We then broke into groups to outline the introduction through chapter 3. Each group of students had one chapter. We will continue this Wednesday. We didn't have a chance to share our visual arguments or go over the grammar quiz; we'll do this either tomorrow or Thursday.
Students have to bring their books to class: Walker, Hacker, Strunk&White, and a dictionary. We have new students coming into the class still. Several students have been out because of illness.
I hope they are checking the blog. You can always leave a note, message or comment for me here pertaining to the day in question.
Homework is to complete the meditation at the end of chapter 3, pp. 46-47. It's due next week, 2/8. You can recap the experience.
Homework for tomorrow is to read Chapter 4 in Walker and to finish the quiz if you haven't.
I wanted to mention also that 60 Minutes, Sunday, January 28, Andy Rooney segment was really good. He analyzed Bush's State of the Union. It was hilarious. Go to the www.cbs.com website and do a search for 60 minutes.