wouldn't affect the conversation.


Bloggers celebrate the fact that there is no harm engaging in a quiet conversation with another human being. There are many different ways we as people can include ourselves in having decent chit chats without offending one another. First you have to be confident, projecting confidence is key to having conversation. When you are confident, you're supporting the conversation by allowing the other participants to be confident as well. Do not deny that you're comfortable, be encouraged to keep the conversation alive. Exploring different conversations urges you to find out about the person you're talking to. Don't be nervous to say hello when you have spare time, you never know what interesting people you may meet. I believe having a good conversation gives you the chance to ask questions about the topic you are discussing so don't forget to listen actively and take notes.

Graff,Gerald; Birkenstein,Cathy
(2007-08-17)"They Say/I Say":The Moves that Matter in Persuasive Writing Norton.

Wikihow,Harri,VC,Average Joseph
June 21,2012, Ss.spotts

1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gabe Shalaby
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1a
8:00-8:50 a.m.
September 18, 2012

They Say I Say Freewrite

Today we were asked to write about a topic through two positions. One on which you agree with a concept, the other from the opposite standpoint. Later on we will get into groups and decide which is which.
This morning there’s not much rattling around my head except what I read about last night. Alcoholics Anonymous. I’ve been in AA, MA, and NA. I’m here to tell you that I love these programs, they gave me the tools and support necessary to kick my habits early on. It is exactly the way she described it in the book even though this book was written years ago, which reinforces what my point. If an organization so old is trusted by so many people and has remained so unchanged for the duration of it’s existence, you have to figure that they’re doing something right. I support the twelve steps because they help you to become an all around better and in control person.
It is nice to have the unflinching support of so many peers to get you through dark times. They make you feel like you’re not alone in your battle with addiction and make sure that you commit to your full recovery. I really like the fact that they make sure that not only do you stop your use of the substance but help you to cut connections with those that try to bring you down with them. It’s also great that they make you catalogue the wrongs in your life and apologize to anyone that you’ve hurt or alienated in your time of using. I like that even in AA you can talk about narcotics related topics and that there is a specialized branch for separate vices should you need them.

Part II

I personally hate NA, AA, MA, and all of those anonymous organizations. Sure it’s great that they help people in need but I do not agree with the methods they use. I hate how they tell you that you are powerless and you need to look to a higher power. They explain that this higher power isn’t necessarily a deity but they continuously shove a church agenda down your throat. You are required to hold hands bow your head and recite the serenity prayer from the bible.
They tell you that you have a disease and you need a higher power to help you remove your flaws and shortcomings as a person. I'm especially not a fan of this because is it not our flaws and shortcomings that make this world interesting? If everyone was perfect then what would this world be? I'll tell you, it'd be a terrible boring disaster! I dare anyone to tell me that I’m powerless and weak because I’m not. I kicked my drug habits all by myself and I don’t need some glorified boogie man to save me.
I will not sit and listen to stories of broken dreams and hearts and self pity. I don't want to hear how God came in and lifted them into the light because I do not believe in the same notion of a heavenly being watching over me. It just reminds me of the separation of church and state and how we created this country to escape religious persecution but we are ruled by a Judeo Christian belief system. Do not get me wrong my distaste does not lay soley with those who are Christ oriented, nor what people chose to believe. However I am convinced that no single group of like minded people should ever be put in a position of such power. In my eyes it’s just another vice, another addiction, one of the worst addictions, blind faith. It is something I do not agree with or wish to be a part of and I don't appreciate it when it is manipulatively used on people in such a desperate state.

1:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emily Lam
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 11-11:50am
18 September 2012

Exercise on Pg. 40 (Peter Elbow)

Don’t hire a Wedding planner

What is the point of hiring a wedding planner when you can plan your own wedding yourself? It would be better if you actually plan the wedding yourself because it's your wedding and you know exactly what you want and what you want everything to be like. There's no point of hiring someone and paying someone extra money that's being wasted on someone when you can plan it on your own. How do you know if you’re not getting ripped off by paying someone more to do the job when you can save a lot by making your own decorations and buying everything else on your own? I disagree with hiring a wedding planner just to plan your own wedding is a waste of money. I believe that you can ask your friends or family that once got married before for their advice about how to plan your own wedding. I also think that you can even ask your friends or people that you are going to include them in the wedding to help you. This way you would save a lot of money because you’re already spending a lot of money on the wedding.

Hire a wedding planner

I believe you should hire a wedding planner just to help the bride and the groom to not be too stressed about their own wedding. It’s a day that they’re going to be celebrating with a whole of family and friends. It would be better if the wedding is being taken care of by a professional that deals with this kind of business before. There’s a reason why a wedding planner would provide this kind of service. I believe that wedding planner exist for a reason because the wedding planner would be honored to plan someone’s wedding and it’s the bride’s and groom’s special day. Of course, they would want everything to go well. Wedding can happen multiple times, but there’s always the first and that’s something that can never be forgotten because it’s special. The price wise shouldn’t be a problem, it really depends on how big you want the wedding be or what’s the bride’s and groom’s budget is. There are affordable wedding planners out there. Again, they're there to help you. You wouldn’t want to be stressed out about your own wedding because this is a very important day. All your friends and family is going to be there and you want everything to go smooth as possible. I don’t think that the groom’s would want their bride to be a bridezilla and take it out on the groom when they can’t decided what they want and that’s when the wedding planner comes in to help and give suggestions of what goes with what. They can lead up to an argument and that wouldn’t be good to happen before the wedding.

2:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matthew Robinson
Professor Sabir
English 1A
Believing Game

Pro Imperial Inquisition

Does the Holy Imperial Inquisition have the right to exterminate whole star systems to prevent the knowledge of Chaos' existence from becoming known? Yes, The Inquisition's task of preventing this knowledge from becoming know isn't just important but necessary. If common Imperial Folk found out there was a parallel dimension full of daemons seeking to destroy them, there would be mass panic. This would incite rebellions on countless worlds that could not be contained by the Imperial Guard or Space Marine Chapters. There would even be religious groups that would support the daemonic invasions into our own dimension. It is therefore in the best interest of the survival of mankind that the Imperial Inquisition be allowed to perform the holy act of “Exterminatus” on specifically designated planets and star systems to prevent such knowledge from becoming public.

Anti-Imperial Inquisition

The Imperial Inquisition has killed untold billions in its attempt to keep the secret of Chaos from the public. If the Inquisition would instead teach mankind how to defend itself from Chaos rather than exterminating the people who they fight to protect then maybe mankind would have a chance against this dire foe. Whole sectors have burned from Inquisition fires in the attempt to keep Chaos a secret. What is the point of fighting to protect the people when they are only going to be executed when the battle is over?

3:01 AM  
Blogger Antionette said...

Antionette Armour

Professor Wanda Sabir

English 1A 8:00 - 8:50

18 September 2012

War on Drugs

Should be Illegal
Drugs are seen as an international security problem because the misuse of it causes a major threat to humanity. Some of the major unintended consequences that have come into play due to the war on drugs have been, high incarceration rates, billions of dollars spent on cracking down drug locations, the rise of gang crimes, the disadvantaged have become very vulnerable to the consequences of war on drugs. The misuse of drugs, selling and using, can be quite detrimental to a community or society. Drugs started to become poplar when there was a trend among white, middle class Americans in the 1960s. The use of drugs become very fashionable to these type of people, which is the mainstream culture so many people were effective by their use of drugs. Although after the international law was put in place to prohibit the exportation and the deportation of drugs a year later, did not stop drug warriors from smuggling drugs illegal across South and Latin American countries.

Should Legal
Drugs need to be made legal in order to stop corruption among political leaders and funding to drug cartels. Drugs being illegal are profitable for drug lords because there is no competition on the open market and some politicians allow them to produce drugs for a percentage, including police force. Drugs being legal will lower the high incarceration rate among prisons around the world, the funds will bust the economy, and it will make it safer for drug users to seek treatment openly and confidently.

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keelan Sunglao-Valdez
Professor Sabir
English 1A
September 19, 2012

Honey Boo Boo Child

Coining the phrase "Redneckognize" and "Go-Go Juice" the child star Alana Thompson A.K.A Honey Boo Boo Child is a spontaneous, outgoing and a all around fun little girl.The girl's dream is to become a superstar, and show the world who honey boo boo child really is. This little girls dream is strongly supported by her loving mother June Shannon, also known as "Mamma". She has pushed her daughter by guiding her through padgents and managing her career. Teaching a child the skill of charisma is a valuable asset. Charisma can get a child far in the publics eye, and it did just that. After being introduced to the world on "Toddlers and Tiaras", Honey Boo Boo and her family have a new reality series called "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo". In addition to the reality show, Honey Boo Boo has featured on several televised shows such as "Ellen" and "Extra." In my opinion, I think it's great that this little girl's dream has come true, and it goes to show that having strong support in the home can truly push children towards their dreams.

The child star Honey Boo Boo Child (HBBC) is one of television's and Internet's most talked about topic. After Honey Boo Boo's debut on "Toddles and Tiaras," TLC decided to give her, her own spin-off reality show called "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo." The Show follows Honey Boo Boo and her family in their home town of McIntyre, Georgia. There is much controversy on the topic of HBBC's career. Many argue that her mother June Shannon is exploiting HBBC's career for the profit. I must agree on this issue, do to the fact that the nature of the child is completely abnormal. The dialogue used by HBBC is clearly fed to her by parents or producers in order to please show ratings. This can be understanding, giving that the Honey Boo Boo family originally came from a low income background, but this is no excuse for a parent to exploit their child to reap in the benefits.

9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

De Long Liang
Professor Sabir
English 1A
18 September 2012

Illegal drugs dealing are ok?

I also grew up from neighborhood that is exposed to drugs dealing on a daily basis. I didn’t mind it as long as they’re not tried to get me involved. I understand, they’re making money for various reasons. Although, the drug dealers attempted a few times to get me involved, but their attempts failed every times. I called the police; they kicked a few of the drugs dealers out of the street. I assumed they make good amount of money, otherwise, they wouldn’t kept selling drugs.

Illegal drugs dealing are ok?
Sure, why not? Although, drugs selling not the best thing to do. But People still do it to make some quick money. Some drug dealers feel proud of themselves because how much they sold and money they make. Selling drugs are risky, but drugs dealer think is the best way to make easy money. They’re so cruel and selfish. They are careless about others.

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lhadze Bosiljevac
Mrs. Sabir
English 1A

Believing Game: Marijuana

Imagine this: 22 million people each year use drugs in America, which 10% of is age groups from 12 to 17.1 How could someone do such an cynical thing to their own body? Some can say that the drugs are an impact of more violence, and inhibits the growth of our future sending money to back alley distributers who will ruin our economy. In spite of this there is the group of people who see it as a positive thing. Stress relief such as medical marijuana. This topic is completely controversial to people of all ages. Besides the positive effects being less anxiety and stress as well as improved brain function in older citizens. A quote by the Schaffer Library of Drug Policy states, “The bottom line is that marijuana use for therapeutic purposes should feel effective to those who are using it.” 2(para. 21). If you need it then it will work, so there is no fault in trying to help ones self with medicinal herbs that can help you. If you feel the need that it works, than use it; if otherwise don’t.

Medicinal marijuana can be extremely helpful and powerful for the low diets of cancer patients, to the people suffering with unthinkable amounts of pain. Of course, if used right this drug can exhibit more positive outcomes. In fact, one major outcome is the fact our country would be growing our own green produce, showing our land can actually be used for farming instead of outside sources 24/7. Marijuana in older patients help to improve memory which could help Alzheimer patients. Not all drugs have negative side effects, and this one is to improve eating which is what we do on a day to day basis.

But then there is the issue of over use and mainstream “society break” on this type of drug. Teens are getting their hand on this drug which actually slows the brain and makes cells die. Why would we give this to people under the age of 25 then? There are better homeopathic ways to deal with stress than to “smoke a blunt” as they say. Now days we have created an internal problem with ourselves. It has only created a disturbance in society that will probably go on for a pointless amount of time. It does not help society where crime is now the central focus on this drug in cartels and gangs in our home town. Marijuana is a substance that should only be used for severe cancer therapy patients and not given freely to people with simple night vision impairment issues.

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonas Sota
Professor Sabir
English 1A 11:00-11:50
September 19 2012

Space Exploration

Space exploration should be an important objective our nation as well as that of human civilization. We need to continue the search for new elements, new planets, and intelligent life. Such a search would have positive effects economically as well as socially. Economically because interstellar missions require the employment of highly trained professionals, from the manufacturing of the required materials to the design and construction of interstellar projects such as space ships, rovers, satellites, etc. Important research and development on communications equipment, fuel efficient engines, space efficient containers, and durable designs and materials would be commenced. Socially, the exploration of space would give nations across the globe to work together towards a common goal. Such projects would give mankind an opportunity to bond over the common fact that we all live on this rock flying, alone and together in this ever expansive and mysterious universe.

Although some important technological feats must be accredited to space exploration projects, the future of space exploration doesn’t offer the same opportunities as it once did and should no longer receive the support that is once did. Now more than ever, major social and economic problems are culminating and must be addressed in a timely manner. How can we justify the expenditure of billions of dollars for a project to send a rover to mars when those who lack adequate education, healthcare, food, clean water, and a safe living space, number over a billion people? On top of human suffering, we humans are quickly burning through earth’s resources, destroying entire ecosystems across the globe, and causing a global change in weather patterns. Instead of investing in research and development of technology that will be used in interstellar projects we need to be investing in education and healthcare, and technology surrounding agriculture, environmental protection and sustenance, and energy efficiency. The fantasies and ambitions of interstellar exploration are grand and powerful, but when we put things in perspective it’s easy to see that investing our resources in such projects is unethical and amoral.

10:01 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tracci Davis
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1A 8:00 - 8:50
18 September 2012

Is Abortion Right?

The right to choose is just one aspect of a much larger issue of reproductive rights--women's right to control their own bodies and reproductive lives. Although in recent decades the battle has centered around the right to abortion, this includes more than the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy--but also the right to have children in the face of racist sterilization programs that targeted African Americans, Native Americans and disabled people in the U.S. throughout much of the 20th

First I would have to ask if this is something you are considering? Or is it something you have already done? I have gone thru an abortion experience, and even several years later have asked myself if it was the "right" thing to do. Everyone has a set of circumsstances in life to go thru. This is one I would not wish on anybody. Yes, you have the "right" to choose whether or not to bring a life into this world. I also firmly believe that life chooses us. That being given a child is the biggest blessing and honor one could be given.
There are just too many other options that people have today. So many people want children and cannot conceive a child. There is adoption, open adoptions, and so many other choices.Maybe someone in your family may wish to help raise the child or even adopt the child or to help out with the exspense. Besides this, there are several government agencies to help with the costs as well.
I would strongly advise against abortion. The emotional scars left behind by having an abortion are much worse than dealing with a current difficult circumstance in life. I advise that if you have an abortion, or have had an abortion that you get counseling from somewhere to help you thru the emotional greif you bring on yourself.Aborting a child causes the same cycle of greif as losing a loved one, along with a whole host of other emotional feelings. Years later even after being married and having a child I still felt that I somehow did not deserve it, as if the choice I had made several years prior took away my right to be a parent. Abortion may seem like the easy thing to do in order to avoid an embarassing few months of your life, but it is certainly not the "right" thing to do.

6:16 PM  

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