Thursday, October 31, 2013

St. Rosa Parks Cyber-Assignment

Today we will have guests visit the class to talk about Mrs. Rosa Parks, her Detroit years. Dr. Juanita Alexander was born in Birmingham, but moved to Detroit at a young age. Her husband, Mr. Alexander, was raised there. He is a retired high school history teacher.

Everyone is welcome to join us for the 10-10:45 minute conversation/dialogue in D-205.

Please respond to the conversation today in a short three paragraph essay. Talk about Detroit and the tale of two cities depicted in the couple's differing experiences? Public vs. private education?

How did the talk personalize Mrs. Rosa Parks's work and the impact of her activism on ordinary people especially the youth?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Presentations, Day 2--The Finale

Great presentations 8-8:50 a.m. class! Please continue reflections at the previous post, Tuesday, October 29, 2013. I appreciate the positive reflections of peers to their classmates, as well as the close reading and rebutals to students who did not feel they did as well as they could have. Note Susan's for example.

In this class details matter. MLA documentation is about the details. They Say is about framing these details and that is our knowledge how what we think we know is always contextualized by the consciousness or psyche we participate in as a collective and individual members of a community we cannot often even name.

That said, I am still seeing headings that are not correct.

Student Name
Instructor with title (no abbreviations)
Course Title (no abbreviations)
Day Month Year

Title (centered in essays)

The essay is not justified or centered. The entire paper from the heading to the bibliography is double-spaced. Paragraphs are indented. 

If the form is incorrect, the grade suffers.

Do not forget to include a bibliography with the abstract.

Essay 2. . . Monday-Wednesday, Nov. 4-6

Next week, besides doing research on what exactly is a Social Entrepreneur, students will also have an opportunity to revise Essay 1, one more time, if needed. You will not get your grades for Essay 2 until next Wednesday-Friday. It is my hope that students will all receive passing grades the first time.

For the SE search, use the librarians for help. They are all familiar with the assignment. Professor Gerstle created the library handout I gave you. He also has a list of websites students can use to look for rebels with a cause.

There will be MLA worksheets for students to complete, along with a chapter from They Say, on Metacommentary, which means you are commenting or further developing an idea shared earlier in the discourse or paragraph. It expands what you allude to initially (129).  We will also look at the "writer's voice" and how in academic writing the goal is to find and keep your unique voice, while responding to the rigor of the task, substantiating one's ideas with evidence which involves research, synthesis and then documentation.

We are nor clones of one another, however, often the challenge for scholars is to come up with a fresh or original angle on a established truism or controversial argument. What if the audience's mind is closed? How does the new scholarly argue in such a way that pierces preconceptions?

This is your job, to find a locus that does not negate what exists, just asks for a hearing (They Say 121).

Cyber-Assignments next week con't.

As in earlier this month, each day there will be an assignment. Unlike earlier this month, they will not all be tied to They Say and the Cyber-Assignments for Frontline World are in another location. The proposal is due in hand on Thursday, November 7 in class.

I am still under the weather, so thanks for your tolerance.

Presentations con't. English 1A 8-8:50 only

For English 1A 8-8:50 AM we will continue with Angel and Isabel tomorrow. Alma and Wiliko if you would like to present, bring your abstracts to class to pass out. Come on time. We will be finished by if not before 8:30 a.m. 

Post your abstracts now in the link for Tuesday, October 29, 2013.

Visitors, October 31, 2013

Don't forget, we have visitors 10-10:50 a.m., D-205. Mr and Mrs. Alexander will join us to talk about Mrs. Rosa Parks, her Detroit Days. All are welcome.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Essay 2 Presentations Cyber-Chat Posts

Today in the 8-8:50 class Samantha Gober gave an excellent presentation. She pulled out all stops with PowerPoint, video clip, a poster or map charting her character's journey Into the Wild. It was impressive. I am looking forward to other presentations today and tomorrow in all classes.

Remember, Essay 2 is due tomorrow. Read the next essay assignment and prepare any questions for me for tomorrow and Thursday. We will meet next Thursday, November 7. Each student will need to prepare their proposal for the final essay. Here is a link to the assignment:

Post your 1. Comments for each presenter, 2. your Abstracts and 3. Self-reflections here. These are separate posts.

In the student or peer comments, indicate which presenter you are responding too.  Be specific in your response, that is, talk about the character and the presenter's argument(s). Also comment on the what the speaker did well.  These comments are a part of the Essay 2 portfolio due at the end of the semester.

When submitting your essay tomorrow, include your abstract with the essay portfolio for Essay 2.If you did not put a works cited or bibliography at the end of the abstract, do so here.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mrs. Rosa Louise McCauley Parks, February 4, 1913-October 24, 2005 Cyber-Reflections

Imagined candlelight flickering on an altar with a photo of Mrs. Parks with her beloved Raymond Parks, hair cascading down her back his hand in hers . . . White flowers, perhaps gardenias or lilacs or jasmine fragrance as poignant as our memories of this great humanitarian

Today in class we reflected on the life of Mrs. Rosa Parks on the anniversary of her demise in 2005. We didn't get to read from students' papers in all the classes (10-10:50 a.m. and 8-8:50 a.m.) We will continue on Monday, October 29, 2013.

Guest Speakers
Do not forget that we will have a guest, Dr. Juanita Alexander, English Faculty, visiting the 10-10:50 AM class on October 31, to talk about the life of Mrs. Rosa Parks, her Detroit years. Born in Birmingham, Alabama, Dr. Alexander's family moved to Detroit when she was a child.

I just found out that her husband who was born in Detroit will also join her. 

All are welcome. I hope you can take advantage of this rare and wonderful opportunity to hear from someone who lived there and whose family knew Mrs. Rosa Parks. The presentation will take the entire class period.

Only one student gave me a copy of her abstract today. Make sure you bring a copy in on Monday for me to read. In the 10-10:50 and 11-11:50 classes we completed sharing the abstracts. Students have an opportunity to share on Monday. Bring in a class set for Tuesday morning.

Students, the presentations will be about 3-5 minutes. Rehearse them. Monday we will talk about the presentations and review the abstracts. Bring in the book. If you want to play a clip from a film, cue it up. I will have a projector, you need to provide a computer.  The DVD/CD player is in the classroom.

Field Trip
There is a new play about Emmett Till which looks at the intersection of two stories, one set in the United States, the other in Japan. I thought that perhaps we could attend this play as a class. Emmett Till, a river, runs Nov. 7-17. The details are here:

Let me know if you would like to go. I thought Nov. 14 (there is a pre-show symposium) or Sundays, Nov. 10 or 17, 2 p.m. matinees.

Post your reflections here. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Yesterday in the 8-8:50 a.m. class I mentioned a project also born on October 22, which looks at the incident of police violence. The organization is called The Stolen Lives Project:

Today in class is the peer review. I instructed students to use Hacker as a guide: page 71, 83, modeled on pages 41-45.

For the final draft see Hacker pages 35-49; 50-68. The final draft is due Monday, October 29, 2013, via email.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today in class students annotated (in 4 different colors) their essays using They Say exercises in chapters 5-8 for guidance. Each student is to include this annotated draft with commentary with the Essay 2 portfolio due on Monday, October 28.

The essay portfolio will include: 

1. Polished Draft
2. Revision Goals based on Peer Review
3. Peer Reviewed Essay Draft

4. They Say Annotated Draft with commentary
5. Book Review and Scholarly Article about author/text (summaries)
6. Cyber-Assignments connected to Essay 2

Homework for tomorrow is to bring a completed essay with IPS and outline for the peer review. Make sure you read the Hacker sections outlined yesterday. There is an analytical student essay there, we read it in class today (Big Box Stores). There is alsoa model of an outline there as well.

We completed the in-text citation handout in all the classes as well. We forgot to turn over the handout in the 8-8:50 and 10-10:50 class. Complete number 10. We will review the Hacker exercise assignment Monday tomorrow as well.

Thursday, we will meet in our classrooms: A-202 and D-205 to share excepts from Essay 1. I also want students to prepare a short reflection on how Mrs. Rosa Parks's life has influenced you to "rebel" or question certain social, political, educational or economic paradigms or structures.

Students will also bring a copy of their abstract.We will share it and give feedback.

Monday the essay is due. Tuesday, we will start the presentations.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Essay 2

Many students did not see me regarding the revisions of Essay 1. Just going back and forth with email does not work, esp. if you have submitted your essay incorrectly, resubmitted it and it is still incorrect. For Essay 2 I do not expect the same level of writing as with Essay 1.

Last week we reviewed essays in class Thursday. I also read student thesis sentences for this essay. I still want to see the IPS, outlines and thesis sentences before you submit the final drafts for Essay 2.  If you were absent last week and did not review your essay with me. I am free tomorrow at 9-9:50 AM in A-205. Each student can have 10-15 minutes.

There should be a visual improvement in the writing. If you have not spoken to me about your errors in Essay 1, do so before submitting essay 2. Some students need tutors.

There is no excuse for errors in MLA for an essay, yet students are not following the guidelines in Hacker. There are specific guidelines and also examples. Look in the index and find the references (I have posted them here and written the pages on the board).

Also, each essay is to use citations. Essays are minimally 3 pages without the works cited page. There should be one citation per page. Essays should not be longer than 5 pages, this does not include the citation page(s).

If there are questions, ask them. When you submit your essays make certain it is your best work. You might not have an opportunity to revise. Revisions are my grace to you. I do not have to accept revisions, especially when I spread the writing process over a week with comments. What you turn in should be perfect, as you have an opportunity to get feedback in class from peer reviewers and me, if you ask.
Today students shared their fast drafts. We then completed the in-text citation exercises together. Thanks Daniel (8-8:50) for bringing your book to class (smile).

I noticed when we got to number eight, which looked at quoting a citation in the text, that I forgot to share with students the rule for such. We spoke about quoting a quote, but not the specifics of how to cite this in-text or in the Works Cited reference. See page 488:23.

Also when using words as words, writers can set off the "word" with quotation marks. In Essay 1, the word would be perhaps "rebel" (Hacker 328: 37d).

For Tuesday, October 22, review these sections in Rules and in They Say:

Hacker: 50-52. Complete exercises 4-1 (52). Read 53-68; 70-73; 76-83.

They Say chapters: 5 (76:2); 6 (91:2); 7 (101:2); 8 (120:2).  We will work individually on this either Wednesday or Thursday.

Monday the abstracts are due Thursday, October 24. If there are questions ask them Wednesday (smile). There is a handout and a link to the handout posted earlier with the assignment. If anyone missed the assignment handout, ask me for a copy. An abstract is a brief summary of the key ideas in the essay. It outlines the argument you present in the writing.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Today's plan

1. Complete the Intial Planning Sheet for Essay 2-- The Book Report Essay. Develop a working thesis. We will share.

2. Worksheets from Hacker on Thesis sentences and In-text citations

3. Homework:  Fast Draft due Monday. Typed.  Tuesday a completed essay with outline is due to share.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today in class we reviewed the MLA Plagiarism worksheets. Students received 1-2 more worksheets for homework for tomorrow.

If you were absent, you can complete the worksheet in class as we correct them. Tomorrow we will also spend time developing thesis sentences for the essay due Monday. We will work on IPS first.

I had these great ideas the other day for emotional biographies for your protagonists. We didn't get to it formally, however, it would be a good idea to explore your character's interior world.

The goal for each of you is to be finished with the Parks essay by week's end. If this means coming by tomorrow, 12:30-2 p.m. A-205 for clarification, drop by. I can stay as late as 3 p.m. At a certain point, face-to-face works better than emailing back and forth.

Have your questions written out, I think a lot of students will be dropping by from all my classes, which means I will only have 5-10 minutes per student on the first go round.

Students should be thinking about the Social Entrepreneur as well. Everyone has not spoken to me about it. You need to have it figured out by Nov. 11. See

Writing Workshop continues

I will be back and in A-205, Thursday, Nov. 7, 12:30-2 p.m.

Supplementary Assignments and Due Dates

7. On-line Frontline World (cyber-responses 3) November 4-7, 2013_______

8. Library Research sheet: November 11  _______________. 

9. Instructor approval of entrepreneur. Write a brief position paper on how this person fits the assignment (100-250 words). Make sure I respond in writing. Due in the same time frame as the Library Research Sheet-- Nov. 11, 2013.  Print it out and I will sign off on it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cyber-Assignment: "Every Child is Born a Poet"

Today I changed things up a bit and we watched a film, directed by Jonathan Robinson, USA 2003,

Every Child is Born a Poet. The film is about Piri Thomas. He was a hero, a rebel, a rebel turned hero. Visit
The film website is:

Here is a link to the film, if you missed it and want to watch it:

In three paragraphs, reflect on this rebel, Piri Thomas. What were his challenges? How was identity key to his pain and to his salvation? When did he discover his secret weapon or passion? What was it? What tangible changes did he make once he changed his life?

Include a works cited page at the end of the short essay. Include references to the film in the three paragraph essay. 

Complete the next two pages in the MLA package on plagiarism: 53-2 and 53-4 by tomorrow. Use Hacker to find corresponding pages. We will review the answers this week. Complete the final two pages: 53-3 and 53-6 by Thursday.

We are looking at rebels:

I have another film to show you about another poet, a rebel, a Pakistani woman who is still alive, Salam. This film is by Kim Longinotto. Visit

Synopsis from the website Women Make Movies:

When Salma, a young Muslim girl in a south Indian village, was 13 years old, her family locked her up for 25 years, forbidding her to study and forcing her into marriage. During that time, words were Salma's salvation. She began covertly composing poems on scraps of paper and, through an intricate system, was able to sneak them out of the house, eventually getting them into the hands of a publisher. Against the odds, Salma became the most famous Tamil poet: the first step to discovering her own freedom and challenging the traditions and code of conduct in her village.

As with her other work (Pink Saris, Rough Aunties), master documentarian Kim Longinotto trains her camera on an iconoclastic woman. Salma's extraordinary story is one of courage and resilience, and Longinotto follows her on an eye-opening trip back to her village. Salma has hopes for a different life for the next generation of girls, but as she witnesses, familial ties run deep, and change happens very slowly.

During this period we would read a play, but I don't know if we will have time, but if we can fit it in (smile), I'd like tio perhaps read a play based on Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun from another perspective, the White Citizens Council 40-50 years ago.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Today in class we completed two worksheets on plagarism. There are three more in this set from Hacker. We are completing them in class. I gave students all of the assignments handouts, but the worksheets are not homework.

Today in class students had a freewrite assignment. It was to develop a character profile for the protagonist or antagonist in the story.  Students then shared their profile with a classmate(s) who asked questions which who hopefully get answered in an update of the profile as the story develops and the writer learns more.

Tomorrow we will have another book-related freewrite looking at themes. Wednesday we will look at the setting and its role in the story, along with any important people geographically situated in these physical, philosophical, social or political, regions. Thursday, students will write a short essay using the text.

This essay will be an emotional biography for the character identified in today's freewrite.

Each of the three paragraphs in this short work will utilize one citation: free paraphrase, block quote and shorter citation in that order. Each paragraph will be minimally 4-5 original sentences long.

For this assignment, bring in a completed IPS and a thesis sentence to explore. This will be a cyber-assignment. We will meet in A-205.

Many students are not far enough along in their chosen books. Start reading them. There is a parallel assignment happening now as well. You should be looking for a "rebel" to profile for Essay 3 (the final essay.) I gave students a library handout to start the process. You have to get the person approved first, before you do the literature search.

Rosa Parks is our model. She was an ordinary person compelled to do extraordinary things. Batman is a similar superhero as is Superman (smile). What is Wonder Woman's story? Your social entrepreneur is also an ordinary person doing extraordinary things.

Bring 50 Essays to class daily along with your book.

Lastly, I shared with students the dates I will be away in November. I will host a writing workshop Thursday, Nov. 7, in A-205, 12:30 to 2 p.m. It is drop in and optional.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

I appreciate everyone's patience. I am still in Southern California, but I will be leaving headed back up Hwy. 101 soon.

If by any chance you received your essay back this week you have 1 week to get it back to me. If you have not received a grade, then check your email and send me one from the essay telling me so.

Many essays were recaps of the myth of Rosa Parks. As you know, the whole point of the writing exercise was to show a Mrs. Parks hidden by a gendered, mythologized version of her life and story. If you wrote the "canned" story, then I probably sent it back with a C- or a No Credit.

Other students submitted really rough drafts. Too many errors in syntax, and sometimes form and other times logic. If this is your best writing, be thankful that we have tutors available free of charge in the Writing Center. Tutors at Laney and Merritt and Berkeley City are also available--so don't fret. Help is available.

This is the only essay where I will give such detailed comments line by line. For the next essay. I will give overall comments and perhaps give in-text comments on one paragraph if such is needed.  Of course, if a student comes to my office hours or workshop, we can review your writing together, but I am not an editor.

I can help with developing ideas, the form and shape of an essay, check thesis sentences, MLA citation assistance, revision support, and provide direction on where to locate resources for grammar and other writing needs, which I have here on the blog. Ultimately, each of you knows where you are weak. If you still have questions, let's sit down and clarify it for you.

I have not disappeared any links, and I think I will leave them up. If you missed the deadlines, do not submit assignments after the date. I will not read them.

If you had a problem submitting your assignments on the website, and emailed them to me, we are fine. Don't worry.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

October 3; 7-9, 2013 Assignments with links

Today's homework: Revision Strategies Essay

1. Here is a link to today's homework:

Homework due today, October 2-3, 2013.  They Say, Chapter 6

October 7-9 The Plan

1. Complete the They Say Cyber Assignments (chapters 7-9). Read chapter 10 for homework for Monday, October 14, 2013.

2. Revise the Mrs. Rosa Parks essay. Do not forget the Revision Goals (Hacker 45).

Read your book for the Book Report essay. Check dates for Book Report Essay writing assignments.

Here are specific links for each chapter for They Say assignments October 7-9. Make sure you post the assignments at the correct chapter link.  The link will disappear after the date has passed, so do not get behind.  If the assignment is not posted, you will be absent that day. 

Monday, October 7:

Tuesday, October 8:

Wednesday, October 9:

Thursday, October 10
Today your revised essay is due. Do not forget to send the revision with a Revision Goals. Reply to the graded essay link with the revised essay, pasted and attached.

Cyber-Assignment for They Say Chapter 9 Due October 9, 2013

In chapter 9 "Ain't So/ Is Not" Academic Writing Doesn't Always Mean Setting Aside Your Own Voice" (121).

Do the exercises as written here (128). Post and then respond to two students. Again in your response be respectful and expand or extend the conversation.

This is the last chapter assignment. Students should read Chapter 10 for Monday, October 14 (129).

Cyber-Assignment Chapter 8 Due: October 8, 2013

For chapter 8, "As a Result" Connecting the Parts (105) chose an essay from 50 Essays, one assigned yet not discussed to respond to Exercise 2. You will not be able to underline the way the writer connects the parts. Analyze in a short essay (100-250 words).

Again, respond to a classmate's post with a response that expands his or her concept. Since the essay is from 50 Essays one of the essays assigned, but not read, you have the material as well. 

We will review Exercise 1 in class when I return. Just annotate it (119).

Cyber-Assignment Chapter 7 Due: Monday, October 7, 2013

Chapter 7 "So What? Who Cares?" (92)

Complete Exercise 1 on page 100 exactly as written.

For Exercise 2 use something you've written, where you have not included a "so what? and a "who cares?' (101).

Respond to minimally two students' response to Exercise 1.

Cyber-Assignment for They Say Chapter 6 Planting the Naysayer Due: October 2-3, 2013

Post your response to So What? Who Cares? Exercises 1 and 2 (100-101) here. For Exercise 2 use a piece of your writing to respond to this assignment. It doesn't have to be Mrs. Rosa Parks, but it can be. 

Each student is to respond to minimally two student's work on the blog.

Does the student writing create empathy in the audience? Talk about what works? If you do not feel sympathy offer an alternate template with explanation.

This was assigned October 1, 2013. We went over it, October 2, 2013, in the 10-10:50 and 11-11:50 classes. 

Revision Strategies Cyber-Assignment (adapted from October 11, 2012)

Today we watched a film, "Revision Strategies," which is a program from the Write Course series.

Writing Assignment
In a short three paragraph essay, min. 250 words response, define the word revision and talk about your revision strategies.  How do the Revision Goals portion of your revision process affect the outcome of subsequent drafts?

I suggest you cite one source in each paragraph using 1. short citation, 1. free paraphrase, and 1 block quote. Include a citation from the film, "Revision Strategies" (The Write Course), Hacker's Rules and two chapters from the Writing with a Thesis textbook ("Revision: Help from the Audience" and "Revision: The Psychology of It All") in this reflection.

Do not forget to cite the 3 sources in a works cited section of the post. See Hacker (458-459).  You will be able to use this assignment in your portfolio essay 2 when you complete the course portfolio.

Citing sources:
I gave students two chapters from the textbook, Writing with a Thesis by Skwire and Skwire.

To cite see:

In Hacker look at "Revision" (35); "Global Revision (36). Read the entire section on Revision in Hacker's Rules if you have not already done so. (See pages 33-45).

Here is one citation:
The Write Course: "Revision Strategies." Annenberg Learner. 1980s. VHS.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Social Entrepreneur Essay Assignment

Worksheet for Assignment--Social Entrepreneurs: Engaged Citizenry

1. How to start:

Students need to explore the terms, entrepreneur, engaged citizenry, business, social good to grasp fully what it meant by the term: social entrepreneur. Another related, but different term is philanthropy. An entrepreneur is not necessarily a philanthropist. You need to know the difference and do not choose a philanthropist. (Each student received a handout to help facilitate this process).

2.  Identifying the person to profile

This semester we are looking at a person whose resistance is connected to service. Identify a business person who exemplifies this concept. Sometimes the person's actions create institutional and social change through rupture of entire hierarchical systems through political, social, economic and educational movements.

Perhaps your rebel is such a person. Rosa Parks certainly was. Her reach was complex and expansive.

The person has to be documented, which means she cannot be new to this field. The person profiled cannot be you. I used to say the person couldn't be related to you, but that's okay as long as the other criteria is met.

The entrepreneur needs to live in Northern California and be alive. I suggest students get the person approved as soon as possible so if you plan to interview the person, you have time to get on their calendar. Interviews are great as one of the sources cited in the essay. You need minimally five (5). 

3. The Essay


Open with the problem statement. Be descriptive. In this essay you are to show how the entrepreneur is a rebel, that is, does not allow fixed systems, political or social or civic to limit the scope of what s/he sees as ethical or moral or just.  Connect the rebel's solution to the problem and her organizational work to the community served. What is at stake for the entrepreneur? What is at stake for the community served? How do the two overlap?  Describe the synergy? Is it a direct result of this project or business venture?

The thesis sentence names your social entrepreneur as a "rebel" who is addressing the problem identified in the introduction. 

Define what you mean by "rebel" in the essay, if not in the introduction, then somewhere near the beginning of the discourse, so we will know what you mean when you say "rebel" and indicate why she or he resists or pushes back against the dominant system many times governmental.

Are we mere pawns in the grand scheme of things, even in a democracy? Obviously not, since there are people like your rebel who do not allow such systems to limit what they are capable of given community support and resources.

Body paragraphs
Background on the social entrepreneur and what brings them to the work. You can cite statistics here to illustrate the problem. 

Introduce the organization or business venture. Does the work grow out of the community? 

How do the SE and the community interact?

Are there any partnerships with other organizations and/or government?

Are there any peer reviews or industry reports?


What are the measurable results for the community? Share a story here.

What are the measurable results for the SE. You could quote the SE here.

Your essay needs to answer all of these questions; you can structure it like a typical problem/solution essay or cause and effect.


The person has to be alive. Try to find someone local, who is living in the San Francisco Bay Area or in California. The person has to have been doing this work for 10-20 years (the length of time is negotiable; see me). 

1. You need to locate 5 sources on your subject to form a bibliography; you don't have to cite them all. The sources can be published or broadcast interviews, books, articles, and films or you can interview them yourself. You can work in groups and share data. In fact, I encourage it.

2. You will have three citations: 1 in-text citation, one paraphrase, and one block quote in the essay. The rest of the writing has to be your own. The essay should be about 4-5 pages.

This does not include the works cited page or bibliography.

This paper is your final.

Due Dates Checklist:

1. Library Planning Sheet (handout) due by Thursday, November 7 (bring to class as a paper copy)_____________

2. List of sources (5) minimum in MLA format due November 13 bring copies to class)___________

3. Essay: Initial Planning Sheet, Outline, Thesis is due: November 18 (bring copies to class) ______

4. Fast draft of essay due Tuesday, November 19 (Bring 4 copies to class) ________

5. Peer Review Monday, November 25 __________ (bring 4 copies to class)

6. Essay portfolio sent to Tuesday, November 26.

Supplementary Assignments and Due Dates

7. On-line Frontline World (cyber-responses 3) November 4-7, 2013_______

8. Library Research sheet: November 7  _______________. 

9. Instructor approval of entrepreneur. Write a brief position paper on how this person fits the assignment (100-250 words). Bring to class. Make sure I respond in writing. Due in the same time frame as the Library Research Sheet--by Nov. 7, 2013.

Frontline World Cyber-Assignment

Here is a link to the on-line programs:

Respond to three (3) stories between November 4-7, 2013. Post your Frontline World Responses (3) on the blog.  (Bring in headphones for computer use on campus in the labs.)

Answer the following questions in your response to the program.  Post separately.


1.Who is the social entrepreneur profiled?
2.What problem did the person profiled identify?
3.What is the name of the organization/business(es) they started?
4.Describe his or her relationship to the community served?

• Why the rebel of social critic decide to address this issue?

5. How does the community own the process?
6. How is success measured?
7. What are the evaluative tools?

Book Report Essay Assignment

This semester we are looking at the theme Rebels with a Cause.

Each student was asked to choose a book by or about a person or character who exemplifies what the writer considers a "rebel."  Use your character to illustrate your point. This essay will employ an extended analogy and use topical invention strategies along with the moves indicated in They Say (minimally 4).

Hopefully students have begun to read their books.

For each essay, students need to find three articles: a published book review or analysis, and for the author, see if there is something on the author in Literary Criticism, (on-line in the Library Database and in COA library (public libraries as well). Third, find an article that addresses one of the themes in the book. Include all of these sources in your works cited/bibliography page.

The essay will be 2-3 pages and in it you will summarize your book’s major themes and analyze them. If your author is the person you are profiling, talk about the person’s life and how it defines our topic, rebels. If the book is a biography, feel free to tell us something about the author and how he or she comes to know the person he or she writes about. (Avoid plot summaries.)

The presentation is weighted heavily here, so prepare well, and please include an abstract which includes the title of the book, the key points you plan to make and any arguments you’d like us to consider. Bring in copies for each student. If a student does not have an abstract, he or she will not present. There are no make ups.

Respond to all my points listed above and you will be fine. If you want to more information see: 

Book Report Due Dates:

Approval: Sept. 30 ___________

Essay Planning: IPS, Outline, Fast Draft, Monday, October 21__________

Peer Reviews: Wednesday, October 23__________ (bring 3-4 copies)

Reflection and Revision Plan: Thursday, October 24__________ (bring 3-4 copies, one for each reviewer)

Abstract due: Thursday, October 24__________ (bring in 3-4 copies for critique)

Essay Portfolio due via email Monday, October 28, 2013 by 1 p.m. _________Send to 

Book Report Presentations: Tuesday-Wednesday, October 29-30, 2013

Grade is an “A “for all presentations or “-0-“ for opting out. The presentation is a quarter of the grade for this assignment
For the 8-8:50 class, I forgot to mention the cyber-assignment for the book report essay. See Sept. 30 post and complete by Friday:

Secondly, as you read your chosen books, look for these moves in the author's writing. How many perspectives does he or she include? How does the writer differentiate his or her views from another person(s)'?

Does the writer agree and disagree with a difference? How does the writer make the audience care about the topic?

How does the writer connect the ideas logically while keeping the on-going conversation in view? Are you ever confused? Why? If not, what can you learn from this kind of writing?

The moves the authors in They Say share are not intuitive; they come from practice and skilled application of certain critical reading and writing values or principles. For the next essay, I want to see students use the templates to strengthen areas of their writing which your analysis (over the course of the exercises in chapters 5-9) shows needs improvement.

They Say Cyber-Assignment: Chapter 5 "And Yet"

This week we are wrapping up They Say with Chapters 5, 6, 7. For next week, we will complete Chapter 8 for October 7, 2013, Nine for October 8 and ten for October 9.

For each chapter students will reflect on an essay from 50 Essays and write a response (250 words with examples from the professional essay). Cite the essay in a works cited section of the post.

That said, for today reflect on Chapter 5, "And Yet" (68).

What is the importance in distinguishing what "they say" from what "you say"?  How does Julie Charlip do this? How do you?

What of importance resonated with you about this chapter and how does inclusion of these strategies make your writing stronger?

In the revision, choose a few paragraphs to revise to include varying perspectives. Use templates in the revision. Bring to class as well and post here: pre and post with the narrative. You might need to post in two parts or three depending on how long the three paragraphs are.

Cite the your essay.