Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today in class students shared their preemies. Some parents hadn't given birth yet (smile). Tomorrow, bring in term babies or completed essays for a peer review. Make sure the essay is polished. If you miss class, get a peer review from a classmate or a tutor in the Writing Center. Use Microsoft Comment to respond to the questions listed here. There is another sheet I will give you as well:

See Hacker (7th ed.) page 38: Guidelines for peer reviewers, also page 36, Checklist for global revision.

I will nor accept essays that do not contain a peer review. Have your peer reviewer respond to the following comments and those on the Questions for Responding to Essays on :

How well does the writer present his or her argument in the context of the discourse presented in Evolution of a Revolutionary? See They Say (19-41).

What writing clues or evidence connect this argument to the major themes that support it in the book?

How well does the writer incorporate his or her citations into the body of the text? See They Say (23-51).

Look at the organization: Is the essay easy to follow, does it make sense? Are there any areas that need clarity? If so, highlight these areas. What questions do you have for the author?

Does the writer explore new territory with this work? If so, what new ideas are introduced?

Are there signature writing devices that impress you about this essay? What are they? If not, what would you suggest to the writer to spice up the work?

Lastly, comment on the MLA. Are the margins correctly formatted, 1" top, bottom, sides. Is the double spacing consistent throughout? Are the header and heading correctly written and formatted?

Works Cited and Bibliography?

Check in Hacker to see if the writer correctly cited their sources both within the document and on the final two pages of the essay. You do not have to correct it. Just note if the writer needs to check them before submitting the essay.

As we progress through They Say, the list will grow longer incorporating lessons learned from Graff and Birkenstein. For students who do not have the book. You are still held accountable for the material, so if your essay does not reflect the first three chapters your grade might suffer accordingly.

Bring Hacker daily. We will be completing exercises to help us with citing. There will be such an exercise tomorrow.

Last Self-Check

Before turning in your paper complete Exercise 2 on page 51 in They Say.


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