Monday, April 29, 2013


1. Today we listened to the title track of Victoria Theodore's CD, Grateful. Students are to respond to her song in a 3-paragraph essay. Include a citation in each paragraph. Also include a works cited page. We will do this together.

2. Students completed a MLA worksheet, Exercise 55-3 Identifying elements of sources.

3. Peer Reviews in a Writing Workshop format. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

kahina touati
professor wanda sabir
english 1A 1-2:50
april 29th, 2013
being gratful

Everything life gives us, we have to feel grateful for. All we have to do is close our eyes for a moment and think about all we possess and enjoy. Think about the small steps that we take every day. we often ought to be greedy and thoughtless, as we have no consideration whatsoever to what mother nature provide for us .
Why are human beings not considerate? Why never credit what they have until they lose it? Every now and then we should take a break, connect with our inner and seek some internal Pease. And only by simply closing our eyes and trying to get used to darkness for a while, we realize how awful blindness can be. Then, we should feel grateful and happy to be able to see the world.
Another thing we should feel grateful for is people we love and who love us back. Family and friends are one of the most important if not the most important ingredient in life. In the capitalist society we are living in, people don’t have time for each other, they are preoccupied with so much, a thing that takes them away from enjoying each other, creating bonds, feeling the warmth of providing and receiving love.

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ngoc Huynh
Professor Sabir
english 1A 4-5:50pm

Write three paragraphs about the Grateful Song by Victoria Theodore. Also write the works cited about the song.

“I live with no regret that I am grateful to be alive” (Victoria). I appreciate the fact that I am still live and love same time. Every day when I get up in the morning, I know that another beautiful day is added to my journey. Many beautiful things are around me that I discover yet and many lovely people in around me that I haven’t Ioved them yet.

When I get up in the morning, I find out that sunshine that also gets up with me. Flowers are on the side where I work by. I love my life and never regret any thing (Victoria). Many wonderful people are around me and loving me. Today is another day to appreciate them.

Even yesterday was so struggles that “I complained about the color of my hair” (Victoria), I still happy because my hair to so shine under the sky. Another day is another way for me to love someone. I don’t want to miss a day of loving and feeling grateful about my life.

Works Cited
Theodore, Victoria. Perf. “Grateful”. Grateful Album. Kigomedia, Orange Honey Muffin Music. 2012. CD

7:23 PM  

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